About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013


Costs of Codification, Dru Stevenson


Lawyering in the Shadow of Data, Dru Stevenson and Nicholas J. Wagoner


Drones: Good or Evil?, Ross Stevenson, John Burns, and Katina Michael


When Retweets Attack: Are Twitter Users Liable for Republishing the Defamatory Tweets of Others?, Daxton R. Stewart


Implementing the Child Protection and Family Provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Trinidad and Tobago, Kele Stewart


Ungoverned Spaces, Transnational Crime, and the Prohibition on Extraterritorial Enforcement Jurisdiction in International Law, Dan E. Stigall

A Closer Look at Iraqi Property and Tort Law, Dan E. Stigall

Comparative Law and State-Building: The Organic Minimalist Approach to Legal Reconstruction, Dan E. Stigall

From Baton Rouge to Baghdad: A Comparative Overview of the Iraqi Civil Code, Dan E. Stigall

The Thickest Grey: Assessing the Status of the Civilian Response Corps Under the Law of International Armed Conflict and the U.S. Approach to Targeting Civilians, Dan E. Stigall

Human Rights and Military Decisions: Counterinsurgency and Trends in the Law of, Dan E. Stigall, Christopher L. Blakesley, and Chris Jenks


In Quest of the Arbitration Trifecta, or Closed Door Litigation?: The Delaware Arbitration Program, Thomas J. Stipanowich


Living with ADR: Evolving Perceptions and Use of Mediation, Arbitration and Conflict Management in Fortune 1,000 Corporations, Thomas J. Stipanowich

The Politics of Basic Income: Bringing Bureaucracy Back In?, Lindsay J. Stirton Ph.D. and Jurgen De Wispelaere

A Critique of Fairness, Richard Stith

A Theory of Respect, Richard Stith

Construccion vs. Desarrollo: La Raiz de Nuestros Malentendidos Sobre el Principio de la Vida, Richard Stith

Construction, Development, and Redevelopment, Richard Stith

For Jack, Passionate and Compassionate Mover of the Moon, Richard Stith

Her Choice, Her Problem: How Having a Choice Can Diminish Family Solidarity, Richard Stith

If Dorothy Had Not Had Toto to Pull Back the Wizard's Curtain: The Fabrication of Human Rights as a World Religion, Richard Stith

Images, Spirituality, and Law, Richard Stith

La Vida Considerada Como Cosa: Un Error Norteamericano Fundamental, Richard Stith

Location and Life: How Stenberg v. Carhart Undercut Roe v. Wade, Richard Stith

Los Grandes Rechazos de la Sentencia Roe v. Wade, Richard Stith

México: ¿nuevamente una colonia europea?, Richard Stith

New Constitutional and Penal Theory in Spanish Abortion Law, Richard Stith

On Death and Dworkin: a Critique of His Theory of Inviolability, Richard Stith

On Death and Dworkin: A Critique of His Theory of Inviolability, Richard Stith

On the Legal Validation of Sexual Relationships, Richard Stith

On the Preservation of Morality, Richard Stith

The Priority of Respect: How Our Common Humanity Can Ground Our Individual Dignity, Richard Stith

The Problem of Public Pretense, Richard Stith

The World as Reality, as Resource, and as Pretense, Richard Stith

Toward Freedom from Value, Richard Stith

Will There Be a Science of Law in the Twenty-First Century?, Richard Stith

Dos visiones norteamericanas de la jurisdicción de la Unión Europea, Richard T. Stith

Can Treaty Law Be Supreme, Directly Effective, and Autonomous--All at the Same Time?, Richard Stith and J.H.H. Weiler

Novel Drug Use in the LGBT Community: A Mixed Methods Approach Using the Social Structure-Social Learning Model, John M. Stogner, Joe Ruckus, Laura E. Agnich, and Bryan Lee Miller


31. How attorneys question children about the dynamics of sexual abuse and disclosure in criminal trials., Stacia N. Stolzenberg and Thomas D. Lyon

Same-Sex Legal Kit For Dummies, Carrie Stone and John G. Culhane

The Structure of Constitutional Pluralism, Alec Stone Sweet


The Structure of Constitutional Pluralism, Alec Stone Sweet


Trustee Courts and the Judicialization of International Regimes: The Politics of Majoritarian Activism in the ECHR, the EU, and the WTO, Alec Stone Sweet


The Crisis of a Definition: Human Trafficking in Bulgarian Law, Vladislava Stoyanova


The Crisis of a Legal Framework: Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking in the Bulgarian Legislation, Vladislava Stoyanova

Panel I: Cross-Licensing and Injunctions -- The Interplay Between Big Business, Small Business, and Non-Practicing Inventors, Katherine Strandburg, Lisa M. Ferri, John M. Griem, and Jonathan Putnam

Freedom of Association in a Networked World: First Amendment Regulation of Relational Surveillance, Katherine J. Strandburg

Derogatory to Professional Character? Physician Innovation and Patents as Boundary-Spanning Mechanisms, Katherine J. Strandburg

Free Fall: the Online Market's Consumer Preference Disconnect, Katherine J. Strandburg

Home, Home on the Web and Other Fourth Amendment Implications of Technosocial Change, Katherine J. Strandburg

Intellectual Property at the Boundary, Katherine J. Strandburg

Much Ado About Preemption, Katherine J. Strandburg

Patent Fair Use 2.0, Katherine J. Strandburg

Rounding the Corner on Trade Dress: A Tribute to the Jurisprudence of Judge Richard D. Cudahy, Katherine J. Strandburg

User Innovator Community Norms: At the Bounds Between Academic and Industry Research, Katherine J. Strandburg

When Worlds Collide: Intellectual Property at the Interface Between Systems of Knowledge Creation, Introduction, Katherine J. Strandburg, Brett M. Frischmann, and Jay P. Kesan


Is Brown Holding Us Back? Moving Forward, Sixty Years Later, palma joy strand


Constitutional theory and political activism: Theorectical and practical problems related to social fundamental rights, carlos luiz strapazzon and Rodrigo Goldschmidt

Direitos Fundamentais em Estados Compostos, Carlos Luiz Strapazzon and Mercè Barcelò i Serramalera

Do We have a Common Vision of a UNPA?, Andrew L. Strauss

International Law and its Discontents, Andrew L. Strauss

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: What We Can Expect at COP19 and Beyond, Andrew L. Strauss


Dangers of Trying to Set Earth's Thermostat, Andrew L. Strauss and William C.G. Burns

Transcription of 2013 Chapman Law Review Symposium: "The Future of Law, Business, and Legal Education: How to Prepare Students to Meet Corporate Needs", Leo E. Strine Jr., Bradley Borden, Robert J. Rhee, Tania King, and Lee Cheng


Putting Stockholders First, Not the First-Filed Complaint, Leo E. Strine Jr, Lawrence A. Hamermesh, and Matthew Jennejohn


The Joy of Collaboration: Reflections on Teaching with Others, Richard Strong, Sarah Morath, and Elizabeth A. Shaver


Motions In Motion: Teaching Advanced Legal Writing Through Collaboration, Richard Strong, Elizabeth Shaver, and Sarah Morath


The Balancing Impact of General EU Law on European IP Jurisprudence, Alain Strowel and Hee-Eun Kim


Applicants to Prize Winner Organizations as Winners-James T. Struck BA, BS, AA, MLIS Case Study, James T. Struck

Beal Conjecture Disproven-Planet Number Different Based on Standard, Beal Disproven Based on Examples, James T. Struck


Disproof of the Riemann Conjecture-German mathematicians Like Any Nationalities Mathematicians Can Have their Conjectures Disproven, James T. Struck


Economic Utopia Inventions as Observed Phenomenon-Success, Failure, Persistence Through History From Dawn of Mankind to Jesus to Thomas More to Pullman, Riverside and Eugenics, James T. Struck


Illinois, Cook County, NU Torture, Enslave, Chemical Weapons, Response to State Police Concerns that concern with torture,enslavement, chemical weapons use is harassment, James T. Struck


Letter that Won Nobel Peace Prize 2013-stop Chemical weapon use on difference, James T. Struck


Poincare Conjecture Can be Proven, Disproven, and Shown to Have No Relationship Between 3 Manifolds and 3 Spheres-How Science Magazine Incorrectly Oversimplified the Poincare Conjecture by Crediting Dr. Grigori Perelman of Russia Alone with A Solution, James T. Struck


Poincare Conjecture Disproven, Proofs and Showings of No Need to Twist and Bend Manifolds Into Spheres!, James T. Struck


Proof of the Supernatural and Paranormal By Showing that the Language is Real, Exists, and Has Essence, James T. Struck


Some Economic, Math, Physics, Chemistry Discoveries, James T. Struck


Torture of Crime Victims, Nobel Prize Winner Association by Illinois State Police and Freedom of Press Violated, James T. Struck

Torture of Crime Victims, Nobel Prize Winner Association by Illinois State Police and Freedom of Press Violated, James T. Struck


Universe Galaxy Contraction, Struck Force Table New Forces, New Universes, New Elements, Sociological Implications, James T. Struck


Testing The Social Media Waters - First Amendment Entanglement Beyond The Schoolhouse Gates, Lily M. Strumwasser


The Tides Are Turning: EEOC Pattern Or Practice Lawsuits Must Adhere To Title VII's 300-Day Limitation Period, Lily M. Strumwasser


Finding Privacy in a Sea of Social Media and Other E-Discovery, Allyson Haynes Stuart

All Roads Lead from Vietnam to Your Home Town: How Veterans Have Become Casualties of the War on Drugs, Susan Stuart

Evidentiary Use of Other Crime Evidence: A Survey of Recent Trends in Criminal Procedure, Susan Stuart

A New Sheriff in Town: Armistice in the War on Drugs and Students' Civil Rights, Susan P. Stuart

Citizen Teacher: Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't, Susan P. Stuart

Indianapolis Desegregation: Segregative Intent and the Interdistrict Remedy, Susan P. Stuart

In Loco Parentis in the Public Schools: Abused, Confused, and in Need of Change, Susan P. Stuart

Jack and Jill Go to Court: Litigating a Peer Sexual Harassment Case Under Title IX, Susan P. Stuart


Warriors, Machismo, and Jockstraps: Sexually Exploitative Athletic Hazing and Title IX in the Public School Locker Room, Susan P. Stuart

White v. State: And Now for Something Different, Susan Stuart and Richard Pitts


La liberación del comercio y las medidas de defensa comercial, Pierino Stucchi

Testimonial privilege: Van Der Heijden v The Netherlands, Lee Stuesser


How much religious freedom can an Arab Muslim expect in Europe?, Marcel Stuessi Swiss Human Rights Lawyer


The Legitimacy of Crimmigration Law, Juliet P. Stumpf

Free Speech in China: Past and Present. And Future?, Roy L. Sturgeon


The Second Amendment´s Fixed Meaning and Multiple Purposes, Thiago L. B. Sturzenegger