About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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ExpressO is a web-based manuscript delivery tool servicing more than 400 law reviews. All papers uploaded via ExpressO are eligible for inclusion in the bepress Legal Repository at no extra charge.

Documents from 2000


Black Athletes at the Millenium, Keith Harrison

Another Salvo Across the Bow: Migration Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000, Susan Harris Rimmer

What's Wrong with Temporary Protection Visas, Susan Harris Rimmer


From Imprisonment to Discharge: Setting an Agenda for Reforms in Debtor – Creditor Law (In hebrew), Ron Harris


The Law as Reflecting and Transforming in the Second Decade (In hebrew), Ron Harris

Security Interests in Personal Property: Cases, Problems and Materials (3d ed. ) (with J. Honnold & C. Mooney, Jr.), Steven L. Harris


Contest and Consent: A Legal History of Marital Rape, Jill Elaine Hasday


On Mapping the Conceptual Battlefield of Private International Law, Nikitas E. Hatzimihail


Rights and Obligations of Third Parties, Aristides N. Hatzis


Re-Cognizing ‘Race’: An Essay In Defense of Race-Consciousness, Robert L. Hayman


Thinking Critically About Equality: Government Can Make Us Equal, Robert L. Hayman and Nancy Levit


Thinking Critically About Equality: Government Can Make Us Equal, Robert L. Hayman and Nancy Levit

Book Review (reviewing T.E. Yarbrough, The Rehnquist Court and the Constitution), William Hellerstein


Filling in Some Pieces: The Supreme Court's Criminal Law Decisions in the 1998-1999 Term [Annual Issue on New York State Constitutional Law: Trends and Developments], William E. Hellerstein


Secrecy and the Criminal Justice System [The David G. Trager Public Policy Symposium: Behind Closed Doors: Secret Justice in America], William E. Hellerstein


The Government Attorney’s Conflicting Obligations, Anna P. Hemingway

Hijacked From Both Sides -- Why Religious Extremists and Religious Bigots Share an Interest in Preventing Academic Discourse on Criminal Jurisprudence Based on the First Principles of Christianity, Stephen E. Henderson

Women and the Promise of Equal Citizenship, Jennifer S. Hendricks

Prison Inmates and the Free Exercise of Religion, Susan Herman


Brief Amicus Curiae of the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Texas, the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and the National Police Accountability Project of the National Lawyers Guild, in support of Petitioners (Atwater vs. City of Lago Vista), Susan N. Herman

Double Jeopardy (Update 2), Susan N. Herman


Measuring Culpability by Measuring Drugs?: Three Reasons to Re-evaluate the Rockefeller Drug Laws, Susan N. Herman

Speedy Trial (Update 2), Susan N. Herman

Averting an International Financial Crisis in Brazil, Ernesto A. Hernandez-Lopez

A Continental Rule Against Hearsay, Frank R. Herrmann

Roman and Canonical Roots of Hearsay Doctrine, Frank R. Herrmann


Natural Rights and the Second Amendment, Steven J. Heyman

The Good Samaritan, Steven J. Heyman


Lawyer Communications on the Internet: Beginning the Millennium with Disparate Standards, Louise L. Hill


The Professional Responsibility of Lawyers, Louise L. Hill


NEPA, Ecosystem Management and Environmental Accounting, David R. Hodas


Standing and Climate Change: Can Anyone Complain About the Weather?, David R. Hodas

Crossing Border Street: A Civil Rights Memoir, Peter J. Honigsberg

Race Does Matter: An Examination of Race Discrimination Lawsuits and Possible Consequences for Affirmative Action Programs, Sydney Howe-Barksdale

Parenthood in the United States, Ruth-Arlene W. Howe


Escaping the Expression-Equality Conundrum: Toward Anti-Orthodoxy and Inclusion, Nan D. Hunter


Expressive Identity: Recuperating Dissent for Equality, Nan D. Hunter


Reclaiming the Labor Movement Through Union Dues? A Postmodern Perspective in the Mirror of Public Choice Theory. , Harry G. Hutchison

Review Essay: The Semiotics of Labor Law, Trade Unions and Work in East Asia: International “Labor Standards” in the Mirror of Culture?, Harry G. Hutchison

The Negotiation of Executive Agreements for Environmental Remediation: Is the Interest-Based Method a Workable Model, Darla W. Jackson


Applying Fiduciary Responsibilities in the Managed Care Context, Peter D. Jacobson and Michael T. Cahill


Medical Problems and Bankruptcy Filings, Melissa B. Jacoby, Teresa A. Sullivan, and Elizabeth Warren


A brief history of critique in Australian legal education, Nickolas J. James

Online contracts, electronic signatures and the law, Nickolas J. James

The Automatic Stay, Edward J. Janger


The Locus of Lawmaking: Uniform State Law, Federal Law, and Bankruptcy Reform, Edward J. Janger


The Public Choice of Choice of Law in Software Transactions: Jurisdictional Competition and the Dim Prospects for Uniformity [Symposium: Software as a Commodity: International Licensing of Intellectual Property], Edward J. Janger


Purging the Cruel and Unusual: The Autonomous Excessive Fines Clause and Desert-Based Constitutional Limits on Forfeiture After United States v. Bajakajian, Barry L. Johnson


The Role of the United States Sentencing Commission in the Reform of Sentencing Procedures, Barry L. Johnson

Over the Counter Derivatives Documentation: A Practical Guide for Executives, Christian A. Johnson

The Tax Law Clinic: Loyola Chicago's Decade of Experience, Christian A. Johnson and Mary Grossman

The Feminine Origins of Justice and Law, George W. Johnson III

The Sun Sets on U.S. Antidumping Orders, Katherine M. Jones

Copyright and Suppression of Religious Dissent, Beryl R. Jones-Woodin


Stalking: Cultural, Clinical, and Legal Considerations, Carol E. Jordan, Karen Quinn, Bradley O. Jordan, and Celia R. Daileader

Envirocare v. NRC Increases Agency Discretion to Deny Administrative Intervention: Right Result--Wrong Reason, William S. Jordan


Ossification Revisited: Does Arbitrary and Capricious Review Significantly Interfere with Agency Ability to Achieve Regulatory Goals Through Informal Rulemaking?, William S. Jordan


Judicial Review, William S. Jordan, Jim Rossi, and Mark Seidenfeld


Die Zulässigkeit von Placebo--versuchen and Country Report: USA, Timothy S. Jost


Legal and Regulatory Considerations in Physician Performance Enhancement Programs, Timothy S. Jost


Health Law Treatise, Timothy S. Jost, Barry Furrow, Thomas Greaney, Sandra Johnson, and Robert Schwartz


Health Law, Timothy S. Jost, Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, and Robert L. Schwartz

Two Cheers for the Department of Justice's Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement, Donald P. Judges

Ett välsignat tillstånd? Om diskriminering av gravida arbetssökande, Jenny Julén assistant professor

A Blessing or a Ban? About the discrimination of Pregnant Job-seekers, Jenny Julén Votinius assistant professor

Labour Law Aspects on the Reconciliation of Working life and Family Life, Jenny Julén Votinius assistant professor


Expectation, Kirk W. Junker


Shuttling among futures in the symbolic alchemy of the Mysterium coniunctionis, Kirk W. Junker


Stock Markets and the Globalization of Retirement Savings: Implications of Privatization of Government Pensions for Securities Regulators, Roberta S. Karmel


Will Convergence of Financial Disclosure Standards Change SEC Regulation of Foreign Issuers?, Roberta S. Karmel


Coming to Praise, Not to Bury, the New ABA Standards of Practice for Lawyers Who Represent Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases, 14 GEORGETOWN JOURNAL OF LEGAL ETHICS 103 (2000), David R. Katner


It's a Wonderful Life Insurance Policy: Determining the Correct Theory to Tax the Employee in Employer-Pay-All Equity Split-Dollar Life Insurance Arrangements, I Jay Katz


Multichannel Digital Signal Generation Method And Apparatus, Ron D. Katznelson


Injection Locked Oscillator Automatic Frequency Centering Method And Apparatus, Ron D. Katznelson and Brani A. Petrovic


Dual Systems of Adoption in the United States, Sanford N. Katz


Individual Rights and Family Relationships, Sanford N. Katz

Visiting Fellow, Sanford N. Katz


Cross Currents : Family Law and Policy in the United States and England, Sanford N. Katz, John Eekelaar, and Mavis Maclean

Appropriation of Evil: Cooperation‟s Mirror Image, M. Cathleen Kaveny


Ethics/Civil Law and the New Millennium, M. Cathleen Kaveny


A Lawyer’s Call to Integrity: A Response, Mary Kate Kearney


The ADA, Respiratory Disabilities and Smoking: Can Smokers at Burger King Really Have It Their Way?, Mary Kate Kearney


Distributive and Corrective Justice in the Tort Law of Accidents, Gregory C. Keating

National Self-Determination in Historical Perspective: The Legacy of the French Revolution for Today's Debates, Chimene I. Keitner


Once More unto the Breach: Reconciling Chevron Analysis and De Novo Judicial Review after United States v. Haggar Apparel Company, Claire R. Kelly and Patrick C. Reed


The Twilight of Customary International Law, James Patrick Kelly

Agricultural Finance: Comparing the Current and Revised Article 9, Drew L. Kershen


Article 7: Documents of Title - 1999 Developments, Drew L. Kershen


The Concept of Natural: Implications for Biotechnology Regulation, Drew L. Kershen


The Risks of Going Non-GMO, Drew L. Kershen

Assessing the Impact of the Biosafety Protocol Upon American Growers, Drew L. Kershen, Thomas P. Redick, and William K. Crispin

Law on the Internet: AustLII Conference on Computerisation of Law via the Internet 1999, Patrick Keyzer

Pfeiffer, Lange, the common law of the Constitution and the Constitutional right to natural justice, Patrick Keyzer


The Americanness of the Australian Constitution: The influence of American Constitutional Jurisprudence on Australian Constitutional Jurisprudence: 1988 to 1994, Patrick Keyzer


The Northeast Asian Seas: The Regional Legal Instruments of Cooperation for Marine Environment and Sustainable Development, Young K. Kim

My Ode to Nature: A Poem, Matthew Wilburn King

Book Review, Constitutional Debates on Freedom of Religion: A Documentary History (John J. Patrick & Gerald Long eds., 1999), Susan A. King

State Constitutional Law Bibliography: 1989-1999, Susan A. King


Homosexuality as Contagion: From The Well of Loneliness to the Boy Scouts, Nancy J. Knauer

Danmark tøver med at underskrive ny tillægsprotokol til den Europæiske Menneskeretskonven¬tion om forbud mod diskrimination, Ida Elisabeth Koch