The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2005
The Domain of Constitutional Delegations Under the Orders, Resolutions and Votes Clause: A Reply to Professor Gary S. Lawson, Seth Barrett Tillman
Confidentiality of Adoption Records in Texas: A Good Case for Defining Good Cause, Daniel R. Tilly
The Accuracy and Manipulability of Lost Profits Damages Calculations: Should the Trier of Fact be "Reasonably Certain"?, Jonathan T. Tomlin and David Merrell
Indentured Servitude in Perspective: European Migration to the North American Mainland and the Composition of the Early American Labor Force, 1600-1775, Christopher Tomlins
Introduction: Characterizing the Supreme Court, Christopher Tomlins
Labor Movement: Labor Organizations and Strikes, 1754-1829, Christopher Tomlins
Law’s Wilderness: The Discourse of English Colonizing, the Violence of Intrusion, and the Failures of American History, Christopher Tomlins
Le Champ Juridique et son Histoire: Récit, Justification et Explication. Réflexions a Partir du Cas Américain,, Christopher Tomlins
The United States Supreme Court: The Pursuit of Justice, Christopher Tomlins
Your Name in this Space: The Mysteries of Scholarly Publishing, Christopher Tomlins
50 questões sobre ÉTICA JURÍDICA E REGULAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL, Haradja L. Torrens
The WTO Constitution: Tertiary Rules for Intertwined Elephants, Joel P. Trachtman
Ubi Remedium, Ibi Ius at the WTO, Joel P. Trachtman
The Customary International Law Game, Joel P. Trachtman and George Norman
Some, but Which? Filling in the Theoretical Gaps in Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, Arthur Traldi
Building Universal Digital Libraries: An Agenda for Copyright Reform , Hannibal B. Travis
Recapturing the Transformative Potential of Employment Discrimination Law, Michelle A. Travis
Respondeat Superior: Never Send to Know for Whom the Bell Tolls: It Tolls for Thee, Paul R. Tremblay and J. Charles Mokriski
New Governance and Soft Law in Health Care Reform, Louise G. Trubek
Bankruptcy Abuse: An Empirical Study of Consumer Exemptions Cases, Bernard Trujillo
Patterns in a Complex System: An Empirical Study of Valuation in Business Bankruptcy Cases, Bernard Trujillo
Patterns in a Complex System: An Empirical Study of Valuation in Business Bankruptcy Cases, Bernard Trujillo
The Misery of Mitra: Considering Criminal Punishment for Computer Crimes, James T. Tsai
Sacred Visions of Law, Robert L. Tsai
Book Review: The Accidental Republic, Eric M Tucker
My Best Class: Saving the Astronauts, Lisa A. Tucker
Petitioner's Observations on Canada's Additional Information, Jeffrey C. Tuomala
Music at the Edge of Chaos: A Complex Systems Perspective on File Sharing, Deborah S. Tussey
Technology Matters: The Courts, Media Neutrality, and New Technologies, Deborah S. Tussey
Uncertainty and Informed Choice: Unmasking Daubert, Aaron D. Twerski and Margaret A. Berger
A Fictional Tale of Unintended Consequences : A Response to Professor Wertheimer, Aaron D. Twerski and James A. Henderson
Evolution vs. Religion, Amelia J. Uelmen
Don't Revive Failed Fairness Doctrine, Erik Ugland
The Fairness Doctrine Redux: Media Bias and the Rights of Broadcasters, Erik Ugland
Actually, There Is No Line ..., Erik Ugland and Karen Slattery
Are These Victims Worthy?, Erik Ugland and Karen Slattery
Digital Editing: It's Time To Tell All, Erik Ugland and Karen Slattery
The Ethics of Staging, Erik Ugland and Karen Slattery
Criminal Responsibility for Torture: An Indian Perspective (Part II), Saumya Uma
For Women, A Court of Last Appeal, Saumya Uma
International Criminal Court & India: Responses to Queries Raised by Parliamentarians, Saumya Uma
Muslim Women's Right to Maintenance in India, Saumya Uma
Report of the 1st National Consultation on International Criminal Court & India, Saumya Uma
Legal Uncertainty in Free and Open Source Software and the Political Response, Jennifer M. Urban
The Emerging System of International Investment Arbitration, Gus Van Harten
“El Derecho alimentario en la Unión Europea: la interpretación del Reglamento n. 178/2002 relativo a los principios y requisitos generales de la legislación alimentaria”, Luis González Vaqué
“El principio de precaución en el Derecho de la UE: la aplicación de un principio general basado en la incertidumbre”, Luis González Vaqué
El principio de precaución: incertidumbre científica, riesgos hipotéticos y decisión política, Luis González Vaqué
“El TJCE confirma su jurisprudencia favorable a las alegaciones relativas a la salud en el etiquetado de los productos alimenticios: la sentencia 'Dyna Svelte Café'”, Luis González Vaqué
“La Directiva 2005/29/CE relativa a las prácticas comerciales desleales en materia de protección de consumidores (entre el objetivo de una armonización total y el enfoque de plena armonización)”, Luis González Vaqué Mr.
“La directive 2005/29/CE relative aux pratiques commerciales déloyales: entre l'objectif d'une harmonisation totale et l'approche d'une harmonisation complète”, Luis González Vaqué
“La noción de 'consumidor' en el Derecho comunitario del Consumo”, Luis González Vaqué
"La sentencia 'Comisión/Consejo' de 13 de septiembre de 2005: la Comunidad es competente para exigir que los Estados miembros impongan sanciones penales”, Luis González Vaqué
“La Sentencia 'Comisión/Francia' de 26 de mayo de 2005: un paso más hacia un Mercado Único para los medicamentos”, Luis González Vaqué
"La sentencia 'Kellogg's e Inkosport Nederland': el TJCE precisa y confirma su jurisprudencia relativa a la libre circulación de los productos alimenticios”, Luis González Vaqué
“¿Un Mercado único para 450 millones de consumidores? - Las excepciones relativas a la libre circulación de mercancías en el Tratado de Adhesión”, Luis González Vaqué
White Investment in Black Bondage, Geiza Vargas-Vargas
The Status and Protection of Unlawful Combatants, René Värk
Unconventional and Well-Known Trade Marks, David Vaver
Analyze this: Using Taxonomies to Scaffold Students' Legal Thinking and Writing Skills, Christine Mary Venter
Loving Las Vegas, Robert R.M. Verchick
Same-Sex and the City, Robert R.M. Verchick
The Case Against Cost-Benefit Analysis, Robert R.M. Verchick
A Brief Essay on the Importance of Time in International Conventions on Intellectual Property Rights, Vincenzo Vinciguerra
Minorities, Cultural Rights and the Protection of Intangible Heritage, Ana Filipa Vrdoljak
Immigration: Mind Over Matter, Shoba S. Wadhia
Nya perspektiv på robusthet, Lena Wahlberg and Johannes Persson
Female Entrepreneurship and Business Consortiums: Prospective Solutions for Argentina's Economic Challenges, Christopher J. Walker
Quality and Individualization in Wraparound Team Planning, Janet S. Walker and Kathryn Schutte
Constitutional Rights and Responsibilities Overview, Hot Topics in Constitutional Law, E. Gregory Wallace
Debate on God and Government (with Erwin Chemerinsky), E. Gregory Wallace
Quoted on Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, E. Gregory Wallace
Trafficking in Humans: Now and in Herman Melville’s Benito Cereno, Marilyn R. Walter
Bankruptcy and Hybrid Claims, Adrian J. Walters
Directors' Disqualification and Bankruptcy Restrictions, Adrian J. Walters
Personal Insolvency Law After the Enterprise Act: An Appraisal, Adrian J. Walters
China's New Automobile Policy Fails to Comply with Its WTO Commitments, Jean Wang
Surveillance and the Self: Privacy, Identity, and Technology, Richard Warner
Surveillance and The Self: Privacy, Identity, And Technology, De Paul University Law Review, Richard Warner
Submission to House of Representatives Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into TPM Exceptions, Kimberlee G. Weatherall
Response to the Issues Paper: Fair Use and Other Copyright Exceptions in the Digital Age, Kimberlee G. Weatherall and Emily Hudson
An empirical investigation into patent enforcement in Australian courts, Kimberlee G. Weatherall and Paul H. Jensen
State Secrets and Executive Power, William G. Weaver and Robert M. Pallitto
Prisoners of War (Eritrea v. Ethiopia); Central Front (Eritrea v. Ethiopia) - Eritrea Ethiopia Claims Commission decisions on treatment of prisoners of war and attacks on civilians and civilian objects, Romesh Weeramantry and David D. Caron
The Revenge of Mullaney v. Wilbur: U.S. v. Booker and the Reassertion of Judicial Limits on Legislative Power to Define Crimes, Ian Weinstein
RFK, Day of Affirmation Speech and Human Rights in America, Stuart Weinstein
The Political Economy of Violence: Toward an Understanding of the Gender-Based Murders of Ciudad Juarez, Deborah M. Weissman
The Noisy Wisdom of Monks, Catharine P. Wells
Causation and Attenuation in the Slavery Reparations Debate, Kaimipono D. Wenger
The Biter Bit: Unknowable Dangers, The Third Restatement, and the Reinstatement of Liability Without Fault, Ellen Wertheimer
[We] Shall Not Look Upon His Like Again: The Career of Jerry Phillips, Ellen Wertheimer