About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2009

To Attain “The Just Rewards of so Much Struggle”: Local-Resident Equity Participation in Urban Revitalization, Barbara L. Bezdek

To Forge New Hammers of Justice: Deep-Six the Doing-Teaching Dichotomy and Embrace the Dialectic of "Doing Theory", Barbara L. Bezdek

Advertisement For Deposits from Companies, CS.SUNIL KUMAR B.G.

International Migration and Trading Regimes: NAFTA and the EU in Interdisciplinary Perspective, Jagdeep Bhandari

Dissemination of Scientific Information Through Various Media for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources of Northeastern India, B K. Bhattacharjya, Ganesh Chandra, K K. Sharma, P Gogoi, V Kolekar, S Yengkokpam, and D Debnath

Evaluating Permanent Disability Ratings Using Empirical Data on Earnings Losses, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Frank Neuhauser, Robert Reville, and Seth A. Seabury


Hold-Ups and Highway Robberies: A Proposal to Return to the Pre-Bell Atlantic 12(b)(6) Pleading Standard While Subsidizing Defendants' Discovery Costs (Including Discovery-Related Attorney Fees) in Meritless Cases, Anthony C. Biagioli


Too Little, Too Late? Why President Obama’s Well-Intentioned Reforms of the Military Commissions May Not Be Enough to Save Them, John M. Bickers

From Morgan to Etridge: Tracing the (dis)integration of undue influence in the United Kingdom, Rick Bigwood

Madison's Hand, Mary S. Bilder

Madison's Hand, Mary S. Bilder

Rethinking Separation of Powers, Mary S. Bilder

The Authenticity of Madison's Notes, Mary S. Bilder

The Authenticity of Madison's Notes, Mary S. Bilder


The Colonial Period: The Sources of Colonial Law, Mary S. Bilder


Blackstone in America: Selected Essays of Kathryn Preyer, Mary S. Bilder, Maeva Marcus, and R. Kent Newmyer



We Don’t Want to Hear It: Psychology, Literature and the Narrative Model of Judging, Kenworthey Bilz


Legal Liability for Dam Failures, Denis Binder

Lagprövningsdebatten 1955-1966. I skärningsfältet mellan juridik och politik., Uta Bindreiter


Designing Justice: Legal Institutions and Other Systems for Managing Conflict, Lisa Blomgren Bingham


Toward a Theory of Procedural Justice for Juveniles, Tamar R. Birckhead


Repackaging, Pharmaceuticals, and the European Union: Managing Gray Markets in an Uncertain Legal Environment, Robert Bird

Behind the Green Veil (reviewing Richard Tillinghast, Finding Ireland), William Birdthistle


One Hat Too Many? Investment Desegregation in Private Equity (symposium) (with M. Henderson), William Birdthistle

The Fortunes and Foibles of Exchange-Traded Funds: A Positive Market Response to the Problems of Mutual Funds, William Birdthistle


Who Owns Bratz? The Integration of Copyright and Employment Law, Michael D. Birnhack

יוצרים זכויות: קריאות בחוק זכות יוצרים Authoring Rights: Reading the Israeli Copyright Act [Hebrew], Michael D. Birnhack and Guy Pesssach

Strengthening State-led Rural Justice in Bangladesh: Views from the Bottom, Zahidul Islam Biswas


State-led Rural Justice in Bangladesh, Zahidul Islam Biswas


Eliminating Securities Fraud Class Actions Under the Radar, Barbara Black


Seven Come Eleven: Accrual Formula Under Seventh and Eleventh Circuit "Injury Discovery" Accrual, Joseph W. Blackburn

Seven Come Eleven: Accrual Formula Under Seventh and Eleventh Circuit "Injury Discovery" Accrual, Joseph W. Blackburn


Seven Come Eleven: Accrual Formula Under Seventh and Eleventh Circuit “Injury Discovery” Precedent, Joseph W. Blackburn


Seven Come Eleven: Accrual Formula Under Seventh and Eleventh Circuit “Injury Discovery” Precedent, Joseph W. Blackburn and Donald Johnson


Taking the Home of a Class of One And the Path of Least Resistance: How The Equal Protection Clause and Village of Willowbrook v. Olech Can Protect Homeowners from Eminent Domain Abuse, Josh Blackman


This Lemon Comes as a Lemon. The Lemon Test and the Pursuit of a Statute’s Secular Purpose., Josh Blackman


Youngstown’s Fourth Tier. Is There Zone of Insight Beyond the Zone of Twilight?, Josh Blackman and Elizabeth Bahr


Major Issues Affecting the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Jonathan Blackmore


The Influence of Franz Kafka on American Jurisprudence, Jonathan Blackmore


The Bush Theory of the War Power: Authoritarianism, Torture and the So-Called “War on Terror”- A Critique, Christopher L. Blakesley and Judy Meyerson


Jurors Believe Interrogation Tactics Are Not Likely To Elicit False Confessions: Will Expert Witness Testimony Inform Them Otherwise?, Iris Blandon-Gitlin, Kathryn Sperry, and Richard Leo


What's Wrong With Shaming Corporate Tax Abuse, Joshua D. Blank


Overcoming Overdisclosure: Toward Tax Shelter Detection, Joshua D. Blank


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


Missing the Mark: An Overlooked Statute Redefines the Debate Over Statutory Interpretation, William S. Blatt


How The Courts, Along With Public Dissatisfaction with the Status Quo, Ironically Aided in the Creation of New Hollywood, Which Promoted Films of Lawlessness, Disorder and Instability, Sam A. Blaustein


Death of the Revolution: The Legal War on Competitive Broadband Technologies, John F. Blevins


Writing: "It" is a Start; Getting "It" Read is the Goal., Timothy Blevins


Do Death Trap Provisions Breathe Life into a Chapter 11 Reorganization Plan?, Amanda K. Bloch


No Rational Basis: The Pragmatic Case for Marijuana Law Reform, Eric Blumenson

Public Property and the Democratization of Western Water Law: a Modern View of the Public Trust Doctrine, Michael Blumm


Debunking the "Divine Conception" Myth: Environmental Law Before NEPA, Michael C. Blumm

Mono Lake and the Evolving Public Trust in Western Water, Michael Blumm and Thea Schwartz


The Neuropsychology of Justifications and Excuses: Some Problematic Cases of Self-defense, Duress and Provocation, Theodore Y. Blumoff


The Unnatural Disaster: Who Will Pay For the Next Major Hurricane, Bradley G. Bodiford

Coordination of Benefits, Subrogation, Reimbursement and Escape Clauses, Chapter 14, § II. (Issues Unique to Health Care Benefit Plans), C. (2010 annual update), Don Bogan

Coordination of Benefits, Subrogation, Reimbursement and Escape Clauses, Chapter 14, § II. (Issues Unique to Health Care Benefit Plans), C. (2011 annual update), Don Bogan

Coordination of Benefits, Subrogation, Reimbursement and Escape Clauses, Chapter 14, § II. (Issues Unique to Health Care Benefit Plans), C. (2012 annual update), Donald T. Bogan


ERISA: The Foundational Insufficiencies for Deferential Review in Employee Benefit Claims--Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Glenn, Donald T. Bogan

Offset Provisions in Disability Plans, Chapter 14, § III. (Issues Unique to Disability Benefit Plans), D. (2010 annual update), Donald T. Bogan

Offset Provisions in Disability Plans, Chapter 14, § III. (Issues Unique to Disability Benefit Plans), D. (2011 annual update), Donald T. Bogan

Offset Provisions in Disability Plans, Chapter 14, § III. (Issues Unique to Disability Benefit Plans), D. (2012 annual update), Donald T. Bogan

Inside Property Law: What Matters and Why, Daniel B. Bogart and John Makdisi

Cooperation between Legal Systems: the Nordic Model, Michael Bogdan

Private International Law Aspects of the Introduction of Same-Sex Marriages in Sweden, Michael Bogdan

Promoting Market Economy and Human Rights by means of Development Assistance in the Field of Law, Michael Bogdan

The EC Treaty and International Family Law, Michael Bogdan

The Rome I Regulation on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligaltions and the Choice of Law by the Parties, Michael Bogdan

The Treatment of Environmental Damage in Regulation Rome II, Michael Bogdan

Liberalism in the Twenty-First Century, David Bogen

A Look at Labor Law in the Land Down Under: Industrial Relations in Australia, David S. Bogen

Balancing Freedom of Speech, David S. Bogen

Book Review: Antecedents and Beginnings to 1801, David S. Bogen

Book Review: Reconstruction and Reunion, 1864-88, Part One, David S. Bogen

Book Review: Slave Law in the Americas, David S. Bogen

Book Review: Speech and Law in a Free Society, David S. Bogen

Book Review: The Constitution in the Supreme Court: the First Hundred Years, 1789-1888., David S. Bogen

Book Review: The Limits of Judicial Power: The Supreme Court in American Politics, David S. Bogen

Comparing Implied and Express Constitutional Freedoms, David S. Bogen

Evans v. Abney: Reverting to Segregation, David S. Bogen

First Amendment Ancillary Doctrines, David S. Bogen

Generally Applicable Laws and the First Amendment, David S. Bogen

Human Rights in the United States: Two Decades' Development, David S. Bogen

Ignoring History: The Liability of Ships' Masters, Innkeepers and Stablekeepers Under Roman Law, David S. Bogen

Indigenous Peoples and the Law - Ancient Customs: Modern Dilemmas, David S. Bogen

Mathias de Sousa: Maryland's First Colonist of African Descent, David S. Bogen

Mr. Justice Miller's Clause: The Privileges of Immunities of Citizens of the United States Internationally, David S. Bogen

Mr. Justice Miller's Clause: the Privileges or Immunities of Citizens of the United States Internationally, David S. Bogen

Precursors of Rosa Parks: Maryland Transportation Cases Between the Civil War and the Beginning of World War I, David S. Bogen