About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

Documents from 2018

Traduction de « Has Capitalism Failed in Law? » (1937) par Hermann Kantorowics, Matthieu Forlodou

From Termination to Extermination: The International Down Syndrome Genocide, David Forte

Originalism and the Contract Clause, David Forte

Righting a Wrong: Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, and the Espionage Act Prosecutions, David Forte

To Speak or Not to Speak, That Is Your Liberty: Janus v. AFSCME, David Forte

A Tort in Search of a Remedy: Prying Open the Courthouse Doors for Legal Malpractice Victims, Susan Saab Fortney

Attorneys' Malpractice Policies: Regulatory Exclusions and Public Policy, Susan Saab Fortney

Book Review: A Mirror and Window for Understanding Ethics of Law Practice, Susan Saab Fortney

Collaborative Divorce: What Louis Brandeis Might Say About the Promise and Problems?, Susan Saab Fortney

Designing and Improving a System of Proactive Management-Based Regulation to Help Lawyers and Protect the Public, Susan Saab Fortney

Foreword: Legal Malpractice Is No Longer the Profession's Dirty Little Secret, Susan Saab Fortney

Adopting Law Firm Management Systems to Survive and Thrive: A Study of the Australian Approach to Management-Based Regulation, Susan Saab Fortney and Tahlia Gordon

In Pursuit of Attorney Work-Life Balance: Best Practices in Management, Susan Saab Fortney, Cynthia L. Spanhel, and Paula A. Patton

International Health Law, Michele Forzley, Hale Hawbecker, Mark E. Wojcik, and Edmund G. Howe III

Framework of Surface and Ground Water in Oklahoma and Texas: Perspectives for Oil and Gas Development, Jessica Foster and Gabriel Eckstein

“A Culture of Safety”- Legal Obligations in Relation to Workplace Health and Safety for RAAF personnel, Neil J. Foster

Form, Substance and Sheep Overboard: The ‘Type of Harm’ Rule in the Civil Action for Breach of Statutory Duty, Neil J. Foster

Protection of Religious Freedom under Australia’s Amended Marriage Law: Constitutional and Other Issues, Neil J. Foster

Religious Freedom and Religious Schools, Neil J. Foster

Religious Freedom at Australian Universities, Neil J. Foster

Religious Freedom Briefing Neil Foster.pdf, Neil J. Foster

Religious Freedom in Australia, Neil J. Foster

Testimony to Senate Committee on Industrial Deaths, 7 August 2018, Neil J. Foster

Tort Liability of Churches for Clergy Child Abuse after the Royal Commission: Implications of Developments in the Law of Vicarious Liability and Non-Delegable Duty, Neil J. Foster

Antitrust Efficient Enforcer and the Financial Products Benchmark Manipulation Litigation, Sharon E. Foster

International Investment Arbitration and the Arduous Route to Transparency, Sharon E. Foster

When to Praise the Machine: The Promise and Perils of Automated Transactional Drafting, William E. Foster and Andrew L. Lawson

Geometric Morphometrics of Gary Dart Points from the Davy Crockett National Forest, David A. Foxe, Robert Z. Selden Jr., and Juanita D. Garcia

The Imposition of the Death Penalty is "Fraught With Error": Where Do We Go From Here?, Lawrence Fox, Martha Barnett, Stephen Bright, Tanya Coke, Stephen Hanlon, Susan Karamanian, Gerald Kogan, Stephen Mills, Maurie Levin, and Elisabeth Semel

El Derecho a la Identidad sexual: Un análisis a partir de la sentencia 6040-2015-PA/TC del Tribunal Constitucional, Beatriz Franciskovic Ingunza

Finalidades distintas entre el proceso de violencia familiar y el proceso penal por delitos o faltas en la modalidad de violencia familiar. En Los procesos judiciales en el derecho de familia., Beatriz Franciskovic Ingunza

La Diferenciación del Derecho de Resolución de las Entidades Públicas y los Contratistas en los Contratos de Obra Pública en Perú, Eric Franco Regjo

The Federal Arbitration Act and Independent Contractors, Richard H. Frankel

English Justice for an American Company?, Christopher French

Insuring Against Cyber Risk: The Evolution of an Industry (Introduction), Christopher French

Clean Protein: The Revolution that Will Reshape Your Body, Boost Your Energy—and Save Our Planet, Kathy Freston and Bruce Friedrich

Market Forces and Food Technology Will Save the World, Bruce Friedrich

Health Law: Cases, Materials and Problems, Barry R. Furrow, Thomas L. Greaney, Sandra H. Johnson, Timothy S. Jost, Robert L. Schwartz, Brietta Clark, Erin C. Fuse Brown, Robert Gatter, Jaime S. King, and Elizabeth Pendo

Hospital Mergers and Public Accountability: Tennessee and Virginia Employ a Certificate of Public Advantage, Erin C. Fuse Brown

Empowering and Protecting Consumers: ERISA Thwarts State Innovation, Erin C. Fuse Brown and Trish Riley

Removing ERISA's Impediment to State Health Reform, Erin C. Fuse Brown and Ameet Sarpatwari

Is the ACA Here to Stay? Two Perspectives on the Implications of King v. Burwell, Erin Fuse Brown and Eric J. Segall

Holy Gender! Promoting Free Exercise of Gender by Discernment Without Establishing Binary Sex or Compulsory Fluidity, José Gabilondo

Understanding OFAC’s New Restrictions on Direct Financial Transactions with the Cuban Government, José Gabilondo

Four Finger Exercises.docx, Ian Gallacher

Diary, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Falling out of Love with Jordan Peterson, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Three Reasons all Countries should Embrace the Global Compact for Migration, Anne T. Gallagher AO

Troubled Land, Anne T. Gallagher AO

A Critical Omission from the Criminal Procedure Classroom, Brian Gallini

Bringing Brendan Dassey into the Classroom, Brian Gallini

Bringing Students into the Criminal Procedure Courtroom, Brian Gallini

Len Kachinsky & the fallible Strickland standard, Brian Gallini

Merging the Reid Technique with Miranda in the Classroom, Brian Gallini

Reid & Brendan Dassey’s Lost Defense, Brian Gallini

Reid & Sequential Interrogations, Brian Gallini

Reigniting the need for Dassey in the Classroom, Brian Gallini

The Aftermath of Len Kachinsky’s Defense Representation, Brian Gallini

The Other Explanation for Brendan Dassey’s Conviction, Brian Gallini

When Interview Becomes Interrogation, Brian Gallini

Latino opportunity.docx, Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar

Concluding Chapter: Theories of Justice and International Trade Law, Frank J. Garcia

Consent and Trade: Trading Freely in a Global Market, Frank J. Garcia

Globalization, Inequality & International Economic Law, Frank J. Garcia

Introduction: Globalization, Power, States, and the Role of Law, Frank J. Garcia

Preface, Frank J. Garcia

Restoring Trade’s Social Contract, Frank J. Garcia and Timothy Meyer

Addressing Survey Bias: Maxent Models and Public Archaeology at the Davy Crockett National Forest, Juanita D. Garcia, Robert Z. Selden Jr., and David A. Foxe

Social Media Law in a Nutshell, Ryan Garcia and Thaddeus A. Hoffmeister

La construcción del Estado local en Colombia, Mauricio García-Villegas and Javier Revelo-Rebolledo

Abusive non-disclosure agreements like Trump's need to be stopped, Alan E. Garfield

Courts should protect powerless, Kavanaugh would do the opposite, Alan E. Garfield

Fight over Hill's Israel comments is not helpful, Alan E. Garfield

In divisive times, the Constitution binds us, Alan E. Garfield

New Supreme Court justice should have an open mind, Alan E. Garfield

No, Jeff Sessions, there isn't a war on religion, Alan E. Garfield

Trump's forced patriotism has no place in a free society, Alan E. Garfield

Trump's NDA with Stormy Daniels is about much more than infidelity. What else is he hiding?, Alan E. Garfield

"Anticipating Risk" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Avoiding the Unintended Franchise" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Becoming a Franchisor" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Beyond the New Economy: The Other Technology Revolution" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Business Models of the Digital Economy" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Critical Elements for the Information Enterprise" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Design Thinking as a Process to Find Relevance" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Disruptive Innovation and Tsunami Stressors" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Documenting the Limited Liability Company" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Exclusivity in Manufacturing and Service" in The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Exclusivity in Retail: Brand Stores and Exclusive Offers" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Exclusivity in Retail: the Restaurant Business" in The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Exclusivity in the New Economy: Internet Businesses" in The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Exclusivity in the New Economy: Software Strategies" in The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Franchising Basics for Franchisees" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Identifying the Entrepreneur’s Goal for the Business" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

Ownership of University Intellectual Property, Jon M. Garon

"Paying for Exclusivity: Financing and Business Structuring" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Proper Uses of the Business Plan" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Reflecting Value in Intangibles: Proving the Worth of Intellectual Property" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"Social Entrepreneurship, Public Benefit, and the Exclusivity through Purpose" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon

"The Key Business Plan Provisions" from The Entrepreneur’s Intellectual Property & Business Handbook, Jon M. Garon