About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2008


Deemed to be ‘workers’ for common law action, Neil J. Foster

“Lawyers predicting the future: disclosure in insurance contracts- CGU Insurance Ltd v Porthouse”, Neil J. Foster

Lawyers predicting the future: disclosure in insurance contracts- CGU Insurance Ltd v Porthouse, Neil J. Foster

Mining, maps and mindfulness: the Gretley appeal to the Full Bench of the Industrial Court of NSW, Neil J. Foster

Mining, maps and mindfulness: the Gretley appeal to the Full Bench of the Industrial Court of NSW, Neil J. Foster


Personal civil liability of company officers for company workplace torts, Neil J. Foster


“Private Law and Public Goals: The Continuing Importance of the Action for Breach of Statutory Duty” (Paper presented at the Obligations IV Conference, Singapore, 23-25 July 2008), Neil J. Foster

The County Road Quagmire: How to Establish the Existence of a County Road and Other Ingress, Egress Conundrums, Sharon E. Foster

Barrister of the Year, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inn of Court, Darin Fox

Co-Presenter: "Motion Practice" (2006), "The Law of the Office" (2007), "Alfalfa Bill Murray: Martial Law Governor" (2008), Darin Fox


Filling Holes and Building Foundations with WorldCat Collection Analysis, Darin Fox

Keeping Up with Technology: Advice for Librarians, Darin Fox

After the War on Crime: Race, Democracy, and a New Reconstruction, Mary Louise Frampton, Ian Haney-López, and Jonathan Simon

After the War on Crime: Race, Democracy, and a New Reconstruction, Mary Louise Frampton, Ian Haney-López, and Jonathan Simon

After the War on Crime: Race, Democracy, and a New Reconstruction, Mary Louise Frampton, Ian Haney-López, and Jonathan Simon


Reconsidering Dispute Resolution Options in International Investment Agreements, Susan D. Franck


To Hell with Kyoto, It’s Time for Something Real!, Altdus Ray Frank



Individualism and Collectivism in Agreement-Making under Australian Labour Law, Andrew D. Frazer

Industrial Tribunals and the Regulation of Bargaining, Andrew D. Frazer

Labour Law and Productive Decentralisation: Australian Report, Andrew D. Frazer

Parliament and the Industrial Power, Andrew D. Frazer


The Case for the Plain Packaging of Tobacco Products, Becky Freeman, Simon Chapman, and Matthew Rimmer

Current Legal Developments: International Union for the Conservation of Nature, David Freestone, Kristina Gjerde, Rosemary Rayfuse, and David VanderZwaag

Ocean Iron Fertilization and International Law, David Freestone and Rosemary Rayfuse


Electronic Surveillance at the Virtual Border, Susan Freiwald


Fourth Amendment Protection for Stored E-Mail, Susan Freiwald and Patricia L. Bellia


Iraq at crossroads: Transforming the 'Resource Curse' to a 'Resource Blessing' - The Case for Gradual Privatization of the Iraqi Oil Industry, Christina P. Frentzou


Muster zur Übertragung von Unternehmerpflichten auf Führungskräfte, Arbeitsschutz und Umweltschutz, Hartmut H. Frenzel


Hold The Phone: Assessing the Rights of Wireless Handset Owners and Carriers, Rob M. Frieden


Hold the Phone: Assessing the Rights of Wireless Handset Owners and Carriers, Rob M. Frieden


Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: Developing a Clearer Assessment, Rob M. Frieden


Lock Down on the Third Screen: How Wireless Carriers Evade Regulation of Their Video Services, Rob M. Frieden

No Free Lunch: How Settlement Can Reduce the Legal System’s Ability to Induce Efficient Behavior, Ezra Friedman and Abraham L. Wickelgren


Protecting Consumers from Arbitration Provisions in Cyberspace, the Federal Arbitration Act and E-Sign Notwithstanding, Stephen E. Friedman


Copyright Infringement in the Internet Age - Primetime for Harmonized Conflict-of-Laws Rules?, Anita B. Frohlich

Overvaluing Uniformity, Amanda Frost

Phillip J. Fulton, OHIO WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAW (Charles M. Thatcher eds. 3rd ed.), Phillip J. Fulton and Charles Thatcher


Sistema Penitenciário Brasileiro: uma visão crítica acerca da ineficiência do Direito Penal brasileiro, Rafaela Loureiro Pinheiro Furlan


Anistia e Estado de Direito: análise do caso brasileiro, Rafaela Loureiro Pinheiro Furlan, Dalton Yoshio Hirata, and Leda Batista da Silva


Os negócios das sociedades controladas pela falida estão sujeitos às hipóteses de ineficácia e revogação dos artigos 129 e 130 da lei 11.101/2005?, Rafaela Loureiro Pinheiro Furlan and Jessica Daniele Winge

Work in the American System: Health Insurance as a Source of Job Insecurity, Barry Furrow

Bioethics: Health Care Law & Ethics, 6th ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz

Health Care Organization & Finance, 6th ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz

Health Care Organization & Finance, 6th ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz

Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, 6th Ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz

Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, 6th Ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz

Liability & Quality Issues in Health Care, 6th ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz

Liability & Quality Issues in Health Care, 6th ed., Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, and Robert L. Schwartz


The Trouble With Putting All of Your Eggs in One Basket: Using a Property Rights Model to Resolve Disputes Over Cryopreserved Embryos, Bridget M. Fuselier

Cuban Claims: Embargoed Identities and the Cuban-American Oedipal Conflict (El grito de la Yuma), José Gabilondo


Irrational Exuberance About Babies: The Taste for Heterosexuality and Its Conspicuous Reproduction, José Gabilondo


Leveraged Liquidity: Bear Raids and Junk Loans in the New Credit Market, José Gabilondo

Reifying law-- rule block, government, the state, and transnational governance: Monetizing Diaspora: Liquid Sovereigns and the Interest Convergence Around Worker Remittances, José Gabilondo


McConnell v. Federal Election Commission: The Problem of Eradicating Campaign Finance Corruption, Michelle C. Gabriel


A Fighting Chance: An Analysis of the Role of Social Science Evidence in Higher Education Affirmative Action and K-12 Voluntary Desegregation Cases, Crystal Gafford Muhammad


Mapping the Social Life of the Law: An Alternative Approach to Legal Research, Ian Gallacher


The United Nations, Democracy and Human Rights, Anne T. Gallagher


Using International Human Rights Law to Better Protect Victims of Trafficking: The Prohibitions on Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Debt Bondage, Anne T. Gallagher

Developing an Effective Criminal Justice Response to Human Trafficking: Lessons from the Front Line, Anne T. Gallagher and Paul Holmes


Developing an Effective Criminal Justice Response to Human Trafficking: Lessons from the Front Line, Anne T. Gallagher and Paul Holmes

Law and Legal Process in the Resolution of International Conflicts, Michelle Gallant


Equal Sentences for Unequal Participation: Should the Eighth Amendment Allow All Juvenile Murder Accomplices to Receive Life Without Parole?, Brian Gallini


Managing California's Fiscal Roller Coaster, David Gamage

La fiscalité internationale des Etats-Unis, Raphael Gani and Marc Bauen


Saving the WTO from the Risk of Irrelevance: The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism as a ‘Common Good’ for RTA Disputes, Henry S. Gao and Chin Leng Lim


International Law of Foreign Investment at a crossroads: the need to reform, Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar


The law as a poverty fighting instrument: reflections on law, development and empowerment of the poor., Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar


El análisis económico del derecho: una abogacía para el siglo XXI, Adriana García García


Guía de las decisiones del PJF en materia de competencia económica: cómo generar una cultura de competencia, Adriana García García and Ana Elena Fierro


Responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado: interpretación de la SCJN del artículo 133 constitucional, Adriana García García and Ana Elena Fierro


El analisis económico del Derecho como herramienta para el diseno normativo: La propuesta de Reglamento de Gas LP, Adriana García García and Dirk Zavala


Poder presidencial de nominación y equilibrio institucional, Mauricio García-Villegas and Javier Revelo-Rebolledo


After Two Centuries, our ‘Better Angels’ Finally Learn to Speak, Alan E. Garfield


Finding Shared Values in a Diverse Society: Lessons from the Intelligent Design Controversy, Alan E. Garfield

Doing Comparative Law and Economics: Why the Future is Micro and not Macro, Nuno Garoupa

Law and Economics and the Independence of the Judiciary, Nuno Garoupa


Providing a Framework for the Reform of the Legal Profession: Insights from the European Experience, Nuno Garoupa


Cashing by the Hour: Why Large Law Firms Prefer Hourly Fees Over Contingent Fees, Nuno Garoupa and Fernando Gomez

Paying the Price for Being Caught: The Economics of Manifest and Non-Manifest Theft in Roman Law, Nuno Garoupa and Fernando Gómez Pomar

Differential Victimization: Efficiency and Fairness Explanations for the Felony Murder Rule, Nuno Garoupa and Jonathan Klick


Why Plea-Bargaining Fails to Achieve Results in So Many Criminal Justice Systems: A New Framework for Assessment, Nuno Garoupa and Frank Stephen


The Market for Legal Innovation: Law and Economics in Europe and the United States, Nuno Garoupa and Thomas S. Ulen

Nonmarital Cohabitation: Social Revolution and Legal Regulation, Marsha Garrison

Regulating Reproduction, Marsha Garrison

Reviving Marriage: Could We? Should We?, Marsha Garrison

Rhetoric to Relic: Intergenerational Equity after Oposa v. Factoran, Dante B. Gatmaytan


Criminal Law on the Aboriginal Plains: The First Nations and the First Criminal Court in the North-West Territories, 1870 - 1903, Shelley A. M. Gavigan


An Originalist Defense of Substantive Due Process: Magna Carta, Higher-Law Constitutionalism, and the Fifth Amendment, Frederick Mark Gedicks

An Originalist Defense of Substantive Due Process: Magna Carta, Higher-Law Constitutionalism, and the Fifth Amendment, Frederick Mark Gedicks


Lawyers Hold the Key: Attacks on Judicial Independence Are Based on Ignorance and are Best Parried by Lawyers Themselves, John L. Gedid


The Importance of Professionalism, John L. Gedid


Automating Contract Law, George Geis


Can Independent Blockholding Really Play Much of a Role in Indian Corporate Governance Reform?, George Geis


Economics as Context for Contract Law, George Geis


Rational Choice, Reputation and Human Rights Treaties, Alex Geisinger and Michael Ashley Stein

The Michigan Business Tax: Truism, Shakespeare, and Psychology, Marjorie Gell

The Dark Side of Shareholder Influence: The Connection between Managerial Autonomy and Stakeholder Orientation in Comparative Corporate Governance, Martin Gelter

Developments in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Steven S. Gensler