About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

High Technology Entrepreneurs and the Patent System: Results of the 2008 Berkeley Patent Survey, Stuart J.H. Graham, Robert P. Merges, Pam Samuelson, and Ted Sichelman

Of Smart Phone Wars and Software Patents, Stuart Graham and Saurabh Vishnubhakat

Motives and Trends in Mass and School Shooting Incidents, Lillian Gray and Laura E. Agnich

Recent Trends and Motives in Mass Shooting Incidents, Lillian Gray and Laura E. Agnich

Criminal Procedure Rights and Harmless Error: A Response to Professor Epps, John M. Greabe

Racism and Impeachment Power, John M. Greabe

Remedial Discretion in Constitutional Adjudication-A Codicil, John M. Greabe

State Constitutions and the Protection of Rights, John M. Greabe

The use of military force and the Constitution, John M. Greabe

Constitutional Barriers to Congressional Reform, John M. Greabe

Remedial Discretion in Constitutional Adjudication: A Codicil, John M. Greabe

SNS Use, Risk, and Executive Behavior, Andrew Green, James Parrish, James N. Smith, and Jason B. Thatcher

Child Trafficking: Issues for Policy and Practice, V. Jordan Greenbaum, Katherine Yun, and Jonathan Todres

Are Corporations People?, Kent Greenfield

Big Business Keeps Winning at the Supreme Court, Kent Greenfield

Calling the Plaintiffs’ Bar: A Corporate Law Suit on the Border Family Separation Horror?, Kent Greenfield

Constraining and Channeling Corporate Political Power in Trump’s America, Kent Greenfield

Corporate Constitutional Rights: Easy and Hard Cases, Kent Greenfield

Corporations and the Value of Human Life, Kent Greenfield

Corporations Are People. Thank Goodness., Kent Greenfield

Corporations Are People Too (And They Should Act Like It), Kent Greenfield

Discounting Externalities, Kent Greenfield

Georgia Violated Delta’s First Amendment Rights, Kent Greenfield

Guns in Risky Waters, Kent Greenfield

Hate: Should We Oppose It With Free Speech Rather Than Censorship?, Kent Greenfield

How Badly Does the GOP Want Kavanaugh? So Much That They’ll Ignore Trump’s Treason, Kent Greenfield

On “Chefs,” Wedding Cakes, and Corporate Personhood, Kent Greenfield

Panelist, The Rise of the Working Class Shareholder, Kent Greenfield

The President’s Attacks on the Press Are Dangerous, Kent Greenfield

Webinar on the Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Kent Greenfield

Brief of Amici Curiae Corporate Law Professors in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, Kent Greenfield and Daniel A. Rubens

Without Kennedy, the Future of Gay Rights Is Fragile, Kent Greenfield and Adam Winkler

Employer-Provided Legal Services for Employment Claims, Michael Z. Green

"Just Another Little Black Boy From the South Side of Chicago": Overcoming Obstacles and Breaking Down Barriers to Improve Diversity in the Law Professoriate, Michael Z. Green

Race and Neutrality in the ADR of Employment Discrimination Claims: Are They Divergent Interests?, Michael Z. Green

Developing Workplace Law Programming: A Labor of Love, Michael Z. Green

Finding Lawyers for Employees in Discrimination Disputes as a Critical Prescription for Unions to Embrace Racial Justice, Michael Z. Green

Measures to Encourage and Reward Post-Dispute Agreements to Arbitrate Employment Discrimination Claims, Michael Z. Green

Negotiating While Black, Michael Z. Green

Reconsidering Prejudice in Alternative Dispute Resolution for Black Work Matters, Michael Z. Green

Tackling Employment Discrimination with ADR: Does Mediation Offer a Shield for the Haves or Real Opportunity for the Have-Nots, Michael Z. Green

The Audacity of Protecting Racist Speech under the National Labor Relations Act, Michael Z. Green

Can NFL Players Obtain Judicial Review of Arbitration Decisions on the Merits when a Typical Hourly Union Worker Cannot Obtain This Unusual Court Access?, Michael Z. Green and Kyle T. Carney

Just and Unjust Reallocations of Historical Burdens: Notes on a Normative Theory of Reparations Politics, Sam Grey

Beyond Culinary Colonialism: Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Liberal Multiculturalism, and the Control of Gastronomic Capital, Sam Grey and Lenore Newman

Saving Facebook, James Grimmelmann

The Ethical Visions of Copyright Law, James Grimmelmann

When Tenure Standards Are Wrong, James Grimmelmann

Macroeconomic Modeling of Tax Policy: A Comparison of Current Methodologies, Itai Grinberg, Alan J. Auerbach, Thomas A. Barthold, Nicholas Bull, W. Gavin Elkins, Pamela J. Moomau, Rachel Moore, Benjamin Page, Brandon Pecoraro, and Kyle Pomerleau

Legislation Meets Tradition: Interpretations and Implications of the Volunteer Protection Act for Nonprofit Organizations as viewed through the Lens of Hermeneutics, Patricia Groble, Nicholas C. Zingale, and Joseph Mead

Legislation Meets Tradition: Interpretations and Implications of the Volunteer Protection Act for Nonprofit Organizations as viewed through the Lens of Hermeneutics, Patricia Groble, Nicholas C. Zingale, and Joseph Mead

Rehabilitation in Article 14 of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Claudio M. Grossman, Nora Sevaass, and Felice Gaer


Permitting prohibitions in a model of statutory interpretation, Bernardo Guimarães and Bruno Meyerhof Salama

Drones and the Decolonization of International Law, Markus Gunneflo

Hoezo 'Het denken mag zich niet onderwerpen' ?, Serge Gutwirth

. Quel(s) droit(s) pour quel(s) commun(s) ?, Serge Gutwirth

L'éternel retour de la propriété des données : de l'insistance d'un mot d'ordre, Serge Gutwirth and Gloria Gonzalez Fuster

Η επανάκαμψη των commons θέτει το δίκαιο σε δοκιμασία, Serge Gutwirth and Isabelle Stengers

International Common Law: The Soft Law of International Tribunals, Andrew T. Guzman and Timothy L. Meyer

International Soft Law, Andrew T. Guzman and Timothy L. Meyer

Incomplete Contracting and AI Alignment, Gillian K. Hadfield and Dylan Hadfield-Menell

Legible Normativity for AI Alignment: The Value of Silly Rules, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, McKane Andrus, and Gillian K. Hadfield

Legible Normativity November 2018.pdf, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, McKane Andrus, and Gillian K. Hadfield

Intellectual Property and the New International Economic Order, Sam Halabi

Off-Label Marketing's Audiences, Sam Halabi

The Drug Repurposing Ecosystem: Intellectual Property Incentives, Market Exclusivity, and the Future of "New" Medicines, Sam Halabi

Stigma and the Structure of Title IX Compliance, Sam Halabi and Jenelle Beavers

Fiduciary Principles and Delaware Corporation Law: Searching for the Optimal Balance by Understanding that the World is Not, Lawrence A. Hamermesh and Leo E. Strine Jr

Human Health Risk Assessment for Superfund, James T. Hamilton and W. Kip Viscusi

Precision in 3D Prints: The Case of MH1 (Australopithecus sediba), Lauren Hammond, Kersten Bergstrom, Robert Z. Selden Jr., and Darryl J. de Ruiter

BEPS와 인공지능 (Artificial Intelligence) 활용의 필요성, Sung-Soo Han

북핵문제해결과 한반도통일 접근방안.docx, Sung-Soo Han

이재용 재판과 사법제도의 개선 (Higher Court's Judgment on Lee Jae-yong and Reform of Judicial System), Sung-Soo Han

남북미 정상회담의 성공적 개최를 위한 제안(Korean).docx, Sung-Soo Han

Suggestion for successful summit between South & North Korea and the United States(+ Abstract).docx, Sung-Soo Han

The Start and End of a Human Being, Sung-Soo Han

인간의 시종(The Start and End of a Human Being).pdf, Sung-Soo Han

Death With Dignity or Despair? What Shakespeare’s Stories Tell Us About the Physician-Assisted Suicide Debate, Maxine H. Harrington

The Insanity Defense in Juvenile Delinquency Proceedings, Maxine M. Harrington

Russia’s fifth column: A case study of the Night Wolves Motorcycle Club, Kira J. Harris

'Me and My Drank:' Exploring the Relationship between Exposure to Popular Music and 'Purple Drank' Experimentation, Melanie Hart, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, and Bryan Lee Miller

No Title, Dean M. Hashimoto

No Title, Dean M. Hashimoto

Cohort Profile: The Boston Hospital Workers Health Study (BHWHS), Dean M. Hashimoto, Erika L. Sabbath, Leslie I. Boden, Jack T. Dennerlein, Jessica A.R. Williams, Karen Hopcia, Theresa Orechia, Yorghos Tripodis, Anne Stoddard, and Glorian Sorensen

Protecting Mental Health of Hospital Workers after Mass Casualty Events: A Social Work Imperative, Dean M. Hashimoto, Erika L. Sabbath, Jessica Shaw, and Andrea Stidsen

Preventive Care Utilization: Association with Individual- and Workgroup-Level Policy and Practice Perceptions, Dean M. Hashimoto, Erika L. Sabbath, Emily Sparer, Leslie I. Boden, Gregory R. Wagner, Karen Hopcia, and Glorian Sorensen

Mental Health Expenditures: Association With Workplace Incivility and Bullying Among Hospital Patient Care Workers, Dean M. Hashimoto, Erika L. Sabbath, Jessica Williams, Leslie I. Boden, Tommaso Tempesti, Gregory R. Wagner, Karen Hopcia, and Glorian Sorensen

Measuring Best Practices for Workplace Safety, Health, and Well-Being: The Workplace Integrated Safety and Health Assessment, Dean M. Hashimoto, Glorian Sorensen, Emily Sparer, Jessica A.R. Williams, Daniel Gundersen PhD, Leslie I. Boden, Jack T. Dennerlein, Jeffrey N. Katz, Deboarh L. McLellan, Cassandra A. Okechukwu, Nicolaas P. Pronk, Anna Revette, and Gregory R. Wagner

The Relationship between Organizational Policies and Practices and Work Limitations among Hospital Patient Care Workers, Dean M. Hashimoto, Emily Sparer, Leslie I. Boden, Glorian Sorensen, Jack T. Dennerlein, Anne Stoddard, Gregory R. Wagner, Eve M. Nagler, Karen Hopcia, and Erika L. Sabbath

Juries, Hindsight, and Punitive Damages Awards: Reply to Richard Lempert , Reid Hastie and W. Kip Viscusi

"Sometimes my mind, it has to analyze two things”: Identity development and adaptation for refugee and newcomer adolescents., Sherrill W. Hayes and Etsegenet Endale

The Short Arm Of The Law: Simplifying Personal Jurisdiction Over Virtually Present Defendants, Allyson W. Haynes

One Team, One Fight: Collecting Criminal Evidence in Military Counter-Terrorism Operations, Daniel H. Heinke

Germany's Returning Foreign Fighters and What to Do About Them, Daniel H. Heinke and Jan Raudszus

Education Rights and Wrongs: Publicly Funded Vouchers, State Constitutions, and Education Death Spirals, Michael Heise

Law and Policy Entrepreneurs: Empirical Evidence on the Expansion of School Choice Policy, Michael Heise

Implied Consent to Religious Institutions: A Primer and a Defense, Michael A. Helfand

Reasoning Through Clashes Between Religion and Equality: Case Law, Skeptics, and Social Coherence, Michael A. Helfand

The Future of Religious Arbitration in the United States: Looking Through a Pluralist Lens, Michael A. Helfand