About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2000

Health Law, 2nd ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz


Harmful Remedies: Optimal Reformation of Anti-Competitive Contracts, Michal Gal

The Intersection of Competition Policy and Intellectual Property: Small Economy Perspective, Michal Gal


The Usefulness of Which Rawls?, Frank J. Garcia


Trade and Inequality: Economic Justice and the Developing World, Frank J. Garcia


Law Making for Baby Making: An Interpretive Approach to the Determination of Legal Parentage, Marsha Garrison

The Goals and Limits of Child Support Policy, Marsha Garrison

Staffing the Judiciary and Prosecutorial Offices in Argentina: Trials and Tribulations in Search of Merit, Integrity and Accountability, Alejandro Miguel Garro

Editor, Pennsylvania Bar Association Administrative Law Journal, John L. Gedid


Bifurcation Unbound, Steven S. Gensler


Prejudice, Confusion, and the Bifurcated Civil Jury Trial: Lessons from Tennessee, Steven S. Gensler

Federalism in United States Courts, James P. George


Afterword: Antitrust and American Business Abroad Revisited, David J. Gerber

Law and Economics in Europe: Pre-World War I Germany, David J. Gerber

Business Reorganizations , Michael Gerber, M. Goldstein, E. Janger, and L. Gottesman


Is Hedge Fund Regulation Necessary?, Willa E. Gibson


A Assinatura Eletrônica, Ivo T. Gico


Controle Judicial das Medidas Provisórias, Ivo T. Gico

Controle Judicial das Medidas Provisórias., Ivo T. Gico


Internet: taxar ou não taxar?, Ivo T. Gico


O Arquivo Eletrônico como Meio de Prova, Ivo T. Gico


O Conceito de Documento Eletrônico, Ivo T. Gico


O Fim dos Intermediários?., Ivo T. Gico


Responsabilidade Global, Ivo T. Gico


Corporations Practicing Law Through Lawyers: Why the Unauthorized Practice of Law Doctrine Should Not Apply, Grace M. Giesel


Second Marriage Considerations for the Elderly, Randall Gingiss


LR&W Should Begin at the Beginning: Reading Legal Authority, Jane Kent Gionfriddo

"Management of Trees for Farmland Rehabilitation and Development", Organised by University of Helsinki in Khartoum, Sudan (Coordinator: Prof. Olavi Luukkanen), Edinam K. Glover

Studies on community-based forest management in Ghana and other research activities at the Tropical Silviculture Unit, University of Helsinki, Finland, Edinam K. Glover, Mark Appiah, and Olavi Luukkanen

Environmental Communication and Sustainable land-use, Edinam K. Glover and Glenda G. Santos

Use of Simulations and Client-Based Exercises in the Basic Course, Carol Goforth

Trade and investment negotiation with the Chinese, Bee Chen Goh


Kahn's Reign and its Metaphors For Law -- A Critique in the Philosophy of Legal Culture, Alani Golanski


An Overview and Assessment of the Law Regulating Internal Union Affairs, Michael J. Goldberg

The STAA Handbook: How to Use the Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) to Enforce Truck Safety and Protect Your Job, Michael J. Goldberg


Coches y accidentes (II): algunos problemas del seguro de responsabilidad civil del automóvil, Fernando Gómez


Daño Moral, Fernando Gómez


Recensión a 'The Strategic Constitution', de Robert D. Cooter, Fernando Gómez


Responsabilidad extracontractual y otras fuentes de reparación de daños "Collateral Source Rule" y afines, Fernando Gómez


Punish Once or Punish Twice: A Theory of the Use of Criminal Sanctions in Addition to Regulatory Penalties, Fernando Gómez and Nuno Garoupa


Texas Assessment of Academic Skills Exit Test – Driver of Equity or Ticket to Nowhere, Placido Gomez

Book Review (reviewing L. Steven Platt & Cathy Ventrell-Monsees, Age Discrimination Litigation), Richard J. Gonzalez

Mitigation of Damages in Employment Discrimination and Wrongful Discharge Cases, Richard J. Gonzalez

Communication Decency Act, 110 Stat. 56 (1996, Joel M. Gora

'Must Carry' Law, Joel M. Gora


The Calm Before the Storm: First Amendment Cases in the 1998-99 Term [Annual Issue on New York State Constitutional Law: Trends and Developments], Joel M. Gora

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. v. FCC, 512 U.S. 622 (1994), Joel M. Gora


Critical Race Theory and International Law: Convergence and Divergence, Ruth Gordon


Critical Race Theory and International Law: Convergence and Divergence Racing American Foreign Policy, Ruth Gordon


Setting Arbitrators’ Fees: An International Survey, John Y. Gotanda

Communities in The Balance: Comments on Koch, Stephen E. Gottlieb

Morality Imposed: The Rehnquist Court and Liberty in America, Stephen E. Gottlieb

The Passing of the Cardozo Generations, Stephen E. Gottlieb


There's a Forest in those Trees: Teaching About the Role of Corporations in Society, Kent Greenfield

Intellectual Property Rights: Comparative Notes on Law and Practice in Thailand, Philip Griffith, Mark Davidson, Stephen Fox, and Patrick Keyzer

Moving toward Improved Human Rights Enforcement in the Americas, Claudio M. Grossman

Reflections on Being a Law School Dean in an Interconnected World, Claudio M. Grossman

Order in the Court: The Nitty-Gritty on the Ruling that Lets Citizens Sue Their Way to a Clean Environment, Michael Grynberg


Tussen vrijheid en grondrechten. Een paradigmastrijd met blijvende actualiteitswaarde, Serge Gutwirth and Paul De Hert


Arbitrator Liability: Reconciling Arbitration and Mandatory Rules, Andrew T. Guzman


International Bankruptcy: In Defense of Universalism, Andrew T. Guzman

Historia de la interpretación de las normas en el derecho romano, Alejandro Guzmán Brito

La codificación civil en Iberoamérica, Siglos XIX y XX, Alejandro Guzmán Brito


Essay: What Price Paternity, Katheleen R. Guzman


Give or Take an Acre: Property Norms and the Indian Land Consolidation Act, Katheleen R. Guzman

The Price of Law, Gillian K. Hadfield


The Price of Law: How the Market for Lawyers Distorts the Justice System, Gillian K. Hadfield

ABC’s of the U.C.C. -- (Revised) Article 9: Secured Transactions, Russell A. Hakes


Human Rights and the Garment Industry in Contemporary Cambodia, John A. Hall


Why I Do Not Teach Van Gorkom, Lawrence A. Hamermesh

Tax Convention between South and North (English and Korean).pdf, Sung-Soo Han

Tax Convention between South and North (English and Korean).pdf, Sung-Soo Han

Cultural Secrecy and the Protection of Cultural Property, Sarah K. Harding


The First Footnote, Louise Harmon


The Harvest, Louise Harmon


The Patron, Louise Harmon

Bamboozled at Berkeley: John McWhorter's New Millennium Minstrel Show (with R. Gunn & S. Brooks), Vinay Harpalani

2004 Supplement to Ralph J. Rohner & Frederick H. Miller, Truth in Lending, Alvin C. Harrell

2005 Supplement to Ralph J. Rohner & Frederick H. Miller, Truth in Lending, Alvin C. Harrell

2006 Supplement to Ralph J. Rohner & Frederick H. Miller, Truth in Lending, Alvin C. Harrell

2007 Supplement to Ralph J. Rohner & Frederick H. Miller, Truth in Lending, ed., Alvin C. Harrell

2009 Supplement to Ralph J. Rohner & Frederick H. Miller, Alvin C. Harrell

Agricultural Finance - Comparing the Current and Revised Article 9, Alvin C. Harrell

Certificate of Title Lending Under Revised Article 9, Alvin C. Harrell


Commentary: Predatory Lending, Alvin C. Harrell


Commentary: The 21st Century, TILA Style, Alvin C. Harrell


Introduction to Symposium on Revised UCC Article 9, Alvin C. Harrell


NCCUSL Articles 3, 4, and 4A Drafting Committee Highlights Current Payment System and Negotiable Instrument Issues, Alvin C. Harrell

Ralph J. Rohner & Frederick H. Miller, Truth in Lending, Alvin C. Harrell

Truth in Lending, Alvin C. Harrell


UCC Article 4A, Alvin C. Harrell


UCC Article 4 and Regulation CC: Can They Ever Be Reconciled?, Alvin C. Harrell


UCITA: Opportunity or Obstruction, Alvin C. Harrell


Revocation of Acceptance Under U.C.C. Section 2-608 as a Remedy in a Consumer Sales Transaction Involving Conflicting Oral Quality Representations and Standardized Quality Warranty Disclaimer Language, Alvin C. Harrell and Peter G. Dillon

Current Issues & Recent Developments in Consumer Bankruptcies, Alvin C. Harrell and Jon Ann Giblin

2000 Update on Federal Fair Act Debt Collection Practices Act, Alvin C. Harrell and Laurie A. Lucas


Introduction to the 2000 Annual Survey of Consumer Financial Services Law, Alvin C. Harrell, Frederick H. Miller, and Amy Bizar


Equality Trouble: Sameness and Difference in Twentieth-Century Race Law, Angela P. Harris


Gender Violence, Race, and Criminal Justice, Angela P. Harris

FAMILY LAW , Leslie J. Harris and Lee E. Teitelbaum