The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2007
向世贸组织申诉?, Chen Zhao
知识产权司法保护将全面升级, Chen Zhao
A Deterrence Perspective on Damages for Fraudulent Misrepresentation, qi zhou
Constitutional Displacement, Timothy Zick
American Cities, Urban Planning, and Place Based Crime Prevention, Edward H. Ziegler
American Cities, Urban Planning, and Place Based Crime Prevetion, Edward H. Ziegler
The French 'headscarves Ban': Intolerance or Necessity ?, Reuven Ziegler
The Judicial Restraint of the Warren Court (and Why it Matters), Rebecca E. Zietlow
Building a Great Writing Minor in the Face of Institutional Factors that Undermine Stand-Alone Minors, Traci A. Zimmerman
Numbed Suburban Lifestyles Versus Gluttonous Self-Love: Woody Allen, Marriage, and Divorce, Traci A. Zimmerman
Plagiarism in the Real World: Implications for the Classroom, Traci A. Zimmerman
First Year Reading: Preparing to Facilitate, Traci A. Zimmerman and Steve Grande
Using Rubrics to Grade Projects and Assignments, Traci A. Zimmerman and Ken Wright
Criminal Law and the Regulation of Vice, Franklin E. Zimring and Bernard E. Harcourt
Creeping Judicialization In Special Education Hearings?: An Exploratory Study, Perry A. Zirkel and Zorka Karanxha
The Comparison of The Consideration Concept in Common Law and Civil Law and Its Implication to Business Practice, Mada Apriandi Zuhir
Posner, Hayek, and The Economic Analysis of Law, Todd J. Zywicki
Course Syllabus: Globalization and Rise of China, Jacylyn Yu Jun Shi 石玉君
Documents from 2006
Affirmative Defenses in Section 337 ITC Patent Infringement Proceedings
A Giant without Limbs: The International Criminal Court’s State-Centric Cooperation Regime
America’s War on Terror: Rattling International Law with Raw Power?
A Room of One's Own: Morality and Sexual Privacy after Lawrence v. Texas
A Satire of Law Firm Employment Practices (Book Review of Anonymous Lawyer, by Jeremy Blachman)
As the Enterprise Wheel Turns: New Evidence on the Finality of Labor Arbitration Awards
Building Universal Digital Libraries: An Agenda for Copyright Reform
Catch 1201: A Legislative History and Content Analysis of the DMCA Exemption Proceedings
China-Australia Free Trade Agreement New Icing on an Old Cake-An Opportunity for Fair Trade?
Commercializing Open Source Software: Do Property Rights Still Matter?
Contemporary Private Military Firms under International Law: An Unregulated “Gold Rush”
Corporations and the Lateral Obligations of the Social Contract
Cybercrime: Digital Cops in a Networked Environment
Democracy's Global Quest: A Noble Crusade Wrapped in Dirty Reality?
Democratic Governance: An Emerging Customary Norm?
Digital Attribution: Copyright and the Right to Credit
Do Patents Facilitate Financing in the Software Industry
Explaining the Pattern of Secured Credit
Exploring the Obligation to Comply with WTO Law
Fighting Childhood Obesity through Performance-Based Regulation of the Food Industry
Finding a Ceiling in a Circular Room: Locke v. Davey, Federalism, and Religious Neutrality
Finding a Ceiling in a Circular Room: Locke v. Davey, Federalism, and Religious Neutrality
Finding a Ceiling in a Circular Room: Locke v. Davey, Federalism, and Religious Neutrality
Finding a Ceiling in a Circular Room: Locke v. Davey, Federalism, and Religious Neutrality
Finding a Ceiling in a Circular Room: Locke v. Davey, Federalism, and Religious Neutrality
Good Faith in the CISG: Interpretation Problems in Article 7
Google Book Search and Fair Use: iTunes for Authors, or Napster for Books?
Habitat and Humanity: Public Lands Law in the Age of Ecology
Harmonizing Business Laws in Africa: OHADA Calls the Tune
How to Sue without Standing: The Constitutionality of Citizen Suits in Non-Article III Tribunals
Information Disclosure and the Union Representation Election
Intergovernmental Liability Rules
International Marine Environment Law: A Case Study in the Wider Caribbean Region
Law and the Science of Networks: An Overview and an Application to the "Patent Explosion"
Legal Pluralism & Women's Rights: A Study in Post-Colonial Tanzania
Localism's Ecology: Protecting and Restoring Habitat in the Suburban Nation
Markets For Markets: Origins and Subjects of Information Markets
“Native Christians Massacred”: The Ottoman Genocide of the Assyrians during World War I
Opening Bottlenecks: On Behalf of Mandated Network Neutrality
Optimizing Consumer Credit Markets and Bankruptcy Policy
People First, Nations Second: A New Role for the UN as an Assertive Human Rights Custodian
People First, Nations Second: A New Role for the United Nations
Presiding over the Ex-President: A Look at Superior Responsibility in Light of the Kosovo Indictment
Public Opinion and the Governance of Punishment in Democratic Political Systems
Reconceptualising Legal Education after War
Regulating Contract Formation: Precontractual Reliance, Sunk Costs, and Market Structure
Regulating Internet Payment Intermediaries
Religious Organizations in the United States: A Study of Identity, Liberty, and the Law
Re-Thinking Securities Regulation: A Comparative Study of ASX, NYSE, and SGX
Searching for Negotiability in Payment and Credit Systems
Shareholders, Creditors, and Directors’ Fiduciary Duties: A Law and Finance Approach
Sovereignty in Transition: Human Rights and International Justice
Strategy and Force in the Liquidation of Secured Debt
Suburban Sprawl, Jewish Law, and Jewish Values
The Importance of Corporate Models
The Interdisciplinary Turn in Legal Education
The Lack of Dissent in WTO Dispute Settlement: Is There a “Unanimity” Problem?
The Role of Secured Credit in Small-Business Lending
Towards Attenuation: A "New" Due Process Limit on Pinkerton Conspiracy Liability