About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

International law and transboundary aquifers, Gabriel Eckstein

Managing Buried Treasure Across Frontiers: The International Law of Transboundary Aquifers, Gabriel Eckstein

The International Law of Transboundary Groundwater Resources, Gabriel Eckstein

The wicked problem of pharmaceuticals in our waters, Gabriel Eckstein

Transboundary Legal Perspective: International Water Law, Gabriel Eckstein

International Water Law, Groundwater Resources and the Danube Dam Case, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein

Scientific, Legal, and Ethical Foundations for Texas Water Law, Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger

Scientific, Legal, and Ethical Foundations for Texas Water Law., Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger

State Practice in the Management and Allocation of Transboundary Ground Water Resources in North America, Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger

State Practice in the Management and Allocation of Transboundary Groundwater Resources in North America, Gabriel Eckstein and Amy Hardberger

The Greening of Water Law: Managing Freshwater Resources for People and the Environment, Gabriel Eckstein, Richard Kyle Paisley, Stefano Burchi, Maaria Curlier, and Raya Stephan

Specially Invited Opinions and Research Report of the International Water Law Project: Global Perspectives on the Entry into Force of the UN Watercourses Convention 2014: Part One, Gabriel Eckstein, Salman M.A. Salman, Dinara Ziganshina, Kishor Uprety, and Götz Reichert

Alternative Strategies for Managing Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products in Water Resources, Gabriel Eckstein and George William Sherk

The Law of Transboundary Aquifers: Many Ways of Going Forward, but Only One Way of Standing Still, Gabriel Eckstein and Francesco Sindico

Endangered Species in the Oil Patch: Challenges and Opportunities for the Oil and Gas Industry, Gabriel Eckstein and Jesse Snyder

Specially Invited Opinions and Research Report of the International Water Law Project: Global Perspectives on the Entry into Force of the UN Watercourses Convention 2014: Part Two, Gabriel Eckstein, Patricia Wouters, Robyn Stein, Georgina Mackenzie, Maria Querol, Richard Paisley, and Salman M.A. Salman

Ground Water Resources and International Law in the Middle East Process, Yoram Eckstein and Gabriel Eckstein

Transboundary Aquifers: Conceptual Models for Development of International Law, Yoram Eckstein and Gabriel Eckstein

2018 Professor's Update to Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text, and Cases, Aaron Edlin

What's in a Denial? Bayesian Analysis Shows that Kavanaugh Lied about Denials under Oath and Trump was Foolish to Believe MBS, Aaron Edlin

The Property Question.pdf, William A. Edmundson

The Property Question.pdf, William A. Edmundson

Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Case Studies, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith

Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Final Report, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith

Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Literature Review and Data Analysis, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith

Supply, demand and approaches to employment by people with postgraduate research qualifications in science and mathematics: Stakeholder Consultations, Daniel Edwards and T Fred Smith

Maritime Security: Horn of Africa and Implementation of the 2050 AIM Strategy, Edwin E. Egede

The Impact of Rainfall and Temperature on Cocoa Yield in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria, Solomon E. Ehisouria and Abrahams E. Illenre

Hydraulic Fracturing Law and Practice, , , , and Monika Ehrman

One Oil and Gas Right to Rule Them All, Monika Ehrman

The Granting Clause in the Modern Oil and Gas Lease, Monika Ehrman

Using Prior Consistent Statements to Rehabilitate Credibility or to Prove Substantive Assertions Before and After the 2014 Amendment of Federal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(1)(B), Floralynn Einesman

Constituting Bodies into the Future: Toward a Relational Theory of Intergenerational Justice, Jessica Eisen, Roxanne Mykitiuk, and Dayna Scott

Constituting Bodies into the Future: Toward a Relational Theory of Intergenerational Justice, Jessica Eisen, Roxanne Mykitiuk, and Dayna Scott

Application of VIS and Land Change Modelers in Characterizing and Predicting the Urban Land Use/Cover Dynamics of Nnewi Metropolis, Nigeria., Patrilck SU Eneche, Abdullateef Ahmed, and A N. Ekebuike

Unpacking Adaptability, Andreas Engert and D. Gordon Smith

Soil Erodibility Assessment for Erosion Management in Sokoto State, Nigeria, Nathaniel B. Eniolorunda and Garba A. Budah

Incorporating Sport into the Ethics Segment of the Course, Adam Epstein

Michigan and Sports Law, Adam Epstein

Ohio State, Urban Meyer and the NCAA Division I Manual, Adam Epstein

The Electric Seventh Circuit and Its Impact on NCAA Compliance Issues, Adam Epstein

The NCAA and Whistleblowers 30-40 Years of Wrongdoing and College Sport and Possible Solutions, Adam Epstein

Utah and Sports Law, Adam Epstein

Teaching Ethics with Sports: Recent Developments, Adam Epstein and Barbara Osborne

Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting 2018: Panel: Are Patients Ready for Consumer-Driven Healthcare?, Wendy Netter Epstein

The Health Insurer Nudge, Wendy Netter Epstein

The Language-Game of Privacy, Joshua A.T. Fairfield

Diversity and Inclusion - A Call to Action (DICTA November 2018).pdf, Akram Faizer


To Bake or Not to Bake (DICTA August 2018).pdf, Akram Faizer

Hart & Wechsler's The Federal Courts and the Federal System (2018 Supplement to the 7th Edition), Richard H. Fallon Jr., Jack L. Goldsmith, John F. Manning, David L. Shapiro, and Amanda L. Tyler

The Executive Power of Political Emergency: The Travel Ban, Jill E. Family

Trump's Travel Ban and the Limits of the US Constitution (El Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia y el Derecho del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos), Jill E. Family

The Conservative as Environmentalist: From Goldwater and the Early Reagan to the 21st Century, Daniel A. Farber

200 Days & Counting: Environmental Law & the Trump Administration, Daniel A. Farber and Eric Biber

200 Days & Counting: Environmental Law & the Trump Administration, Daniel A. Farber and Eric Biber

Agencies as Adversaries, Daniel A. Farber and Anne Joseph O’Connell

Analysis of Australia's New Biosecurity Legislation, Thomas A. Faunce

Australian Senate Committee Report on Transvaginal Mesh Devices, Thomas A. Faunce

Claims for Refund, Larry C. Fedro, William Byrnes, and Christopher M. Sove

Juries and Democracy: the American Experience, Malcolm M. Feeley

FUCT® – An Early Empirical Study of Trademark Registration of Scandalous and Immoral Marks Aftermath of the In re Brunetti Decision, Vicenç Feliú

So Happy Together: Should the California Decision be a Basis to Recognize a Right of Public Performance in Pre-1972 Sound Recordings?, Vicenç Feliú

An Evaluation of a Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Program in the Rural South, Shanna N. Felix, Laura E. Agnich, and April M. Schueths

Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People’s Victimization Experiences, Shanna N. Felix, Leah E. Daigle, and Laura E. Agnich

Racial Disparities in the American Child Welfare System, Shanna N. Felix, April M. Schueths, Chad Posick, and Laura E. Agnich

Amnésia, Ilusão e Esperança .pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Arte, Espelho do Direito última versão.pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Direito, Liberdade, Arte Reflexões sobre Direito, Arte e Censuras em Tempos Crepusculares, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

No O Direito & as Artes, hoje, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Pandora & os Reis Mendigos.pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

Uma Nova Bizâncio? Artes.pdf, Paulo Ferreira da Cunha

The Energy-Water Nexus, Joshua P. Fershee, Gabriel E. Eckstein, Keith B. Hall, Donald T. Hornstein, Shi-Ling Hsu, Rhett Larson, Amanda Leiter, Uma Outka, Justin Pidot, Melissa Powers, Jefferson D. Reynolds, Benjamin K. Sovacool, Alex Gilbert, and Andrea Wortzel

Brief Report: Service Use and Associated Expenditures Among Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Transitioning to Adulthood, Robert I. Field, Lindsay Shea, Ming Xie, Paul Turcotte, Steven C. Marcus, Craig Newschaffer, and David Mandell

Whistleblowers - A Case Study in the Regulatory Cycle for Financial Services, Ronald H. Filler and Jerry W. Markham

"Just When I Thought I Was Out ...": Post-Employment Repayment Obligations, Eric M. Fink and Stuart Lichten

The Role of Creative Language in Addressing Political Realities: Middle-Eastern Water Agreements, Itay Fischhendler, Aaron T. Wolf, and Gabriel Eckstein

The Role of Creative Language in Addressing Political Asymmetries: The Israeli-Arab Water Agreements, Itay Fischhendler, Aaron T. Wolf, and Gabriel E. Eckstein

Progressive Labor Vision of the First Amendment: Past as Prologue, Catherine Fisk

Hollywood Writers and the Gig Economy, Catherine L. Fisk

California Co-Enforcement Initiatives That Facilitate Worker Organizing, Catherine Fisk and Seema Patel

Affiliational Poverty and the Promotion of the Family, Scott T. FitzGibbon

Alberto Hurtado: Patron Saint of the Boston School of Corporate Analysis, Scott T. FitzGibbon

The Social Estrangement of the Business Company, Scott T. FitzGibbon

ABA Clarifies Rules on Lawyer Advertising, Scott Flaherty

Refletions on Germany, the Legal Academy, and Social Engagement: An Interview with Richard Buxbaum, Laurel E. Fletcher

From Indifference to Engagement: Bystanders and International Criminal Justice, Laurel E. Fletcher

International Criminal Law and the Subordination of Emancipation: The Question of Legal Hierarchy in Transitional Justice, Laurel E. Fletcher

International Criminal Law and the Subordination of Emancipation: The Question of Legal Hierarchy in Transitional Justice, Laurel E. Fletcher

U.S. Law School Clinics as Sites of International Law Reform, Laurel E. Fletcher

Hidden Slaves: Forced Labor in the United States, Laurel E. Fletcher, Kevin Bales, and Eric Stover

Human Rights and Mass Disaster: Lessons from the 2004 Tsunami, Laurel E. Fletcher, Eric Stover, and Harvey M. Weinstein

Expert Witness Malpractice, Michael Flynn

Access to Consumer Bankruptcy, Pamela Foohey

Jevic's Promise: Procedural Justice in Chapter 11, Pamela Foohey

Life in the Sweatbox, Pamela Foohey, Robert M. Lawless, Deborah Thorne, and Katherine Porter

The Meaning of Gravity at the International Criminal Court: A Survey of Attitudes About the Seriousness of Mass Atrocities, 24 U.C. Davis J. Int'l L. & Pol'y 209 (2018), Stuart Ford

A Hierarchy of the Goals of International Criminal Courts, 27 Minn. J. Int'l L. 179 (2018), Stuart K. Ford

Handout - Right of Publicity (Oct. 24, 2018).pdf, William K. Ford

Handout - Trademark Uses Within Expressive Works & False Endorsement Claims (11-7-2018), William K. Ford