The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
Nonstroke Treatment [Letters to the Editor: Reply], Derek Bambauer
Shopping Badly: Cognitive Biases, Communications, and the Fallacy of the Marketplace of Ideas, Derek Bambauer
Nonstroke Treatment: Reply (Letter to the Editor), Derek Bambauer, K. Z. Bambauer, S. C. Johnston, and J. A. Zivin
Why Are So Few Acute Stroke Patients Receiving Tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy?, Derek Bambauer, K. Z. Bambauer, S. C. Johnston, and J. A. Zivin
Empire Has Its Own Hurdles: Exploring the Nature of Exceptionalism and Its Consequences for International Law and Multilateral Decision-Making, Saptarishi Bandopadhyay
Screening Justice - The Cinema of Law: Films of Law, Order, and Social Justice, Taunya L. Banks
Uncivil Wars: ‘Suicide Bomber Identity’ As A Product of Russo-Chechen Conflict, Francine Banner
Colombian transfer pricing rules. Recent developments, the notion of related parties and the arms length standard, Juan David Barbosa
Otro capítulo en el caso de las "foreign sales corporations", Juan David Barbosa and Mónica Hernandez
Review of Judith Daar, Reproductive Technologies and the Law, Jennifer Bard
Information Privacy as a Function of Facial Recognition Technology and Wearable Computers, Woodrow Barfield
Plea Bargains Only for the Guilty, Oren Bar-Gill and Oren Gazal
La Independencia de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, Robert S. Barker
La Responsabilidad del Gobierno de Dar Cuenta: La Experiencia de los Estados Unidos, Robert S. Barker
Las Constituciones de las Américas: Sus Procesos de Enmienda, Robert S. Barker
Water Reallocation by Settlement: Who Wins, Who Loses, Who Pays?, Rosalind H. Bark
Law, Narrative, and the Continuing Colonist Oppression of Native Hawaiians, David Barnard
Social Productivity, Law, and the Regulation of Conflicts of Interest in the Investment Industry, Larry D. Barnett
When Is a Mutual Fund Director Independent? The Unexplored Role of Professional Relationships Under Section 2(A)(19) of the Investment Company Act, Larry D. Barnett
The Ninth Amendment: It Means What It Says, Randy E. Barnett
Increasing the Effectiveness of Preschool Programs, William S. Barnett and Debra J. Ackerman
Early childhood development and social mobility, William S. Barnett and Clive Belfield
An Essay on Strategies for Facilitating Learning, David Barnhizer
Not DEA'd Yet: Gonzalez v. Oregon, Charles H. Baron
Terrorisme et function de juger, Charles H. Baron
Home as a Legal Concept, Benjamin Barros
Tratado de Responsabilidad Extracontractual, Enrique Barros Bourie
A Incorporação dos Tratados de Direitos Humanos ao Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro, fabiano barroso
Four Legal Conceptions of Cruelty in American, Comparative, and International Law, Paulo Barrozo
Rationalist and Historicism in Law and Politics, Paulo Barrozo
The Jurisprudence of Cruelty: Punishment, Rights, and Welfare, Paulo Barrozo
Towards a European Legal Method, Paulo Barrozo
Essay: Special Operations Forces and War Crimes by Guerillas, Gregory R. Bart
Making a Mark in the Internet Economy: A Trademark Analysis of Search Engine Advertising, Mark Bartholomew
Learning From Corporate Scandal, Robert Bartlett
Managing Risk on a $25 Million Bet: Venture Capital, Agency Costs, and the False Dichotomy of the Corporation, Robert P. Bartlett III
Is There a Correlation between Scholarly Productivity, Scholarly Influence and Teaching Effectiveness in American Law Schools? An Empirical Study, Benjamin H. Barton
A Feeling of Unease About Privacy Law, Ann Bartow
The Roberts Court and the Future of Substantive Due Process: The Demise of "Split-the-Difference" Jurisprudence?, John F. Basiak
Africa’s e-government Dilemma, Subhajit Basu
El gobierno electrónico y los países en desarrollo: el papel de la tecnología y el derecho , Subhajit Basu
Emerging Legal Challenges in Offshore Outsourcing of IT-Enables Services, Subhajit Basu
How E-governance Breaks Bureaucracy , Subhajit Basu
Legal Issues for E-Government in Developing Countries, Subhajit Basu
Why some EU countries opposing VAT changes, Subhajit Basu
Offshore Outsourcing – How Safe is Your Data Abroad? Overview of Privacy, Data Protection and Security, Subhajit Basu and A Nikam
Law and the Fabric of the Everyday: Settlement Houses, Sociological Jurisprudence, and the Gendering of Urban Legal Culture, Felice J. Batlan
The Licensed Professional Exemption in Consumer Protection: At Odds With Antitrust History and Precedent, Mark D. Bauer
The Role of the Soviet Union at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Michael Bazyler
The (Intellectual Property Law &) Economics of Innocent Fraud: The IP & Development Debate, Peter Matthew Beattie
The Substantive Limits of Liability for Inaccurate Predictions, Hugh C. Beck
Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom , Sydney Aaron Beckman
Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom (Taking Technology to the Edge) , Sydney Aaron Beckman
See C.V. for complete list of Presentations, Sydney Aaron Beckman
O'Connor's Family Law Handbook, Sydney Aaron Beckman and Randall Wilhite
O'Connor's Family Code Plus, Sydney Aaron Beckman, Randall Wilhite, and Joan Jenkins
The Essential Holding of Casey: Rethinking Viability, Randy Beck
Inquisitorial processes in Australian tribunals, Narelle Bedford and Robin Creyke
Prediction Markets for Promoting the Progress of Science and the Useful Arts, Tom W. Bell
The Impact of Blogging on the Practice of Law: Hit the Snooze Button, Tom W. Bell
Up Skirts and Down Blouses: A Statutory Analysis of Legislative Responses to Video Voyeurism, Valerie Bell, Craig Hemmens, and Benjamin Steiner
Preparing New Students for Legal Practice in a "Flat World", Martin H. Belsky
A cláusula de eleição de foro versus a cláusula arbitral em contratos internacionais: qual é a melhor opção para a solução de disputas entre as partes, Luciano Benetti Timm
A extenção do direito fundamental à marca: limites do abuso de Direito de Marca no Brasil na casuística do STJ, Luciano Benetti Timm
A manutenção da relação contratual empresarial internacional de longa duração: o caso da hardship, Luciano Benetti Timm
Arbitragem: instrumento de garantia da aplicação do pacta sunt servanda em detrimento dos amplos poderes conferidos aos juízes togados pelo Novo Código Civil?, Luciano Benetti Timm
As origens do contrato no Novo Código Civil: uma introdução à função social, ao welfarismo e ao solidarismo contratual, Luciano Benetti Timm
Aspectos gerais do Novo Código Civil, Luciano Benetti Timm
A Súmula Vinculante à Luz do Direito Inglês: Quebrando mitos e lançando luzes sobre um novo Paradigma na Redação e na Estruturação das Súmulas do STF , Luciano Benetti Timm
Bases para a Convenção Internacional sobre Jurisdição e sobre Reconhecimento e Execução de Sentenças, Luciano Benetti Timm
Da prestação de serviços: do código civil ao código de defesa do consumidor, Luciano Benetti Timm
Descodificação, constitucionalização e descentralização no direito privado: o Código Civil ainda é útil?, Luciano Benetti Timm
Direito de Empresa e Contratos, Luciano Benetti Timm
Direito, economia e a função social do contrato: em busca dos verdadeiros interesses coletivos protegíveis no mercado de crédito, Luciano Benetti Timm
Estudo sobre as Parcerias Público-Privadas, Luciano Benetti Timm
Menos é mais, Luciano Benetti Timm
O contrato nas Parcerias Público-Privadas numa perspectiva de Direito e Economia, Luciano Benetti Timm
O problema da desconfiança recíproca, Luciano Benetti Timm
O terceiro setor: prática de atividade econômica pelas ONGS, Luciano Benetti Timm
Direito, Economia e Processo Civil: algumas observações por ocasião da aprovação da Lei 11232/2005 , Luciano Benetti Timm and Rafael Bicca Machado
Direito, Mercado e Função Social, Luciano Benetti Timm and Rafael Bicca Machado
A consequência da ausência de informação prévia ao consumidor em casos de inscrição em órgãos de restrição ao crédito, Luciano Benetti Timm and Eduardo Jobim
Human Rights, Clif Bennette
“Pick”ering the Speech Rights of Public School Teachers: Arguing for a Movement by Courts toward the Hazelwood-Tinker Standard under the First Amendment, Heather P. Bennett
Legal History Meets the Honors Program, Robert B. Bennett
Can Commercial Corporations Engage in Non-Commercial Speech?, Tom Bennigson
Copyright Distributive Injustice, Daniel Benoliel
Conditional Rights and Comparative Wrongs: More on the Theory and Application of Comparative Criminal Liability, Vera Bergelson
It's Personal but Is It Mine? Toward Property Rights in Personal Information, Vera Bergelson
It’s Personal But Is It Mine? Toward Property Rights in Personal Information., Vera Bergelson
The Right to Be Hurt. Testing the Boundaries of Consent., Vera Bergelson
Victims and Perpetrators: An Argument for Comparative Liability in Criminal Law, Vera Bergelson
Emotions and the Veil of Voluntarism: The Loss of Judgment in Canadian Criminal Law, Benjamin L. Berger
Law, Community, and Religious Arbitration, Benjamin L. Berger
Understanding Law and Religion as Culture: Making Room for Meaning in the Public Sphere, Benjamin L. Berger
Recent Development in Canadian Criminal Law, Benjamin L. Berger and Gerry Ferguson
Evidence Law to Protect the Civil Defendant, but Not the Accused , Margaret Berger
From the Wrong End of the Telescope: A Response to Professor David Bernstein, Margaret Berger