The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2000
Comic Strips and Books, James M. Donovan
Reconciling Arguments Regarding a Self-Preserving Soul with Evolutionary Theory, James M. Donovan
Law Library Guide to Tax Law Materials, Frank J. Doti
The Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Waste, Working Paper of the UNCTC, Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Cyberlaw: Intellectual Property in the Digital Millennium, Jay Dratler
Legal Issues, Mark A. Drumbl
Waging War Against the World: A Crime?, Mark A. Drumbl
Cold War Civil Rights: Race and the Image of American Democracy, Mary L. Dudziak
Negotiable Instruments Can Be Fun, Susan Duncan
Teaching Legal Analysis to the Seers, the Hearers and the Doers, Susan Duncan
Motor Carrier System: A Guide to Regulatory Compliance, Scotty Dunlap
Fair Interpretation: Founding Fathers Didn’t Intend to Ban Voluntary Prayer at School Functions, John C. Eastman
Strictly Scrutinizing Campaign Finance Restrictions (& the Courts that Judge Them), John C. Eastman
We are a Religious People Whose Institutions Presuppose a Supreme Being, John C. Eastman
Anteproyecto de Ley sobre Grupos de Empresas, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El maestro universitario, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
El pago indebido, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Fusiones empresariales, control y libre competencia, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Gestión empresarial en el colegio, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
La cogestión empresarial, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Los grupos de empresas en el Perú, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Los grupos de empresas en la legislación peruana, Daniel Echaiz Moreno
Durable Goods Monopoly with Network Externalities with Application to the PC Operating Systems Market, Nicholas Economides
Diversity Rhetoric and the Managerialization of Law, Lauren Edelman
Legality and the Endogeneity of Law, Lauren Edelman
Organizations and Civil Rights Law, Lauren Edelman
When the 'Haves' Hold Court: Speculations on the Internalization of Law, Lauren Edelman
Antitrust Primer, Aaron S. Edlin
The New Palgrave: Surveying Two Waves of Economic Analysis of Law, Aaron S. Edlin
Contract Renegotiation and Options in Agency Problems, Aaron S. Edlin and Benjamin E. Hermalin
“The New Territorial Waters (Amendment) Act 1998 – Comments on the Impact of International Law on Nigerian Law,”, Edwin Egede
Toxic Torts in a Nutshell, Jean M. Eggen
Damages Mitigation Doctrine in the Statutory Anti-Discrimination Context: Mitigating Its Negative Impact, Howard C. Eglit
Gradations of Democracy? Empirical Tests of Alternative Conceptualizations, Zachary Elkins
Quem Votaria? As Consequências do Voto Obrigatόrio, Zachary Elkins
Kelsen : Un Régard Critique, Eric A. Engle
Examination of the Child Witness, Jules Epstein
Recent Developments, ERISA: U.S. Supreme Court Holds Treatment Decisions Made by HMO Physician-Employees Do Not Breach Fiduciary Duty, Wendy Netter Epstein
Police tactics against protestors violate civil liberties, C. Peter Erlinder
Getting Serious about Miranda in Minnesota: Criminal and Civil Sanctions for Failure to Respond to Requests for Counsel, Peter Erlinder
Human Rights or “Human Rights Imperialism”? Lessons from the War against Yugoslavia, Peter Erlinder
Jet Engine Certification Standards, Paul F. Eschenfelder
Cuestiones Fundamentales en torno al Deber Jurídico, Freddy Escobar
El débito y la responsabilidad en la estructura de la obligación: historia de una confusión, Freddy Escobar
Preventive Law in the Emergency Room: Poor People Don't Get Check-ups , Mary Eyster
Abdication or Coronation? The Leaders’ Agreement: An alternative model for labor-management relations and dispute hand¬ling in Sweden, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Employee Loyalty in Sweden, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Kyrkans sociallära - en lära för vår tid? [Social Teaching of the Catholic Church – A Teaching for Our Time?], Reinhold Fahlbeck
Open Heart Surgery: Reform of Labour Mediation Regime in Sweden, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Sweden. National Monograph, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Shooting From the Lip: United States v. Dickerson, Role [Im]morality and the Ethics of Legal Rhetoric, Elizabeth Fajans and Marilyn R. Falk
Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Notes, Law Review Competition Papers, 2nd ed., Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk
Scholarly Writing for Law Students: Seminar Papers, Law Review Notes, Law Review Competition Papers, 2nd ed., Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk
Shooting From the Lip: United States v. Dickerson, Role [Im]morality and the Ethics of Legal Rhetoric : E. Fajans), Mary Falk and Elizabeth Fajans
The Necessity of (and the Threat Posed by) Consumer Financial Education for the New Financial Conglomerates, James A. Fanto
When Those Who Do Teach: The Implications of Law Firm Education for Law Schools [Symposium: Essays on Business Law Education], James A. Fanto
Economic Efficiency and the Ex Ante Perspective, Daniel A. Farber
Freedom of Expression, in American Bar Assoc., Daniel A. Farber
Of Coase and the Canon: Reflections on Law and Economics, Daniel A. Farber
The International Class Action: Comments on the Geneva Group Action Debates, Richard O. Faulk
Le Origini e le Conseguenze del Panico Morale [The Origins and Consequences of a Moral Panic], Malcolm M. Feeley
The Future of the Courts, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Historical Sources of Prison Privatization in the United States, Malcolm M. Feeley
A Christian America and the Separation of Church and State, Stephen M. Feldman
American Legal Thought From Premodernism to Postmodernism: An Intellectual Voyage, Stephen M. Feldman
Critical Questions in Law and Religion: An Introduction, Stephen M. Feldman
Made For Each Other: The Interdependence of Deconstruction and Philosophical Hermeneutics, Stephen M. Feldman
The Supreme Court in a Postmodern World: A Flying Elephant, Stephen M. Feldman
Juridical Sciences in Question, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Random Violence and the Transformation of the Juvenile Justice Debate (Book review), Daniel M. Filler
The Filibuster, Catherine Fisk and Erwin Chemerinsky
Union Representation of Immigrant Janitors in Southern California: Economic and Legal Challenges, Catherine Fisk, Daniel Mitchell, and Christopher L. Erickson
"¡Tan cerca, tan lejos!". Estado de derecho y cambio jurídico en México (1970-1999), Héctor Fix Fierro and Sergio López Ayllón
Defining Psychological Abuse of Husbands Toward Wives: Contexts, Behaviors, and Typologies, Diane R. Follingstad and Dana D. DeHart
The Constitutional Implications of Race-Neutral Affirmative Action, Kim Forde-Mazrui
A return-free filing system, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Congress tells IRS to make political action committees disclose the names of their contributors, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Fixing Social Security for working women, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
How Federal Pension Laws Influence Individual Work and Retirement Decisions, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
How should we invest our retirement savings?, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Income, sales, tax burdens, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Making Social Security work, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Rescue in The Balance, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Saving for college, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Senate Finance Committee Gives Green Light to Cash Balance Conversions, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Taxing the internet, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Tax treatment of contingent legal fees, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
The new IRS stands up, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Who pays (and doesn't pay) federal taxes, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Will Congress review employee stock options?, JONATHAN B. FORMAN
Cash Balance Pension Plan Conversions, JONATHAN B. FORMAN and Amy Nixon
'Vigilant Protection' of the Olympic brand - too fast, too high, too strong?, Neil J. Foster
The Liability of International Arbitrators: A Comparative Analysis and Proposal for Qualified Immunity, Susan Franck
Proposition 209: A New Civil Rights Revolution?, Richard H. Frankel
Brandschutz, Hartmut H. Frenzel
Brief Amici Curiae of Seventy-Five Organizations Committed to Women’s Equality in Support of Respondent, UCLA Women's Law Journal, Susan Frietsche, Carol E. Tracy, Terry L. Fromson, and David S. Cohen
American Constitution-Making: The Neglected State Constitutional Sources, Christian Fritz and Marsha Baum
Legal Readings: Employee Interpretation and Enactment of Civil Rights Law, Sally Riggs Fuller, Lauren Edelman, and Sharon Matusik
Health Law, 2nd ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz