The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2011
Changing Media Landscape Could Topple FCC's Indecency Rules, Jonathan Peters
Handbook for Community-Funded Reporting, Reynolds Journalism Institute, Jonathan Peters
New Jersey Supremes Take Narrow View Defining Journalists Online, Jonathan Peters
Police tactics for video deserve fierce resistance, Jonathan Peters
Student Journalists v. School Administrators: A More Structured Way To Resolve Disputes, Jonathan Peters
Student Journalists v. School Administrators: A More Structured Way To Resolve Disputes, Jonathan Peters
Tasini Lawsuit Against Huffington Post Has No Merit, Jonathan Peters
WikiLeaks Shows Need for a Legal ‘Watchdog Privilege’, Jonathan Peters
WikiLeaks, the First Amendment, and the Press, Jonathan Peters
WikiLeaks Would Not Qualify To Claim Federal Reporter’s Privilege In Any Form, Jonathan Peters
WikiLeaks Would Not Qualify to Claim Federal Reporter’s Privilege in Any Form, Jonathan Peters
Will U.S. Government Crack the Whip on Online Privacy?, Jonathan Peters
Dead Zones: A Global Threat To Marine Ecosystems, Ashley Peterson
A Critique of the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens, markus a. petsche
What's Wrong with Forum Shopping? An Attempt to Identify and Assess the Real Issues of a Controversial Practice, markus a. petsche
What's Wrong with Forum Shopping? An Attempt to Identify and Assess the Real Issues of a Controversial Practice, markus a. petsche
What's Wrong with Forum Shopping? An Attempt to Identify and Assess the Real Issues of a Controversial Practice, markus a. petsche
What's Wrong with Forum Shopping? An(other) Attempt to Identify and Assess the Real Issues of a Controversial Practice, markus a. petsche
Challenging Chinese Currency Manipulation as a Subsidy under the WTO Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agreement, Elizabeth L. Pettis
Challenging Chinese Currency Manipulation under the IMF Agreement, Elizabeth L. Pettis
Professional Responsibility Compliance and National Security Attorneys: Adopting the Normative Framework of Ethical Legal Process, Keith A. Petty
Professional Responsibility Compliance and National Security Attorneys: Adopting the Normative Framework of Ethical Legal Process, Keith A. Petty
Professional Responsibility Compliance and National Security Attorneys: Adopting the Normative Framework of Internalized Legal Ethics, Keith A. Petty
Judicial Discretion in Constitutional Cases, Todd E. Pettys
Letter from Iowa: Same-Sex Marriage and the Ouster of Three Justices, Todd E. Pettys
A Comparative Study of Liability Law and Compensation Schemes in Ten Countries and the United States, Werner Pfennigstorf and Donald G. Gifford
Empirical Analysis of Subfederal Immigration Regulation in the U.S., Huyen T. Pham
Federalism in the United States, Huyen T. Pham
Measuring the Climate for Immigrants in the United States: A State by State Analysis, Huyen T. Pham
Overview of the Vietnamese Judicial System and Legal Education, Huyen T. Pham
Seminars: U.S. Administrative Law and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Huyen T. Pham
The U.S. Common Law System, Huyen T. Pham
Unauthorized Immigration in the United States, Huyen T. Pham
What Economic Impact Has Subfederal Immigration Regulation Had?, Huyen T. Pham
Promulgating Conscience: Drafting Pharmacist Conscientious Objector Clauses that Balance a Pharmacist's Moral Right to Refuse to Dispense Medication with Non-Benficiaries' Economic and Legal Rights, Kimberly D. Phillips
A Walk Through the Crystal Palace of Statutory Subject Matter in Patent Law, N. Scott Pierce
Grading Papers and Conducting Student Conferences, Tanya Pierce
Reading and Writing Workshop/Road to Law School, Tanya Pierce
Four Score and Seven(th) Inning Stretch: The Intersection of Government and Sports Throughout American History, William Gantt Pierce
Lifetime Gifts - a Quantitative Approach, Roger A. Pies and Daniel S. Goldberg
Individualization of Punishment and the Rule of Law: Reshaping the Legality in the United States and Europe between the 19th and the 20th Century, Michele Pifferi
The Future of the European Requirement for an Invention: Inherent Patentability as a Pre- and Post-Patent Determinant, Justine Pila
Judicial Independence at the Crossroads: Grappling with Ideology and History in the New Nepali Constitution, David Pimentel
Legal Pluralism in Post-colonial Africa: Linking Statutory and Customary Adjudication in Mozambique, David Pimentel
Philadelphia Lawyers: Policing the Law in Pennsylvania, Brian K. Pinaire, Milton Heumann, and Christian Scarlett
A Brief Reflection on the Multiple Identities and Roles of the Twenty-First Century Clinician, Michael Pinard
An Integrated Perspective on the Collateral Consequences of Criminal Convictions and Reentry Issues Faced by Formerly Incarcerated Individuals, Michael Pinard
A Reentry-Centered Vision of Criminal Justice, Michael Pinard
Broadening the Holistic Mindset: Incorporating Collateral Consequences and Reentry into Criminal Defense Lawyering, Michael Pinard
Collateral Consequences of Criminal Convictions: Confronting Issues of Race and Dignity, Michael Pinard
Reflections and Perspectives on Reentry and Collateral Consequences, Michael Pinard
The Logistical and Ethical Difficulties of Informing Juveniles About the Consequences of Adjudications, Michael Pinard
Diferenciando la Intermediación directa y la intermediación indirecta: Retos pendientes en el mercado de capitales., John Pineda Galarza
La crisis del euro: Origenes y respuesta de la Unión Europea, John Pineda Galarza
Pateando el tablero de juego: A propósito de la revisión de la revisión de los actos en vía administrativa, un comentario económico sobre la revocación indirecta, John Pineda Galarza
Redireccionando el tratamiento de los remedios legales: Un nuevo enfoque al literal f del artículo 10.2 de la Ley de Represión de las Conductas Anticompetitivas, John Pineda Galarza
Los deberes fundamentales y la constitución brasileña, Julio Pinheiro Faro
Economics of legal education in Brazil, Julio Pinheiro Faro and Daury Cesar Fabriz
Construyendo políticas públicas globales: Una aproximación al marco teórico de estudio. Working Paper N. 5, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Cuestionario examen final cátedra de derecho económico, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Cuestionario examen final cátedra de derecho económico Sem II 2011, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Cuestionario examen final cátedra de derecho económico Sem II 2011, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
El análisis Económico del Derecho: Una apuesta por una visión incluyente, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
El Comercio Electrónico: Aspectos institucionales fundamentales para una profundización de este mercado. Working Paper N. 6, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Hacia la construcción de políticas públicas globales: Retos para el Estado nación de cara a la globalización, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
La figura del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo: una interpretación desde el movimiento de derecho y desarrollo, y el Análisis de las Políticas Públicas. Working Paper N. 4, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Medicamentos y patentes: un conflicto de derechos y una propuesta para su conciliación desde la nueva economía institucional, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Redes Sociales e interacción social en la dimensión política, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesion 11: Aplicación Derechos de Propiedad: Propiedad Intelectual, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesion 11 Patentes y Derecho a la Salud, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesion 14: Maternidad Subrogada, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 15: Comercio Electrónico, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 3: Regulación, fallas de mercado y el cambio de enfoque de Ronald H. Coase, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 3: Regulación, fallas de mercado y el cambio de enfoque de Ronald H. Coase, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 4: El Análisis Económico del Derecho: Una apuesta por una visión incluyente, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 5&6: Teoría Económica de los derechos de propiedad y del sistema contractual, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 5: Teoría Económica de los Derechos de Propiedad y Contratos, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesion 8 Nueva Economia Institucional, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 8: Nueva Economía Institucional, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesión 9: Elección Pública, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Sesion 9 Eleccion Publica II, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Teoría Económica de los derechos de propiedad, Mario A. Pinzón MAPC
Asylum Rights and Wrongs: What the Refugee Protection Act Will Do and What More Will Need to be Done, Michele R. Pistone
Unsettling Develpment: Terrorism and The New Case for Enhancing Protection and Humanitarian Assistance for Refugees and Displaced Persons, Including Victims of Natural Disaster, Michele R. Pistone
Governing Interdependent Financial Systems: Lessons from the Vienna Initiative, Katharina Pistor
Maximizing Autonomy in the Shadow of Great Powers: The Political Economy of Sovereign Wealth Funds, Katharina Pistor and Kyle Hatton
Maximizing Autonomy in the Shadow of Great Powers: The Political Economy of Sovereign Wealth Funds, Katharina Pistor and Hatton Kyel
Heaven and Hell: Visions for Pervasive Adaptation, , Jeremy Pitt, Nikola Serbedzija, and Katina Michael
Preserving Human Capital: Using The Noncompete Agreement To Achieve Competitive Advantage, Griffin Toronjo Pivateau
Private Resolution of Public Disputes: Employment, Arbitration, And the Statutory Cause Of Action, Griffin Toronjo Pivateau
Reconsidering Arbitration: Evaluating the Future of the Manifest Disregard Doctrine, Griffin Toronjo Pivateau
Las pretensiones de responsividad del Derecho del Trabajo y el Juez Laboral, Sebastián A. Pizarro
Requerimientos empresariales de Flexibilidad y Conflicto laboral: por una congruencia entre derecho, economía y sociedad., Sebastián A. Pizarro
Trabajo, infantilización y cárcel, Sebastián A. Pizarro
Environmental Law as a Mirror of the Future: Civic Values Confronting Market Force Dynamics in a Time of Counter-Revolution, Zygmunt J.B Plater
A Ferenj Observer in the Horn of Africa -- Perspectives on Cultural Relativity, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Classic Lessons from a Little Fish in a Pork Barrel, Zygmunt J.B. Plater
Clear the Air: Lopsided Journalism in Public Policy Debates, Zygmunt J.B. Plater