The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2005
Evaluation of China’s Energy Strategy Options, Rachel E. Stern, Jonathan E. Sinton, Nathanial T. Aden, and Mark D. Levine
Temporal Dynamics of Disclosure: The Example of Residential Real Estate Conveyancing, Stephanie M. Stern
Book Review: Forensic Linguistics, Dru Stevenson
Book Review: Madam Secretary, Dru Stevenson
Prosecuting Raskolnikov: A Literary and Legal Look at “Consciousness of Guilt” Evidence, Dan E. Stigall
Subsidiarity, Federalism, and Federal Prosecution of Street Crime, John F. Stinneford
Adhering to the Old Line: Uncovering the History and Political Function of the Unrelated Business Income Tax, Ethan G. Stone
Gender Construction and the Limits of Liberal Equality, Gila Stopler
Gender Construction and the Limits of Liberal Equality, Gila Stopler
The Liberal Bind: The Conflict Between Women’s Rights and Patriarchal Religion in the Liberal State, Gila Stopler
Derechos Iniciales de Propiedad y el criterio de Kaldor Hicks: problemas para el Análisis Económico del Derecho, Eduardo Stordeur
Eficiencia y Teorías Deontológicas: una respuesta a Kaplow & Shavell, Eduardo Stordeur
Una lectura Hakekiana de Coase, Eduardo Stordeur and Juan Francisco Ramos Mejía
The Witnesses: War Crimes and the Promise of Justice in The Hague, Eric Stover
Social Norms, Self Control, and Privacy in the Online World, Katherine J. Strandburg
Adjudicative Approaches to Climate Change, Andrew L. Strauss
Creating a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, Andrew L. Strauss
Democratizing the United Nations, the Cardoso High-Level Panel and the Future of UN-Civil Society Relations–Strategies and Next Steps, Andrew L. Strauss
Global Separation of Powers, Andrew L. Strauss
Is International Law a Threat to Democracy?, Andrew L. Strauss
Taking Democracy Global: Assessing the Benefits and Challenges of a Global Parliamentary Assembly, Andrew L. Strauss
The Imperative of Peace in Times of Violence, Terror and Destruction: An International Law Perspective, Andrew L. Strauss
Buck Colbert Franklin Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland
Cohen’s Handbook of Federal Indian Law., Rennard J. Strickland
Osage Peyote Box, Justice Scalia and Religious Freedom, Rennard J. Strickland
Public History, National Myth and Vernacular Storytelling: Reflections on the Search for Self in the American Experience, Rennard J. Strickland
U.S. Capitol Historical Society, Jackson Lecture, Rennard J. Strickland
Evaluating the Risks of Increased Price Transparency, Maurice E. Stucke
Toxic Diversity: Race, Gender and Law Talk in America, Dan Subotnik
A New Diet Plan, Stephen D. Sugarman
Comparing Tobacco and Gun Litigation, Stephen D. Sugarman
Conflicts of Interest in the Roles of the University Professor, Stephen D. Sugarman
Let's Try Performance-Based Regulation to Attack Our Smoking and Obesity Problems, Stephen D. Sugarman
Making the Food and Beverage Industry Take Responsibility for Reducing Childhood Obesity: A Market-based Approach to Public Health, Stephen D. Sugarman
Order Firms to Reduce Rate, Stephen D. Sugarman
The Legal Sting of Pain and Suffering, Stephen D. Sugarman
The "Necessity" Defense and the Failure of Tort Theory: The Case Against Strict Liability for Damages Caused While Exercising Self-Help in an Emergency, Stephen D. Sugarman
Tort Reform Through Damages Law Reform, Stephen D. Sugarman
Tort Reform Through Damages Law Reform: An American Perspective, Stephen D. Sugarman
A path to Vindication of the Rule of Law: Administrative Court’s Generous Approach to Standing and Third Party Interventions, Ibrahim Sule
Necessity versus Legality: the United Kingdom’s 2001 Derogation Order and the European Convention on Human Rights, Ibrahim Sule
Substantive Legitimate Expectations: the journey so far, Ibrahim Sule
Is Tiger Woods’s Swing Really a Work of Art? Defining the Line Between the Right of Publicity and the First Amendment, Michael R. Suppappola
Succeeding in a Cross-Disciplinary, international, Student Design-Team Project: Auburn University/University of Plymouth Experience, Paul Swamidass, Bob Bulfin, David Grieve, Chetan Sankar, and Venu Vulasa
The Effect of Auburn University’s Business-Engineering-Technology Program on the Predisposition towards Entrepreneurship in Business and Engineering Graduates, Paul Swamidass and Daniel Butler
Notas em matéria de derivativos: opções, Rachel Sztajn
Manual de Direito Comercial , Rachel Sztajn and Vera Helena de Mello Franco
Direito e Economia, Rachel Sztajn and Décio Zylbersztajn
Reflections on Diversity, William M. Tabb
Remedies in a Nutshell, William M. Tabb, Elaine W. Shoben, and John F. O'Connell
Controlling Conflicts of Interest: A Tale of Two Industries, Ahmed E. Taha
The Implementation of the National Response Plan, in Hurricane Katrina, David Talbot, Jeffrey Goldberg, and Thomas Lyons Carr III
Extinguishing Security Interests: Secured Claims in Japanese Reorganization Law and Some Policy Implications to the U.S. Law, Wataru Tanaka
Compliance Theory and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Morse Tan
Compliance Theory and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Morse Tan
The North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Past Failures and Present Solutions, Morse Tan
Compliance Theory and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Morse Hyun-Myung Tan
The Jurisprudential Foundation of Law, Especially International Law: the Basis for True Progress & Reform, Morse Hyun-Myung Tan
Science, Judgment, and Controversy in Natural Resource Regulation, (with H. Doremus), A. Dan Tarlock
The Law of Later-Developing Riparian States: The Case of Afghanistan, (with J. McMurray), A. Dan Tarlock
The New Deal Roots of Modern Environmentalism , A. Dan Tarlock
The Story of Calvert Cliffs: A Court Construes the National Environmental Policy Act to Create a Powerful Cause of Action , A. Dan Tarlock
La "trasformazione" di società in impresa individuale tra riforma societaria e regimi fiscali, Thomas Tassani
Riforma dell’Irpef e modifiche al sistema tributario: osservazioni in merito alle principali novità fiscali introdotte dalla legge finanziaria 2005, Thomas Tassani and Fabrizio Bulgarelli
Breaking the Bank: Revisiting Central Bank of Denver after Enron and Sarbanes-Oxley, Celia Taylor
Forum non conveniens e Convenzione di Bruxelles: la Corte di Giustizia risolve un problema di compatibilità ed un conflitto tra sistemi giuridici di civil e common law, Francesco Tedioli
Irrilevanza della contumacia del convenuto in caso di conflitto fra Convenzione di Bruxelles sulla competenza giurisdizionale ed una convenzione speciale, Francesco Tedioli
Se il verbale di conciliazione giudiziale costituisca titolo esecutivo idoneo all'esecuzione forzata degli obblighi di fare non fare, Francesco Tedioli
Reforming the Appellate Process for Pennsylvania Capital Punishment, Paul R. Teichert
Ethical Issues in Settlement Negotiations, Barry R. Temkin
Statutes of Limitations in Securities Arbitration, Barry R. Temkin
Easing the Burden: Mediating Misdemeanor Criminal Complaints, Gabriel H. Teninbaum
Democracy's Paradox: Popular Rule as a Constitutional Limit on Foreign Policy Promoting Popular Rule, Harry F. Tepker Jr.
U.S. Legal Ethics: The Coming of Age of Global and Comparative Perspectives, Laurel S. Terry
Discretion and Criminal Law: The Good, the Bad, and the Mundane, George C. Thomas III
Time Travel, Hovercrafts, and the Framers: James Madison Sees the Future and Rewrites the Fourth Amendment, George C. Thomas III
Interrogating Guilty Suspects: Why Sipowicz Never Has to Admit He is Wrong, George C. Thomas III and Richard A. Leo
Bush v. Gore and the Distortion of Common Law Remedies, Tracy A. Thomas
Of Rainbows and Rivers: Lessons for Telecommunications Spectrum Policy from Transitions in Property Rights and Commons in Water Law, Dale B. Thompson
Electronic Resources from Acquisition to Access, Tracy Thompson
The Impossible Dreams and Modest Reality of Restorative Justice, Malcolm Thorburn
Approbation of Tillman's A Textualist Defense: Letter from Professor Forrest McDonald to Seth Barrett Tillman (Dec. 13, 2004), Seth Barrett Tillman
A Textualist Defense of Article I, Section 7, Clause 3: Why Hollingsworth v. Viriginia Was Rightly Decided, and Why INS v. Chadha Was Wrongly Reasoned, Seth Barrett Tillman
Betwixt Principle and Practice: Tara Ross's Defense of the Electoral College. Reviewing: Enlightened Democracy: The Case for the Electoral College, Seth Barrett Tillman
Burning Down the House (and Senate): A Presentment Requirement for Legislative Subpoenas Under the Orders, Resolutions, and Votes Clause -- a Comment on Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
E-mail correspondence: Professor J.R. Pole to Seth Barrett Tillman (July 2, 2004), Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Annual Report 2004/05 New South Wales Department of the Legislative Assembly acknowledging Seth Barrett Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from David Brian Robertson's The Constitution and America's Destiny citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from John R. Vile's The Constitutional Convention of 1787 citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Meese, Spalding, and Forte's The Heritage Guide to the Constitution citing Lawson-Tillman exchange on Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Peter M. Shane and Harold H. Bruff's Separation of Powers Law citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Rotunda & Nowak, Treatise on Constitutional Law (3d ed. Supp. 2005) citing Lawson-Tillman exchange on Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, Seth Barrett Tillman
Extract from Yvette Barksdale's Recent Articles of Interest in Administrative & Regulatory Law News citing the Lawson-Tillman exchange on Article I, Section 7, Clause 3, Seth Barrett Tillman
Links to Representative Internet Citations and Acknowledgments, Seth Barrett Tillman
Presentation: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Orders, Resolutions and Votes Clause that Professors Edward S. Corwin and Charles L. Black, Jr. failed to ask, Seth Barrett Tillman
Presentation: What James Madison could have learned from the Westminster Parliamentary Tradition, Seth Barrett Tillman