About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2004

Mesa 5, Jorge Adame Goddard


Rights at United States Borders, Jon Adams


The Punitive Award As A Sanction In Contract, Dr. Yehuda Adar


Конституційно-правове забезпечення виборчих технологій в Україні, Maryana V. Afanasyeva


Bandipora Redux: A Tale From Two Insurgencies, Ashok Agrwaal

Putting the S Back in Corporate Social Responsibility: a Multi-Level Theory of Social Change in Organizations, Ruth V. Aguilera, Cynthia A. Williams, Deborah Rupp, and Jyoti Ganapathi


Ancillary Joint Ventures and the Unanswered Questions after Revenue Ruling 2004-51, Gabriel O. Aitsebaomo


Limites ao principio da precaução, Aguinaldo Alemar


Limites ao princípio da precaução, Aguinaldo Alemar

Autorizar lo que no Está prohibido: una crítica a la regulación de los acuerdos verticales, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real


La prohibición de los acuerdos restrictivos de la competencia: Una concepción privatística del derecho antimonopolio, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real


Valoración de una tesis sobre el régimen de las Cajas de Ahorro, Jesús Alfaro Águila-Real

Legal Issues Created by Responses to 9/11, Richard Allan


O Conceito Brasileiro de Valores Mobiliários em Comparação com o Conceito Norte-Americano de Securities, Jefferson Alvares


Divisão de Assistência Judiciária da Faculdade de Direito da UFMG: Ações para Mais Cidadania, Rafael de Oliveira Alves, Danilo Castro, Délia Carvalho, Edílson Lima, and Júlio Zini

Juez en el Concurso Iberoamericano de Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Público, Francisco Suárez S.J, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal


Ecosystem Management and the Role of Water Resources, Adell L. Amos


Resurrecting the Press Clause, David A. Anderson

Is the Wheel Balanced? A Study of Bias on Zoning Boards, Jerry L. Anderson


"Is the Wheel Unbalanced?: A Study of Bias on Zoning Boards", Jerry L. Anderson


Law School Enters the Matrix: Teaching Critical Legal Studies, Jerry L. Anderson


"Smoke gets in your mind": the legal framework for the crime of arson, John L. Anderson


Direct Shipment of Wine, The Dormant Commerce Clause and the Twenty-first Amendment: A Call for Legislative Reform, Lloyd C. Anderson

3D Seismic and Geophysical "Trespass", Owen L. Anderson


Seismic Technology and Law: Partners or Adversaries, Owen L. Anderson and John D. Pigott


Exploratory Unitization Under the 2004 Model Oil and Gas Convention Act, Owen L. Anderson and Ernest E. Smith

Constructing Ethical Guidelines for Biohistory (with N. Buenger et al.), Lori B. Andrews

Havasupai Tribe Sues Genetic Researchers, Lori B. Andrews

Legislators as Lobbyists: Proposed State Regulation of Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Therapeutic Cloning and Reproductive Cloning, Lori B. Andrews

Mom, Dad, Clone: Implications for Reproductive Privacy, Lori B. Andrews

The Body as Property in the Biotech Era, Lori B. Andrews


Some Antitrust Foundations of Payment Card Associations, Koki Arai

Amicus Brief in Norton v. Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, William Araiza


Court, Congress and Equal Protection: What Brown Teaches Us about the Section 5 Power, William Araiza


In Praise of a Skeletal APA: Judicial Discretion, Remedies for Agency Inaction and APA Amendment, William Araiza


The Section 5 Power after Tennessee v. Lane, William Araiza

Notas sobre antimonopolios, Emilio José Archila Peñalosa

Régimen de la competencia en materia de servicios públicos , Emilio José Archila Peñalosa


Special Needs & Special Deference: Suspicionless Civil Searches In The Modern Regulatory State, Fabio Arcila, Jr.


Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases, Sixth Edition, Philip Areeda, Louis Kaplow, and Aaron S. Edlin

Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases, Sixth Edition, Philip Areeda, Louis Kaplow, and Aaron S. Edlin


A Woman for All Seasons: A Tribute to Nancy I. Kenderdine, Dennis W. Arrow

In Memoriam: Silas Robert Lyman, Dennis W. Arrow


In Memoriam: Silas Robert Lyman, Dennis W. Arrow


Collusion and price rigidity, Susan Athey, Kyle Bagwell, and Chris Sanchirico

Motions to Withdraw Guilty Pleas on Ineffective Assistance Grounds, Joel Atlas


Legal Title to Land as an Intervention Against Urban Poverty in Developing Nations, Bernadette Atuahene


No Way to Deal with Slums, Bernadette Atuahene

How Much Equity Does the Government Hold, Alan J. Auerbach

Review of Foundations of International Income Taxation, by Michael Graetz, Hugh J. Ault


A Paradox of Spontaneous Formation: The Evolution of Private Legal Systems, Amitai Aviram


Overcoming Impediments to Information Sharing, Amitai Aviram and Avishalom Tor


International Law as a Tool of Constitutional Interpretation in the Early Immigration Power Cases, Andrew B. Ayers


Ohio and the Drafting and Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment (Chapter 9), Richard L. Aynes

La protección internacional del patrimonio cultural subacuático, Mariano J. Aznar Gómez


Editors' Note to Inaugural Issue of the Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, Mashood A. Baderin, Shadi Mokhtari, Mahmood Monshipour, and Lynn Welchman

I limiti all'autonomia contrattuale nel pensiero economico e filosofico moderno, enrico baffi

PDF2I limiti all4 (1).pdf, enrico baffi


Has the Americans with Disabilities Act Reduced Employment for People with Disabilities?, Samuel R. Bagenstos


Justice Ginsburg and the Judicial Role in Expanding “We the People”: The Disability Rights Cases, Samuel R. Bagenstos


The Future of Disability Law, Samuel R. Bagenstos


The Supreme Court, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Rational Discrimination, Samuel R. Bagenstos


Bargaining or Biology? The History and Future of Paternity Law and Parental Status, Katharine K. Baker


The Economics of Limited Liability: An Empirical Study of New York Law Firms, Scott Baker and Kimberly D. Krawiec


Star Power: Top law professors are a hot commodity and schools are scrambling to keep them, Tresa Baldas


Parallel Imports in India, Sonia Baldia


Partnerships with Monarchs: Univeiling and Re-examining the Pattern of "Third World" Economic Development in the Petroleum and Energy Sector, Diane M. Bales

Challenging Mandatory Deportation with International Law: Using the Inter-American Rights Regime to Chip Away at the Plenary Power Doctrine, David Baluarte


Tax, Corporate Governance, and Norms, Steven Bank


The Dividend Divide in Anglo-American Corporate Taxation, Steven Bank


Enemies Foreign and Domestic: A Historical Look at the Use of Military Commissions by the United States and the Case for Using Them against American Citizens, James T. Barnett


Was the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Conditioned on Service in an Organized Militia?, Randy E. Barnett

Appointed to the Scientific Committee of the European Centre for Life Sciences, Health, and the Courts at the Collegio Ghislieri at the University of Pavia, Charles H. Baron

De Quinlan à Schiavo: le droit à la mort et le droit à la vie en droit américain, Charles H. Baron

Hastening Death: The Seven Deadly Sins of the Status Quo, Charles H. Baron


Life and Death Decision-Making: Judges v. Legislators as Sources of Law in Bioethics, Charles H. Baron

Normativity and Biomedicine in the United States of America, Charles H. Baron


Public Policy Considerations Warranting Denial of Reimbursement to ERISA Plans: It's Time to Recognize the Elephant in the Courtroom, Roger Baron

Enron and Andersen - What Went Wrong and Why Similar Audit Failures Could Happen Again, Matthew J. Barrett

Practicing What We Preach: A Call for Progressive Church Taxes, Matthew J. Barrett


Credit Where It Counts: The Community Reinvestment Act and Its Critics, Michael S. Barr


The Police Power and the Takings Clause, Benjamin Barros


Joe Public, Enrique Barros Bourie


Órden en el desorden, Enrique Barros Bourie


Pascua de esperanza, Enrique Barros Bourie


Potencia del candor, Enrique Barros Bourie


Un ángel caído, Enrique Barros Bourie


Un país perno, Enrique Barros Bourie


The Idea of Equality and Affirmative Actions, Paulo Barrozo

The Ancillary Agreements, Robert Bartlett


Copyrights and Creative Copying, Ann Bartow


Likelihood of Confusion, Ann Bartow


The Hegemony of the Copyright Treatise, Ann Bartow


Cybercrime, Subhajit Basu


E-Government and Developing Countries: An Overview, Subhajit Basu

Implementing E-Commerce Tax Policy, Subhajit Basu

To tax or not to tax? That is the question? Overview of Options in Consumption Taxation of E-Commerce, Subhajit Basu


To tax or not to tax? That is the question? Overview of Options in Consumption Taxation of E-Commerce, Subhajit Basu


India’s Information Technology Act hinders the development of E-commerce, Subhajit Basu and Richard Jones


Indian Information and Technology Act,, 2000, Subhajit Basu and Richard P. Jones