The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
Un-Fair Trade as Friendly Fire: The Australia-USA Free Trade Agreement
Walking an International Tightrope: Use of Military Force to Counter Terrorism
War on the Enemy: Self-Defence and State-Sponsored Terrorism
Waters of the United States: Theory, Practice and Integrity at the Supreme Court
Why Don’t More Public Schools Teach Sex Education? A Constitutional Explanation and Critique
Why Don’t More Public Schools Teach Sex Education? A Constitutional Explanation and Critique
Wi-Fi Everywhere: Universal Broadband Access as Antitrust and Telecommunications Policy
Breaking Down the Barriers: Bringing Initiatives and Reality into Business Ethics Education
Breaking Down the Barriers: Bringing Initiatives and Reality into Business Ethics Education
Louisiana Security Devices—a Précis, Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2d ed. 2012
A Fresh Look at the Responsible Relation Doctrine, Todd S. Aagaard
Any Place for Ethnicity? The Liberal State and Immigration, David Abraham
Patent Auctions, Michael Abramowicz
The Danger of Underdeveloped Patent Prospects, Michael Abramowicz
Prediction Markets for Corporate Governance, Michael Abramowicz and Todd Henderson
Black Judges and Ascriptive Group Identification, Kathryn Abrams
delete Black Judges and Ascriptive Group Identification, Kathryn Abrams and John N. Drobak
Law in the Cultivation of Hope, Kathryn R. Abrams and Hila Keren
Torts and Social Costs: The Judgment Proof Problem as a Matter of Rational Choice , Hugo A. Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Andrea Barbero
El Análisis Económico del Derecho de Daños. Elementos Para Una Aproximación, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri
¿Por qué Esforzarse por Mejorar? Un comentario sobre la evaluación docente formal, sus efectos y alternativas, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri
Mandatory Third Party Insurance: God, the Devil, and the details, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri and Andrea Castellano
Daños y Costos Sociales: el Problema de los Judgment Proof como una Alternativa de Elección, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Andrea Barbero
Torts and Social Costs: The Judgment Proof Problem as a Matter of Rational Choice, Hugo Alejandro Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Andrea Barbero
Torts and Social Costs: The Judgment Proof Problem as a Matter of Rational Choice , Hugo Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Andrea Barbero
Estructura Institucional para la Rendición de Cuentas: Lecciones Internacionales y Reformas Futuras, John Mill Ackerman Rose
Derecho civil y romano. Culturas y Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados (Coordinador), Jorge Adame Goddard
La defensa posesoria del concesionario de bienes públicos, Jorge Adame Goddard
La naturaleza y la justicia del matrimonio, Jorge Adame Goddard
Los pactos en las "sentancias de Paulo" (análisis del título 1 del libro primero), Jorge Adame Goddard
Presentación, Jorge Adame Goddard
Derecho civil y romano: Culturas y Sistemas Jurídicos Comparados, Jorge Carlos Adame
Applying General Tort Law to the Indirect Infringement of Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks, Charles W. Adams
I Know You Are, but What Am I? A Temporal Approach to Legal Classification, Wendy A. Adams
Of the Honey and the Sting – Reflections on Remedies and the Draft Civil Code, Dr. Yehuda Adar
Why Unify Contract and Tort Remedies? A Reply to Professor Dagan, Dr. Yehuda Adar
Remedies for Breach of an Obligation: A Look at the Remedies' Section of the New Israeli Civil Code, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Prof. Gabriela Shalev
An Economic Model of Fair Use (with Thomas Miceli), Richard Adelstein
Unraveling the Veil: The Concepts of Limited Liability and Disregard of the Corporate Entity, C. Christopher Adkins
Price Discrimination with Contract Terms: The Lost Volume Problem, Barry E. Adler and Alan Schwartz
When Is Two a Crowd? The Impact of Federal Action on State Environmental Regulation, Jonathan H. Adler
Dignity and Degradation: Transnational Lessons from the Constitutional Protection of Sex, Libby Adler
Cambodia at a Crossroads: How Repealing UNTAC Article 63, Cambodia's Current Defamation Law, Will Lead to a More Vigorous Democracy, Alicia A. Adornato
Constructing Masculinity in Sex Work, Laura E. Agnich
Re-Conceptualizing the Link Between Community Disorder, Cohesion, Fear and Crime, Laura E. Agnich
Hurricane Katrina: The Effects of Disaster on School-Age Children, Laura E. Agnich and Carla Miller
Law and legislation in Bolivia’s investment and securities market, Ignacio Aguirre Urioste
Mixed Governance in Corporate Law: The Dialectical Regulation of Rule 14a-8, Robert Ahdieh
Between Dialogue and Decree: International Review of National Courts, Robert B. Ahdieh
Between Mandate and Market: Contract Transition in the Shadow of the International Order, Robert B. Ahdieh
Law's Signal: A Cueing Theory of Law in Market Transition, Robert B. Ahdieh
The Role of Groups in Norm Transformation: A Dramatic Sketch, In Three Parts, Robert B. Ahdieh
Rights and Desires: A Facilitator's Guide to Healthy Sexuality, Aziza Ahmed and Sunita Menon
Public Interest Litigation and Role of the Supreme Court in Ensuring Social Justice in Bangladesh, K. T. Alam and Abu Noman Mohammad Atahar Ali
ფედერალიზმი და ფედერალური კონსტრუქციები, Giorgi Alasania
contributing author to Chapter 6, Catherine R. Albiston
Legal Consciousness and Workplace Rights, Catherine R. Albiston
The Procedural Attack on Civil Rights: The Empirical Reality of Buckhannon for the Private Attorney General, Catherine R. Albiston and Laura Beth Nielsen
Direito Internacional para Provas e Concursos, Aguinaldo Alemar
Desenvolvimento Econômico, Organismos Geneticamente Modificados e Direito Internacional: um Jogo de soma zero?, Aguinaldo Alemar and Samuel do Carmo Lima
Card Check Recognition: the Ongoing Legal and Legislative Battle, Michael E. Aleo
Comparative Advantage and Labor Protections in Free Trade Agreements: Making Labor Protections in Trade Agreements Practical and Effective, Michael E. Aleo
“Just Scanning Around” with Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound: Should States Regulate the Non-Diagnostic Uses of this Technology?, Archie A. Alexander
Reconciliation of Criminal Cases in Central Asia: A Sign of Reform or Cause for Concern?, Cynthia J. Alkon
Compensation for Property under the European Convention on Human Rights, Tom Allen
Lethal Incompetence: Lethal Injection is Exposing More Than Torturous Executions, Ty Alper
An Economic Strategy to Advance Opportunity, Prosperity and Growth, Roger C. Altman, Jason E. Bordoff, Peter R. Orszag, and Robert E. Rubin
O Atual Conceito de Valor Mobiliário [The Current Concept of a Security], Jefferson Alvares
Análisis Económico aplicado al Derecho, Sonia Malena Alva Rodríguez
Construindo o conceito de Justiça no Território Urbano, Rafael de Oliveira Alves
Princípios do direito à cidade: território da cidadania, Rafael de Oliveira Alves
Regularização Fundiária Sustentável na Vila Acaba Mundo, Rafael de Oliveira Alves and Vívian Barros Martins
La toma del Palacio de Justicia: la reparación del daño en eventos de violación de derechos humanos.”, Alvaro Francisco Amaya-Villarreal
The Use of State Instream Flow Laws for Federal Lands: Respecting State Control While Meeting Federal Purposes, Adell L. Amos
Voluntary Adoption of Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Anita I. Anand, Frank Milne, and Lynnette Purda
Global Pharmaceutical Patent Law in Developing Countries- Amending TRIPS to Promote Access for All, Angela J. Anderson
Global Pharmaceutical Patent Law in Developing Countries- Amending TRIPS to Promote Access for All, Angela J. Anderson
Legal Doubletalk and the Concern with Positional Conflicts: A "Foolish Consistency?", Helen A. Anderson