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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 1997

Software Licensing: Protecting Intellectual Property in Bankruptcy, Michael A. Gerber and S. Steinberg


Reliance Damages in the Law of Sales Under Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Michael T. Gibson


Using Fruit to Teach Analogy, Jane Kent Gionfriddo


The Extent of Congress’ Power Under the Full Faith and Credit Clause, Rex D. Glensy


Continuing Obstacles to Freedom of Choice for Management Structure in LLCs, Carol Goforth


Campaign Finance Reform: Still Searching Today for a Better Way [Trager Symposium on Campaign Finance], Joel M. Gora


The First Amendment in the Supreme Court: The Future Lies Ahead [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1995-96 Term], Joel M. Gora


Hilaire McCoubrey and Nigel D. White, International Organizations and Civil Wars, Ruth Gordon


Saving Failed States: Sometimes a Neocolonialist Notion, Ruth Gordon


Saving Failed States: Sometimes a Neocolonialist Notion, Ruth Gordon


Archibald Cox : conscience of a nation, Ken Gormley


Awarding Punitive Damages in International Commercial Arbitrations in the Wake of Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., John Y. Gotanda


BMW v. Gore: Mitigating the Punitive Economics of Punitive Damages, Mark F. Grady, Paul H. Rubin, and John E. Calfee

Ironies of Administrative Law (symposium), Sanford N. Greenberg


From Rights to Regulation in Corporate Law, Kent Greenfield

E-FOIA and the "Mother of All Complaints:" Information Delivery and Delay Reduction, Mark H. Grunewald

National Laws, International Money: Regulation in a Global Capital Market, Andrew T. Guzman and Stephen Choi

Derecho privado romano, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

La historia del derecho europeo y americano como historia del derecho romano, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

Para la historia de la formación de la teoría general del acto o negocio jurídicos y del contrato, II: El sistema y el vocabulario de la negocialidad jurídica en las codificaciones americanas, Alejandro Guzmán Brito


Property, Progeny, Body Part: Assisted Reproduction and the Transfer of Wealth, Katheleen R. Guzman

The Shareholder Rights By-Law: Doubts From Delaware, Lawrence A. Hamermesh

Why Students Learn Delaware Corporate Law?, Lawrence A. Hamermesh


ACLU: Defending the Bill of Rights, Lawrence A. Hamermesh, Joan Rosenthal, and Judith Mellen


Armed Conflict: The Protection of Children Under International Law, Carolyn Hamilton and Tabatha Abu El-Haj


Justifying Repatriation of Native American Cultural Property, Sarah K. Harding


Banking and Finance 1997: An Overview of Chartering and Regulatory Developments, Alvin C. Harrell


Consumer Credit in Review, Alvin C. Harrell


Impact of Revised UCC Articles 3 and 4 on Forgery and Alteration Scenarios, Alvin C. Harrell


Lead Paint Disclosure Requirements for Residential Real Estate, Alvin C. Harrell


Status Report: The Conference Article 9 Subcommittee and the Uniform Law Revision Process, Alvin C. Harrell


Subprime Lending Issues Reflect Industry Turmoil and Progress, Alvin C. Harrell


The Consumer Issues Agenda of the National Bankruptcy Review Commission, Alvin C. Harrell


The March 1997 UCC Article 9 Drafting Committee Meeting: A Victory for Consumers?, Alvin C. Harrell


The PEB Study Group Report and Revised Article 9 With Respect to Certificate of Title Issues, Alvin C. Harrell


UCC Article 9 Drafting Committee Considers October 1996 Draft, Alvin C. Harrell

1996 Consumer Bankruptcy Developments, Alvin C. Harrell and Richard E. Coulson


Case Developments in Consumer Bankruptcy Highlight Need for Statutory Reform, Alvin C. Harrell, Richard E. Coulson, and Timothy D. Kline

Two Out of Three Ain't Bad: 1997 Update on the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas

2007-08 Pocket Part to Bradford Stone ed., 12A West's Legal Forms [Commercial Transactions] (Sale of Goods/Lease of Goods), Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

2007-08 Pocket Part to Bradford Stone ed., 12 West's Legal Forms [Commercial Transactions] (Sale of Goods), Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

2008-09 Pocket Part to Bradford Stone ed., 12 West's Legal Forms [Commercial Transactions] (Sale of Goods), Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

2008-09 Pocket Part to Bradford Stone ed., 13 West's Legal Forms [Commercial Transactions] (Negotiable Instruments), Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

2009 Pocket Part to Bradford Stone ed., 12A West's Legal Forms [Commercial Transactions] (Sale of Goods/Lease of Goods), Alvin C. Harrell and Frederick H. Miller

Introduction to the 1997 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and Dwight Golann


Embracing the Tar Baby: LatCrit Theory and the Sticky Mess of Race, Angela P. Harris and Leslie Espinoza

Semantics and Policy in Physician-Assisted Death: Piercing the Verbal Veil, Leslie J. Harris



Israeli Law, the Formative Years 1948-1958 (in hebrew), Ron Harris


Political Economy, Interest Groups, Legal Institutions and the Repeal of the Bubble Act in 1825, Ron Harris


Political Economy, Interest Groups, Legal Institutions and the Repeal of the Bubble Act in 1825, Ron Harris


Measuring the Social Costs and Benefits and Identifying the Victims of Subordinating Security Interests in Bankruptcy, (with C. Mooney, Jr.). , Steven L. Harris


Constitutional Law: The Lack of Constitutional Protection Against Verbal Sexual Harassment in the Schools [Abeyta ex rel. Martinez v. Chama Valley Independent School District, 77 F.3D 1253 (10th Cir. 1996)] (comments), Susan C. Hascall


Interstate Compacts in a Democratic Society: The Problem of Permanency, Jill Elaine Hasday


Science as Mythology in Constitutional Law, Dean M. Hashimoto


The Prevalence of Pulmonary and Upper Respiratory Tract Symptoms and Spirometric Test Findings Among Newspaper Pressroom Workers Exposed to Solvents, Dean M. Hashimoto, Burton W. Lee, Karl T. Kelsey, Barbara Yakes, Teresa Seitz, and David Christiani

The Smart Culture: Society, Intelligence and Law, Robert L. Hayman


It Was a Very Good Year -- For the Government: The Supreme Court's Major Criminal Rulings of the 1995-1996 Term [Symposium: The Supreme Court and Local Government Law: The 1995-96 Term], William E. Hellerstein


A Better Way to Make State Legal Ethics Opinions, Lawrence K. Hellman

The Seventh Generation: From Wounded Knee to Today, Taiawagi Helton


Commentary [Symposium: Politicians on Judges: Fair Criticism or Intimidation], Susan N. Herman

Double Trials Mean Double Jeopardy, Susan N. Herman

Prisons Aren’t for Young Offenders, Susan N. Herman

Las Molineras en México (Women maize-grinders in Mexico), Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez

The Duty to Rescue: A Liberal-Communitarian Approach, Steven J. Heyman

Using Environmental Externalities to Regulate the Risk of Harm from Greenhouse Gas Emissions, David R. Hodas

Special Committee on Climate Change and Sustainable Development: 1996 Annual Report, David R. Hodas and Laura H. Kosloff

American Checks and Balances, A Brief Survey, Christopher H. Hoebeke

“Look Ma, No Proxy Server: Alternatives in Remote User Authentication at the University of Virginia, Christopher H. Hoebeke


The Futility of Campaign Finance Reform: A Historical Perspective, Christopher H. Hoebeke

Hobbes and the Foole, Kinch Hoekstra

Reflections, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe


Transracial Adoption (TRA): Old Prejudices and Discrimination Float Under a New Halo, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe


The Prospect of a President Incarcerated, Scott W. Howe

Untangling Competing Conceptions of "Evidence", Scott W. Howe


Lawyering for Social Justice, Nan D. Hunter

Sexuality, gender, and the law, Nan D. Hunter and William N. Eskridge, Jr.


Out Yet Unseen: A Racial Critique of Gay and Lesbian Legal Theory and Political Discourse, Darren L. Hutchinson


Toward A Critical-Race Reformist Conception of Mininimum Wage Laws: Exploding the Power of Myth, Fantasy and Hierarchy, Harry G. Hutchison

"‘Fairness’ and Joint and Several Liability in Government Cost Recovery Actions Under CERCLA,", John Hyson

The Law of Torts, Darla W. Jackson


Bankruptcy Law and the Supreme Court’s New Federalism: The Trustee’s Avoidance Powers After Seminole Tribe [Symposium: The Face of Federalism: Where Should The Line Be Drawn?], Edward J. Janger

Derivatives and Rehypothecation Failure: It's 3:00 P.M., Do You Know Where Your Collateral Is?, Christian A. Johnson

Derivatives and Rehypothecation Failure: It's 3:00 p.m., Do You Know Where Your Collateral Is?, Christian A. Johnson


Future of Legal Publishing, Troy Johnson

Report of the Working Committees to the Second Circuit Task Force on Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts (Reporter, Racial and Ethnic Committee, 1997) [Appendix A], Beryl R. Jones-Woodin

Accidental Release Prevention Requirements: Risk Management Plans Under the Clean Air Act Section 112(R)(7), William S. Jordan


Regulation of the Healthcare Professions, Timothy S. Jost


Dangerous Undertones of the New Nativism: Peter Brimelow and the Decline of the West, Daniel Kanstroom


Surrounding the Hole in the Doughnut: Discretion and Deference in U.S. Immigration Law, Daniel Kanstroom

Massachusetts Criminal Defense: 1997 Cumulative Supplement, Daniel Kanstroom, Eric D. Blumenson, and Stanley Z. Fisher

Massachusetts Criminal Defense: 1997 Cumulative Supplement, Daniel Kanstroom, Eric D. Blumenson, and Stanley Z. Fisher


Environmental Justice: Bridging the Gap between Environmental Laws and 'Justice', Alice Kaswan


The Deductibility of Educational Costs: Why Does Congress Allow the IRS to Take Your Education So Personally?, I Jay Katz


The Concept of the Family Court in America, Sanford N. Katz

Visiting Fellow, Sanford N. Katz

Assisted Suicide, Euthanasia, and the Law, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Assisted Suicide, Law, and Morality: The Disturbing Pedagogy of Compassion in Dying and Quill, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Assisted Suicide, the Supreme Court, and the Constitutive Function of the Law, M. Cathleen Kaveny

Discrimination and Affirmative Action, M. Cathleen Kaveny