About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1998

Bosnien, Spanien, und das Volkerrecht: Zwischen ‘Allianz’ und ‘Lokalisierung’ , Nathaniel Berman

Freedom of the Press and the Business of Journalism: The Myth of Democratic Competition in the Marketplace of Ideas, Alberto Bernabe

Freedom of the Press and the Business of Journalism: The Myth of Democratic Competition in the Marketplace of Ideas, Alberto Bernabe


An Old Jurisprudence: Respect in Retrospect, Anita Bernstein

The Duty to Disclose Geologic Hazards in Real Estate Transactions, Denis Binder

Motivating the Direct Applicability of Community Law, Uta Bindreiter

Patronage Terminations: Jenkins v. Medford, 119 F.3d 1156 (4th Cir. 1997) (en banc), William Birdthistle

Finding the Still Small Voice: The Liability of Bankruptcy Trustees and the Work of the National Bankruptcy Review Commission, Daniel B. Bogart

Unexpected Gifts of Chapter 11: The Breach of a Director's Duty of Loyalty Following Plan Confirmation and the Postconfirmation Jurisdiction of Bankruptcy Courts, Daniel B. Bogart

Domestic Violence in Nepal, Johanna Bond, Kathleen Graham, and Cheryl Thomas

The New Collection Due Process Taxpayer Rights, Leslie M. Book

Comments on Proposed NASD Rule on the Award of Punitive Damages in Arbitration (submitted to SEC), RICHARD A. BOOTH

Introduction to Federal Securities Law and the 1933 Act (District of Columbia Bar), RICHARD A. BOOTH

It's Bosses, Not Shareholders, Who Own the Company, Wall Street Journal, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Payment Optional, Barrons, RICHARD A. BOOTH

Seven Myths About Stock Options, Conference Board, 1998 Executive Compensation Seminar, RICHARD A. BOOTH


Stockholders, Stakeholders, and Bagholders (Or How Investor Diversification Affects Fiduciary Duty), RICHARD A. BOOTH

Business Basics for Students - Essential Concepts and Applications, RICHARD A. BOOTH and Hamilton


The Jurisdiction of Commercial Law: Party Autonomy in Choosing Applicable Law and Forum under Proposed Revisions to the Uniform Commercial Code, Amelia Boss


Electronic Commerce and the Symbiotic Relationship Between International and Domestic Law Reform, Amelia H. Boss


Note, "Charting No Man's Land: Applying Jurisdictional and Choice of Law Doctrines to Interstate Compacts", Dana Brakman Reiser

Discovering the Archimedean Element in (Judicial) Judgment (Review of Bruce Anderson, "Discovery" in Legal Decision Making, 1996), Patrick McKinley Brennan


Political Liberalism's Tertium Quiddity: Neutral "Public Reason" (Review of Michael White, Partisan or Neutral? The Futility of Public Political Theory, 1997), Patrick McKinley Brennan

Consociationalism, Neutrality and Property, William S. Brewbaker

Mending Managed Care: Legitimacy, Markets and the Physician-Patient Relationship, William S. Brewbaker

Physicians, Unions and Competition in the Health Care Industry, William S. Brewbaker

Reformation in Arkansas, Howard W. Brill

A Guide for Non-Profit Organizations (State Bar of Wisconsin 1990, 1992, 1995 & 1998 updates), Evelyn Brody


Hocking the Halo: Implications of the Charities' Winning Briefs in Camps Newfound/Owatonna, Inc., Evelyn Brody


Introduction to Nonprofit Symposium Issue, Evelyn Brody


Of Sovereignty and Subsidy: Conceptualizing the Charity Tax Exemption, Evelyn Brody


Of Sovereignty and Subsidy: Conceptualizing the Charity Tax Exemption (symposium), Evelyn Brody

Tax Treatment of Education After the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, Evelyn Brody


The Limits of Charity Fiduciary Law, Evelyn Brody


"The Right Dean at the Right Time", Doris DelTosto Brogan


Nationality and Internationality in International Humanitarian Law, Bartram Brown


Primacy or Complementarity: Reconciling the Jurisdiction of National Courts and International Criminal Tribunals, Bartram Brown


Stealth Statute – Corruption, the Spending Power, and the Rise of 18 U.S.C. § 666, George D. Brown

Property Law: 1998 Survey of Florida Law, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman

Nondebtor Releases and Injunctions in Chapter 11: Revisiting Jurisdictional Precepts and the Forgotten Callaway v. Benton Case, Ralph Brubaker

No se lo Digas a Nadie ¿Se Puede Vender el Derecho a la Privacidad en el Mercado?, Alfredo Bullard González


À propos d’instruments protecteurs de la liberté de contracter valablement dans la jurisprudence italienne, Mauro Bussani


Choix et défis de l’herméneutique juridique. Notes minimes, Mauro Bussani


Current Trends in European Comparative Law: The Common Core Approach, Mauro Bussani

“Buona fede” e ”al-Niyya al-Hasana”, Mauro Bussani and Roberta Aluffi


The Common Core Approach to the European Private Law, Mauro Bussani and Ugo Mattei


Las contrataciones atípicas y el contrato de trabajo a tiempo parcial, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

El proceso de Nicolás Bravo ante la Cámara de Diputados (1828)” en La Supervivencia del Derecho Español en Hispanoamérica durante la época independiente, José Antonio Caballero Juárez

La presidencia de la república en las Memorias de José María de Bocanegra” en Anuario, José Antonio Caballero Juárez

Contabilidad y documentación societaria, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

El contrato de sociedad, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Fusiones y otros actos de concentración societaria, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Intervención y fiscalización estatal de sociedades, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Introducción al derecho societario, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

La personalidad jurídica societaria, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Los órganos societarios, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Los socios: derechos, obligaciones, responsabilidades, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Sociedades extranjeras y multinacionales, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Sociedades nulas, irregulares y de hecho, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

The Right of Publicity under Argentina Law, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Transformación de sociedades, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Un análisis simplificado de las consecuencias económicas de la prohibición de cláusulas contractuales, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Diccionario jurídico, español/inglés inglés/español, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas and Eleonor Hoague

La economía de la familia: un programa de investigación abierto al futuro, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez


Book Notice (reviewing Robin West, Caring For Justice (1997)), Michael T. Cahill

A Clash of Policies: Are Arbitration Provisions in Collective Bargaining Agreements Enforceable with Respect to Claims Under the Americans with Disabilities Act?, John Cannon

Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell


What if There is No Client?: Prosecutors as Counselors of Crime Victims, Stacy Caplow

Field Placement Programmes , Stacy Caplow, Mary Jo Eyster, and K. Gallant

Field Placement Programmes , Stacy Caplow, Mary Jo Eyster, and K. Gallant

Multidefendant Criminal Cases: Federal Law and Procedure (Supps. 1999- ) , Stacy Caplow and L. Griffin


The Basis of Responsibility: Attribution and Other Transubstantive Rules of State Responsibility, David D. Caron


The Place of the Environment in International Tribunals, David D. Caron


Protecting Trade and Turtles: The WTO and the Coherency of International Law in 1 Translex, David D. Caron and Hans Rudolf Trüeb


Introduction [Symposium: Police Violence: Causes and Cures, Edward V. Sparer Public Interest Law Fellowship Forum], Eve Cary

Appellate Advocacy: Principles and Practice , Eve Cary and Ursula Bentele


Estamos al día, Fernando Castillo Cadena

The Future of Freud in Law, David S. Caudill


SURVEY OF JAilS: AREPORT, Maurya Vijay Chandra




Notes on historical materialism and social formation, Pengsheng Chiu

An Analysis of the First WTO Appellate Body Report: Gasoline Case, Sungjoon Cho

Decisions of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization--Gasoline: United States – Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, Sungjoon Cho


GATT Non-Violation Issues in the WTO Framework: Are They the Achilles’ Heel of the Dispute Settlement Process?, Sungjoon Cho

WTO Appellate Body Report: Gasoline - United States - Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline, Sungjoon Cho


How Bad It Really Was Before World War II: Sovereignty, C. Blue Clark


In Search of Clemency Procedures We Can Live With: What Process is Due in Capital Clemency Proceedings After Ohio Adult Parole Authority v. Woodard?, Brian S. Clarke

Les Domaines de la Propriété, 1789-1814: Propiedades y Propiedad en el Laboratorio Revolucionario, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador


Harmonizing the Law Governing Secured Credit: The Next Frontier, Neil Cohen

Jury Selection and Cross-Examination Skills for Experienced Trial Lawyers, Dana K. Cole

Jury Selection and Cross-Examiniation Skills for Experienced Trial Lawyers, Dana K. Cole

Psychodrama in Capital Cases, Dana K. Cole

Use of Character Evidence in Sexual Assault Cases, Dana K. Cole

Instituting Environmental Protection: From Red to Green in Poland, Daniel H. Cole

Environmental Protection in Transition: Economic, Legal, and Socio-Political Perspectives on Poland, Daniel H. Cole and John Clark

Protection of the Liberty of the Individual in Sierra Leone, rowland cole

Regulating Gendered Risk: Privatization, Pensions and Financial Services, Mary Condon

Regulating Gendered Risk: Privatization, Pensions and Financial Services, Mary Condon


The Birth of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Michael Cooper


Decentralised Law, Robert D. Cooter