The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1998
Special Factors Making Small Post-Socialist Economies Susceptible to Bank System Risk
The Demise of The Common-Law Doctrine in D'Oench, Duhme
The Horizontal Walk: Marilyn Monroe, CinemaScope, and Sexuality
Matevosyan NR, Grigoryan DZ. The clotting battery in pregnancy with uterine fibroids.
Matevosyan NR, Grigoryan DZ. The clotting battery in pregnancy with uterine fibroids.
Matevosyan NR, Mikaelyan AE. Uterine fibroids and placental histology.
Matevosyan NR, Mikaelyan AE. Uterine fibroids and placental histology.
Matevosyan NR, Mirzoyan AS. Postpartum growth dynamics of the uterine fibroids.
Matevosyan NR, Mirzoyan AS. Postpartum growth dynamics of the uterine fibroids.
Matevosyan NR. Preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation in pregnancy with uterine fibroids.
Matevosyan NR. Preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation in pregnancy with uterine fibroids.
Note, Identifying and Valuing the Injury In Lost Chance Cases, Todd S. Aagaard
Equality and Impasse: Mobilizing Group-Based Perspectives in an Era of Group-Blindness, Kathryn Abrams
Legal Bases: Baseball and the Law, Roger I. Abrams
Voz "Class Actions", Hugo Alejandro Acciarri
Garantías Legales en la Ley de Defensa del Consumidor: Elementos para un Análisis Económico, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Andrea Barbero
El juramento de la Constitución de 1857, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Es válido el pacto de anatocismo en la legislación mexicana?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Filosofía social para juristas, Jorge Adame Goddard
Hacia un concepto internacional de contrato (o la interpretación de la palabra " contrato" en los Principios de UNIDROIT), Jorge Adame Goddard
La cláusula de reserva de dominio en la compraventa internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
La ley fundamental de la nación, Jorge Adame Goddard
Las reglas sobre formación de los contratos comerciales internacionales, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Es válido el pacto de anatocismo en la legislación mexicana?, Jorge Carlos Adame
Filosofía social para juristas, Jorge Carlos Adame
Hacia un concepto internacional de contrato (o la interpretación de la palabra " contrato" en los Principios de UNIDROIT, Jorge Carlos Adame
La cláusula de reserva de dominio en la compraventa internacional, Jorge Carlos Adame
Leveling the Floor: Classroom Accommodations for Law Students with Disabilities, Susan Johanne Adams
Four Entries, Richard Adelstein
Cláusulas abusivas, cláusulas predispuestas y condiciones generales, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real
New England's Experience with Punishing Political Speech During World War I: A Study in Prosecutorial Discretion, Alexis Anderson
Review of Negotiation in the Practice of Law, Alexis Anderson
The Collateral Order Doctrine: a New 'Serbonian Bog' and Four Proposals for Reform, Lloyd C. Anderson
Adoption, Reproductive Technologies and Genetic Information, Lori B. Andrews
DNA Identification and Surveillance Creep (with D. Nelkin), Lori B. Andrews
Do the Dead Have Interests? Policy Issues for Research After Life (with D. Nelkin), Lori B. Andrews
Embryo Research in the U.S. (with N. Elster), Lori B. Andrews
Homo Economicus (with D. Nelkin), Lori B. Andrews
Is There a Right to Clone? Constitutional Challenges to Bans on Human Cloning, Lori B. Andrews
Mom, Dad, Clone: Implications for Reproductive Privacy, Lori B. Andrews
Mom, Dad, Clone: Implications for Reproductive Privacy, Lori B. Andrews
Wem gehort eigentlich der Korper? Konflikte um Korpergewebe im Zeitalter der Biotechnologie (with D. Nelkin), Lori B. Andrews
Who's Body Is It Anyway? Disputes Over Body Tissue in a Biotechnology Age, Lori B. Andrews
How to Do Massachusetts Research: Finding the Massachusetts Constitution and Statutory Law, Filippa M. Anzalone
Personal Tribute for Edgar J. Bellefontaine, Filippa M. Anzalone
Project Management Seminar at the University of Trent--Carrying the Message of Project Management Techniques to Northern Italy, Filippa M. Anzalone and Anna Merlo
Pensando que pensar debía (…), Emilio José Archila Peñalosa
4 Oklahoma Tribal Court Reports, Dennis W. Arrow
Macroeconomics: An Integrated Approach, Alan J. Auerbach
Steuervereinfachung im Internationalen Vergleich, Hugh J. Ault
Introduction to United States International Taxation, Hugh J. Ault and Paul R. McDaniel
Federal Income Taxation: Cases and Materials, Hugh J. Ault, Paul R. McDaniel, Martin J. McMahon Jr, and Daniel L. Simmons
The OECD's Report on Harmful Tax Competition, Hugh J. Ault and Joann M. Weiner
Realism, institutions, and neutrality: constraining conflict through the force of norms, Daniel A. Austin
Book Review: Wayne D. Moore, Constitutional Rights and Power of the People, Richard L. Aynes
Options: Tax Approaches under Argentine Tax Law, Eduardo Baistrocchi
Property Rules Meet Feminist Needs: Respecting Autonomy by Valuing Connection, Katharine K. Baker
Unwanted Supply, Unwanted Demand (reviewing Stephen J. Schulhofer, Unwanted Sex (1998)), Katharine K. Baker
Note: Deference to Legislative Fact Determinations in First Amendment Cases After Turner Broadcasting, Kenneth A. Bamberger
El federalismo en los Estados Unidos de América, Robert S. Barker
The Juridical Technique - a translation into English of portions of Eduardo García Máynez’s Introducción al estudio del derecho, Robert S. Barker
The Juridical Technique - a translation into English of portions of Eduardo García Máynez’s Introducción al estudio del derecho,, Robert S. Barker
Rapport de Charles Baron, Charles H. Baron
Contribuciones del utilitarismo contemporáneo a la ética de las decisiones públicas, Julia Barragán
Alfredo Jocelyn-Holt: el peso de la noche: nuestra frágil fortaleza histórica, Enrique Barros Bourie
Educational Fair Use in Copyright: Reclaiming the Right To Photocopy Freely, Ann Bartow
Educational Fair Use in Copyright: Reclaiming the Right To Photocopy Freely, Ann Bartow
My Career as a Chocolatier, Ann Bartow
Utility and Feasibility of Transnational Rules of Civil Procedure: Some German and Swiss Reactions to the Hazard and Taruffo Project, Samuel P. Baumgartner and Gerhard Walter
Appointed Visiting Assistant Professor at Harvard Law School in 1998, Sharon Beckman
Cracking the Copyright Lock: A Debate About Implementing the WPO Treaty, Tom W. Bell
Fair Use vs. Fared Use: The Impact of Automated Rights Management on Copyright's Fair Use Doctrine, Tom W. Bell
Internet Gambling Ban Faces Losing Odds, Tom W. Bell
Internet Gambling: Impossible to Stop, Wrong to Outlaw, Tom W. Bell
Internet Gambling: Prohibition v. Legalization, Testimony Before the National Gambling Impact Study Commission, Tom W. Bell
Introduction, Tom W. Bell
Regulators' Revenge, Tom W. Bell and Solveig Singleton
Book Review, Environmental Policy and NEPA, Martin H. Belsky
Burger Court & Criminal Justice: A counter-revolution in expectations, Martin H. Belsky
Considering the Independent Counsel Statute, Martin H. Belsky
History Teaches Need for Grand Jury Reform, Letters, Martin H. Belsky
Rehnquist Court: A Review at the End of the Millennium, Martin H. Belsky
The Burger Court and Criminal Justice: A Counter-Revolution in Expectations, Martin H. Belsky
The Ecosystem Management Model: An Overview, Martin H. Belsky
Lecciones de derecho civil, Maria Luisa Beltranena Valladares De Padilla
The Effect of Lifting the Blindfold From Civil Juries Charged with Apportioning Damages in Modified Comparative Fault Cases: An Empirical Study of the Alternatives, Robert B. Bennett and Richard E. Fetter
"Back to an International Perspective on the Death Penalty as a Cruel Punishment: The Example of South Africa", Ursula Bentele
Appellate Advocacy: Principles and Practice , Ursula Bentele and Eve Cray
Appellate Advocacy: Principles and Practice , Ursula Bentele and Eve Cray
Editorial, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery
Application of Participatory Rural Appraisal in Alaska, Gigi Berardi
Calvinism and the Problem of Suspense in the Pilgrims Progress, Benjamin L. Berger
Brief of Margaret A. Berger, Edward J. Imwinkelried, and Stephen A. Saltzburg as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents (Kumho Tire Company, Ltd. v. Carmichael) , Margaret Berger