The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2009
Foundations of Federalism: An Exchange
Institutional Reckless Disregard for Truth in Public Defamation Actions Against the Press
Jutstice Kennedy and the Environment: Property, States' Rights, and the Search For Nexus
Perceptions of Morality and the Appeal of Tort Reform
Relatório de Orientação Mongráfica IV e Trabalho de Curso III
Securitization and Systemic Risk Amid Deregulation and Regulatory Failure
Taking the Measure of Ideology: Empirically Measuring Supreme Court Cases
The Foundations of Federalism: An Exchange
The Z-Test for Percentages: A Statistical Tool to Detect Pretextually Neutral Juror Challenges
Through the Looking Glass: Runaway Productions and "Hollywood Economics"
Transsexualism and the Binary Divide: Determining Sex Using Objective Criteria
What's in a Name?: Cause Lawyers as Conceptual Category
Why Justice Scalia Should Be a Constitutional Comparativst . . . Sometimes
Why Justice Scalia Should Be a Constitutional Comparativst . . . Sometimes
50 books (art , history rubrics, novels, comedy plays, stanza, pourquoi tales)
50 books (art , history rubrics, novels, comedy plays, stanza, pourquoi tales)
Islamic Groups and Their World-Views and Identities: Neo-Traditional Salafis and Progressive Muslims
Islamic Groups and Their World-Views and Identities: Neo-Traditional Salafis and Progressive Muslims
Matevosyan NR. Oral health of adults with serious mental illnesses.
Matevosyan NR. Oral health of adults with serious mental illnesses.
Matevosyan NR. Reproductive Health in Women with Serious Mental Illnesses
Matevosyan NR. Reproductive Health in Women with Serious Mental Illnesses
Factual Premises of Statutory Interpretation in Agency Review Cases, Todd S. Aagaard
“Horizontal Autonomism” as a source of law. The change of the Spanish State territorial organization by subconstitutional rules., Antoni Abad i Ninet
Covert Policing using Unobtrusive Global Positioning Systems Trackers: A Demonstration, Roba Abbas and K. Michael
Covert Policing using Unobtrusive Global Positioning Systems Trackers: A Demonstration, Roba Abbas and Katina Michael
Demonstrating the Potential for Covert Policing in the Community: Five Stakeholder Scenarios, Roba Abbas, K. Michael, and M.G. Michael
The Current State of Commercial Location-based Service Offerings in Australia, Roba Abbas, K. Michael, M.G. Michael, and Anas Aloudat
Shifting Money into the Classroom, Jeff Abbott
The Perfect Storm…Coming to a Community Near You, Jeff Abbott
Strengthening International Regulation through Transnational New Governance: Overcoming the Orchestration Deficit (revised version), Kenneth W. Abbott and Duncan Snidal
Sports In the Courts: The Role of Sports References In Judicial Opinions, Douglas E. Abrams
Family as a Vehicle for Abjection, (Introduction: Immigration Law as Family Law), Kathryn Abrams
Postscript: Curious Encounters, Unpredictable Conversations, Kathryn Abrams
Tribute to Professor Melvyn R. Durchslag: 'Exploring the Affective Constitution: A Lecture in Honor of Melvyn Durchslag', Kathryn Abrams
Who's Afraid of Law and the Emotions?, Kathryn Abrams and Hila Keren
A Question of Deference: Contrasting the Patent and Trademark Jurisdiction of the Federal Circuit, Brian Dean Abramson
Outward Bound to Other Cultures: Seven Guidelines for U.S. Dispute Resolution Trainers, Harold I. Abramson
Calculating the expected earnings of a major league pitcher, Roger I. Abrams
Sports arbitration and enforcing promises: Brian Shaw and labor arbitration, Roger I. Abrams
The Great Law of Genghis Khan (working title), Ali Abrar
Copyright, Free Expression, and the Enforceability of “Personal Use-Only” and Other Use-Restrictive Online TOU, Bradley E. Abruzzi
The Neglected Right of Assembly, Tabatha Abu El-Haj
On Law and the Transition to Market: The Case of Egypt, Lama Abu Odeh
La Relación de Causalidad y las Funciones del Derecho de Daños. Reparación, prevención, minimización de costos sociales, Hugo Acciarri
Conductas que transgreden objetivamente el Derecho en el Derecho de Daños, Hugo A. Acciarri
Elementos de Análisis Económico del Derecho de Daños, Hugo A. Acciarri
Elementos de Análisis Económico del Derecho de Daños, Hugo A. Acciarri
La Relación de Causalidad y las Funciones del Derecho de Daños. Reparación, prevención, minimización de costos sociales, Hugo A. Acciarri
Social Norms and Behavior. An experiment on the influence of social norms on the choices involved in the Ultimatum Game, Hugo A. Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Fernando Tohme
Fórmulas Empleadas por la Jurisprudencia Argentina Para Cuantificar Indemnizaciones por Incapacidades y Muertes, Hugo A. Acciarri and Matias Irigoyen Testa
La Ley de Defensa del Consumidor y el Análisis Económico del Derecho, Hugo A. Acciarri and Pamela Tolosa
La Ley de Defensa del Consumidor y el Análisis Económico del Derecho, Hugo A. Acciarri and Pamela Tolosa
On Causal Apportioning and Efficiency in Tort Law, Hugo Acciarri, Andrea Castellano, and Fernando Tohme
Militaristic posturing in Mexico, John Mill Ackerman Rose
What Mexico really needs from Obama, John Mill Ackerman Rose
Análisis de la sentencia que declara constitucional la ley del Distrito Federal que permite a la madre dar muerte al concebido no nacido menor de doce semanas, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿A quienes representan los diputados?, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Atentan contrsa los derechos humanos las recormas constitucionales que protegen la vida desde la concepción?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Bases doctrinales para un derecho contractual internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
Calificaciones Finales (1a vuelta) - Facultad de Derecho, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Conviene incorporar a la constitución los derechos humanos internacionales?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Curso de Derecho Romano Clásico I, Jorge Adame Goddard
El derecho de propiedad en el Derecho mexicano examinado a la luz del Derecho romano clásico, Jorge Adame Goddard
El derecho natural y los contratos, Jorge Adame Goddard
Elecciones y participación política, Jorge Adame Goddard
El petróleo es de la nación, el monopolio petrolero es del Estado, Jorge Adame Goddard
Estado laico y libertad religiosa, Jorge Adame Goddard
Honduras, el ejército, la constitución y la opinión internacional, Jorge Adame Goddard
La influenza y las patentes, Jorge Adame Goddard
Maternidad sí, aborto no, Jorge Adame Goddard
Política y caridad, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Por qué celebramos la Navidad?, Jorge Adame Goddard
¿Qué celebramos en Navidad?, Jorge Adame Goddard
Soñé otro sueño: que no había partidos políticos, Jorge Adame Goddard
Soné un sueño: que no había diputados, Jorge Adame Goddard
Una muestra de trabajo legislativo, Jorge Adame Goddard
Una visión optimista del m undo actual, Jorge Adame Goddard
Una visión optimista del mundo actual, Jorge Adame Goddard
Inadvertent Commissions of Fraud: How far does the Duty of Candor Spread?, Benjamin J. Adams
Title IX: The Story of a Provision in Need of Reform, Benjamin J. Adams
Allocating Patent Rights Between Earlier and Later Inventions, Charles Adams
“Through a Glass, Darkly” or the Lawyer Who Ends Up a Client, Sarah J. Adams-Schoen and Janet Lee Hoffman
Contract Law – The Remedies: Towards Codification Of The Civil Law, Dr. Yehuda Adar and Prof. Gabriela Shalev