The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2008
Comments for Workshop on Pay-As-You-Drive Auto Insurance, California Department of Insurance., Aaron S. Edlin
Externalities and Pay as You Drive Auto Insurance, Aaron S. Edlin
Journals at bepress: new twists on an old model, Aaron S. Edlin
Quashing the Financial Firestorm, Aaron S. Edlin
Questioning the Treasury's $700 Billion Blank Check: An Open Letter to Secretary Paulson, Aaron S. Edlin
Sample Monopolization Questions, Aaron S. Edlin
Syllabus Harvard Winter 2008, Aaron S. Edlin
The Economists’ Voice: Top Economists Take on Today’s Issues, Aaron S. Edlin, J. Bradford Delong, and Joseph Stiglitz
Vote for Charity's Sake, Aaron S. Edlin, Andrew Gelman, and Noah Kaplan
Throwing It All Away: Community, Data Privacy and the False Choices of Web 2.0, Eli Edwards
Commentator, Beyond Intimacy (Laura Rosenbury), Robin Effron
Disaster-Specific Mechanisms for Consolidation, Robin Effron
Disaster-Specific Mechanisms for Consolidation, Robin Effron
Event Jurisdiction and Protective Coordination: Lessons from the September 11th Litigation, Robin Effron
Governing Guns, Opposing Opium: A Theory of Internationally Regulated Goods, Asif Efrat
Bakassi: The Green Tree Agreement(GTA) and section 12 of the Nigerian 1999 Constitution, Edwin E. Egede
The Synergy of Toxic Tort Law and Public Health: Lessons from a Century of Cigarettes, Jean M. Eggen
Geology and Reservoir Engineering, Monika Ehrman
Oil and Gas Basics for Exploration & Production Lawyers, Monika Ehrman
Duties of the Executive, Monika Ehrman and J. Robert Beatty
Duties of the Executive, Monika Ehrman and J. Robert Beatty
The Devil in the Details: The Interrelationship among Citizenship, Rule of Law and Form-Adhesive Contracts, Zev J. Eigen
Judges, Juries, and Punitive Damages: Empirical Analyses Using the Civil Justice Survey of State Courts 1992, 1996, and 2001 Data, Theodore Eisenberg, Paula L. Hannaford, Michael Heise, Neil LaFountain, Brian Ostrom, Martin T. Wells, and G. Thomas Munsterman
Maximizing Social Influence to Minimize Carbon Emissions: Law and Social Norms in Collective Action, Jed S. Ela
A Libel Law Analysis of Media Abuses in Reporting on the Duke Lacrosse Fabricated Rape Charges, David A. Elder
The Functions of Standing, Heather Elliott
Transcending Gender: How the Absence of a Consistent Legal Definition of Gender Creates a Legal Limbo for Transgendered Individuals in the Context of Marriage, Shawn C. Ellison
Beyond Sovereignty? The State after the Failure of Sovereignty, Eric A. Engle
Beyond Sovereignty? The State after the Failure of Sovereignty, Eric A. Engle
Death Is Unconstitutional: How Capital Punishment, Eric A. Engle
Insider Trading: Incoherent in Theory, Inefficient in Practice, Eric A. Engle
The Fake Revolution: Understanding Legal Realism, Eric A. Engle
Derecho Bursátil Contemporáneo: Temas Selectos, David Enríquez Rosas
El TSX de Toronto: Un mercado financiero para la Energía, David Enríquez Rosas
Financing energy projects in Mexico, David Enríquez Rosas
Mexico, David Enríquez Rosas
Transboundary oil and gas reservoirs and the law of the sea: the USA-Mexico case, David Enríquez Rosas
Uncitral y las oscilaciones del régimen jurídico del transporte marítimo internacional de mercancías: Advertencias en torno a la búsqueda de una tercera vía, David Enríquez Rosas
Sales and Sports Law, Adam Epstein
On the perils of drawing inferences about Supreme Court justices from their first few years of service, Lee Epstein, Kevin M. Quinn, Andrew D. Martin, and Jeffrey A. Segal
Applying the Rule of Law to All Heads of State, C. Peter Erlinder
Inherent Powers, Ignoble History Make New Idea Anything But Innocuous, C. Peter Erlinder
Rwanda: No Conspiracy, No Genocide Planning ... No Genocide?, C. Peter Erlinder
The precedent was set in the Balkans: If you look at U.S. and U.N. actions honestly, it becomes harder to fault Russia for the current situation, C. Peter Erlinder
The Torture of Sami Al Arian, C. Peter Erlinder
U.S./U.K. Allies Grab Congo Riches and Millions Die: 2001-03 UN Expert Reports, C. Peter Erlinder
Who Killed Benazir Bhutto? Why Not Ask Charlie Wilson... or George Bush?, C. Peter Erlinder
Will President Obama Finally Bury King Leopold’s Ghost? Common Dreams, C. Peter Erlinder
“Doing Time”....After the Jury Acquits: Resolving the Post-Booker “Acquitted Conduct” Sentencing Dilemma, Peter Erlinder
"Doing Time" .... after the Jury Acquits: Resolving the post-Booker "Acquitted Conduct" Sentencing Dilemma, Peter Erlinder
When “Fear of Persecution…” Requires Deportation: “Catch 22” False-Document Prosecutions After a Grant of Asylum, Peter Erlinder
When “Fear of Persecution…” Requires Deportation: “Catch 22” False-Document Prosecutions After a Grant of Asylum, Peter Erlinder
Judgments of The United States Supreme Court and The South African Constitutional Court as a Basis For a Universal Method to Resolve Conflicts between Fundamental Rights, Daniel H. Erskine
The Trial of Queen Caroline and the Impeachment of President Clinton: Law As A Weapon for Political Reform, Daniel H. Erskine
The Question of Genocide in the Pequot War, joshua Erspamer Mr.
Changing the Meaning of Motherhood, Martha M. Ertman
Commercializing Marriage: A Proposal for Valuing Women's Work Through Premarital Security Agreements, Martha M. Ertman
Contractual Purgatory for Sexual Marginorities: Not Heaven, but Not Hell Either, Martha M. Ertman
Denying the Secret of Joy: A Critique of Posner's Theory of Sexuality, Martha M. Ertman
Mapping the New Frontiers of Private Ordering: Afterword, Martha M. Ertman
Marriage Markets, Martha M. Ertman
Oscar Wilde: Paradoxical Poster Child for Both Identify and Post-Identify, Martha M. Ertman
Private Ordering under the ALI Principles: As Natural as Status, Martha M. Ertman
Private Ordering under the ALI Principles: As Natural as Status, Martha M. Ertman
Race Treason: The Untold Story of America's Ban on Polygamy, Martha M. Ertman
Race Treason: The Untold Story of America's Ban on Polygamy, Martha M. Ertman
Reconstructing Marriage: An InterSEXional Approach, Martha M. Ertman
The Story of Reynolds v. United States: Federal "Hell Hounds" Punishing Mormon Treason, Martha M. Ertman
Unbending Gender: Why Family and Work Conflict and What To Do About It, Martha M. Ertman
Vive no Différence, Martha M. Ertman
Rethinking Commodification: Cases and Readings in Law and Culture, Martha M. Ertman and Joan C. Williams
La Responsabilidad Solidaria Tributaria por la Adquisición de Activos en el Marco de Operaciones de Reorganización Societaria, Freddy Escobar and Andrés Valle
Overview and Analysis of the Development, Relief, Education for Alien Minors Act (Dream Act) "What was not but could be", Jean P. Espinoza
Environmental Justice for All? The Navy's Recent Failure to Protect North Carolina's Citizens, William S. Eubanks II
The Life-Altering Impacts of Climate Change: The Precipitous Decline of the Northeastern Sugar Maple and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Potential Solution, William S. Eubanks II
18. Complex questions asked by defense lawyers but not prosecutors predicts convictions in child abuse trials., Angela D. Evans, Kang Lee, and Thomas D. Lyon
A Call to Action: The Time Has Come to Revisit and Reform the Law of Ideas, Tonya M. Evans
Posthumous Children, Hegemonic Human Rights and the Dilemma of Reform: Conversations Across Cultures, Uche Ewelukwa
Políticas de Competencia: Dos Perspectivas, Hugo Eyzaguirre and Carlos Patrón
Can Tax Policy Stop Human Trafficking?, Diane L. Fahey
"Can Tax Policy Stop Human Trafficking?", Diane L. Fahey
Short of the Goal: New York's Legislation to Compel HIV Testing from Accused Sex Offenders, Joseph E. Fahey
"THrowing away the Key: An Examination of new York's Sex offender Civil Commitment Statute", Joseph E. Fahey
Throwing Away the Key: An Examination of New York's Sex Offender Commitment Law, Joseph E. Fahey
Throwing the Key Away: An Examination of New York's Sex Offender Commitment Law, Joseph E. Fahey
Employee Participation in Sweden. Union Paradise and Employer Hell or …?, Reinhold Fahlbeck
Sweden: Industrial Relations and Labor Law. National Monograph. Third revised and amended edition, Reinhold Fahlbeck and Johann Mulder
A Truly Good Work: Turning to Restorative Justice for Answers to the Welfare-to-Work Dilemma, Marie A. Failinger
Il lavoro prestato irregolarmente, michele faioli
Women and the "New" Corporate Governance, Lisa M. Fairfax and Paula A. Monopoli
Writing and analysis in the law, 5th ed., Elizabeth Fajans
Untold Stories: Restoring Narrative to Pleading Practice, Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk
Untold Stories: Restoring Narrative to Pleading Practice, Elizabeth Fajans and Mary R. Falk
A Call to Action: The Time Has Come to Revisit and Reform the Law of Ideas, Jill E. Family
Introduction: Immigration Law in Pennsylvania: Policy and Practice, Jill E. Family
Stripping Judicial Review During Immigration Reform: The Certificate of Reviewability, Jill E. Family