The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2001
Bare Undertakings in Directors' Disqualification Proceedings, Adrian J. Walters
Directors' Disqualification After the Insolvency Act 2000, 2001, Adrian J. Walters
Re Floor Fourteen Ltd. in the Court of Appeal, Adrian J. Walters
Wrongful Trading: Two Recent Cases, Adrian J. Walters
Paying the Price of Process: Judicial Regulation of Consumer Arbitration Agreements, Stephen Ware
The Effects of Gilmer: Empirical and Other Approaches to the Study of Employment Arbitration, Stephen Ware
Grice on Reasons and Rationality (introduction), Richard Warner
Forum Allocation in Toxic Tort Cases: Lessons from the Tobacco Litigation and Other Recent Developments, Mark C. Weber
Taking Subrogation Seriously: The Blue Cross-Blue Shield Tobacco Litigation Reconsidered, Mark C. Weber
The Least Restrictive Environment Obligation as an Entitlement to Educational Services: A Commentary, Mark C. Weber
Appellant's Brief (with co-counsel and students), Burton v. Fairman, 2001 U.S. App. Lexis 18629 (9th Cir.) (2001), Charles D. Weisselberg
Appellant's Reply Brief (with co-counsel and students), Burton v. Fairman, 2001 U.S. App. Lexis 18629 (9th Cir.) (2001), Charles D. Weisselberg
Appellant's Supplemental Brief (with co-counsel and students), Burton v. Fairman, 2001 U.S. App. Lexis 18629 (9th Cir.) (2001), Charles D. Weisselberg
Appellant's Supplemental Reply Brief (with co-counsel and students), Burton v. Fairman, 2001 U.S. App. Lexis 18629 (9th Cir.) (2001), Charles D. Weisselberg
Brief of Law Professors as Amici Curiae (with co-counsel and students), Ma v. Reno (consolidated with Zadyvdas v. Davis), 533 U.S. 678 (2001), Charles D. Weisselberg
A Pragmatic Approach to Improving Tort Law, Catharine P. Wells
The Bitter Pill of Empiricism: Health Maintenance Organizations, Informed Consent, and the Reasonable Psychotherapist Standard of Care, Ellen Wertheimer
Foreword [International Tax Policy in the New Millennium], Joan G. Wexler
Damages for Breach of Contract: Should the Government Get Special Treatment?, Abraham L. Wickelgren
CAFOs as Neighbors: An Analysis of Kentucky Nuisance Law and Agricultural Operations, Serena M. Williams
Diversity Issues in Gilbert, Arizona: Effectiveness of Human Relations Commission for Resolving Human Rights Violations, Penny L. Willrich and Pamela M. Smith
Imcremental Commitment and Reciprocity in a Real Time Public Goods Game, Bart J. Wilson, Robert Kurzban, Keving McCabe, and Vernon L. Smith
Imcremental Commitment and Reciprocity in a Real Time Public Goods Game, Bart J. Wilson, Robert Kurzban, Keving McCabe, and Vernon L. Smith
Turning Off the Lights, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
Turning Off the Lights, Bart J. Wilson, Stephen J. Rassenti, and Vernon L. Smith
Review of Administrative and Expert Monitoring of International Treaties, edited by Paul C. Szasz, David A. Wirth
The Contract Formation Sections of the Proposed Revisions to UCC Article 2, John D. Wladis
Sales, John D. Wladis, Larry T. Garvin, Martin A. Kotler, and Robyn L. Meadows
Sales, John D. Wladis, Larry T. Garvin, Martin A. Kotler, and Robyn L. Meadows
Sales, John D. Wladis, Larry T. Garvin, Martin A. Kotler, and Robyn L. Meadows
Uniform Commercial Code Survey, Sales, John D. Wladis, Larry T. Garvin, Martin A. Kotler, and Robyn L. Meadows
Federalization of Local Criminal Justice Procedure: A Study of Conflicts in Values and Process, Kam C. Wong
Federalization of Local Criminal Justice Procedure: A Study of Conflicts in Values and Process, Kam C. Wong
Origin of Communist Policing in The People's Republic of China, Kam C. Wong
Origin of Communist Policing in The People's Republic of China, Kam C. Wong
Princes, Merchants and Citizens: the Politics of Voluntary Environmental Management Standards, Stepan Wood
Causation in the Law, Richard W. Wright
The Principles of Justice, Richard W. Wright
SMEs and the Global Economy, Richard W. Wright and Hamid Etemad
A Personal Injury Law Perspective on Copyright in an Internet Age, Alfred C. Yen
A Preliminary Economic Analysis of Napster: Internet Technology, Copyright Liability, and the Possibility of Coasean Bargaining, Alfred C. Yen
When Conflicts Become Crimes: Professionals Representing Parties in Bankruptcy, Mark D. Yochum
Bush v. Gore: In Defense of the Court's Legitimacy, John C. Yoo
Federalism and Judicial Review, John C. Yoo
Laws as Treaties? The Constitutionality of the Congressional-Executive AGreement, John C. Yoo
Foreign Affairs Federalism and the Separation of Powers, John C. Yoo
The Puzzling Persistence of Process-Based Federalism Theories, John C. Yoo
In the Beginning Was the Word: Paradigms of Language and Normativity in Law, Philosophy, and Theology, Jonathan Yovel
Invisible Precedents: On the Many Lives of Legal Stories Through Law and Popular Culture, Jonathan Yovel
End-of-Life and the Good Society, Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler and Sylviane Colombo
Continuity and Change in the American Gun Debate, Franklin Zimring
Imprisonment Rates and the New Politics of Criminal Punishment, Franklin E. Zimring
Punishment and Democracy: Three Strikes and You're Out in California, Franklin E. Zimring, Gordon Hawkins, and Sam Kamin
Documents from 2000
Banking Law Manual: Federal Regulation of Financial Holding Companies, Banks, and Thrifts
Law and Religion: A Critical Anthology
Pirates of the Information Infrastructure: Blackstonian Copyright and the First Amendment
Prerrogativas da Advocacia perante o SUPREMO TRIBUNAL FEDERAL
Technology Shifts and the Law: Year 2000 Readiness for Banks and Thrifts
Matevosyan NR. Informed consent in maternal-infant health.
Matevosyan NR. Informed consent in maternal-infant health.
Ruth bader Ginsburg, Kathryn Abrams
Confessions of a law dean, Roger I. Abrams
The Money Pitch: Baseball Free Agency and Salary Arbitration, Roger I. Abrams
Importan a los juristas las consecuencias de las normas? Un comentario sobre el análisis económico del derecho, Hugo A. Acciarri
Los Criterios de Eficiencia como Fundamento para la Reforma del Derecho Privado en Latinoamérica, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri
El Análisis Económico del Derecho de Daños. Responsabilidad Civil y Eficiencia Económica, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri and Andrea Castellano
Riesgos y Accidentes de Trabajo: El Caso Argentino, Algunas Reflexiones Desde la Perspectiva del Análisis Económico del Derecho, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Andrea Castelleno, and Andrea Barbero
Evolución del concepto de matrimonio en el derecho mexicano (1821-1917), Jorge Adame Goddard
A short essay on the baring of breasts, Libby Adler
A Critical Approach to the Kuwaiti Law of Judicial Arbitration No. 11 of 1995: With Reference to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, Mashael Alhajeri
The Use of Guarantee Bonds in Public Works Contracts: Legal Framework in Kuwait, Mashael Alhajeri
المهندس الاستشاري وفقا لقواعد عقد الفيديك لمقاولات أعمال الهندسة المدنية: مركزه القانوني و مسئوليته المدنية - عرض ملخص لرسالة ماجستير, Mashael Alhajeri
Variación de la titularidad de los créditos concúrsales, Sonia Malena Alva Rodríguez
Interpretation of Consent Decrees and Microsoft v. United States I: Making Law in the Shadow of Negotiation, Lloyd C. Anderson
Voices from a Southern Prison, Lloyd C. Anderson
Royalty Valuation: Calculating Freight in a Marketable-Product Jurisdiction, Owen L. Anderson
Banning the Clone, Lori B. Andrews
Book Review (reviewing R. Chadwick et al. eds., The Ethics of Genetic Screening), Lori B. Andrews
Courts and Wrongful Birth: Can Disability Itself be Viewed as a Legal Wrong? (with M. Hibbert), Lori B. Andrews
Money Is Putting People at Risk in Biomedical Research, Lori B. Andrews
Regulating Reproductive Technologies (with N. Elster), Lori B. Andrews
Il Project Management nelle Biblioteche, Filippa M. Anzalone
KeyCite Research Guide, Filippa M. Anzalone
Project Management: A Technique for Coping with Change, Filippa M. Anzalone
Agency Adjudication, the Importance of Facts and the Limitations of Labels, William Araiza
Alden and the Web of Environmental Law, William Araiza
Constitutional Law : Cases, History and Dialogues, William Araiza and Donald E. Lively
Radiografía del patentamiento del genoma humano, Emilio José Archila Peñalosa
Un “Everfit” para la competitividad, Emilio José Archila Peñalosa
Malexandertalet: ett tal - två situationer, Matilda Arvidsson
The Effectiveness of International Legislative Responses to the Helms-Burton Act, Bernadette Atuahene
Public Finance, Alan J. Auerbach
Tax Competition: What (If Anything) To Do About It?, Hugh J. Ault
Transcript from the Symposium: 'Globalization and the Taxation of Foreign Investment', Hugh J. Ault
Precise, highly female-biased sex ratios in a social spider, Leticia Avilés, John E. McCormack, Asher Cutter, and Todd Bukowski