The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Coal Law from the Old World: A Perspective on Land Use and Environmental Regulation in the Coal Industries of the United States, Great Britain, and West Germany, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Dealing with Dumb and Dumber: The Continuing Mission of Citizen Environmentalism, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Endangered Species Act Lessons Over 30 Years, and the Legacy of the Snail Darter, a Small Fish in a Pork Barrel, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Endangered Wildlife, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Environmental Law and Three Economies: Navigating a Sprawling Field of Study, Practice, and Societal Governance in Which Everything is Connected to Everything Else, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Environmental Law and Three Economies: Navigating a Sprawling Field of Study, Practice, and Societal Governance in which Everything is Connected to Everything Else, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Environmental Law in the Political Ecosystem - Coping with the Reality of Politics, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Environmental Law in the Political Ecosystem - Coping with the Reality of Politics: Eighth Annual Lloyd K. Garrison Lecture on Environmental Law, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Environmental Law & Rivers, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Facing a Time of Counter-Revolution: The Kepone Incident and a Review of First Principles, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
From the Beginning, a Fundamental Shift of Paradigms: A Theory and Short History of Environmental Law, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
In the Wake of the Snail Darter: An Environmental Law Paradigm and Its Consequences, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Iron Triangles: Lessons from Oil Spilled in Two Gulfs, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Keynote Essay: A Modern Political Tribalism in Natural Resources Management, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Law and the Fourth Estate: Endangered Nature, the Press, and the Dicey Game of Democratic Governance, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Law, Media, & Environmental Policy: A Fundamental Linkage in Sustainable Democratic Governance, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Learning From Disasters: Twenty-One Years After the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Will Reactions to the Deepwater Horizon Blowout Finally Address the Systemic Flaws Revealed in Alaska?, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Multilateral Development Banks, Environmental Diseconomies, and International Reform Pressures on the Lending Process: The Example of Third World Dam-Building Projects, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Panelist on Deepwater Drilling: The Price of Energy Security, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Reflected in a River: Agency Accountability and the TVA Tellico Dam Case, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Setting It Straight: A Thirtieth Anniversary Gathering in Memory of the Little Tennessee River and its Valley, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Statutory Violations and Equitable Discretion, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Embattled Social Utilities of the Endangered Species Act - A Noah Presumption and Caution Against Putting Gasmasks on the Canaries in the Coalmine, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Exxon Valdez Resurfaces in the Gulf of Mexico ... and the Hazards of “Megasystem Centripetal Di-Polarity”, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Exxon Valdez Resurfaces in the Gulf of Mexico…and the Hazards of "Megasystem Centripetal Di-Polarity", Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Snail Darter, The Tellico Dam, and Sustainable Democracy — Lessons for the Next President From a Classic Environmental Law Controversy., Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Takings Issue in a Natural Setting: Floodlines and the Police Power, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Three Economies: An Essay in Honor of Joseph Sax, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Through the Looking Glass of Eminent Domain: Exploring the "Arbitrary and Capricious" Test and Substantive Rationality Review of Governmental Decisions, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
The Right to Counsel Fees in Public Interest Environmental Litigation, Zygmunt J.B. Plater and Joseph H. King Jr
Through the Looking Glass of Eminent Domain: Exploring the “Arbitrary and Capricious” Test and Substantive Rationality Review of Governmental Decisions, Zygmunt J.B. Plater and William Lund Norine
"What about me?” perceptions of exclusion and whites' reactions to multiculturalism., V C. Plaut, F G. Garnett, and J Sanchez-Burks
Review of multiculturalism and diversity: A social psychological perspective., V C. Plaut and J Treadway
Blind consent? A sociocultural analysis of nonreadership of online legal agreements, Victoria Plaut and Robert P. Bartlett
Blind consent? A sociocultural analysis of nonreadership of online legal agreements, Victoria Plaut and Robert P. Bartlett
Law and the Zero-Sum Game of Discrimination: Commentary on Norton and Sommers, Victoria C. Plaut
Strategic Marketing For Economic Development: A Comparative Study, Megan Polak, Oscar T. McKnight, and Ronald Paugh
Governmental Marks: What Souvenirs Say About Speech and Sovereignty, Malla Pollack
Reclassifying Reverse Passing Off as Failure to Contract or as False Advertising, Malla Pollack
Arenas of Federal Txa Policy, Sheldon D. Pollack
California's Interest in Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Merchants Association, Deana Ann Pollard Sacks
Violent Video Games & "Constitutionalized" Negligence, Deana Ann Pollard Sacks
A Defense Attorney’s Guide to Confrontation after Michigan v. Bryant, Kathryn K. Polonsky
A Defense Attorney’s Guide to Confrontation after Michigan v. Bryant, Kathryn K. Polonsky
From Proving Pretext to Proving Discrimination: The Real Lesson of Miller-El and Synder, Joshua Polster
Amicus Briefs in Indian Law: The Case of Plains Commerce Bank v. Long Family Land and Cattle Co., Inc., ( Part II of South Dakota Law Review Trilogy), Frank Pommersheim
Buddha Speaks with His Oncologist, (for David Getches), Frank Pommersheim
Tribal Constitutions: Powers, Implementation, and Interpretation, Frank Pommersheim
Measuring the Rule of Law, Alejandro Ponce and Juan Botero
Comparing the FHCDA to Surrogate Decision Making Laws in Other States, Thaddeus M. Pope
Conscientious Objection by Health Care Providers, Thaddeus M. Pope
Health Law and the Elderly: Managing Risk at the End of Life: An Introduction to the Symposium, Thaddeus M. Pope
Legal Briefing: Healthcare Ethics Committees, Thaddeus M. Pope
Physicians and Safe Harbor Legal Immunity, Thaddeus M. Pope
The Best Interest Standard: Both Guide and Limit to Medical Decision Making on Behalf of Incapacitated Patients, Thaddeus M. Pope
The Law's Impact on the Resolution of End-Of-Life Conflicts in the Intensive Care Unit, Thaddeus M. Pope
The Slow Transition of U.S. Law Toward a Greater Emphasis on Prevention, Thaddeus M. Pope
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking: A Legal Treatment Option at the End of Life, Thaddeus M. Pope and Lindsey E. Anderson
Introduction: Caring for the Seriously Ill, Cost and Public Policy, Thaddeus M. Pope, Robert M. Arnold, and Amber E. Barnato
Resolving Medical Futility Disputes, Thaddeus M. Pope and Donna Casey
Capping Incentives, Capping Innovation, Courting Disaster: The Gulf Oil Spill and Arbitrary Limits on Civil Liability, Andrew Popper
The Two-Trillion Dollar Carve-Out: Foreign Manufacturers of Defective Goods and the Death of H.R. 4678 in the 111th Congress, Andrew Popper
Misalignments in Tort Law, Ariel Porat
State Practice and the (Purported) Obligation under Customary International Law to Provide Compensation for Regulatory Expropriations, Matthew C. Porterfield
Privacidade, mercado e informação, Ronaldo Porto Macedo Junior
Academic Freedom as Private Ordering: Politics and Professionalism in the 21st Century, Deborah W. Post
Appropriation & Transculturation in the Creation of Community, Deborah W. Post
Continuity and Change: Partnership Formation Under the Common Law, Deborah W. Post
Critical Thoughts About Race, Exclusion, Oppression and Tenure, Deborah W. Post
Critical Thoughts About Race, Exclusion, Oppression and Tenure, Deborah W. Post
Critical Thoughts about Race, Exclusion, Oppression, and Tenure, Deborah W. Post
Cultural Inversion and the One-Drop Rule: An Essay on Biology, Racial Classification, and the Rhetoric of Racial Transcendence, Deborah W. Post
Dismantling Democracy: Common Sense and the Contract Jurisprudence of Frank Easterbrook, Deborah W. Post
Preface to the Gateway Thread, Deborah W. Post
Profit, Progress and Moral Imperatives, Deborah W. Post
The Salience of Race, Deborah W. Post
Which Wave are You? Comments on the Collected Essays from the Seminar “To Do Feminist Legal Theory”, Deborah W. Post
Contested Meanings: Achievement and Ambition at an Elite Law School, Deborah Waire Post
Homecoming: The Ritual of Writing History, Deborah Waire Post
Outsider Jurisprudence and the “Unthinkable” Tale: Spousal Abuse and the Doctrine of Duress, Deborah Waire Post
Power and the Morality of Grading - A Case Study and a Few Critical Thoughts on Grade Normalization, Deborah Waire Post
Race, Riots and the Rule of Law, Deborah Waire Post
Teaching Interdisciplinarily: Law and Literature as Cultural Critique, Deborah Waire Post
The Interpretation of Consent to ICSID Arbitration Contained in Domestic Investment Laws, Michele Potestà
Convictions Based on Lies: Defining Due Process Protection, Anne Poulin
The Politics of South-South Bilateral Investment Treaties, Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen
Foreign Direct Investment in Times of Crisis, Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen and Gary Clyde Hufbauer
Political risk insurance and bilateral investment treaties: a view from below, Lauge Skovgaard Poulsen
Sacrificing Sovereignty by Chance: Investment Treaties, Developing Countries, and Bounded Rationality, Lauge Skovgaard Poulsen
Reasoning about the Irrational: The Roberts Court and the Future of Constitutional Law, H. Jefferson Powell
Reasoning about the Irrational: The Roberts Court and the Future of Constitutional Law, H. Jefferson Powell
Restorative Justice, Jon Powell
Managing the rule of law in the Americas: an empirical portrait of the effects of 15 years of WTO, MERCOSUL, and NAFTA dispute resolution on civil society in Latin America, Stephen Joseph Powell and Ludmila Mendonça Lopes Ribeiro
Straight Talk About a Complex Issue: The U.S. Standard of Judicial Review of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Determinations: An Important Challenge for NAFTA Panels, Stephen J. Powell and Elizabeth C. Seastrum
Adoption of English Law in Maryland, Garrett Power
Constitutional Limitations on Land Use Controls, Environmental Regulations and Governmental Exactions (2011 edition), Garrett Power