The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Wallace-McHarg’s Plans for Greater Baltimore, Garrett Power
“Intelligence Searches” and Criminal Investigative Purposes, Robert C. Power
The False Promise of the Converse-1983 Action, John F. Preis
The False Promise of the Converse-1983 Action, John F. Preis
Halting, Altering and Agreeing, Bruce M. Price
“Bull” Coming from the States: Why the U.S. Supreme Court Should Use Williams v. Illinois to Close One of Bullcoming’s Confrontation Clause Loopholes, Tara Klimek Price
Unblocked Future: Why Gene Patents Won’t Hinder Whole-Genome Sequencing and Personalized Medicine, W. Nicholson Price II
Towards Classical Legal Positivism, Dan Priel
La presunción de inocencia como proposición sintética, Cesar A. Prieto
Children and Family Law: A Practitioner's Resource Guide, Jennifer Stevenson Prilliman
The Challenge of Child Labour in International Law. By Franziska Humbert, Jennifer Stevenson Prilliman
What Were They Thinking: Competing Culpability Standards for Punishing Threats Made to the President, Craig M. Principe
The Collection Gap: Underenforcement of Corporate and White Collar Fines and Penalties, Martin Pritikin
CEDAW and Rural Development: Empowering Women with Law from the Top Down, Activism from the Bottom Up, Lisa R. Pruitt
Deconstructing CEDAW’s Article 14: Naming and Explaining Rural Difference, Lisa R. Pruitt
Human Rights and Development for India's Rural Remnant: A Capabilities-Based Assessment, Lisa R. Pruitt
Pruitt Human Rights and Development for India's Rural Remnant, Lisa R. Pruitt
The Geography of the Class Culture Wars, Lisa R. Pruitt
The Geography of the Class Culture Wars, Lisa R. Pruitt
Judging Parents, Judging Place: Poverty, Rurality and Termination of Parental Rights, Lisa R. Pruitt and Janet L. Wallace
Judging Parents, Judging Place: Poverty, Rurality, and Termination of Parental Rights, Lisa R. Pruitt and Janet L. Wallace
Judging Parents, Judging Place: Termination of Parental Rights in Rural America, Lisa R. Pruitt and Janet L. Wallace
Judging Parents, Judging Place: Termination of Parental Rights in Rural America, Lisa R. Pruitt and Janet L. Wallace
Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets and Mass Transit: Can The Government Successfully Accomplish Both Without a Conflict?, Darren A. Prum and Sarah L. Catz
The Creativity Mystique and the Rhetoric of Mood Disorders, Katie Rose Guest Pryal
Dormancy, Garrick B. Pursley
Dormancy, Garrick B. Pursley
Dormancy, Garrick B. Pursley
Dormancy, Garrick B. Pursley
Dormancy, Garrick B. Pursley
Dormancy, Garrick B. Pursley
Dormancy, Garrick B. Pursley
Logical Inconsistencies in the Law of Euthanasia, Matthew M. Pustay
Logical Inconsistencies in the Law of Euthanasia, Matthew M. Pustay
Broad, Deep and Indirect: The Potential Influence of Neuroscience in Law, Amanda C. Pustilnik
Pain as Fact and Heuristic: How Pain Neuroimaging Illuminates Moral Dimensions of Law, Amanda C. Pustilnik
Prisons of the Mind: Social Value and Economic Inefficiency in the Criminal Justice Response to Mental Illness, Amanda C. Pustilnik
Violence on the Brain: A Critique of Neuroscience in Criminal Law, Amanda C. Pustilnik
Google Book Search: An Overview and Discussion, Laura Quilter and Jessica Silbey
Analyzing Uncertainty: Issues of Purely Economic Losses and Preemption Facing Individuals Injured by an Oil Spill, Paul A. Quimby
Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: The Performance of Earnouts in Merger Agreements, Brian JM Quinn
Re-Evaluating the Emerging Standard of Review for Matching Rights in Control Transactions, Brian JM Quinn
Re-evaluating the Emerging Standard of Review for Matching Rights in Control Transactions, Brian JM Quinn
Shareholder Lawsuits, Status Quo Bias, and the Adoption of the Exclusive Forum Provision, Brian JM Quinn
Does Mass Product Tort Litigation Facilitate or Hinder Social Legislative Reform? A Comparative Study of Tobacco Regulation, Jeffrey S. Quinn
Why Process Matters for Causal Inference, Kevin M. Quinn and Adam N. Glynn
MCMCpack: Markov chain Monte Carlo in R, Kevin M. Quinn, Andrew D. Martin, and Jong Hee Park
The Scythe Statistical Library: An Open Source C++ Library for Statistical Computation, Kevin M. Quinn, Daniel Pemstein, and Andrew D. Martin
“Autoría y Participación en los Delitos Especiales”, Javier Fernando Quiñones
“El Art. 168-A: Delito de condiciones riesgosas y perjudiciales para la seguridad laboral e higiene industrial: breves cuestiones”, Javier Fernando Quiñones
El Art. 198 del Código Penal Peruano de 1991. Un estudio sobre el llamado "Fraude en la Administración de las Personas Jurídicas" y sus verdaderos orígenes históricos, Javier Fernando Quiñones
El Delito de Administración Desleal en el Código Penal de 1991, Javier Fernando Quiñones
Reincidentes, Habituales y Derecho Penal Económico, Javier Fernando Quiñones
Entre la cosa juzgada constitucional y la legitimación de barreras burocráticas ilegales. Comentarios a la STC Exp. N° 2643-2010-PC/TC, a propósito del caso ASEEG, Javier Fernando Quiñones and Jeremy Hermes Saavedra
Beyond Common Sense: A Social-Psychological Study of Iqbal's Effect On Claims of Race Discrimination, Victor D. Quintanilla
Fundamentals of Modern Property Law, Edward H. Rabin, Roberta R. Kwall, and Jeffrey L. Kwall
Kennedy, Kennedy, and the Eighth Amendment: "Still in Search of a Unifying Principle"?, Susan Raeker-Jordan
Challenging Arbitration Awards in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, Mohamed Raffa
The Shareholders' Role to Foster Corporate Governance in Bangladesh : A Suggestive Review, Dr. Zahid Rafique ZR
Criminology Goes to the Movies: Crime Theory and Popular Culture, Nicole Rafter and Michelle Brown
Can there be Peace in the Holy Land?, Lawrence Raful
Courage in the Holocaust, Lawrence Raful
Exceptions, Lawrence Raful
Jacob & Joseph, Lawrence Raful
The Prophet Elijah: Three Stories, Lawrence Raful
What Balance in Legal Education Means to Me: A Dissenting View, Lawrence Raful
Who Shall We Admit to Our Club?, Lawrence Raful
Expert Panelist on Role of IP Laws in Governing the Internet, Srividhya Ragavan
Intellectual Property Management: Stories of Successful Strategies, Srividhya Ragavan
IPR Will Encourage Innovations, Srividhya Ragavan
Patent Eligibility Debate in the United States, Srividhya Ragavan
Students Scan Textbooks to Skirt Cost, Srividhya Ragavan
Por que os supermercados não entram no mercado de combustíveis?, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo
Desafios da análise do CADE no setor de planos de saúde, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo and kenys machado
Desafios da Análise do CADE no Setor de Planos de Saúde, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo and kenys menezes machado
Mecanismos de Priorização: O Caso dos Procedimentos Administrativos de Cartel no Mercado de Revenda de Combustíveis, carlos emmanuel joppert ragazzo and eduardo frade rodrigues
The "Plus One" Clinic: Adding (Political) Value to the Clinical Experience by Representing Landlords Alongside Tenants, Raja Raghunath
How EPA Could Implement a Greenhouse Gas NAAQS, Rich Raiders
Tracing a meaningful right to vote., Manmeet Singh Rai Mr.
Bringing Asian American Voices to Policy Debates: Findings from the 2008 National Asian American Survey, S. Karthick Ramakrishnan, Jane Junn, Taeku Lee, and Janelle Wong
Evidence in the Age of Social Networks, Lynne H. Rambo
Judicial Activism: A New Form of Bias?, Lynne H. Rambo
Delgado v. Araguz: A Trial Court’s Medical Opinion and the Constitutional Injury that Results., Abel C. Ramirez Jr.
Cuando la muerte se explica por el género: problematizando la tipificación del feminicidio/femicidio, Beatriz Ramirez
DEMAGOGIA E INACCIÓN ESTATAL. Derechos fundamentales y la carga de la prueba en los procesos de declaración judicial de paternidad extramatrimonial., Beatriz Ramirez
Derecho y Diversidad sexual: concretando la universalidad de los derechos. Principales hallazgos del Informe Anual de Derechos Humanos de personas trans, lesbianas, gays y bisexuales en el Perú 2010., Beatriz Ramirez and Soledad Arriagada
EXIGIBILIDAD DE LOS DERECHOS SOCIALES EN CASOS DE PERSONAS VIVIENDO CON VIH/SIDA: reflexiones a propósito de la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional en el Expediente Nº 04749-2009-PA/TC, Beatriz Ramirez, Juan Carlos Diaz, and Araceli Acuña
La protección al consumidor en casos de discriminación por orientación sexual y el estándar de prueba impuesto por INDECOPI y legitimado por el Poder Judicial., Beatriz Ramirez and Jeannette Llaja
LOS LENTES DE GÉNERO EN LA JUSTICIA INTERNACIONAL. Tendencias de la Jurisprudencia del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos relacionada a los Derechos de las Mujeres., Beatriz Ramirez and Jeannette Llaja
Protección del/a consumidor/a y prueba en los casos de discriminación: una agenda pendiente., Beatriz Ramirez and Jeannette Llaja
Criminal Affirmance: Going Beyond the Deterrence Paradigm to Examine the Social Meaning of Declining Prosecution of Elite Crime, Mary Kreiner Ramirez
Transparencia, Litigiosidad y Racionalidad Económica, Rafael Ramírez Villaescusa
Antisynthèses : manifeste d'une dialectique posthégélienne / Antisynthesis : a manifesto of posthegelian dialiectics, Sacha Raoult
Déconstruction et sévérité des peines, Sacha Raoult