The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2005
Sexually Expressive Materials for Gay Men: Sex Discrimination or Subversive Potential?, Donn Short
“Spiritual Custody: Relational Rights and Constitutional Commitments”, Jeffrey Shulman
Legal Issues in Stem Cell Research, Marjorie M. Shultz
Old Wine and New Wineskins: Parentage Law and ARTs Reproduction, Marjorie M. Shultz
Predicting Lawyering Competence as a Means of Improving Diversity in Admissions Decision-making, Marjorie M. Shultz
Predicting Lawyering Competence for Purposes of Law School Admissio, Marjorie M. Shultz
Taking Account of ARTs in Determining Parenthood: A Troubling Dispute in California, Marjorie M. Shultz
Taking Account of ARTs in Determining Parenthood: A Troubling Dispute in California, Marjorie M. Shultz
The Problematic Law of Parenthood Where ARTs Are Used: A Troubling Dispute in California, Marjorie M. Shultz
Numerical Comparative Law - Do We Need Statistical Evidence in Law in Order to Reduce Complexity?, Mathias M. Siems
The Case Against Harmonisation of Shareholder Rights, Mathias M. Siems
The European Directive on Cross-Border Mergers: An International Model?, Mathias M. Siems
The Impact of the European Company (SE) on Legal Culture, Mathias M. Siems
What Does Not Work in Comparing Securities Laws: A Critique on La Porta et al.'s Methodology, Mathias M. Siems
Filmmaking in the Precinct House and the Genre of Documentary Film, Jessica M. Silbey
Internationalizing U.S. Legal Education: A Report on the Education of Transnational Lawyers, Carole Silver
Winners and Losers in the Globalization of Legal Services: Situating the Market for Foreign Lawyers, Carole Silver
Edgework and Insurance in Risk Societies: Some notes on Victorian Lawyers and Mountaineers, Jonathan S. Simon
REVERSAL OF FORTUNE: The Resurgence of Individual Risk Assessment in Criminal Justice, Jonathan Steven Simon
Photocopying of copyrighted works for educational purposes, Does it Constitute Fair Use, Pankaj Singh
Interlinking Of rivers In India , Pankaj Singh and Dharamveer Singh Chauhan
Tribal Rights And Forest Conservation Laws , Pankaj Singh and Dharamveer Singh Chauhan
Reining in Footnotes, Louis J. Sirico
American Constitutionalism and Dualist Democracy, George Skouras
State Legislation as a Fulcrum for Change: Wisconsin's Public Sector Labor Law, and the Revolution in Politics and Worker Rights, Joseph E. Slater
Aboriginal Rights and the Honour of the Crown, Brian Slattery
Constitutional Developments Regarding Aboriginal and Treaty Rights., Brian Slattery
Paper Empires: The Legal Dimensions of French and English Ventures in North America, Brian Slattery
Reconceptualizing Due Process in Criminal Justice: Contributions from Law and Social Science, Christopher Slobogin
Deferential Review of Tax Court Decisions of Law: Promoting Expertise, Uniformity, and Impartiality, Andre L. Smith
Establishing a Global Quarantine Against Weapons of Mass Destruction, Derek D. Smith
Community Prosecution: Can a Law School Prosecutors Clinic Adopt This Approach?, Lisa C. Smith
Behavioral Economics Reserach and the Foundations of Economics, Vernon L. Smith
Economics, Market Behavior and the Law, Vernon L. Smith
Hayek and Experimental Economics, Vernon L. Smith
Markets, Capital Markets and Globalization, Vernon L. Smith
When Punishment Fails: Research on Sanctions, Intentions and Non-Cooperation, Vernon L. Smith, Daniel Houser, Erte Xiao, and Kevin A. McCabe
The Law and Economics of Irrational Behavior: An Introduction, Vernon L. Smith and Francesco Parisi
Social Disruption and the Maya Civilization of Mesoemerica: A Study of Health and Economy of the Last Thousand Years, Vernon L. Smith, R. Story, and L. M. morfin
Diversity of Contract Law and the European Internal Market, Jan M. Smits
The Need for a European Contract Law: Empirical and Legal Perspectives, Jan M. Smits
Inhoud en werking van de overeenkomst naar Belgisch en Nederlands recht, Jan M. Smits and Sophie Stijns
Intercountry Adoption as Child Trafficking, David M. Smolin
The Two Faces of Intercountry Adoption: The Significance of the Indian Adoption Scandals, David M. Smolin
American System Requires Sunshine, Rodney A. Smolla
Anatomy of an Oral Argument, Rodney A. Smolla
First Amendment Law Handbook, Rodney A. Smolla
Life of Privilege, Rodney A. Smolla
Not So Free Speech, Rodney A. Smolla
Prosecuted, Not Persecuted: Why a Muslim Scholar Probably Crossed the First Amendment Line, Rodney A. Smolla
River City Should Honor Its Native Son, Undervalued Hero, Rodney A. Smolla
The Best Defense: Prosecutors are from Neptune, Defense Attorneys are from Pluto, Rodney A. Smolla
The Supreme Court and the Trusts: Antitrust and the Foundations of Modern American Business Regulation from Knight to Swift, Donald J. Smythe
Can Business Learn to Love the Environment? The Case for a U.S. Corporate Carbon Fund, Sophie E. Smyth
Analysis of Topological Persistence in Data Sets, David Snyder
The Child Client: Representing Children in Child Protective Proceedings, Merril Sobie
Language and Law: Definitions in Law, Lawrence M. Solan
Private Langauge, Public Laws: The Central Role of Legislative Intent in Statutory Interpretation, Lawrence M. Solan
The New Textualists’ New Text [Symposium: Statutory Interpretation], Lawrence M. Solan
Vagueness and Ambiguity in Legal Interpretation , Lawrence M. Solan
Speaking of Crime: The Language of Criminal Justice , Lawrence M. Solan and Peter Tiersma
La défense par la culture en droit américain, Sarah Song
Majority Norms, Multiculturalism, and Gender Equality, Sarah Song
On the Sources of Islamic Law and Practices, Ahmed E. SOUAIAIA
Comment on professor Gopal Sreenivasan’s A Hybrid Theory of Claim-Rights, Horacio Spector
The Future of Legal Science in Civil Law Jurisdictions, Horacio Spector
Domestic Torts, Robert G. Spector
Maintenance in Private International Law in the United States: Harmonization of Divergent Rules and the New Hague Maintenance Convention, Robert G. Spector
Marital Torts: A Survey of the Current Legal Landscape, Robert G. Spector
The Unconstitutionality of Oklahoma's Statute Denying Recognition to Adoptions by Same-Sex Couples from Other States, Robert G. Spector
The United States Proposals for Applicable Law Rules in the Mandatory Part of the New Maintenance Convention, Robert G. Spector
The United States Proposals for Applicable Law Rules in the Optional Part of the New Hague Maintenance Convention, Robert G. Spector
United States Policy on Enforcement of Maintenance in International Family Law Matters, Robert G. Spector
A Review of the Year in Family Law: "Same-Sex" Marriage Issue Dominates Headlines, Robert G. Spector and Linda D. Elrod
Legal Aid in the 1920s: Whither Law Reform, Mark Spiegel
Book Review: To Kill and Take Possession, Law, Morality, and Society in Biblical Stories, Andrew C. Spiropoulos
The Enumeration Clause, Andrew C. Spiropoulos
The Conscience of the Queen: Lady Macbeth, Queen Elizabeth, and the Transparent Female Body in Jacobean England, Carla Spivack
Uncanny Returns in "The Dead", Robert Spoo
Copyright, Fair use, Fair Dealing, and Scholarship, Robert E. Spoo
When ‘Welfare’ Becomes ‘Work Support’: Exempting Earned Income Tax Credit Payments in Bankruptcy, Jennifer E. Spreng
Human Rights Claims vs. the State: Is Sovereignty Really Eroding?, Chandra L. Sriram
Cleaning Up the Eighth Amendment Mess, Tom Stacy
The Religion-State Relationship and the Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Comparative Textual Analysis of the Constitutions of Predominantly Muslim Countries, Tad Stahnke and Robert C. Blitt
"Constructive Total Loss" -- an Illegal Alien in Tort Law, Graydon S. Staring
Reflections on the Admiralty Prospects of Mixed Policies, Graydon S. Staring
What’s in a Word? Can “Marriage” Mean Something It Never Meant Before?, Deanna M. Stathis
Technology for Justice Customers: Bridging the Digital Divide Facing Self-Represented Litigants, Ronald W. Staudt
Criterion Rubric for Class Participation, Alex Steel
Criterion Rubric for Online Participation, Alex Steel
Criterion Rubric for Research Essays, Alex Steel
Overenforcement, Alex Stein and Richard A. Bierschbach
Irregulars: The Appellate Rights of Persons Who Are Not Full-Fledged Parties, Joan E. Steinman
The Case for the Legislative Override, Nicholas Stephanopoulos
Disrobe Dot Com for the ACLU: Ashcroft v. ACLU, a Strict Scrutiny Review for the Child Online Protection Act, Roger W. Stepp
Policy guidelines for regions falling under the new regional competitiveness and employment objective for the 2007 - 2013 period, Alessandro Sterlacchini, Roberto Esposti, Nicola Matteucci, and Francesco Venturini