About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2001


Recent Court Opinions Affecting USPTO Trademark Practice: The Year in Review, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels


Trade Dress Undressed: Wal-Mart v. Samara, Jeffrey M. Samuels and Linda B. Samuels

Anticircumvention Rules: Threat to Science, Pamela Samuelson

Copyright, Digital Data, and Fair Use in Digital Networked Environments, Pamela Samuelson

Economic and Constitutional Influences on Copyright Law in the United States, Pamela Samuelson

How to Balance the Public Interest, Traditional Legal Principles, and the Emerging Digital Reality, Pamela Samuelson

Intellectual property for an information age: introduction, Pamela Samuelson


The "New Economy" and Information Technology Policy, Pamela Samuelson and Hal Varian


Character Evidence and the Object of Trial, Chris W. Sanchirico


Deconstructing the New Efficiency Rationale, Chris William Sanchirico

Small Group Leader, Evangeline Sarda


An Alternative to the Sectarian Vision: The Role of the Dean in an Inclusive Catholic Law School, Mark Sargent

The Public Trust Doctrine, in Symposium, Managing Hawai’i’s Public Trust Doctrine, 24 . 1, 24 (2001)., Joseph L. Sax


In Defense of Representative Democracy: A Reply to Erwin Chemerinsky, Michael Scaperlanda

The Law and Violence Against Women in the Family at the Century's End: The American Experience , Elizabeth M. Schneider


Mary Joe Frug’s Postmodern Feminist Legal Manifesto Ten Years Later: Reflections on the State of Feminism Today [Symposium: Transgressing Borders: Women's Bodies, Identities and Families], Elizabeth M. Schneider and R. Austin

Battered Women and the Law , Elizabeth M. Schneider and C. Dalton

Legal Research, Nancy Schultz and Louis J. Sirico Jr.


Rights of Inequality: Rawlsian Justice, Equal Opportunity, and the Status of the Family, Justin Schwartz


A Window for Change: Conflicting Ideologies and Legal Reforms in Late Nineteenth-Century Oregon, Inara K. Scott


An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

An IDEA Schools Can Use: Lessons from Special Education Legislation, Terry Jean Seligmann

98 Wrongful Convictions Launch Change of Heart, Elisabeth Semel

The Many Lives Touched by an Execution, Elisabeth Semel

Viewpoint: Exonerations Prove System Isn’t Perfect, Elisabeth Semel


Mating Asymmetry and the Direction of Evolution in the Hawaiian Cricket Genus Laupala, Kerry L. Shaw and Ezequiel Lugo

Basic Narcotics Seminar, Miller W. Shealy

Criminal Federal Practice Seminar, Miller W. Shealy

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Drug Interdiction School, Miller W. Shealy

Law Enforcement Coordinating Council, Miller W. Shealy

Unconscionability and Mistake in the Court of Appeal, Duncan Sheehan


All Aboard? Electronic Filing and the Digital Divide, Donald E. Shelton


Equally Bad is Not Good: Allowing Title IX “Compliance” by the Elimination of Men’s Collegiate Sports, Donald E. Shelton


Teaching Technology to Judges, Donald E. Shelton


Co-Founder, Artistic Noise, Inc., Francine Sherman

Contributor, Francine Sherman


Contributor, Francine Sherman

Effective Advocacy Strategies for Girls: Promoting Justice in an Unjust System, Francine Sherman


Domestic Partnership and ERISA Preemption, Jeffrey G. Sherman

Charleston, Cocaine, and Consent, Marjorie M. Shultz

From Informed Consent to Patient Choice, in Sheila McLean, ed., Essays in Law and Legal Theory, Marjorie M. Shultz

Issues of Race in Health Care, Marjorie M. Shultz

Legal and Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research, Marjorie M. Shultz

Synergy and Contrast in Defining Life and Death in American Law, Marjorie M. Shultz

Testimony on Hiring of Women Faculty at the University of California, Marjorie M. Shultz

The Law and Ethics of Consent to Medical Research, Marjorie M. Shultz

We Are What We Say, Marjorie M. Shultz


Race and Radio: Preference Externalities, Minority Ownership, and the Underprovision of Programming to Black and Hispanic Listeners., Peter Siegelman and Joel Waldfogel


Lawyers on Foreign Ground, Carole Silver


Irish Legal History: An Overview and Guide to the Sources, Janet Sinder

Ask Your Students, Louis J. Sirico

Reading Out Loud in Class, Louis J. Sirico

Legal Research, 2nd ed. , Louis J. Sirico and Schultz

Persuasive Writing for Lawyers and the Legal Profession, 2nd ed. , Louis J. Sirico and Schultz

Aboriginal and Treaty Rights in the Courtroom, Brian Slattery

Materials for Training of Caseworkers at the Administration for Childrens Services (Fall 2001 ACS training), Lisa C. Smith

Goodwill Accounting and the Process of Exchange, Vernon L. Smith

Market Power in a Deregulated Electrical Industry, Vernon L. Smith, S. Backerman, M. Denton, and S. Rassenti


Financial Bubbles: Excess Cash, Momentum, and Incomplete Information, Vernon L. Smith, Gunduz Caginalp, and David Porter

Spot Market Mechanism Design and Competitively Issues in Electric Power, Vernon L. Smith, M. Denton, and S. Rassenti

A Functional Imaging Study of Cooperation in Two-Person Reciprocal Exchange, Vernon L. Smith, D. Houser, K. McCabe, L. Ryan, and T. Trouard

Turning Off the Tights, Vernon L. Smith, S. Rassenti, and B. J. Wilson

Concurrent Trading in Two Experimental Markets with Demand Interdependence, Vernon L. Smith, Arlinton W. Williams, John O. Ledyard, and Steven Gjerstad

Trusts in Mixed Legal Systems, Jan M. Smits and J. Michael MIlo


Convicting the Innocent Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Some Lessons About Jury Instructions from the Sheppard Case, Lawrence M. Solan

Perjury and Impeachment: The Rule of Law or the Rule of Lawyers? , Lawrence M. Solan


The Written Contract as Safe Harbor for Dishonest Conduct [Symposium: Theory Informs Business Practice], Lawrence M. Solan


Think It Through: a Constitutional Scholar Explains Why Congress Is Wise to Go Slow on Anti-Terror Laws That Would Erode Individual Rights, Lawrence M. Solan


Why Laws Work Pretty Well, But Not Great: Words and Rules in Legal Interpretation (reviewing Steven Pinker, Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language (1999)), Lawrence M. Solan


Causation, Contribution and Legal Liability: An Empirical Study, Lawrence M. Solan and J. Darley


Introduction [Symposium: The Jury in the 21st Century: An Interdisciplinary Conference], Lawrence M. Solan and Susan N. Herman


Introduction [Symposium: The Jury in the 21st Century: An Interdisciplinary Conference], Lawrence M. Solan and Susan N. Herman

Pennsylvania Criminal Procedure: Law, Commentary and Forms, Leonard N. Sosnov and David Rudovsky

It's Time to Put the Military's Death Penalty to Sleep, Michael Spak

Servicemember's Legal Guide: Everything You and Your Family Need to Know About the Law (with J. Tomes & A. Flexer), Michael Spak

La Filosofía de los Derechos Humanos, Horacio Spector