The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Webster Plus One: Solving the "Impossible" Apportionment Debate, Mark M. Bell
The Shari'ah: Misreadings and Misinterpretations, abdulmajeed bolade bello dr.
The Scale of Consent, Tom W. Bell
The Law Librarian of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: A Figuration in Flux, Theodora Belniak
Evaluation of the Design Piracy Prohibition Act: Is the cure worse than the disease?, Silvia Beltrametti
Canada’s Supreme Court Rejects the Revlon Test for Directors’ Duties, Stephanie Ben-Ishai
Habeas Schmabeus - Post Decision, Clif Bennette
Trade Usage and Disclaiming Consequential Damages: the Implications for Just-in-Time Purchasing, Robert B. Bennett
The New Poor at Our Gates: Global Justice Implications for International Trade and Tax Law, Ilan Benshalom
The New Poor at Our Gates: Global Justice Implications for International Trade and Tax Law, Ilan Benshalom
The New Poor at Our Gates: Global Justice Implications for International Trade and Tax Law, Ilan Benshalom
Systemic Harassment, Jason R. Bent
A model for electronic commerce tax collection, Duncan Bentley
A Review of Roy Rohatgi's "Basic International Taxation", Duncan Bentley
Book Review, Duncan Bentley
Current Books, Duncan Bentley
Influence from the Shadows : the OECD, The Shape of Domestic Tax Policy and Lessons for Federal Systems, Duncan Bentley
International constraints on national tax policy: reflecting the international tax order, Duncan Bentley
Mooting in an undergraduate tax program , Duncan Bentley
Problem Resolution : Does the ATO Approach Really Work? , Duncan Bentley
Tax law drafting: the principled method, Duncan Bentley
Taxpayers’ Charter: Opportunity or Token Gesture?, Duncan Bentley
Ten years of the Revenue Law Journal : A Diary of Tax Reform, Duncan Bentley
Ten Years of the Revenue Law Journal: A Diary of Tax Reform, Duncan Bentley
The ATO, Tax and the Internet: The Emperor's New Clothes?, Duncan Bentley
The Commissioner's Powers : Democracy Fraying at the Edges?, Duncan Bentley
The significance of declarations of taxpayers’ rights and global standards for the delivery of tax services by revenue authorities, Duncan Bentley
The tax filing system and tax aid service in Australia, Duncan Bentley
Using structures to teach legal reasoning, Duncan Bentley
Deductibility of Education Fees, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery
Deductibility of Education Fees, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery
Editorial, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery
Editorial, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery
Too Many Words, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery
Too Many Words, Duncan Bentley and Jim Corkery
Special methods and tools for educating the transnational lawyer, Duncan Bentley and John Wade
Does Judicial Philosophy Matter? A Case Study, Francisco J. Benzoni
Does Judicial Philosophy Matter? A Case Study, Francisco J. Benzoni and Chrisopher Dodrill
The North Dakota Publicly Traded Corporation Act and Share Holder Rights, Bepress Editor and North Dakota Law Review
Energy, Agriculture, and Food: National, County, City Considerations, Gigi Berardi
Kenya — Starvation and Food Insecurity in the Land of Plenty, Gigi Berardi
Energy Resource Scarcity/Peak Oil Task Force Report, Gigi Berardi and
Test of an adaptive hypothesis for egg speckling along an evolutional gradient in a population of Mexican jays (Aphelocoma ultramarina), Elena C. Berg, John E. McCormack, and Thomas B. Smith
Consent To Harm, Vera Bergelson
Rights, Wrongs, and Comparative Justifications, Vera Bergelson
The Case of Weak Will and Wayward Desire., Vera Bergelson
Resisting New Trial, Benjamin L. Berger
Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law, Benjamin L. Berger and Gerry Ferguson
Wrestling with Punishment: The Role of the BC Court of Appeal in the Law of Sentencing, Benjamin L. Berger and Gerry Ferguson
How Embedded Knowledge Structures Affect Judicial Decision Making: An Analysis of Metaphor, Narrative, and Imagination in Child Custody Disputes, Linda L. Berger
‘Intellectual Property’ (chapter), Lawyers Practice Manual WA, Thomson Reuters, 2009 (Updating author), Tyrone Berger
Putting the Community Back Into the "Community Benefit" Standard, Jessica Berg
Constitutional Law of Islamic Republic Iran: experience of conservative modernization, Leonid Berlyavskiy
Smoking Out the Impact of Tobacco-Related Decisions on Public Health Law, Micah Berman
En defensa de la solidaridad: Comentarios sobre la propuesta eliminación de la responsabilidad solidaria en la relación extracontractual, Alberto Bernabe
En Defensa de la Solidaridad: Comentarios Sobre la Propuesta Eliminacion de la Responsabilidad Solidaria en la Relacion Extraconctracual, Alberto Bernabe and Jose Julian Alvarez Gonzalez
Bringing Soul to International Negotiation, Phyllis E. Bernard
Eliminationist Discourse in a Conflicted Society: Lessons for America From Africa?, Phyllis E. Bernard
Ethics in Arbitration: Connections, Conflicts, and Collegiality, Phyllis E. Bernard
Finding Common Ground in the Soil of Culture, Phyllis E. Bernard
The Lawyer's Mind: Why a Twenty-first Century Legal Practice Will Not Thrive Using Nineteenth Century Thinking 2010 (with thanks to George Lakoff), Phyllis E. Bernard
What Some Theories Say; What Some Mediators Know, Phyllis E. Bernard
Implied Reverse Preemption, Anita Bernstein
Pecuniary Reparations Following National Crisis: A Convergence of Tort Theory, Microfinance, and Gender Equality, Anita Bernstein
Pitfalls Ahead: A Manifesto for the Training of Lawyers, Anita Bernstein
Pitfalls Ahead: A Manifesto for the Training of Lawyers, Anita Bernstein
Tort Theory, Microfinance, and Gender Equity Convergent in Pecuniary Reparations, Anita Bernstein
Book Reviews, Mark P. Bernstein, Aslihan Bulut, Amy Burchfield, Karin Johnsrud, Teresa Miguel, Marylin J. Raisch, Scott Rasmussen, Mary Rumsey, Herb Somers, and Mary Elizabeth Williams
Whether Foreigner or Alien: A New Look at the Original Language of the Alien Tort Statute, M. Anderson Berry
Whether Foreigner or Alien: A New Look at the Original Language of the Alien Tort Statute, M. Anderson Berry
Extraordinary and Compelling: A Re-examination of the Justifications for Compassionate Release, William W. Berry III
The Demand and Supply of Parliamentary Policy Advocacy: Evidence from UK Health Policy, 1997-2005, Anthony M. Bertelli and Rachel M. Dolan
Secretaries of Pork? A New Theory of Distributive Public Policy, Anthony M. Bertelli and Christian R. Grose
Demanding Information: Think Tanks and the U.S. Congress, Anthony M. Bertelli and Jeffrey B. Wenger
Perceiving Credible Commitments: How Independent Regulators Shape Elite Perceptions of Regulatory Quality, Anthony M. Bertelli and Andrew B. Whitford
The European Union facing the global arena: standard - setting bodies and financial regulation, Giulia Bertezzolo
Between a Rock and Hard Place: Conflicts Between U.S. and U.K. Privilege Laws, Don R. Berthiaume
Broken Principle: Solving the Corporate Privilege Waiver Dilemma, Don R. Berthiaume
Commercial Bribery and the New International Norms, Don R. Berthiaume
Commercial Bribery and the New International Norms, Don R. Berthiaume
“Just the Facts”: Solving The Corporate Privilege Waiver Dilemma, Don R. Berthiaume
Conflicts between U.S. and U.K. Corporate Privilege Laws, Don R. Berthiaume and Jeff Ansley
Escaping the Prisoner’s Dilemma Securing a Role for Human Rights in Counterterrorism, Benedetta Berti
Tennessee State Documents, Reba A. Best
Max's Taxes: A Tax-Based Analysis of Pet Trusts, Gerry W. Beyer and Jonathan P. Wilkerson
Putting Community Equity in Community Development: Resident Equity Participation in Urban Redevelopment, Barbara Bezdek
Alinsky's Prescription: Democracy Alongside Law, Barbara L. Bezdek
Clinical Programs of the University of Maryland School of Law, Barbara L. Bezdek
Contractual Welfare: Non-Accountability and Diminished Democracy in Local Government Contracts for Welfare-to-Work Services, Barbara L. Bezdek
"Legal Theory and Practice" Development at the University of Maryland: One Teacher's Experience in Programmatic Context, Barbara L. Bezdek
Reconstructing a Pedagogy of Responsibility, Barbara L. Bezdek
Reflections on the Practice of a Theory: Law, Teaching, and Social Change, Barbara L. Bezdek
Religious Outlaws: Narratives of Legality and the Politics of Citizen Interpretation, Barbara L. Bezdek
Silence in the Court: Participation and Subordination of Poor Tenants' Voices in Legal Process, Barbara L. Bezdek
The CUNY Law Program: Integration of Doctrine, Practice & Theory in the Preparation of Lawyers, Barbara L. Bezdek