The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1997
Division of Powers In the European Constitution, Robert D. Cooter and Tom Ginsburg
Incipit Lex Mercatoria, Que, Quando, Ubi, Inter Quos et de Quibus Sit: el Tratado de Lex Mercatoria en el Little Red Book de Bristol, Daniel R. Coquillette
One Form of Action, Daniel R. Coquillette
Scope and Purposes of Rules, Daniel R. Coquillette
Commencement of Action, Daniel R. Coquillette and Robert M. Bloom
Moore's Federal Practice, Daniel R. Coquillette, Gregory P. Joseph, Sol Schreiber, Jerold S. Solovy, and Georgene M. Vairo
Special Studies of Federal Rules Governing Attorney Conduct, Daniel R. Coquillette and Marie Leary
Derecho y Análisis Económico, José Ramón Cossío Díaz
Images of Lawyers and the Three Stooges, Randall T. Coyne
Sports Law: Cases and Materials, Michael J. Cozzillio and Mark S. Levinstein
Mike Monroney, Oklahoma Liberal, Von Creel and Bob Burke
El Régimen jurídico del corso marítimo : el mundo indiano y el México del siglo XIX, Óscar Cruz
Limitations on Zealous Representation in an Adversarial System, Nathan M. Crystal
The Emperor Has No Causation: Exposing a Judicial Misconstruction of Science, John G. Culhane
Lawyer, Know Thyself: A Review of Empirical Research on Attorney Attributes Bearing on Professionalism, Susan Daicoff
Estate Planning Implications of a Surviving Spouse's Elective Share Rights, Robert T. Danforth
Estudios de análisis económico del derecho, Iñigo Andrés de la Maza
Civil Rights During the 1990's: New Treaty Law Could Help Immensely, Connie de la Vega
La deuda oculta de Gabriel García Márquez con fray Benito Jerónimo Feijoó, Juan Javier del Granado
Natural Resources Law Manual (co-author), Joseph W. Dellapenna
Report of the ILEX Briefing Trip to Hong Kong, March 7-12, 1997 (editor and co-author). , Joseph W. Dellapenna
Commentary on the Epistemology of Corporate-Securities Lawyering: Beliefs, Biases and Organizational Behavior, Roger J. Dennis
Pollution Control and Sustainable Industry, John C. Dernbach
The Unfocused Regulation of Toxic and Hazardous Pollutants, John C. Dernbach
U.S. Adherence to Its Agenda 21 Commitments: A Five-Year Review, John C. Dernbach
A Gruesome Problem for the Curve-Fitting Solution, Scott DeVito
Rb. ‘s-Gravenhage 14 mei 1997, IER 1997, 39, Severin de Wit
Executive Compensation, John Donohue
DOMA: An Unconstitutional Establishment of Fundamentalist Christianity, James M. Donovan
Espying the Limits of Human Knowledge, James M. Donovan
Toward a Model Relating Empathy, Charisma, and Telepathy, James M. Donovan
Psychic Unity Constraints upon Successful Intercultural Communication, James Donovan and Brian Rundle
Commentaries on the Law of Accounting & Finance: 1997 Yearbook, Frank J. Doti
Personal Injury Income Tax Exclusion: An Analysis and Update, Frank J. Doti
Personal Injury Income Tax Exclusion: An Analysis and Update, Frank J. Doti
Activities of the ILO in the field of the Environment, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Saints, Sinners, and Affirmative Action, Peter Dreier and Regina Freer
The Little Rock Crisis and Foreign Affairs: Race, Resistance, and the Image of American Democracy, Mary L. Dudziak
The Little Rock Crisis and Foreign Affairs: Race, Resistance, and the Image of American Democracy, Mary L. Dudziak
From Product to Process: Evolution of a Legal Writing Program, Diane Edelman
How They Write: Our Students' Reflections on Writing, Diane Edelman
Internal Legal Landscape, Lauren Edelman
The Internal Legal Culture of Organizations, Lauren Edelman
The Internal Legal Culture of Organizations: A Theoretical Model, Lauren Edelman
Do Guaranteed-Low-Price Policies Guarantee High Prices, and Can Antitrust Rise to the Challenge?, Aaron S. Edlin
The Implicit Taxes from College Financial Aid , Aaron S. Edlin and Andrew W. Dick
Foreword, Jean M. Eggen
Sense or Sensibility?: Toxic Product Liability Under State Law After Cipollone and Medtronic, Jean M. Eggen
The Proposed Tobacco Settlement: "Bitter Pill" or Sweet Deal?, Jean M. Eggen
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act at Thirty: Where It's Been, Where It Is Today, Where It's Going, Howard C. Eglit
General Principles of Law, 'Soft Law' and the Identification of International Law, Olufemi Elias and Chin Leng Lim
Historia del Derecho marítimo mexicano, David Enríquez Rosas
La Libertad de Navegación, David Enríquez Rosas
Avoiding Trial by Ambush: Making the Most of Commonwealth v. Ulen, Jules Epstein
Motions to Suppress Confessions and Identification Evidence, Jules Epstein
The Present Danger of ‘Future Dangerousness’, Jules Epstein
Double Talk and Twisted Thought: Reflections on Incoherence , Elizabeth Fajans
Mandatory Disclosure and Foreign Corporate Governance, James A. Fanto
A Report on the Attitudes of Foreign Companies Regarding a U.S. Listing, James A. Fanto and Roberta S. Karmel
A Report on the Attitudes of Foreign Companies Regarding a U.S. Listing (also appeared as NYSE Working Paper 97-01), James A. Fanto and Roberta S. Karmel
Corporate Governance in American and French Law, James A. Fanto and A. Pezard
Beyond all Reason: The Radical Assault on Truth in Law, Daniel A. Farber and S. Sherry
Claire Sanders Clements Dean's Chair Inaugural Lecture, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Tenth Annual Law and Society Lecture, Malcolm M. Feeley
From Premodern to Modern American Jurisprudence: The Onset of Positivism, Stephen M. Feldman
Please Don't Wish Me a Merry Christmas: A Critical History of the Separation of Church and State, Stephen M. Feldman
La responsabilidad civil del gestor de bases de datos en la informática jurídica, Gastón Fernández Cruz
Los supuestos dogmáticos de la responsabilidad contractual: La división de los sistemas y la previsibilidad, Gastón Fernández
Bareheaded and Barefaced Counsel: Courts React to Unprofessionalism in Lawyers' Papers, Judith Fischer
History of the Court Reporter in the Appellate Courts of Pennsylvania, Joel Fishman
Book Review - Lawyers Against Labor by Daniel Ernst, Catherine Fisk
The Failure of the Freedom-Based and Utlilitarian Arguments for Assisted Suicide, Scott T. FitzGibbon
Comunicación entre culturas jurídicas: los paneles binacionales del Capítulo XIX del TLCAN, Héctor Fix Fierro
La administración de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación, Héctor Fix Fierro
The Impact of Globalization on the Reform of the State and the Law in Latin America, Héctor Fix Fierro and Sergio Lopez Ayllón
Comunicación entre culturas jurídicas: los paneles binacionales del Capítulo XIX del TLCAN, Héctor Fix Fierro and Sergio López Ayllón
The Impact of Elements of Self-Defense and Objective Versus Subjective Instructions on Jurors' Verdicts for Battered Women Defendants, Diane R. Follingstad, Regina D. Shillinglaw, Dana D. DeHart, and Kathryn J. Kleinfelter
Have Computers Changed Legal Education in the Last Ten Years? Consider This..., Darin Fox
New Virus Threats: How to Protect Yourself, Darin Fox
Alternative Visions of American Constitutionalism: Popular Sovereignty and the Early American Constitutional Debate, Christian Fritz
Diversity In Western Constitutionalism: Chartered Rights, Federated Structure, and Natural-law Reasoning In Burke's Theory of Empire, Bruce P. Frohnen
Human Rights Monitoring in Germany: A Rejoinder , Maryellen Fullerton
Hungary, Refugees, and the Law of Return , Maryellen Fullerton
From Improvisation Toward Awareness: Contemporary Migration Politics in Hungary (editor), Maryellen Fullerton, E. Sik, and J. Toth
Hazardous Substance Litigation in Maryland: Theories of Recovery and Proof of Causation, Ian Gallacher
Back to the Future? Product Liability Class Actions and Proposed Rule 23 Changes, Ian Gallacher, Donald DeVries, and Bruce Parker
La inversión foránea directa en México, Carlos García Fernández
The FTAA: Building the Framework for 21st Century Trade and Business in the Americas, Frank J. Garcia
Algunos Comentarios y Reflexiones acerca del régimen jurídico para la Inversión Extranjera en Cuba, José Heriberto García Peña
El régimen de garantías reles bajo la legislación uniforme de los Estados Unidos y el Canadá: Un panorama general y comparado,, Alejandro Miguel Garro
Death and the Maid: Work, Violence, and the Filipina in the International Labor Market, Dante B. Gatmaytan
Major Constitutional and Administrative Decisions of 1996: Progress of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, John L. Gedid
Law, Values and Economic Thought, David J. Gerber
Public Policy and Global Technological Integration, David J. Gerber