The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Letter from the Editor (Common Law: An Analysis of Media Misconceptions), Kiran Kanti Patel
A Long Battle for the Girl Child by Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender and Inclusive Growth, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender Audit of Budgets in India (2001-2002 to 2009-2010), Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender Audit of Budgets in India (2001-2002 to 2009-2010), Professor Vibhuti Patel
Gender Equality and Human Rights in India Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Human Rights Movement in India, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Satyagraha as a Peaceful Method of Conflict Resolution by Vibhuti Patel, Professor Vibhuti Patel
Untangling the Constitutional Labyrinth, Rabindra Kr Pathak
Constitutional Law Quarterly, Rabindra Kr. Pathak
Simulating Correctional Disturbances: The Application of Organization Control Theories to Correctional Organizations via Computer Simulation, Steven Patrick, Patricia M. Dorman, and Robert L. Marsh
Current Tobacco Policies in U.S. Adult Male Prisons, Steven Patrick and Robert Marsh
Sentencing Outcomes of Convicted Child Sex Offenders, Steven Patrick and Robert Marsh
Control Group Study of Juvenile Diversion Programs: An Experiment in Juvenile Diversion—The Comparison of Three Methods and a Control Group, Steven Patrick, Robert Marsh, Wade Bundy, Susan Mimura, and Tina Perkins
Perceptions of Punishment and Rehabilitation Among Inmates in a Medium Security Prison, Steven Patrick and Robert L. Marsh
Sour Chocolate? Cadbury/Kraft and the Proposed Amendments to the U.K. Takeover Code—A Call for Further Research, Michael Patrone
Directors’ Fiduciary Duties in the Zone of Insolvency and Actual Insolvency: To Whom, What, and When?, Michael R. Patrone
What the United States Can Learn from Other Common Law Countries About Refugee Claims Based on Membership in a Particular Social Group, Judith M. Patterson
What the United States Can Learn from Other Common Law Countries About Refugee Claims Based on Membership in a Particular Social Group, Judith M. Patterson
Accommodating Employees with Mental Impairments: An Empirical Study of Employer Practices, Karen A. Patterson
An examination of the liability of marathon organizers to minimize inherent risks, Gina Pauline
Event Evaluation Research Methods, Gina Pauline
Event Venue Location, Gina Pauline
The Role of Educators in Building the Next Generation of Female Leaders in the Sport Industry, Gina Pauline
Volunteer Satisfaction and Intent to Remain: An Analysis of Contributing Factors Among Professional Golf Event Volunteers, Gina Pauline
Short Summaries of Two Main Speeches, Evgenia Pavlovskaia
Swedish National Implementation of the Sustainability Criteria for Transport Biofuels from Directive 2008/29/EC; Questionnaire, Evgenia Pavlovskaia
Vattenverksamhet, kapitel 11 Miljöbalken, Evgenia Pavlovskaia
Challenges of Implementing Incentive Auctions in other Economies: A Mexican Perspective, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
Margin Squeeze in Mexican Mobile Telecommunications, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
Merger Control Reform in Brazil, Víctor Pavón-Villamayor
Legislative Rollback of Temporary Disability Reforms Could Cost Millions, Michael D. Peabody
The Right Thing: Religious Garb Law Reverses 87-year-old Ban, Michael D. Peabody
Revisiting the Original "Tea Party": The History of Regulating Food Consumption in America, Alison Peck
Revisiting the Original "Tea Party": The History of Regulating Food Consumption in America, Alison Peck
Respecting Language as Part of Ethnicity: Title VII and Language Discrimination at Work, Carlo A. Pedrioli
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: A Comparison of Medical Mal;practice Trials in Virginia and North Carolina, Ralph Peeples
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: A Comparison of Medical Malpractice Trials in North Carolina and Virginia, 2000-2010i, Ralph Peeples and Catherine Harris
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: A Comparison of Medical Malpractice Trials in Virginia and North Carolina, Ralph Peeples and Catherine Harris
Ambush Marketing: Dissecting the Discourse, Brian Pelanda
The Economics of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Joseph Pelzman
Land Use Regulation, Eduardo M. Peñalver and Stewart Sterk
Conventional Wisdom: Acknowledging Uncertainty in the Unknown, Meg Penrose
Conventional Wisdom: Acknowledging Uncertainty in the Unknown, Meg Penrose
Tattoos, Tickets and Other Tawdry Behavior: How Universities Use Federal Law to Hide Their Scandals, Meg Penrose
Tattoos, Tickets and Other Tawdry Behavior: How Universities Use Federal Law to Hide Their Scandals, Meg Penrose
Freedom of Contract in an Augmented Reality: The Case of Consumer Contracts, Scott Peppet
China's "Green Leap Forward" Toward Global Environmental Leadership, Robert V. Percival
Environmental Law Goes Global: Taking Back Eden: Eight Environmental Cases That Changed the World, by Oliver A. Houck, Robert V. Percival
Global Law and the Environment, Robert V. Percival
Law, Society and the Environment, Robert V. Percival
Strategies for Promoting Green Energy Innovation, Deployment, & Technology Transfer, Robert V. Percival
Who's in Charge? Does the President Have Directive Authority Over Agency Regulatory Decisions?, Robert V. Percival
Resolving Conflicts Between Green Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Law, Robert V. Percival and Alan Miller
Environmental Law: Statutory & Case Supplement with Internet Guide, 2011-2012, Robert V. Percival and Christopher H. Schroeder
Environmental Regulation: Law, Science, and Policy, 6th edition, Robert V. Percival, Christopher H. Schroeder, Alan S. Miller, and James P. Leape
“El humorismo gráfico de Maitena Burundarena: de lo local a lo global; de los estereotipos a la subversión”, Gema Pérez-Sánchez
“El humorismo gráfico de Maitena Burundarena: de lo local a lo global; de los estereotipos a la subversión”, Gema Pérez-Sánchez
Commentator: Paper on The Past and Future of EU Disability Law, Vlad Perju
Constitutional Responsiveness in Pluralist Societies, Vlad Perju
Cosmopolitanism and Constitutional Self-Government, Vlad Perju
Cosmopolitanism in Constitutional Law, Vlad Perju
Cosmopolitanism in Constitutional Law, Vlad Perju
Freedom and Imagination: Constitutional Space in the Cosmopolitan Project, Vlad Perju
New Governance and Rights-Claims: Lessons from Europe, Vlad Perju
Proportionality and Freedom: An Essay on Method in Constitutional Law, Vlad Perju
The Next Transformation of Europe: Law and Politics After the Crisis, Vlad Perju
The Transformation of Europe - From Behind the Wall, Vlad Perju
A Comment on "Legisprudence", Vlad F. Perju
Comparative Constitutionalism and the Making of A New World Order, Vlad F. Perju
Cosmopolitanism and Constitutional Self-Government, Vlad F. Perju
Impairment, Discrimination, and the Legal Construction of Disability in the European Union and the United States, Vlad F. Perju
New Governance and Rights-Claims, Vlad F. Perju
Reason and Authority in the European Court of Justice, Vlad F. Perju
Review of The Migration of Constitutional Ideas, Sujit Choudhry, ed., Vlad F. Perju
Review of Toward Juristocracy: The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism, by Ran Hirschl, Vlad F. Perju
The Puzzling Parameters of the Foreign Law Debate, Vlad F. Perju
Weak Loyalties: How the Rule of Law Prevents Coups d'Etat and Generates Long-Term Political Stability, Ivan Perkins
Promoting Social Change in Asia and the Pacific: The Need for a Disability Rights Tribunal to Give Life to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Michael L. Perlin
Cut in Tiny Pieces: Ensuring That Fragmented Ownership Does Not Chill Creativity, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
Cut in Tiny Pieces: Ensuring That Fragmented Ownership Does Not Chill Creativity, (forthcoming)., Henry H. Perritt Jr.
New Business Models for Music, Henry H. Perritt Jr.
2011 Employment Law Update (editor), Henry H. Perritt Jr.
“Globalization of Islamic Finance: Myth or Reality?”, Frederick V. Perry
Digital Exhaustion, Aaron K. Perzanowski and Jason M. Schultz
"A Case Study: Human Rights of Taiwan’s HIV Patients.", Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“A Case Study of Taiwan’s Three Senior-high-school Students: Comparison and Contrast of Textual Analysis as a Reading Strategy.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“Another Effective EFL/ ESL Reading Strategy.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“A Reading Strategy for EFL/ ESL Students.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“Queer implication in Andre Gide’s The Immoralist.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“Scientific method and aesthetic value in M. P. Shiel’s Prince Zaleski.”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
“Transgression in Lord Bryon’s ‘Manfred.'”, Chien-Yu Kao Peter
Are Social Media Good for Democracy?, Jonathan Peters