About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

When Judges Are Theologians: Adjudicating Religious Questions, Michael A. Helfand

The Evolution of Codification: A Principal-Agent Theory of the International Law Commission's Influence, Laurence R. Helfer and Timothy Meyer

Teaching Specialized Legal Research: Business Associations, Kris Helge and Terri Lynn Helge

Coping with Complex Unrelated Business Income Tax Issues, Terri Lynn Helge

Rejecting Charity: Why the IRS Denies Tax Exemption to 501(C)(3) Applicants, Terri Lynn Helge

Texas Probate, Estate and Trust Administration, Terri Lynn Helge

A Few Criminal Justice Big Data Rules, Stephen E. Henderson

Carpenter v. United States and the Fourth Amendment: The Best Way Forward, Stephen E. Henderson

Fourth Amendment Anxiety, Stephen E. Henderson and Kiel Brennan-Marquez

Brief of Amici Curiae Criminal Procedure Professors in Gamble v. United States, No. 17-646, Stephen E. Henderson, George C. Thomas III, Michael J.Z. Mannheimer, and Kiel Brennan-Marquez

Effective Writing is Organized Writing, Melissa N. Henke

Give Outlines Another Chance, Melissa N. Henke

Polishing Makes Perfect . . . Or Maybe Not, Melissa N. Henke

Model Tribal Secured Transactions Act, William H. Henning

Article 9 and the Characterization and Treatment of Tenant Security Deposits, William H. Henning and R. Wilson Freyermuth

Understanding Sales and Leases of Goods, William H. Henning, William H. Lawrence, and Henry Deeb Gabriel

The Law of Sales Under the Uniform Commercial Code, William H. Henning, William H. Lawrence, and George I. Wallach

Current Status of the UCC, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

Report on the UCC: 2008--Part 1, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

Report on the UCC: 2008--Part 2, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

State of the UCC: A Look Back at 2007, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

Status of the UCC: A Look Back at 2006, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

The State of the Uniform Commercial Code - 2002, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

The State of the Uniform Commercial Code 2003 (Part 1 of 2), William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

The State of the Uniform Commercial Code 2003 (Part 2 of 2), William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

The State of the Uniform Commercial Code--2005, William H. Henning and Fred H. Miller

UCITA Revisted, William H. Henning, Fred H. Miller, and Michael R. Kerr

A Proposal for a National Tribally Owned Lien Filing System to Support Access to Capital in Indian Country, William H. Henning, Susan M. Woodrow, and Marek Dubovec

A Proposal for a National Tribally Owned Lien Filing System to Support Access to Capital in Indian Country, William H. Henning, Susan M. Woodrow, and Marek Dubovec

Jerome Lefkowitz : A Pragmatic Intellect and Major Figure in Taylor Law History, William A. Herbert


A Global Political Economy Conceptualization of the Porter Hypothesi, Kyle S. Herman and Gabriela Kuetting

An Empirical Assessment of Early Offer Reform for Medical Malpractice, Joni Hersch, Jeffrey O'Connell, and W. Kip Viscusi

Something to Talk About, Joni Hersch and Jennifer Bennett Shinall

Assessing the Insurance Role of Tort Liability After Calabresi , Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi

Cigarette Smokers as Job Risk Takers, Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi

Punitive Damages: How Judges and Juries Perform, Joni Hersch and W. Kip Viscusi

La protection des données à caractère personnel en droit européen - Chronique de jurisprudence (2017) / Data Protection in European Law - Chronicle of case-law (2017), Jean HERVEG and Jean-Marc Van Gyseghem

The Light of Nature: John Locke, Natural Rights, and the Origins of American Religious Liberty, Steven J. Heyman

When Is Hate Speech Wrongful? A Comment on Alexander Brown’s Hate Speech as Degradation and Humiliation, Steven J. Heyman

Beyond DACA – Defying Employer Sanctions Through Civil Disobedience, Bill Ong Hing

Deporter-in-Chief: Obama v. Trump, Bill Ong Hing

Immigration Law and Social Justice, Bill Ong Hing, Jennifer M. Chacón, and Kevin R. Johnson

Voluntarism in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina: The Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act, James G. Hodge, Raymon P. Pepe, and William H. Henning

An Insurrection Act for the 21st Century, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

Applying the Rules of Discovery to Information Uncovered About Jurors, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

Google, Gadgets, and Guilt: Juror Misconduct in the Digital Age, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

Investigating Jurors in the Digital Age: One Click at a Time, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

“Liking” the Social Media Revolution, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

Preventing Juror Misconduct in a Digital World: A Comparative Analysis, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

Social Media in the Courtroom: A New Era for Criminal Justice?, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

The Challenges of Preventing and Prosecuting Social Media Crimes, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

The Grand Jury Legal Advisor: Resurrecting the Grand Jury’s Shield, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

The Growing Importance of Advance Medical Directives in the Military, Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

A Cognitive Theory of the Third-Party Doctrine and Digital Papers, H. Brian Holland

Section 230 of the CDA: Internet Exceptionalism as a Statutory Construct, H. Brian Holland

Assuring Access to Justice for Immigrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers, Mary Holper

Being Labeled as a Gang Member in the Boston Police’s “Gang Database” Can Have Devastating Consequences, Mary Holper

Introducing New Projects Into Your Clinic, Mary Holper

Overcoming Challenges in Representing Noncitizen Clients in the Trump Administration, Mary Holper

Promptly Proving the Need to Detain for Post-Entry Social Control Deportation, Mary Holper

Representing Asylum Seekers in Removal Proceedings, Mary Holper

Representing Clients with Gang Allegations, Mary Holper

Boston Police Has a Secret Point System That Turns Normal Teenage Behavior Into Gang Membership, Mary Holper and Claire Valentin

After Obergefell: Finding a Contemporary State Interest in Marriage, Kari E. Hong

A New Mens Rea for Rape: More Convictions and Less Punishment, Kari E. Hong

Co-Author, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Brief for Amici Curiae Oregon Interfaith Movement for Immigration Justice, Causa Immigrant Rights Coalition of Oregon, Catholic Charities of Oregon, and Immigration Counseling Services of Oregon in Support of Defendant-Appellant in United States v. Sineneng-Smith, No. 15-10614, Kari E. Hong

Co-Author, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Brief for Law Professors, Immigration Scholars, and Clinicians in Support of Petitioner in Nava-Romero v. Sessions, No. 17-70848, Kari E. Hong

Donald Trump Should Nominate Merrick Garland, Kari E. Hong

How to End "Illegal Immigration", Kari E. Hong

Miller v. Sessions, 889 F.3d 998 (9th Cir. 2018), Kari E. Hong

My Great-Grandparents Weren’t ‘Illegal’ When They Came To The U.S. They Would Be Now., Kari E. Hong

Panelist: American Immigration Lawyers Association, Kari E. Hong

Panelist: Law Review Symposium, Twenty-Year Attack On Asylum, Kari E. Hong

Panelist: The Pliable and Forgiving Nature of Immigration Law, Kari E. Hong

Sanctuary Cities vs. Trump: Who’s Really Breaking the Law?, Kari E. Hong

Say 'No' To The Wall And 'Yes' To Dreamers, Kari E. Hong

Speaker: American Immigration Lawyers Association, Kari E. Hong

Speaker: A New Mens Rea For Rape: More Conviction and Less Punishment, Kari E. Hong

Speaker: A New Mens Rea For Rape: More Conviction and Less Punishment, Kari E. Hong

Speaker: Immigration Law, Kari E. Hong

Speaker, "Who Belongs: Global Citizenship and Gender in the 21st Century", Kari E. Hong

That Bible Parable About The Plague of Tort Attorneys Who Sued The Border Patrol, ICE Officers, and DHS Bureaucrats, Kari E. Hong

The U.S. Should Grant Asylum To All The Families We Separated, Kari E. Hong

Weaponizing Misery: The 20-Year Attack on Asylum, Kari E. Hong

Why America Needs More, Not Fewer, People Seeking Asylum, Kari E. Hong

After Yarmouth Shooting, Debate Over Capital Punishment For Cop Killers Reignites, Kari E. Hong, Jim Braude, Shaunna O'Connell, and Michael Astrue

Interviewed for "Trump's Latest Immigration Ploy For His Base", Kari E. Hong, Jim Braude, Heather Cox Richardson, and Matthew McKnight

How Separating Families at the Border Offends US Asylum Law and Tradition, Kari E. Hong and Mark Leon Goldberg

Villavicencio v. Sessions, 879 F.3d 941 (9th Cir. 2018) with Katherine Horigan ’17 and Yara Kass-Gergi ’17, Kari E. Hong, Katherine Horigan '17, and Yara Kass-Gergi '17

Interviewed for "ICE is Pretty New. But the Roots of the #AbolishICE Campaign Run Deep., Kari E. Hong and Gregory Krieg

Getting it Righted: Access to Counsel in Rapid Removals, Kari E. Hong and Stephen Manning

America's Immigrant Roots and DACA Debacle - Interviewed for The Take with Sue O'Connell, Kari E. Hong and Sue O'Connell

Boston College Law Professor Talks Immigration, Kari E. Hong and Sue O'Connell

Interviewed for "Top of Mind with Julie Rose", Kari E. Hong and Julie Rose

Supreme Court Upholds Trump Travel Ban, Strikes Down California Law Regulating Pregnancy Clinics, Kari E. Hong, Fred Thys, and Michael P. Moreland

BookIT IP Series - Federal Trade Commission Privacy Law and Policy, Chris Hoofnagle

Matters of Public Concern and the Public University Professor., Chris Hoofnagle

Big Brother's Little Helpers: How ChoicePoint and Other Commercial Data Brokers Collect and Package Your Data for Law Enforcement, Chris Jay Hoofnagle

Identity Theft: Making the Known Unknowns Known, Chris Jay Hoofnagle