The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2000
Book Review: Akhil Amar, the Bill of Rights, and the Seven Deadly Sins of Legal Scholarship, Richard L. Aynes
Four essays on key court cases concerning religion and the Blaine Amendment, Richard L. Aynes
Unintended Consequences of the Fourteenth Amendment, Richard L. Aynes
The Evolution of Islamic Law of Nations and the Modern International Order: Universal Peace through Mutuality and Cooperation, Mashood A. Baderin
Subordination, Stigma, and “Disability”, Samuel R. Bagenstos
The Transfer Pricing Problem: The Argentine Experience (1932-1998), Eduardo Baistrocchi
Biology for Feminists, Katharine K. Baker
ICT-Internet for Economic Development in Sri Lanka - Expert Assessment Report, Sonia Baldia
Legal and Regulatory Reform for ICT in Egypt -- Specialist Report, Sonia Baldia
Upgrading from R4 to R5, Derek Bambauer and Stephanie Bourdage
Cuestiones procesales suscitadas en el sistema federal de los Estados Unidos, Robert S. Barker
Government Accountability and Its Limits, Robert S. Barker
Judicial Review in Costa Rica: Evolution and Recent Developments, Robert S. Barker
Better Search Engines for Law, Deanna Barmakian
Competency and Common Law: Why and How Decision-Making Capacity Criteria Should Be Drawn from the Capacity-Determination Process, Charles H. Baron
Les aspects contractuels de la relation du médecin et du patient en droit americain, Charles H. Baron
Reglas de Formación de las Decisiones Normativas – Contribuciones del comunitarismo y del utilitarismo contemporáneo, Julia Barragán
Norm Origin and Development in Cyberspace: Models of Cybernorm Evolution, April Barton
Norm Origin and Development in Cyberspace: Models of Cybernorm Evolution, April Barton
The Creation of a New Top-Level Domain for Adult Content, April Barton
Our Data, Ourselves: Privacy, Propertization, and Gender, Ann Bartow
Our Data, Ourselves: Privacy, Propertization, and Gender , Ann Bartow
Debates over Group Litigation in Comparative Perspective, Samuel P. Baumgartner
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Outside the Scope of the Brussels and Lugano Conventions, Samuel P. Baumgartner and Gerhard Walter
Nuremberg in America: Litigating the Holocaust in United States Courts, Michael Bazyler
What Is Versus What Might Be: Imputing Income to Earning Potential, Lewis Becker
What Bush's Litigation Teaches Us About Compassionate Conservatism, Sharon Beckman
Online- Gamblin Foes Lose a Hand, Tom W. Bell
Pornography, Privacy, and Digital Self-Help, Tom W. Bell
Privacy: The Rehnquist Court's Unmentionable Right, Martin H. Belsky
Da Prestação de Serviços, Luciano Benetti Timm
Changing the Culture, Robert B. Bennett
Dirty Little Secrets, Robert B. Bennett
Picturing the Prophet: Focalization in the Book of Jonah, Benjamin L. Berger
Conceptions of Science: Defining the Disconnect [Panelist] , Margaret Berger
"Expert Testimony: The Supreme Court's Rules [reprinted in 6 BLS LawNotes 28 (Winter 2001)], Margaret Berger
The Supreme Court's Trilogy on the Admissibility of Expert Testimony , Margaret Berger
Imperial Rivalry and the Genealogy of Human Rights: The Nationality Decrees Case, Nathaniel Berman
Shadows: Du Bois and the Colonial Prospect, 1925, Nathaniel Berman
The Nationality Decrees Case, or, Of Intimacy and Consent, Nathaniel Berman
Another Attempt to Solve the Prior Restraint Mystery: Applying the Nebraska Press Standard to Media Disclosure of Attorney-Client Communications, Alberto Bernabe
Another Attempt to Solve the Prior Restraint Mystery: Applying the Nebraska Press Standard to Media Disclosure of Attorney-Client Communications, Alberto Bernabe
Government Advertising Placement and the First Amendment: Freedom of the Press Outweighs the Rights of the Government as Contractor, Alberto Bernabe
Government Advertising Placement and the First Amendment: Freedom of the Press Outweighs the Rights of the Government as Contractor, Alberto Bernabe
Book Review, Lawrence Susskind Et Al., The Consensus-Building Handbook, 1999, Phyllis E. Bernard
Rethinking Our Vision of Law Practice, Phyllis E. Bernard
Complaints, Anita Bernstein
Still Unfinished, Ever Unfinished (Symposium editor, "Unfinished Feminist Business'), Anita Bernstein
Amphibious Warfare since World War II, Samuel W. Bettwy
Trench Warfare between 1776 and 1918, Samuel W. Bettwy
Recent Developments in Corporation Law and Practice, Norwood Beveridge
Environmental Justice Index II, Denis Binder
Why Grundnorm? A Treatise on the Implications of Kelsen's Doctrine, Uta Bindreiter
Detention Hearings, Tamar R. Birckhead and Wendy S. Wayne
A Contested Ascendancy: Problems with Personal Managers Acting as Producers, William Birdthistle
Mass Customization and Permission Marketing: An Exploratory Study of Higher Education, R Bitar, Oscar T. McKnight, and Ronald Paugh
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Carl S. Bjerre, Robyn L. Meadows, and Stephen L. Sepinuck
Criminal Procedure: Examples and Explanations, Robert M. Bloom and Mark S. Brodin
Managed Care Issues, Chapter 14, § VIII (2008 annual update), Donald T. Bogan
Managed Care Issues, Chapter 14, § VIII (2009 annual update), Donald T. Bogan
Managed Care Issues, Chapter 14, § VIII (2011 annual update), Donald T. Bogan
Protecting Patient Rights Despite ERISA: Will the Supreme Court Allow States to Regulate Managed Care?, Donald T. Bogan
The Right Way to Teach Transactional Lawyers: Commercial Leasing and the Forgotten 'Dirt Lawyer', Daniel B. Bogart
The New Collection Due Process Taxpayer Rights, Leslie M. Book
A Chronology of the Evolution of the MBCA, RICHARD A. BOOTH
A Minimalist Approach to Corporation Law, RICHARD A. BOOTH
Investor Diversification and Corporation Law (Or Roll Over Berle and Means), RICHARD A. BOOTH
Fragmentation, Impervious Surfaces and Water Quality: Quantifying the effects of density and spatial arrangement, Elizabeth Brabec, Paul Richards, and Stacey Schulte
Can we Protect Agricultural Land and the Scenic Rural Landscape? The spatial effects of three land protection strategies in the eastern United States, Elizabeth Brabec and Chip Smith
Constitutional Law: Structure and Rights in Our Federal System, Daan Braveman, William C. Banks, and Rodney A. Smolla
Physician Unions and the Future of Competition in the Health Care Sector, William S. Brewbaker
Equity and Criminal Law, Howard W. Brill
Law & Mental Health Professionals: Delaware, Ann H. Britton and Timothy H. Rohs
A Taxing Time for the Bishop Estate: What Is the I.R.S. Role in Charity Governance?, Evelyn Brody
Charities in Tax Reform: Threats to Subsidies Overt and Covert, Evelyn Brody
Therapeutic and Preventive Approaches to School Safety: Applications of a Family Systems Model, Susan Brooks
A Tale of Two Grandmothers: Preventive Kinship Care in Tennessee, Susan Brooks and Elizabeth S. Black
The Powers that Be, Linda Margaret Broughton
Humanitarian Intervention at a Crossroads, Bartram Brown
Black Like Me? "Gangsta" Culture, Clarence Thomas, and Afrocentric Academies, Eleanor M. Brown
Duration and Risk , Gerald Brown
2000 Survey of Florida Law: Real Property, Ronald B. Brown and Joseph M. Grohman
On the Nature of Federal Bankruptcy Jurisdiction: A General Statutory and Constitutional Theory, Ralph Brubaker
Law and Economics of Development, Edgardo Buscaglia
Law and Economics in Developing Countries , Edgardo Buscaglia and William Ratliff
‘Integrative’ Comparative Law Enterprises and the Inner Stratification of Legal Systems, Mauro Bussani
La responsabilità della pubblica amministrazione in diritto comparato, Mauro Bussani
El principio de igualdad de trato en el Derecho del Trabajo, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo
Banking Regulation in Argentina and the Treatment of Foreign Banks, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Contratos de licencia y de transferencia de tecnología en el Derecho privado, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Derecho de las inversiones extranjeras, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
El régimen jurídico de los conocimientos técnicos, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Contratos de colaboración empresaria, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas and Julio Alberto Kelly
La economía de la familia: Un tema olvidado en la historia del pensamiento económico, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez
Rappresentatività sindacale: fattispecie ed effetti, Giuffré, Milano, piera campanella
Must Each Member of a Diversity Class Action Individual Satisfy the $75,000 Jurisdictional Amount Requirement?, John Cannon