The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Annotated bibliography of the legal literature of Chile, Juan Javier del Granado and Juan Carlos Marín
The future of the economic analysis of law in Latin America: a proposal for model codes, Juan Javier del Granado and M.C. Mirow
Beyond Text in Legal Education: Art, Ethics and the Carnegie Report, Maksymilian Del Mar
Clio Unbound: Theories of Law between Discourse and Tradition, Maksymilian Del Mar
Creativity and Imagination in the Practice of Philosophy, Maksymilian Del Mar
Making Room for the Silence of Social Normativity, Maksymilian Del Mar
Responsiveness, Maksymilian Del Mar
Social Normativity for Legal Philosophers, Maksymilian Del Mar
El límite a la tasa de interés remuneratoria en el régimen comercial de Colombia: ¿Costo de transacción y barrera legal?, Carlos Andrés Delvasto Perdomo
El Limite a la Tasa de Interés Remuneratoria y el Acceso al Crédito en Colombia, Carlos Andrés Delvasto Perdomo
Teaching Rape: Some Reflections on Pedagogy, Michelle Dempsey
Reconstructing the Dormant Commerce Clause Doctrine, Brannon P. Denning
The New Doctrinalism in Constitutional Scholarship and Heller v. District of Columbia, Brannon P. Denning
American Insurance Association v. Garamendi and Executive Preemption in Foreign Affairs, Brannon P. Denning and Michael D. Ramsey
Five Takes on District of Columbia v. Heller, Brannon P. Denning and Glenn H. Reynolds
Heller's Future in the Lower Courts, Brannon P. Denning and Glenn H. Reynolds
Rolling Equilibriums at the Pre-Commons Frontier: Identifying Patently Efficient Royalties for Complex Products, F. Russell Denton
Rolling Equilibriums at the Pre-Commons Frontier: Identifying Patently Efficient Royalties for Complex Products, F. Russell Denton
Copyright reform in the EU, Estelle Derclaye
Does the Directive on the Re-use of Public Sector Information affect the State’s database sui generis right?, Estelle Derclaye
Flashing Badge Co Ltd v Groves: a step forward in the clarification of the copyright/design interface, Estelle Derclaye
Flashing Badge Co Ltd v Groves: a step forward in the clarification of the copyright/design interface, Estelle Derclaye
Intellectual property rights and global warming, Estelle Derclaye
Of maps, Crown copyright, research and the environment, Estelle Derclaye
Achieving Early and Substantial Greenhouse Gas Reductions Under a Post-Kyoto Agreement, John C. Dernbach
Engaging Individuals in Climate Change Mitigation, John C. Dernbach
Harnessing Individual Behavior to Address Climate Change: Options for Congress, John C. Dernbach
Navigating the U.S. Transition to Sustainability: Matching National Governance Challenges With Appropriate Legal Tools, John C. Dernbach
Climate Change Law: An Introduction, John C. Dernbach and Seema Kakade
Federal Climate Change Legislation as If the States Matter, John C. Dernbach; Robert B. McKinstry,; and Thomas D. Peterson
Developing a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Change Policy in the United States That Fully Integrates Levels of Government and Economic Sectors, John C. Dernbach, Thomas D. Peterson, and Robert B. McKinstry
Designing the limits of creditworthiness. Insolvency in Antwerp bankruptcy legislation and practice (16th-17th centuries), Dave De ruysscher
Responding to Potential Employee Misconduct in the Age of the Whistleblower: Foreseeing and Avoiding Hidden Dangers, Lucian E. Dervan
Property, Persona, Permission, Deven R. Desai
Who Cares About Heirs (In Copyright)?, Deven R. Desai
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Extractive Industries, and Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Extractive Industries, and Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal
Preserving Competition in Multi-Sided Innovative Markets: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Google?, Kristine Laudadio Devine
Clarity in Death Penalty Jury Instructions: Ensuring Justice by Explaining the Law to Non-Lawyers, Joseph J. Devney
Clarity in Death Penalty Jury Instructions: Ensuring Justice by Explaining the Law to Non-Lawyers, Joseph J. Devney
Hoge Raad 30 november 2007, IER 2008, 12, Severin de Wit
Serfs at the Mercy of a Hungry Beast: Aggressive Regressivity, Private Equity, and the Quandary of the St. Luke Imperative, Bobby L. Dexter
Serfs at the Mercy of a Hungry Beast: Aggressive Regressivity, Private Equity, and the Quandary of the St. Luke Imperative, Bobby L. Dexter
Shock, Awe, and Expropriation: The Act of State Doctrine and Loss Deductions under Section 165 of the Internal Revenue Code, Bobby L. Dexter
Sovereign Debt Restructuring: Search for an Optimum Voting Threshold, Joy Dey
The PetroChina Syndrome: Regulating Capital Markets in the Anti-Globalization Era, Stephen F. Diamond
The 'Race to the Bottom' Returns: China’s Challenge to the International Labor Movement, Stephen F. Diamond
A responsabilidade civil das sociedades de advogados em Portugal (The Civil Liability of Law Firms in Portugal), Fernando Dias Simões
Anti-Monopolization Workarounds, Reza Dibadj
Networks of Fairness Review in Corporate Law, Reza Dibadj
Panglossian Transnationalism, Reza Dibadj
The Process-Welfare Nexus, Reza Dibadj
Academic Tenure and the Divide Between Legal Academia and Legal Practice, Gregory M. Dickinson
Academic Tenure and the Divide between Legal Academia and Legal Practice, Gregory M. Dickinson
Understanding the Socratic Method in Law School Teaching After the Carnegie Foundation's Educating Lawyers: Preparation for the Legal Profession, Joseph A. Dickinson
When Congress Passes an Intentionally Unconstitutional Law: The Military Commissions Act of 2006, Paul Diller
Accountability Before the Fact, Michael R. Dimino
Accountability Before the Fact, Michael R. Dimino
Stepping Up to the Podium with Confidence: A Primer for Law Students on Preparing and Delivering an Appellate Oral Argument, James D. Dimitri
Stepping Up to the Podium with Confidence: A Primer for Law Students on Preparing and Delivering an Appellate Oral Argument, James D. Dimitri
Stepping Up to the Podium with Confidence: A Primer for Law Students on Preparing and Delivering an Appellate Oral Argument, James D. Dimitri
INFORMANTS IN THE US a view from the outside, Tamara Dimovska
Section 1981 and the Alchemy of Race and Contract, Eyal Diskin
Informed Consent or Institutionalized Eugenics? How the Medical Profession Encourages Abortion of Fetuses with Down Syndrome, Darrin P. Dixon
Race and the Shaping of U.S. Immigration Policy, Donald S. Dobkin
A Darwinist View of the Living Constitution, Scott Dodson
Appreciating Mandatory Rules: A Reply to Critics, Scott Dodson
Book Review: A History of the Eighth Circuit, Scott Dodson
In Search of Removal Jurisdiction, Scott Dodson
Mandatory Rules, Scott Dodson
The Challenge of Comparative Civil Procedure, Scott Dodson
The Failure of Bowles v. Russell, Scott Dodson
Inequitable Conduct: A Flawed Doctrine Worth Saving, Lisa A. Dolak
eBay and the Blackberry®: A Media Coverage Case Study, Lisa A. Dolak and Blaine T. Bettinger
The United States Patent System in the Media Mirror, Lisa A. Dolak and Blaine T. Bettinger
A Defense of Stem Cell Research, Gregory Dolin
Medical Hope, Legal Pitfalls: Potential Legal Issues in the Emerging Field of Oncofertility, Gregory Dolin, Dorothy E. Roberts, Lina M. Rodriguez, and Teresa K. Woodruff
Section 162(M): Executive Compensation and the Implications of Revenue Ruling 2008-13, Sean Donahue
Approaching Comparative Company Law, David C. Donald
Anti-Discrimination Law, John Donohue
Murder in Decline in the 1990s: Why the U.S. and N.Y.C. Were Not That Special," Book Review of Frank Zimring's, John Donohue
Measurement Error, Legalized Abortion, and the Decline in Crime A Response to Foote and Goetz, John J. Donohue
Current Awareness Alerts Make the Internet Revolve Around You, James M. Donovan
Legal Anthropology: An Introduction, James M. Donovan
Rights as Fairness, James M. Donovan
Skating on Thin Intermediation: Can Libraries Survive?, James M. Donovan
The Moral Significance of Social Roles, James M. Donovan
White Paper: Behind a Law School's Decision to Implement an Institutional Repository, James M. Donovan and Carol A. Watson
White Paper: Behind a Law School's Decision to Implement an Institutional Repository, James M. Donovan and Carol A. Watson
White Paper: Behind a Law School's Decision to Implement an Institutional Repository, James M. Donovan and Carol A. Watson
Environmental Policy Law: Problems, Cases, and Readings, Holly Doremus
Water War in the Klamath Basin: Macho Law, Combat Biology, and Dirty Politics, Holly Doremus
Freedom of Religion, Avihay Dorfman
Establishing a Constitutional Court? An alternative political culture approach – the Israeli case , Gideon Doron and Assaf Meydani
Law and Older People - The rise and fall of Israel's Senior Citizens' Act., Israel Doron
Theories on Law and Ageing - The Jurisprudence of Elder Law, Israel Doron
Time for municipal elder rights law: An Anglo-Canadian perspective, Israel Doron