About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2004

Rationing Criminal Defense Entitlements: An Argument From Institutional Design, Darryl K. Brown

Panelist on Supreme Court role in political corruption cases, George D. Brown

Debate--Resolved: The 1978 Bankruptcy Code Has Been a Success, Ralph Brubaker and Kenneth N. Klee

Dei limiti alla tassazione di vincite di lotteria organizzate in uno Stato membro diverso da quello di residenza, Ferdinando Bruno

Of Money and Judicial Independence: Can Inherent Powers Protect State Courts in Tough Fiscal Times?, Michael Buenger

La Década de los Noventas: la experiencia peruana en Libre Competencia, Alfredo Bullard González

Tomo VII – Contratos en General, Alfredo Bullard González


Between "Merit Inquiry" and "Rigorous Analysis": Using Daubert to Navigate the Gray Areas of Federal Class Action Certification, Elizabeth C. Burch

Time for a Legislative Change: Florida's Stagnant Standard Governing Competency for Execution, Elizabeth C. Burch

Post-War Iraq: Prosecuting Saddam Hussein, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch


Rhetoric or Rights?: When Culture and Religion Bar Girls' Right to Education, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch


Unsettling Efficiency: When Non-Class Aggregation of Mass Torts Creates Second-Class Settlements, Elizabeth Chamblee Burch


Doublethinking Privacy under the Multi-State Antiterrorism Information Exchange, Thomas V. Burch


Georgia General Assembly Adopts Manifest Disregard as a Ground for Vacating Arbitration Awards: How Will Courts Treat the New Standard?, Thomas V. Burch


Necessity Never Made a Good Bargain: When Consumer Arbitration Agreements Prohibit Class Relief, Thomas V. Burch

Burke, K. & Burke, B. (2004). Required changes in the classroom environment: It's a matter of design. The Clearing House, 77(6), 236 - 239., Barbara A. Burke

Burke, K. & Burke, B. (2004). Required changes in the classroom environment: It's a matter of design. The Clearing House, 77(6), 236 - 239., Barbara A. Burke


The Law as a Weapon in Marital Disputes: Evidence from the Late Medieval Court of Chancery, 1424-1529, Sara M. Butler Dr.

Church Policy Manual Guidebook: A Legal and Practical Guide for Developing Church Policies, Lynn R. Buzzard


Conciliación de trabajo y vida familiar. Un análisis desde la perspectiva del Derecho del Trabajo chileno, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

La parasubordinación o trabajo autónomo económicamente dependiente, el empleo en las fronteras del Derecho del Trabajo, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

La tutela jurisdiccional del derecho fundamental a la no discriminación por razones de sexo, un análisis desde la perspectiva del proyecto de reforma al procedimiento laboral, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo

El malestar en el proceso. Análisis de los problemas en el procedimiento penal mexicano, José Antonio Caballero Juárez


Los elementos de la reforma judicial: Una propuesta multidisciplinaria para el estudio de los tribunales estatales mexicanos, José Antonio Caballero Juárez and Hugo A. Concha Cantú

Derecho de Internet, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

Derecho de patentes de invención, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

El daño a una rama de producción nacional en el sistema del GATT, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

La buena fe en el derecho de la competencia desleal, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas

La sociedad unipersonal en el anteproyecto de reforma de la Ley de Sociedades, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas


Bastiat, vida y obra de un economista, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez

La nueva familia española: un análisis económico, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez


Un análisis económico de la reforma concursal española, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez and Rocío Albert


The Grammar of Incest: Boundary Violation, Disgust, and the Slippery Slope Trope, Courtney M. Cahill


Offense Grading and Multiple Liability: New Challenges for a Model Penal Code Second, Michael T. Cahill


A First Step Toward Introducing Emotional Intelligence Into The Law School Curriculum: The "Emotional Intelligence and the Clinic Student" Class (unedited version), Paul J. Cain


Invasion of the Clones: Animal Cloning and the Potential Implications on the Future of Human Cloning and Cloning Legislation in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Internationally, Adrienne N. Calhoun

Outsourcing e rapporti di lavoro. La dimensione giuslavoristica dei processi di esternalizzazione dell’impresa, piera campanella

Prestazione di fatto e contratto di lavoro. Art. 2126, in Il codice civile. Commentario, fondato da SCHLESINGER e diretto da BUSNELLI, Giuffré, Milano, (ed. provv.), piera campanella


Labor and Finance as Inevitably Transnational: Globalization Demands a Sophisticated and Transnational Lens, Timothy A. Canova and Claire M. Dickerson

Missouri Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell

Oklahoma Criminal Law: Statutes & Rules Annotated, Charles Cantrell

Oklahoma Uniform Jury Instructions: Criminal 2D Annotated, Charles Cantrell

Acceso al crédito mediante la reforma de la legislación sobre garantías reales, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

Condiciones para acceder al CIADI: A propósito del Caso Lucchetti, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

¿Es necesaria la regulación del Arbitraje Nacional e Internacional en la LGA?, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

La utilización de la vía arbitral en la solución de conflictos entre el Estado peruano y los inversionistas, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

Los Tratados Bilaterales de Promoción y Protección Recíproca de Inversiones y el Acceso al Arbitraje, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry

Using Teaching Assistants to Put Criminal Law in Context , Stacy Caplow

The Upside Dun, John J. Capowski

JD in Law, Mariano Osvaldo Carbajales

Formación unilateral del contrato, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez

Vida y milagros de la obligación de enajenar, Luis Cárdenas Rodríguez

The Effect of Context on Practice [Book Review], Susan D. Carle

Lo Stato differenziato. Contributo allo studio dei principi di uniformità e differenziazione, Enrico Carloni




Does International Law Matter?, David D. Caron


Louis Henkin’s Integrity, Brilliance and ‘Felicity of Expression’: Remarks on his Receipt of the 2003 Stefan A. Riesenfeld Prize, David D. Caron

The ICSID Convention (Book), David D. Caron


The Reconstruction of Iraq: Dealing with Debt, David D. Caron


The United Nations Compensation Commission and Marine Environmental Damages Arising from the Gulf War: Tribunal or Foundation?, David D. Caron

Availability of U.S. courts to review decision to hold U.S. citizens as enemy combatants¿executive power in war on terror, David D. Caron and Jenny S. Martinez


Bringing New Law to Oceans Waters, David D. Caron and Harry N. Sheiber


DISASTER ASSESSMENT: THE GROUND-TRUTH [A Draft Project Proposal for the Professional Degree program.], Thomas Lyons Carr III


Owning Music: From Publisher's Privilege to Composer's Copyright, Michael W. Carroll


Beware of Lawyers Bearing Gifts:a Critical Evaluation of the Proposals on Fundamental Rights in the Draft Constitutional Treaty, stephen carruthers

A estrutura lógica da norma jurídica, Cristiano Carvalho

Direito Sanitário Brasileiro, Cristiano Carvalho

Fenomenologia da Isenção Tributária, Cristiano Carvalho

ISS e as Sociedade Uniprofissionais, Cristiano Carvalho and Rafal Bicca Machado

Appellate Advocacy: Principles and Practice , Eve Cary and Ursula Bentele


Bulk Cash Smuggling and the Globalization of Crime, Stefan D. Cassella


Criminal Forfeiture Procedure: An Analysis of Developments in the Law Regarding the Inclusion of a Forfeiture Judgment in the Sentence Imposed in a Criminal Case, Stefan D. Cassella


Overview of Asset Forfeiture Law in the United States, Stefan D. Cassella


Terrorism and the Financial Sector: Are the Right Prosecutorial Tools Being Used?, Stefan D. Cassella


The Forfeiture of Property Involved in Money Laundering Offenses, Stefan D. Cassella


'Soft Words of Hope:' Giglio, Accomplice Witnesses, and the Problem of Implied Inducements, R. Michael Cassidy


Créditos Asegurados, Derechos No aislados y Tasas de interés, Fernando Castillo Cadena


Has the Law Made Liars of Us All?, Don Castleman


La sociedad de gananciales y las uniones de hecho en el Perú, Olga Maria Castro Perez Treviño

Class Participation, Simulation Exercises, and Take-Home Final, Francis J. Catania

Problems, Cases, and Topics, Francis J. Catania


A sociedade em comum, Alexandre B. Cateb


Desporto profissional e direito de empresa, Alexandre B. Cateb

Ethical Dimensions of Law/Science in the Courtroom, David S. Caudill

Once More into the Breach: Constrasting U.S. and Australian Rights of Publicity, David S. Caudill

Review of Sugarman & Pue, eds., Lawyers and Vampires: Cultural Histories of the Legal Profession, 7 Legal Ethics 276, David S. Caudill

A Non-Romantic View of Expert Testimony, David S. Caudill and Lewis H. LaRue

"Pennsylvania Supreme Court Issues Further Civil Procedure Rules in an Effort to More Effectively Manage Medical Malpractice Claims" in Williams LLP Newsletter, Candace Mueller Centeno

Legal Implications of European Union Enlargement, Julien Chaisse

The Doha Development Agenda on Disputes Resolution, Julien Chaisse

Process and Implications of the 2004 European Union Enlargement: A Legal Perspective, Julien L. Chaisse

The European Common Commercial Policy facing the Challenges of the Globalisation, Julien L. Chaisse

Towards a Tumultuous China’s Participation in WTO? Issues and Options, Julien L. Chaisse


Evaluation of Frontline Demonstration on Mustard in Sunderbans, West Bengal, Ganesh Chandra and R L. Sagar


Frontline Demonstration on Sesame in West Bengal, Ganesh Chandra and R L. Sagar


Harvesting Green Gold: Cultivation of Betelvine in Sundarban, Ganesh Chandra and R L. Sagar


Impact Study on Introduction of Green Gram (Vigna radiata) Cultivation in Sundarbans, West Bengal, Ganesh Chandra and R L. Sagar


सुन्दरबंस की मात्स्यिकी- समस्याएं और प्रत्याशाएं. (Sundaraban ki Matasyaki- Samasyayen evam Pratyashyen), Ganesh Chandra and R L. Sagar

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kakdwip- In service of Sundarbans, Ganesh Chandra, R L. Sagar, and J G. Chattarjee


Legal systems as a determinant of FDI in South Asia, Maurya Vijay Chandra