The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Threats to the Future of the Immigration Class Action, Jill E. Family
Immigration Posses: U.S. Immigration Law and Local Enforcement Practices, Kevin J. Fandl
The Role of Informal Legal Institutions in Economic Development, Kevin J. Fandl
Broker Dealer Law and Regulation (with Norman Poser), JAMES A. FANTO
Recognizing the “Bad Barrel” in Public Business Firms: Social and Organizational Factors in Misconduct by Senior Decision-Makers, JAMES A. FANTO
The SEC's 2008 Agenda for Broker-Dealer and Investment Advisers, JAMES A. FANTO
L’approche de la liberte d’expression par catebories d’expression en droit constitutionnel americain, Daniel A. Farber
Security v. Liberty: Conflicts Between Civil Liberties and National Security in American History, Daniel A. Farber
Judgement Calls: Politics and Principle in Constitutional Law, Daniel A. Farber and S. Sherry
The Strange Case of Josh Wolf: What It Tells Us About Privilege Law, Anthony L. Fargo
Non-Refoulement and Jus Cogens: Limiting Anti-Terror Measures that Threaten Refugee Protection, Alice Farmer
Corporate governance, John Farrar
Corporate personality, John Farrar
Debt capital, John Farrar
Protection of creditors, John Farrar
Shareholder meetings, John Farrar
The concept of capital and the financing of companies, John Farrar
The duties of care of directors, John Farrar
Judges in the Hot Seat: How Does the Legal System Deal with Climate Change?, Richard O. Faulk
Applying the Endangered Species Act to Global Climate Change, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Applying the Endangered Species Act to Global Climate Change, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Are Unilateral Climate Change Policies Creating the "Perfect Storm?", Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
Defending Climate Change Litigation: Threshold Issues, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
"Negligence in the Air?" Should "Alternative Liability" Theories Apply in Lead Paint Litigation?, Richard O. Faulk and John S. Gray
The Mouse Roars! Rhode Island High Court Rejects Expansion of Public Nuisance, Richard O. Faulk, John S. Gray, and Thomas R. Bender
A Sub-Prime Tort? Public Nuisance - An Unfit Tool for Lending Regulation, Richard O. Faulk, John S. Gray, and Diana P. Larson
An interview with Alejandro Faya Rodríguez, Special Legal Advisor, Mexican Ministry of Economy, Investment Treaty News, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
A quince años del Capítulo XI del TLCAN, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
The Most-Favoured-Nation Clause in International Investment Agreements: A tool for Treaty Shopping?, Alejandro Faya Rodriguez
A series of invited lectures, Malcolm M. Feeley
Book Review - Deployed: the Experiences of Returning Iraq War Veterans, Malcolm M. Feeley
Book Review - Handbook of Law and Politics, Malcolm M. Feeley
El Impacto Del Litigio En Las Reformas Carcelarias, Malcolm M. Feeley
Federalism as a Tragic Choice, Malcolm M. Feeley
Federalism: Political Identity and Tragic Choice, Malcolm M. Feeley
Privatization of Prisons: History, Theory, Implications, Malcolm M. Feeley
The Sources of Federalism, Malcolm M. Feeley
Women and Crime in Historical Perspective, Malcolm M. Feeley
Women and Crime in Historical Perspective, Malcolm M. Feeley
Where Have All the Women Gone: The Decline of Women in the Criminal Process, Malcolm M. Feeley and Hadar Aviram
Fighting for Political Freedom: Comparative Studies of the Legal Complex and Political Change, Malcolm M. Feeley, Terry Halliday, and Lucien Karpik
Federalism and Political Theory, Malcolm M. Feeley and Edward Rubin
Federalism: Political Identity and Tragic Choice, Malcolm M. Feeley and Edward Rubin
Államkapcsolatok. (State relations), Balázs Fekete
Law's Misguided Love Affair with Science, Robin C. Feldman
Open Source, Open Access, Open Transfer: Market Approaches to Research Bottlenecks, Robin C. Feldman
Plain Language Patents, Robin C. Feldman
Plain Language Patents, Robin C. Feldman
Open Source, Open Access, and Open Transfer: Market Approaches to Research Bottlenecks, Robin C. Feldman and Kristopher A. Nelson
Do Supreme Court Nominees Lie? The Politics of Adjudication, Stephen M. Feldman
Freedom of Speech, Stephen M. Feldman
Free Expression and Democracy in America: A History, Stephen M. Feldman
Free Speech, World War I, and Republican Democracy: The Internal and External Holmes, Stephen M. Feldman
Sociological Jurisprudence, Stephen M. Feldman
McParland, Robert. “Dialogue Against Abstraction: Thomas Merton’s Essays on Albert Camus, Merton’s Struggle with Peacemaking", Digital Repository Felician College
Designing Transparency: The 9/11 Commission and Institutional Form, Mark Fenster
Excerpt from Conspiracy Theories: Secrecy and Power in American Culture (revised and updated edition), Mark Fenster
The "High-Crime Area" Question: Requiring Verifiable and Quantifiable Evidence for Fourth Amendment Reasonable Suspicion Analysis, Andrew G. Ferguson
Professional Discretion and the Use of Restorative Justice Programs in Appropriate Domestic Violence Cases: An Effective Innovation, Jean J. Ferguson
Acerca de la responsabilidad social y el desarrollo económico del país: Ignorantia legis excusat, ignorantia facti non excusat, Gastón Fernández Cruz and Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Acerca de la responsabilidad social y el desarrollo económico del país: Ignorantia legis excusat, ignorantia facti non excusat, Gastón Fernández and Renzo E. Saavedra Velazco
Do R&D programs of different government levels overlap in the European Union?, Andrea Fernandez-Ribas and Isabel Busom
The impact of participation in R&D programs on R&D partnerships, Andrea Fernandez-Ribas and Isabel Busom
INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INSOLVENCY LAW: Is the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency an Answer for Brazil? (An Economic Analysis of Its Benefits on International Trade), LOCATELLI, Fernando
“Os deveres de cuidado de administradores e gerentes” [The duties of care of board members and managers], Bruno Ferreira
Da Constituição Antiga à Constituição Moderna. República e Virtude, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
El Derecho Natural, Historia e Ideologia, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Human and Fundamental Rights and Duties in Portuguese Constitution. Some reflections, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Liberdade, Ética e Direito, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Para uma Ética Constitucional: Dos Valores e das Virtudes no Estado Constitucional, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Princípio Republicano e Virtudes Republicanas, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Uma Filosofia Constitucional Comum (Luso-Brasileira), Paulo Ferreira da Cunha
Changing Resources, Changing Market: The Impact of a National Renewable Portfolio Standard on the U.S. Energy Industry, Joshua P. Fershee
The North Dakota Publicly Trade Corporations Act: A Branding Initiative Without a (North Dakota) Brand, Joshua P. Fershee
Applying a Usable Past: The Use of History in Law, Matthew J. Festa
ERISA: The Law of Unintended Consequences, Andrew J. Fichter
State Healthcare Coverage Reform: Where is Federalism Leading Us?, Andrew J. Fichter
State Health Insurance Reform Efforts and ERISA, Andrew J. Fichter
What if We Do Nothing to Reform Health Care, Andrew J. Fichter
A Taxonomy of American Health Care Regulation: Implications for Health Reform, Robert I. Field
A Proposed Ethical Framework for Vaccine Mandates: Competing Values and the Case of HPV, Robert I. Field and Arthur L. Caplan
Hacer Leyes no es cosa fácil, Ana E. Fierro Ferraez
La justicia como virtud y el México tras el conflicto poselectoral, Ana E. Fierro Ferraez
Municipio y acceso a la información, Ana E. Fierro Ferraez
Guía de las decisiones del PJF en materia de competencia económica como generar una cultura de la competencia, Ana E. Fierro Ferraez and Adriana García García
Responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado. Interpretación de la SCJN del artículo 113 constitucional, Ana E. Fierro Ferraez and Adriana García García
Chapter 01: Anthropology of law as a science - prefatory materials, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Chapter 02: History, schools, and names of anthropology of law, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Chapter 03: Basic concepts, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Chapter 04: Social norms, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Chapter 05 : Theories of culture and cultures, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Chapter 06: Analyses in cultural anthropology, Wolfgang Fikentscher
Chapter 07: Biological anthropology in its relation to the anthropology of law, Wolfgang Fikentscher