The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Directrices Del Régimen De Responsabilidad De Los Administradores De Sociedades, Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera, Lina Fernanda Henao Beltrán, María Mónica Pino Solano, and Camilo Enrique Cubillos
Aspectos Introductorios al Crédito Documentario, Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera and Maximiliano Rodriguez Fernández
How Do Legal Rules Evolve? Evidence From a Cross-Country Comparison of Shareholder, Creditor and Worker Protection, John Armour, Simon Deakin, Priya Lele, and Mathias M. Siems
Law and Financial Development: What We are Learning from Time-Series Evidence, John Armour, Simon Deakin, Viviana Mollica, and Mathias M. Siems
Shareholder Protection and Stock Market Development: An Empirical Test of the Legal Origins Hypothesis, John Armour, Simon Deakin, Prabirjit Sarkar, Mathias M. Siems, and Ajit Singh
Financial Products and Services Industry: The Reinsurance Collateral Debate and 2008 Proposed Regulatory Reform Efforts, Gregory S. Arnold
Video Resume, Gregory S. Arnold
Fair Termination in an At-Will World, Rachel S. Arnow-Richman
9 Oklahoma Tribal Court Reports, Dennis W. Arrow
Indian Country, Indian Lands, Indian Jurisdiction, Dennis W. Arrow
Toward a 21st-Century Health Care System: Recommendations for Health Care Reform, Kenneth Arrow, Alan Auerbach, John Bertko, Shannon Brownlee, Lawrence P. Casalino, Jim Cooper, Francis J. Crosson, Alain Enthoven, Elizabeth Falcone, Robert C. Feldman, Victor R. Fuchs, Alan M. Garber, Marthe R. Gold, Dana Goldman, Gillian K. Hadfield, Mark A. Hall, Ralph I. Horwitz, Michael Hooven, Peter D. Jacobson, Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, Lawrence J. Kotlikoff, Jonathan Levin, Sharon Levine, Richard Levy, Karen Linscott, Harold S. Luft, Robert Mashal, Daniel McFadden, David Mechanic, David Meltzer, Joseph P. Newhouse, Roger G. Noll, Jan B. Pietzsch, Philip Pizzo, Robert D. Reischauer, Sara Rosenbaum, William Sage, Leonard D. Schaeffer, Edward Sheen, B. Michael Silber, Jonathan Skinner, Stephen M. Shortell, Samuel O. Thier, Sean Tunis, Lucien Wulsin, Paul Yock, Gabi Bin Nun, Stirling Bryan, and Osnat Luxenburg
Intellectual property policy reform: Fostering innovation and development, Christopher Arup and William Van Caenegem
Themes and prospects for intellectual property law reform, Christopher Arup and William van Caenegem
Conference abstract, Embedding Mahr, Copenhagen 21-23 October, 2009: Facing the Unknown/Defacing the Known - Swedish Courts Facing Muslim Family Law, Matilda Arvidsson
Facing the unknown/defacing the known – Muslim family laws in the western courts: Sweden, Matilda Arvidsson
Anti-Snitching Norms and Loyalty, Bret Asbury
Anti-Snitching Norms and Loyalty, Bret D. Asbury
Law as Palimpsest: Conceptualizing Contingency in Judicial Opinions (forthcoming 2009), Bret D. Asbury
Humans 'will be implanted with microchips', Josepine Asher, K. Michael, and M.G. Michael
Theft, Transformation, and the Need of the Immaterial: A Proposal for a Fair Use Digital Sampling Regime, Reuven Ashtar
Remodeling the Temple, Phase I: Assessing the Foundations of Neo-Classical Professionalism in Law and Business, Robert E. Atkinson
Sea Captains and Philosopher Kings: Melville's Billy Budd and Plato's Republic, Robert E. Atkinson
Sea Captains and Philospher Kings: Melville's Billy Budd and Plato's Republic, Robert E. Atkinson
The Economics of a Centralized Judiciary: Uniformity, Forum Shopping, and the Federal Circuit, Scott Atkinson, Alan C. Marco, and John H. Turner
Congress Needs to Help Victims of Foreclosures, Bernadette Atuahene
Plowing the Way Forward: How Transitional States Can Deal with past Property Dispossession, Bernadette Atuahene
Property Rights and the Demands of Transformation, Bernadette Atuahene
Things Fall Apart: The Illegitimacy of Property Rights in the Context of Past Theft, Bernadette Atuahene
Implementing the New Fiscal Policy Activism, Alan J. Auerbach
Après Bush, Le Déluge?, Alan J. Auerbach and William G. Gale
Institutional Foundations of Public Finance: Economic and Legal Perspectives, Alan J. Auerbach and Daniel Shaviro
2008 OECD Model: The New Arbitration Provision, Hugh J. Ault
Award presentation: 63rd International Fiscal Association Annual Meeting, Hugh J. Ault
Panelist, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Tax aspects of tradable emissions permits, Hugh J. Ault
Panelist, Frankfurt International Arbitration Center: Tax meets Arbitration, Hugh J. Ault
Reflections on the Role of the OECD in Developing International Tax Norms, Hugh J. Ault
Session Chair, OECD Advisory Group for Co-operation with Non-OECD Countries, Hugh J. Ault
A Pledge of Double Allegiance: Prospectus for a New Inquiry of Dual Citizenship in the United States, Matthew Axtell
This is your Dolphin Calling: Winter v. NRDC (2008) and False Choices Between Wildlife and Technology in the Seas, Matthew Adams Axtell
A Week in the Life of, Mary B. Ayad PhD Candidate
Ayad, Mary (2009) Harmonisation of International Commercial Arbitration Law and sharia: The case of pacta sunt servanda v. ordre public; The use of ijtihad to achieve higher award enforcement, Macquarie University Journal of Business Law, Mary B. Ayad PhD Candidate
Ayad, Mary (2009) United Nations Treaty Body Reform; Human Rights are not Optional, Mary B. Ayad PhD Candidate
International Commercial Arbitration Award Enforcement at the Crossroads of Sharia Law and Ordre Public in the MENA: Paving the Golden Path towards Harmonisation, Mary B. Ayad PhD Candidate
World peace the goal of Business Law PhD, Mary B. Ayad PhD Candidate
Difundiendo la Ideas Liberales, Manuel Ayau
¡Que fácil!, Manuel Ayau
39th Congress (1865-1867) and the 14th Amendment: Some Preliminary Perspectives, Richard Aynes
Ink Blot or Not: the Meaning of Privileges And/Or Immunities, Richard Aynes
John Bingham, Richard Aynes
Yet Another Refutation of the More Guns, Less Crime Hypothesis – With Some Help From Moody and Marvell, Ian Ayres and John Donohue
From Constitution to Constitutionalism: A Global Framework for Legitimate Public Power Systems, Larry Cata Backer
Sovereign Wealth Funds as Regulatory Chameleons: The Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Funds and Public Global Governance Through Private Global Investment, Larry Cata Backer
Theocratic Constitutionalism: An Introduction to a New Global Legal Ordering, Larry Cata Backer
The Party as Polity, the Communist Party, and the Chinese Constitutional State: A Theory of State-Party Constitutionalism, Larry Cata Backer
Values in Global Economics: The Relationship Between Morals, Religion and the Economic Order, Larry Cata Backer
Bar/Bri Criminal Law Review Lecture, Mary Sue Backus
OMG! Missing the Teachable Moment and Undermining the Future of the First Amendment--TISNF!, Mary Sue Backus
The CSI Effect: What Can Forensic Science Really Tell Us?, Mary Sue Backus
The CSI Effect: What Can Forensic Science Really Tell Us?, Mary Sue Backus
The Attributes of Transactions and the Limits of the New Formalism, Adam B. Badawi
Religion and International Law: Friends or Foes?, Mashood A. Baderin
India's Constitutional Challenge: A Less Visible Climate Change Catastrophe, Deepa Badrinarayana
India's Constitutional Challenge: A Less Visible Climate Change Catastrophe, Deepa Badrinarayana
India's Constitutional Challenge: A Less Visible Climate Change Catastrophe, Deepa Badrinarayana
The Emerging Constitutional Challenge of Climate Change: India in Perspective, Deepa Badrinarayana
Protecting Privacy amid Issues od Egalitarianism and Economic Efficiency, enrico baffi
Brief for Nicholas deB. Katzenbach et al. as Amici Curiae, Northwest Austin Municipal Utility District No. 1 v. Holder, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Law and the Contradictions of the Disability Rights Movement, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Where Have All the Lawsuits Gone? The Shockingly Small Role of Courts in Implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Samuel R. Bagenstos
Arguing Patentability with Motif Analysis and Gene Sequence Alignments, Brendan O. Baggot
Change is needed; How Latinos are affected by the United States Criminal Justice System, Christopher F. Bagnato
The Aftermath of Crawford and Davis: Deconstructing the Sound of Silence, Kimberly D. Bailey
'A Critical Evaluation of the Historical and Contemporary Justifications for Criminalising Begging,' (2009) 73(3) Journal of Criminal Law 212., Dennis J. Baker
Dennis J. Baker, ‘Punishment Without A Crime: Is Preventive Detention Reconcilable With Justice?’ (2009) 34 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 120, Dennis J. Baker
Responsibility Links, Fair Labelling and Proportionality in China: Comparing China’s Criminal Law Theory and Doctrine, Dennis J. Baker
The Moral Limits of Consent as a Defense in the Criminal Law, 12 New Criminal Law Review (2009), Dennis J. Baker
Family Law: The Essentials, Katharine K. Baker and Katharine B. Silbaugh
Balancing Competing Priorities: Affirmative Action in the United States and Canada, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
Competing Master Frames in Social Movements: Can a Failure to “Bridge” Still Allow for Success?, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
The Charter as an Independent Variable: Rethinking Epp’s Rights Revolution, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
The New Institutionalism and International Relations, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
Towards a New Transitional Justice Model: Assessing the Serbian Case, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
Towards a New Transitional Justice Model: Assessing the Serbian Case of Transitional Justice, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
Universal Jurisdiction and the Case of Belgium: A Critical Assessment, Roozbeh (Rudy) B. Baker
Clasificación, estructura y contenido de los deberes jurídicos que nacen de la relación obligacional en el Código Civil alemán, José Balcázar Quiroz
Nulidad y argumentación, José Balcázar Quiroz