The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2006
A Growth-Enhancing Approach to Economic Security, Jason E. Bordoff, Michael Deich, and Peter R. Orszag
Legislative Arrogance and Constitutional Accountability, Caitlin E. Borgmann
Regulation of Homeopathic Drug Products, John P. Borneman and Robert I. Field
Mauritius: Up Against a Wall of Comptetition, Karol C. Boudreaux
Property Rights and Resource Conflict in Sudan, Karol C. Boudreaux
Seeds of Hope: Agricultural Technologies and Poverty Alleviation in Rural South Africa, Karol C. Boudreaux
Taxing Alternatives: Poverty Alleviation and the South African Taxi/Minibus Industry, Karol C. Boudreaux
The Effects of Property Titling in Langa Township, South Africa, Karol C. Boudreaux
The Unintended Consequences of Taxi Recapitalisation, Karol C. Boudreaux
A New Clean Water Act, Paul Boudreaux
Thinking Outside the Border: Homeland Security and the Forward Deployment of the U.S. Border, Gregory W. Bowman
Beauty and Passion in Tenth-Century Córdoba, Jeff Bowman
Congress' Pet: Why the Clean Air Act’s Favoritism of California Is Unconstitutional under the Equal Footing Doctrine , Valerie JM Brader
Nonprofit Takeovers: Regulating the Market for Mission Control, Dana Brakman Reiser
Reforming Copyright to Foster Innovation: Providing Access to Orphaned Works, Pamela Brannon
Designing a Knowledge Ecosystem: A Solution for Organizations Confronting Hyperturbulent Environments, David A. Bray
Exploration, Exploitation, and Knowledge Management, David A. Bray
Survey: Virtual Worlds and Augmented Realty, 1991-Present, David A. Bray
The Web as a Digital Reflection of Reality, David A. Bray, Laku Chidambaram, Michael Epstein, Timothy Hill, Dominic Thomas, Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan, and Richard Watson
Fighting Fear of a Bioterrorism Event With Information Technology: Real-World Examples and Opportunities, David A. Bray and Benn Konsynski
How Information Systems Research Can Inform Current and Emerging Government Institutions: Two Views, David A. Bray and Benn Konsynski
Virtual Worlds, Virtual Economies, Virtual Institutions, David A. Bray and Benn Konsynski
Justice Thomas' Kelo Dissent, or, "History as a Grab Bag of Principles", David L. Breau
Genetic Databases and Biobanks: Who Controls Our Genetic Privacy?, Yael Bregman-Eschet
Against Sovereignty: A Cautionary Note on the Normative Power of the Actual, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Asking the Right Questions: Harnessing the Insights of Bernard Lonergan for the Rule of Law (lead article), Patrick McKinley Brennan
Harmonizing Plural Societies: The Case of Lasallians, Families, Schools – and the Poor, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Jacques Maritain: Philosopher of Law, Politics, and All That Is, Patrick McKinley Brennan
J.C. Murray and the Natural Law: Comments on a paper by Professor Thomas Berg, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Law, Natural Law, and Human Intelligence: Living the Correlation, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Review of David Yamane, The Catholic Church in State Politics: Negotiating Prophetic Demands & Political Realities (Rowman & Littlefield 2005) (Invited), Patrick McKinley Brennan
The ‘Right’ of Religious Liberty of the Child: Its Meaning, Measure, and Justification, Patrick McKinley Brennan
Found Law, Made Law and Creation: Reconsidering Blackstone's Declaratory Theory, William S. Brewbaker
Learning to Love the State Action Doctrine, William S. Brewbaker
Thomas Aquinas and the Metaphysics of Law, William S. Brewbaker
Playing Poker at the U.N., Paul Herman Brietzke
Corporate Governance and the New Hedge Fund Activism: An Empirical Analysis, Thomas W. Briggs
"For such a time as this": Bible Versus for Law School Deans.pdf, Howard W. Brill
Free Expression and a Satisfied Society: What Child Pornography Laws Really Protect, James E. Bristol
Bones of Contention: Custody of Family Pets, Ann H. Britton
Criminal Procedure: The Constitution and the Police, Examples and Explanations, Mark S. Brodin and Robert M. Bloom
The Legal Framework for Nonprofit Organizations, Evelyn Brody
Rehabilitating Rehab through State Building Codes, Sara C. Bronin
Representing Children in Families, Susan L. Brooks
Using Therapeutic Jurisprudence to Build Effective Relationships with Students, Clients and Communities, Susan L. Brooks
The Notion of Interdependence and its Implications for Child and Family Policy, Susan L. Brooks and Ya'ir Ronen
Let a Thousand Nomoi Bloom? Four Problems with Robert Cover's Nomos and Narrative, Thom Brooks
Executive-Branch Regulation of Criminal Defense Counsel, Darryl K. Brown
Executive Branch Regulation of Defense Counsel and the Private Contract Limit on Prosecutor Bargaining, Darryl K. Brown
Rethinking Overcriminalization, Darryl K. Brown
Criminal Laws: Materials and commentary on criminal law and process in NSW, David Brown, David Farrier, Sandra Egger, Luke McNamara, and Alex Steel
Panelist on Political Corruption, George D. Brown
The Aesthetics of Crime, Michelle Brown
The New Penology in a Critical Context, Michelle Brown
Good Faith, State of Mind, and the Outer Boundaries of Director Liability in Corporate Law, Christopher M. Bruner
Compensazione tecnica, compensazione atecnica e pignoramento, Ferdinando Bruno
Diritto di voto, di intervento e di impugnativa: gli effetti delegittimanti del sequestro penale in capo al socio di società per azioni, Ferdinando Bruno
Il beneficium excussionis del socio accomandatario: la Cassazione aggiunge un nuovo ed importante tassello ai criteri di operatività di tale diritto, Ferdinando Bruno
Il mandato di credito tra lettere di patronage, delegazione ed accollo, Ferdinando Bruno
The implementation of international environmental treaties in Vietnam, Tannetje Bryant, Brad Jessup, and Elodie Baquerot
On the Legal Consequence Of Sauces: Should Thomas Keller's Recipes Be Per Se Copyrightable, Christopher J. Buccafusco
A Friendly Approach to Reducing Medical Malpractice Litigation, Aaron A. Bucco
Is it Sometimes Good to Run Budget Deficits? If so, Should We Admit it (Out Loud)?, Neil H. Buchanan
Should We Adopt William Vickrey’s Cumulative Averaging Income Tax System? Progressivity and Simplicity in Tax Reform, Neil H. Buchanan
The Case Against Income Averaging, Neil H. Buchanan
The Jec's Estate Tax Report: Myths and Legends, Neil H. Buchanan
In the Best Interest of the Child, Ellen L. Buckwalter
A Comparative Study in the Law of the Non-Existent: Contract Invalidity in the U.S. and Russia, Sergey Budylin
Punitive Damages as a Social Harm Measure: Economic Analysis Continues, Sergey Budylin
Do Ask and Do Tell: Rethinking the Lawyer’s Duty to Warn in Domestic Violence Cases, SARAH M. BUEL
The Evolving Use and Changing Role of Interstate Compacts: A Practitioner's Guide, Michael Buenger
Derecho y Economía. El Análisis Económico de las Instituciones Legales, Alfredo Bullard González
Kelsen de Cabeza: Verdades y Falacias sobre el Control Difuso de las Normas por las Autoridades Administrativas, Alfredo Bullard González
Votando por refrigeradores y comprando congresistas: ¿por qué no?, Alfredo Bullard González
Review the Literatures of the Commons, And Its Application to the Intellectual Property and the Internet, piyabutr bunaramrueang
Telecommunication Regulation of Thailand and Its Commitments of Progressive Liberalization to WTO, piyabutr bunaramrueang
Reassessing Damages in Securities Fraud Class Actions, Elizabeth C. Burch
The Effect of Forum Selection Clauses on a District Court's Power to Compel Arbitration, Thomas V. Burch
Middle Eastern and North African Hydropolitics: From Eddies of Indecision to Emerging International Law, Prof. Elizabeth Burleson
Criminal law in Queensland and Western Australia, Kelley Burton and Geraldine Mackenzie
The New Judicial Hostility to Arbitration: Unconscionability and Agreements to Arbitrate, Steven J. Burton
Mecanismos de sostenibilidad de las reformas legales y judiciales en países en desarrollo: principios y lecciones aprendidas a través de la experiencia internacional, Edgardo Buscaglia
La propriété-sûreté. Rapport général, Mauro Bussani
La Corte costituzionale, l’illecito ed il governo della colpa, Mauro Bussani and Marta Infantino
La eficacia de los derechos fundamentales en las relaciones laborales y su reconocimiento por la Dirección del Trabajo, Eduardo Andrés Caamaño Rojo
El juez mexicano. Los perfiles de los funcionarios jurisdiccionales en México. (Propuesta metodológica), José Antonio Caballero Juárez
El perfil jurisdiccional de los jueces federales, José Antonio Caballero Juárez
La Codificación y el Federalismo Judicial, José Antonio Caballero Juárez
Libro Blanco de la reforma judicial en México, José Antonio Caballero Juárez
Derecho de acceso a la información judicial, José Antonio Caballero Juárez, Vanesa Díaz, and Ernesto Villanueva
Dumping, subsidios y salvaguardas, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
El análisis económico del Derecho, evolución histórica, metas e instrumentos, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
¡Otra vez Sopa! La pluralidad de socios como requisito esencial del contrato de sociedad, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas
Annotated bibliography of the legal literature of Argentina, Guillermo Cabanellas de las Cuevas and Juan Javier del Granado
Competencia y financiación de la universidad española, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez
Economistas extravagantes, Francisco Cabrillo Rodríguez