The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
Documents from 2018
"Understanding the Franchise Agreement" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon
A Direita Portuguesa, Nuno Garoupa
Does Being a Foreigner Shape Judicial Behavior? Evidence from the Constitutional Court of Andorra, 1993-2016, Nuno Garoupa
Explaining the Standard of Proof in Criminal Law: A New Insight, Nuno Garoupa
Optimal Magnitude and Probability of Fines when Courts dislike Punishment, Nuno Garoupa
Arbitration Involving Governmental Entities, Jack I. Garvey
The human rights of smuggled migrants and trafficked persons in the UN global compacts on migrants and refugees, Jean-Pierre Gauci and Vladislava Stoyanova
Martial Law in India - The Deployment of Military under AFSPA, Khagesh Gautam
The Perception of Incurability - Leprosy, Discrimination and the Medical Truth, Shelja Gautam and Khagesh Gautam
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: §§ 1221(a)(3)/1235 Disconnect, Deborah A. Geier
Tribute to Professor Erik Jensen, Deborah A. Geier
U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2018, Deborah A. Geier
U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2019, Deborah A. Geier
Hacia una interpretación finalista del artículo 1955 del Código Civil peruano: La subsidiariedad del enriquecimiento sin causa, Ricardo Geldres Campos
La subsidiariedad del enriquecimiento sin causa, Ricardo Geldres Campos
Los daños causados por los vehículos sujetos a arrendamiento financiero. La responsabilidad civil de las entidades financieras, Ricardo Geldres Campos
¿Por qué debe modificarse el artículo 908° del Código Civil? Posesión ilegítima de buena fe y frutos, Ricardo Geldres Campos
¿Puede haber enriquecimiento sin causa sin empobrecimiento? Introducción al estudio del enriquecimiento por intromisión en el derecho ajeno, Ricardo Geldres Campos
Si le resuelvo el contrato a mi comprador, ¿desde cuándo me debe reembolsar los frutos?, Ricardo Geldres Campos
Tutela restitutoria y derecho a la imagen, Ricardo Geldres Campos
International Parallel Litigation: A Survey of Current Conventions and Model Laws, James P. George
Javorek v. Larson: Insurer's Obligation to Defend and Indemnify Insufficient to Establish Jurisdiction--Seider Sours in California, James P. George
Rent Concessions and Illegal Contract Penalties in Texas, James P. George
Surface Water Flooding in Urban Areas: Rights and Remedies under the Common-Enemy Doctrine, James P. George
The Anti-Injunction Act and the definition of English common law, James P. George
The Federal Courthouse Door: A Federal Jurisdiction Guide, James Paul George
Conflict of Laws (2017), James P. George and Randy D. Gordon
Anthropology, History and the "More Economic Approach" in European Competition Law - A Review Essay, David J. Gerber
The Protection of Performers Under U.S. Law in Comparative Perspective, Daniel Gervais
Fame, Property & Identity: The Purpose and Scope of the Right of Publicity, Daniel Gervais and Martin L. Holmes
Authors, Online, Daniel J. Gervais
Collective Management of Copyright and Neighboring Rights in Canada: An International Perspective, Daniel J. Gervais
Electronic Rights Management and Digital Identifier Systems, Daniel J. Gervais
Golan v. Holder: A Look at the Constraints Imposed by the Berne Convention, Daniel J. Gervais
Intellectual Property, Trade & Development: The State of Play, Daniel J. Gervais
Making Copyright Whole: A Principled Approach to Copyright Exceptions and Limitations, Daniel J. Gervais
Of Clusters and Assumptions: Innovation as Part of a Full TRIPS Implementation, Daniel J. Gervais
Plain Packaging and the TRIPS Agreement: A response to Professors Davison, Mitchell and Voon, Daniel J. Gervais
Reinventing Lisbon: The Case for a Protocol to the Lisbon Agreement (Geographical Indications), Daniel J. Gervais
Spiritual But Not Intellectual? The Protection of Sacred Intangible Traditional Knowledge, Daniel J. Gervais
The 1909 Copyright Act in International Context, Daniel J. Gervais
The Derivative Right, or Why Copyright Law Protects Foxes Better than Hedgehogs, Daniel J. Gervais
The Google Book Settlement and the TRIPS Agreement, Daniel J. Gervais
The Internationalization of Intellectual Property: New Challenges from the Very Old and the Very New, Daniel J. Gervais
The Landscape of Collective Management Schemes, Daniel J. Gervais
The Price of Social Norms: Towards a Liability Regime for File-sharing, Daniel J. Gervais
The Protection of Databases, Daniel J. Gervais
The Tangled Web of UGC: Making Copyright Sense of User-Generated Content, Daniel J. Gervais
Towards a New Core International Copyright Norm: The Reverse Three-Step Test, Daniel J. Gervais
Transmissions of Music on the Internet: An Analysis of the Copyright Laws of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, Daniel J. Gervais
Of Silos and Constellations: Comparing Notions of Originality in Copyright Law, Daniel J. Gervais and Elizabeth F. Judge
Fragmented Copyright, Fragmented Management: Proposals to Defrag Copyright Management, Daniel J. Gervais and Alana Maurushat
The Future of United States Copyright Formalities: Why We Should Prioritize Recordation, and How To Do It, Daniel Gervais and Dashiell Renaud
Banking in the Digital Age - Who Is Afraid of Payment Disintermediation?, Benjamin Geva
Central Bank Digital Currencies: The New Era of Mondern-day Banking, Benjamin Geva
Injunctions don't Buy you Love, Roya Ghafele
Memory Disorders_Koschaker Rediscovered and Bowdlerized, Tomasz Giaro
A new copyright bargain? Reclaiming lost culture and getting authors paid, Rebecca Giblin
Fat horses and starving sparrows: On bullshit in copyright debates, Rebecca Giblin
Asking the Right Questions in Copyright Cases: Lessons from Aereo and its International Brethren, Rebecca Giblin and Jane C. Ginsburg
18-08-24 - Diagrama Hermenêutico e Hermenêutica das Escolhas - Versão Final.pdf, Ivo T. Gico Jr.
Hermenêutica das Escolhas e a Função Legislativa do Judiciário, Ivo T. Gico Jr.
Control of the Attorney-Client Privilege after Mergers and Other Transformational Transactions: Should Control of the Privilege Be Alienable by Contract?, Grace M. Giesel
Legal Research in Mass Communication, Donald M. Gillmor, Everette E. Dennis, and Erik Ugland
Gilmore & Sumina - The Failure of International Law in Palestine.pdf, Steven E. Gilmore and Svetlana Sumina
Edinam K. Glover and Erkki J. Hollo 2018. State Liability for Transfrontier Harm and Pollution, Edinam Glover and Erkki J. Hollo
State Liability for Transfrontier Harm and Pollution, Edinam K. Glover and Erkki J. Hollo
Logit and tobit analyses of the determinants and intensity of adoption of organic cocoa production in Ghana, Mawutor K. Glover, Edinam K. Glover, Evam Kofi Glover, and Yayra Y. Glover
Marketing Channels and Trade Practices of Fresh Vegetable in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas in Ghana, Mawutor K. Glover, Edinam K. Glover, and Phanuel Y. Klogo
Achieving sustainable cocoa production with organic farming in Ghana, Mawutor K. Glover, Evam Kofi Glover, Evelyn Karkkulainen, and Edinam K. Glover
Diversity in Law School Hiring: Why it is a Mistake to Make it All About Race, Carol Goforth
How Blockchain Could Increase the Need for and Availability of Contractual Ordering For Companies and their Investors, Carol Goforth
Securities Treatment of Tokenized Offerings Under U.S. Law, Carol Goforth
Umbrella Clauses in ICSID Arbitration.pdf, ILYAS GOLCUKLU
Ireland’s Vote to Remove Blasphemy from its Constitution and the Case of Asia Bibi, Pearl Goldman
Professor Goldman awarded the Order of San Carlos, Robert K. Goldman
Hércules, Hermes e a Pequena Sereia: Uma reflexão sobre estereótipos de gênero, subrepresentação das mulheres nos tribunais e a (i)legitimidade democrática do poder judiciário, Jane Reis Gonçalves Pereira and Renan Medeiros de Oliveira
64. Effects of the Putative Confession Instruction on Perceptions of Children’s True and False Statements, Jennifer Gongola, Nicholas Scurich, and Thomas D. Lyon
An Environmental Justice Critique of Biofuels, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Book Review: Global Energy Justice, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Energy Justice: US and International Perspectives, Carmen G. Gonzalez, Elizabeth A. Kronk Warner, and Raya C. Salter
A Hole in Need of Mending: Copyright and the Individual Marking of Advertisements Published in Collective Works, Randy D. Gordon
A Question of Fairness: Should Noerr-Pennington Immunity Extend to Conduct in International Commercial Arbitration?, Randy D. Gordon
Clarity and Confusion: RICO's Recent Trips to the United States Supreme Court, Randy D. Gordon
Crimes That Count Twice: A Reexamination of RICO's Nexus Requirements under 18 U.S.C. §§ 1962(c) and 1964(c), Randy D. Gordon
Fictitious Fraud: Economics and the Presumption of Reliance, Randy D. Gordon
Framing Franchise Antitrust Litigation: The Legacy of Kodak and Queen City Pizza, Randy D. Gordon
How Lawyers (Come to) See the World: A Narrative Theory of Legal Pedagogy, Randy D. Gordon
Institutionalizing Exemplary Narratives: Stories as Models for and Movers of Law, Randy D. Gordon
Of Gangs and Gaggles: Can a Corporation Be Part of an Association-in-Fact RICO Enterprise? Linguistic, Historical, and Rhetorical Perspectives, Randy D. Gordon
Only One Kick at the Cat: A Contextual Rubric for Evaluating Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in International Commercial Arbitration, Randy D. Gordon
Rehumanizing Law: A Theory of Law and Democracy, Randy D. Gordon
Rethinking Civil RICO: The Vexing Problem of Causation in Fraud-Based Claims Under 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), Randy D. Gordon
Truth in Context: Sketching a (New) Historicist Legal Pedagogy, Randy D. Gordon
Virtuous Billing, Randy D. Gordon and Nancy B. Rapoport
Presidents, Parliaments, and Legal Change: Quantifying the Effect of Political Systems in Comparative Environmental Law, Sari Graben and Eric Biber