The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2001
Parental Assessment of College Character: Brand Identity and Consumer Behavior in Higher Education, Oscar T. McKnight, Ronald Paugh, and Emily Newton
Absolutely Prefabulous, Kembrew McLeod
Acetone, Kembrew McLeod
Copyright, World Music and Indigenous Rights, Kembrew McLeod
From Napster to Nurture: The Impact of the Digital Economy on Music Cultures, Kembrew McLeod
Money for Nothing: Behind the Business of Pop Music, Kembrew McLeod
Money for Nothing: Behind the Business of Pop Music, Kembrew McLeod
Music and Copyright, Kembrew McLeod
Owning culture [microform] : authorship, ownership, and intellectual property law, Kembrew McLeod
The Handsome Family, Kembrew McLeod
Moore's Federal Practice, The Federal Law of Attorney Conduct, Judith A. McMorrow and Daniel R. Coquillette
The Model Act Creating a State Central Hearing Agency: Promises, Practical Problems, and a Proposal for Change, Chris McNeil
Code Arrogance and Displacement of Common Law and Equity: a Defense of Section 1-103 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Robyn L. Meadows
The Uniform Commercial Code Survey: Introduction, Robyn L. Meadows, Carl S. Bjerre, and Stephen L. Sepinuck
“Unpublished” Opinions as the Bulk of the Iceberg: Publication Patterns in the Eighth and Tenth Circuits of the United States Courts of Appeals, Robert A. Mead
A Hobson's Choice: Ensuring Open Government or Conserving Government Funds, Michele L. Mekel
Kiss and Tell: Making the Case for the Tortious Transmission of Herpes and Human Papillomavirus, Michele L. Mekel
Cybercoverage for Cyber-Risks: An Overview of Insurers' Responses to the Perils of E-Commerce, Michele L. Mekel and Robert H. Jerry II
Intellectual Property: Legal Aspects, Peter Menell
Intellectual Property; Property, Peter Menell
Institutions for Intellectual Property Property Exchange: The Case of Patent Pools, Robert P. Merges
Intellectual property in the new technological age : 2001 case and statutory supplement, Robert P. Merges, Peter Seth Menell, and Mark A. Lemley
A dinamikus és organikus fejlõdés gazdasága (Dynamic and Organic Development Economy), Milan Meszaros
Significance of the Sagnac Effect, Milan Meszaros
Blazing Trails in a New Kentucky Wilderness: Early Kentucky Case Law Digests, Kurt X. Metzmeier
The Ambiguous Significance of Corporate Personhood, David K. Millon
Antitrust Regulability and the New Digital Economy: a Proposal for Integrating ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Regulation, Gary Minda
Denial: Not Just a River in Egypt [Symposium on Duncan Kennedy's A Critique of Adjudication], Gary Minda
Contrato de distribución comercial: la cuestión indemnizatoria por ruptura intempestiva, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Grupo de sociedades: ¿el control externo es presupuesto para la extensión de quiebra?, Carlos Molina Sandoval
Proceso concursal sin acreedor (o acreedor sin proceso concursal), Carlos Molina Sandoval
La Administración del Estado y los bienes: entre lo público y lo privado, Santiago Montt
Perfiles del Contrato en la posmodernidad, Roberto Moreno Rodríguez Alcalá
Derecho Bancario, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez, Bonifacio Ríos Avalos, and José Raúl Torres Kirmser
Introduction and overview, Jane Campbell Moriarty
Wonders of the Invisible World: Prosecutorial Syndrome and Profile Evidence in the Salem Witchcraft Trials, Jane Campbell Moriarty
A Tale of Two Codes: Examining § 522(f) of the Bankruptcy Code, § 9-103 of the Uniform Commercial Code and the Proper Role of State Law in Bankruptcy, Juliet M. Moringiello
Priorities Under Revised Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Juliet M. Moringiello
Revised Article 9, Liens From the Fringe, and Why Sometimes Signatures Don’t Matter, Juliet M. Moringiello
International Law and Allied Occupation in Europe, Nuremberg Trials – History and the Present Day, P. Sean MORRIS
A Preacher's Teacher: Lessons on Ministry from One Who Proclaims the Word, Craig B. Mousin
State Constitutions and the Autonomy of Religious Institutions, Craig B. Mousin
The Preacher's Teacher: Lessons in Ministry from One Who Proclaims the Word, Craig B. Mousin
Christopher H. Pyle, "Extradition, Politics, and Human Rights,", John F. Murphy
Review of "Extradition, Politics and Human Rights," by Christopher H. Pyle, American Journal of International Law, John F. Murphy
E-Commerce in Latin America: Business and Legal Challenges for Developing Enterprise, Luz Estella Nagle-Ortiz
The GFP (Green) Bunny: Reflections on the Intersection of Art, Science and the First Amendment, Sheldon Nahmod
James Madison and the Constitution's “Convention for Proposing Amendments", Robert G. Natelson
Make the Student the Professor, Katharine F. Nelson
Att ”stoppa munnen till på bespottare”. Den akademiska undervisningen i svensk statsrätt under frihetstiden, Per Nilsén
Der Staatsrechtunterricht an den schwedischen Universitäten 1723–1772, Per Nilsén
Formalism vs. Empiricism. Some Reflections on the Dublin Convention on the Occasion of Recent European Case Law, Gregor Noll
Protecting the Dignity and Human Rights of Returnees, Gregor Noll
Three Conceptions of the Integration Principle in International Environmental Law, André Nollkaemper
Equal Treatment – a Normative Challenge, Ann Numhauser-Henning
Flexible Qualification – a Key to Labour Law?, Ann Numhauser-Henning
On Equal Treatment, Positive Action and the Significance of a Person's Sex, Ann Numhauser-Henning
Care and Maintenance of the Successful Career: How Experienced Law Librarians Make Their Work Rewarding, Sharon Hamby O'Connor
Copyright in broadcasts: Japan strays, Megumi Ogawa
Copyright in Broadcasts: Japan Strays, Megumi Ogawa
Japanese media law update: the new copyright management business law, Megumi Ogawa
The New Copyright Management Business Law, Megumi Ogawa
The Possibility of Copyright in Broadcasts in Japan, Megumi Ogawa
The possibility of copyright in broadcasts in Japan, Megumi Ogawa
Current Issues Under The Workmen's Compensation Law In Nigeria, OVUNDA V. C. OKENE PhD
A Round Peg in a Square Hole: Federal Forfeiture of State Professional Licenses, Wesley M. Oliver
Cross-Tested Defined Contribution Plans: A Response to Professor Zelinsky, Peter Orszag and Norman Stein
TRIPS and Domestic Control: Implications for Developing Countries, Janewa Osei Tutu
Self-Incrimination and Acceptance of Responsibility in Prison Sex Offender Treatment Programs, Stefan Padfield
The Treaty of Waitangi in Legislation, Matthew S. R. Palmer
Conference on The Rule of Law as a Real Estate Market Stimulator (Speaker), Joyce Palomar
Sources of Law and the Institutional Design of Lawmaking, Francesco Parisi
The Asymmetric Coase Theorem: Dual Remedies for Unified Property, Francesco Parisi
The Formation of Customary Law, Francesco Parisi
The Genesis of Liability in Ancient Law, Francesco Parisi
Derbyshire County Council, Education Department Project Work in Ironville and Codnor Park. An evaluation study of a project conducted by the Education Social Welfare Service into non-attendance and home-school relations., Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
“Discrimination in the Workplace and the Experience of Ethnic Minorities”, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Home-School Agreements, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
No, Minister, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Social Inclusion and Career Opportunities, Marie ParkerJenkins Professor
Building Competitive Markets in Peru: The Case for INDECOPI, Carlos A. Patrón
¿Mentiras Verdaderas? Reflexiones en Torno a la Regulación del Derecho Contractual, Carlos A. Patrón
Un Acercamiento Preliminar a la Función Económica de la Protección al Consumidor, Carlos A. Patrón
Reforma Hacendaria, Luis Pazos de la Torre
Escaping the Common Law's Shadow: Standing in the Light of Laidlaw, Robert Percival
El Contrato de Transporte Aéreo, Víctor Pérez Vargas
La prescripción de la acción de anulabilidad por reticencia, o dolo omisivo, como vicio del consentimiento contractual, Víctor Pérez Vargas
Analysis of U.S. Supreme Court Employment Law Decisions, Henry H. Perritt
Civil Rights in the Workplace, Henry H. Perritt
Law and the Information Superhighway, Henry H. Perritt
Stabilizing Kosovo: Enterprise Formation and Financial Markets, Henry H. Perritt
Taking Legal Communications Seriously, Henry H. Perritt