The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 1997
Retirement Incentives in the Twenty First Century: The Move Toward Employer Control of the ADEA, Judith A. McMorrow
Due Process and the Ohio Administrative Procedure Act: The Central Panel Proposal, Chris McNeil
Aboriginal Lands and Resources: An Assessment of the Royal Commission's Recommendations, Kent McNeil
Aboriginal Rights in Canada in 1996: An Overview of the Decision of the Supreme Court of Canada, Kent McNeil
Warranties of Title, Foreclosure, Sales and the Proposed Revision of U.C.C. §9-504: Has the Pendulum Swung Too Far?, Robyn L. Meadows
Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials, Robert P. Merges
Market, Democracy and Law, Rafael Mery Nieto
Democratic Pluralism in the Era of Downsizing, Gary Minda
Law and Literature at Century’s End, Gary Minda
Neil Gotanda and the Critical Legal Studies Movement, Gary Minda
Opportunistic Downsizing of Aging Workers: The 1990s Version of Age and Pension Discrimination In Employment, Gary Minda
State Taxation of Nonresidents’ Deferred Income: The Eroding Future of Source Taxation, Nicholas A. Mirkay
Habermas's Discourse Theory of Law and the Relationship Between Law and Religion, Mark C. Modak-Truran
1997 Cumulative Supplement to John R. Morris, Daniel J. Morgan and Patricia W. Hatamyar
Legal Aid, Mary Jane Mossman
Federalism and Choice of Law in the Regulation of Legal Ethics, Geoff Moulton
Book Review of _One Nation Under God, the Triumph of the Native American Church_, by Huston Smith and Reuben Snake, Craig B. Mousin
"Going International. . .?", Michael Mulroney
"A Plea for a Principled Approach to the United Nations," World Order Under Law Reporter (Summer/Fall 1997). , John F. Murphy
"Force and Arms" and "International Crimes", John F. Murphy
International Legal Developments in Review, 1996: Foreign Claims, John F. Murphy
Introduction, Symposium on Section 1983 (symposium editor), Sheldon Nahmod
The Restructuring of Narrative and Empathy in Section 1983 Cases (symposium), Sheldon Nahmod
The Messiah by G.F. Handel - An Introductory Note, Mitchell J. Nathanson
Showdown at the Domain Name Corral: Property Rights and Personal Jurisdiction Over Squatters, Poachers and Other Parasites, Ira Nathenson
"But that Speaking Makes it So": The Role of Narrative in the Formation of Community, Kristopher A. Nelson
Saving the Spirit of Our Places: A View on Our Built Environment, John F. Nivala
Prisoners' Dilemma in Fortress Europe. On the Prospects of Burden Sharing in the European Union, Gregor Noll
The Democratic Legitimacy of Refugee Law, Gregor Noll
The Non-admission and Return of Protection Seekers in Germany, Gregor Noll
Between the Forests and the Trees: an Emerging International Forest Law, André Nollkaemper
Habitat Protection in European Community Law: Evolving Conceptions of a Balance of Interests, André Nollkaemper
Legal Regulation of Upland Discharges of Marine Debris: From Local to Global Controls and Back, André Nollkaemper
The Protection of Small Cetaceans in the Face of Uncertainty: An Analysis of the ASCOBANS Agreement,, André Nollkaemper
Panel Discussion: The First Amendment in Cyberspace: Use on the Internet in the College Community, Samuel Oddi
Combating Product Counterfeiters in Nigeria, Chidi Oguamanam and Grace Akinosho
Good Faith and the Bespeaks Caution Doctrine: It’s Not Just a State of Mind, Jennifer O'Hare
Bridled Power: New Zealand Government under MMP, Geoffrey Palmer and Matthew Palmer
A Symposium on Closing Agents' Duties and Liability (Speaker & Chair of Panel), Joyce Palomar
Facultades del fiduciario en el fideicomiso de garantía, Martin Paolantonio
Inexistencia de la cuenta corriente bancaria y su alegación en el juicio ejecutivo, Martin Paolantonio
La inversión en activos extranjeros de los fondos comunes de inversión y una limitación que debe replantearse, Martin Paolantonio
La oferta pública en la Argentina de participaciones de fondos de inversión constituidos en el extranjero (Resolución General 286 de la CNV), Martin Paolantonio
Operaciones financieras internacionales, Martin Paolantonio
Project financing y fideicomiso. El rol del fiduciario en el fideicomiso de garantía, Martin Paolantonio
Apuntes sobre el régimen legal de la factura de crédito (ley 24.760), Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
Cuestiones probatorias en derecho cambiario, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
Factura de crédito, Martin Paolantonio and Salvador Bergel
Notas sobre el régimen de las alteraciones en el derecho cambiario argentino, Martin Paolantonio and Diego Serebrinsky
Comments on the Bosman Case, Marios Papaloukas
Invitation by University of South Africa to undertake a lecture tour in South Africa and to give a keynote address to the South African Education Law and Policy Association Conference, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
‘Power and Change: The Experience of British Teachers During Time of Legislative Reform and Curriculum Innovation’, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
The Education of Muslim Children in Britain: Accommodation or Neglect?, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Mire Señora, ¡Cuánto Rinde!: Acerca de la Rectificación Publicitaria, Carlos A. Patrón
El aporte personalista del nuevo Código Civil Peruano, Víctor Pérez Vargas
El Concebido es un niño, Víctor Pérez Vargas
1997 Wiley Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt
Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook - Third Edition, Henry H. Perritt
Computer Crimes Now On The Books: What Do We Do From Here? (symposium), Henry H. Perritt
Cyberspace and State Sovereignty, Henry H. Perritt
Cyberspace Self-Government: Town-Hall Democracy or Rediscovered Royalism?, Henry H. Perritt
Information Access Rights Based on International Human Rights Law (with Christopher J. Lhulier), Henry H. Perritt
Is the Environmental Movement a Critical Internet Technology?, Henry H. Perritt
Jurisdiction in Cyberspace: The Role of Intermediaries, in, Henry H. Perritt
Review: Cheryl Saunders, ed., "Courts of Final Jurisdiction: The Mason High Court in Australia", Penelope J. Pether
Review: Helen Irving, ed., "A Woman’s Constitution? Gender and History in the Australian Commonwealth", Penelope J. Pether
Review: James Boyd White, "Acts of Hope", Penelope J. Pether
Review: Michael Coper & George Williams, eds. "How Many Cheers for Engineers?", Penelope J. Pether
The New Asylum Rule: Not Yet a Model of Fair Procedure, Michele R. Pistone and Philip G. Schrage
Asylum Changes and Expedited Removal, Michele R. Pistone and Philip G. Schrag
New York State Search and Seizure Constitutionalism, Robert M. Pitler
Recent developments in criminal law, criminal procedure and evidence, 1986-1997 , Robert M. Pitler
Children in A Landscape (Poem), Frank Pommersheim
Democracy, Citizenship, and Indian Law Literacy: Some Initial Thoughts, Frank Pommersheim
Tribal Courts and the Federal Judiciary: Opportunities and Challenges for a Constitutional Democracy, Frank Pommersheim
What Must Be Done to Achieve the Vision of the Twenty-First Century Tribal Judiciary, Frank Pommersheim
Constituição, Soberania e Ditadura em Carl Schmitt, Ronaldo Porto Macedo Junior
Broker-Dealer Law and Regulation, Norman Poser
Foreword [Symposium: Securities Arbitration: A Decade After McMahon], Norman Poser
Punitive Damage Awards After Mastrobuono: A Reply to Unger and Aly, Norman Poser
Prosecutorial Discretion and Selective Prosecution: Enforcing Protection after United States v. Armstrong, Anne Poulin
The Plain Feel Doctrine and the Evolution of the Fourth Amendment, Anne Poulin
Constitutional Rights, Due Process, and the Dissenting Voice, Cedric Merlin Powell
Are You Going To March?, John Powell
Introduction, John Powell
The Debate on Multiculturalism, John Powell
Who Thought of Dropping Racial Categories and Why?, John Powell
Panelist, "Cultural Violence," The George Washington University Human Sciences Department, Washington, D.C., Bruce M. Price
How Will Consumers Be Protected on the Information Superhighway?, Dee Pridgen
Law Review Story, Lisa R. Pruitt
Income Tax On Royalties And Technical Know-how Fees, Srividhya Ragavan
Turning the Microscope on Ourselves: Self Assessment by Bankruptcy Lawyers of Potential Conflicts of Interest in Columbus, Ohio, Nancy B. Rapoport
ICSID Reports: Reports of Cases Decided under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States, 1965, Rosemary Rayfuse (ed.)
International Environmental Law, Rosemary Rayfuse
The Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind: Eating Disorders at the International Law Commission, Rosemary Rayfuse