About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

The Law School Critique in Historical Perspective, A. Benjamin Spencer

The Restrictive Ethos in Civil Procedure, A. Benjamin Spencer

The Restrictive Ethos in Civil Procedure, A. Benjamin Spencer

Understanding Pleading Doctrine, A. Benjamin Spencer

Understanding Pleading Doctrine, A. Benjamin Spencer

A global survey of relationship laws for franchising, Elizabeth Crawford Spencer

An exploration of the legal meaning of franchising, Elizabeth Crawford Spencer

Introduction, Elizabeth Crawford Spencer

Potential enhancements for business performance through franchising: The case of coffee in Vietnam, Elizabeth Crawford Spencer

Relational rights and responsibilities: Perspectives on contractual arrangements in franchising, Elizabeth Crawford Spencer

What's in a name? Definitional issues in franchising, Elizabeth Crawford Spencer

Yours, mine, and ours: Franchising as a means of enhancing the value of intellectual capital for third sector organisations, Elizabeth Crawford Spencer


The Surveillance Society and the Third-Party Privacy Problem, Shaun Spencer

Lineamenti di diritto internazionale dei conflitti armati, Federico Sperotto

Assessing fairness in workers' compensation reform: a commentary on the 1995 West Virginia Workers' Compensation Legislation, Emily A. Spieler

Can coal miners escape black lung? an analysis of the Coal Miner Job Transfer Program and its implications for occupational medical removal protection programs, Emily A. Spieler

Injured workers, workers’ compensation, and work: new perspectives on the workers' compensation debate in West Virginia, Emily A. Spieler


Advocacia em Tempos Difíceis: Ditadura Militar, 1964-1985, Paula Spieler and Rafael Mafei Rabelo Queiroz

Public preferences for sentencing purposes: What difference does offender age, criminal history and offence type make?, Caroline Spiranovic, Lynne D. Roberts, David Indermaur, Kate Warner, Karen Gelb, and Geraldine MacKenzie

Media useage and public confidence in sentencing in Australia: A national study, Caroline Spiranovic, Kate Warner, and Geraldine Mackenzie

Tocqueville and the American Amalgam, Andrew C. Spiropoulos


What’s Age Got To Do With It? Supreme Court Appointees and the Long Run Location of the Supreme Court Median Justice, Matthew L. Spitzer

Killers Shouldn't Inherit From Their Victims . . . Or Should They?, carla spivack


Killers Shouldn't Inherit from Their Victims-Or Should They?, Carla Spivack

'Ah, you publishing scoundrel!' A Hauntological Reading of Privacy, Moral Rights, and the Fair Use of Unpublished Works, Robert Spoo

A New Odyssey, Robert Spoo

Archival Foreclosure: A Scholar's Lawsuit Against the Estate of James Joyce, Robert Spoo

A Rose Is a Rose Is a Roth: New/Old Theories of Legal Liability in the Joyce World, Robert Spoo

Asphodel H.D., Robert Spoo

Copyright and Joyce: Litigating the Word: James Joyce in the Courts, Robert Spoo

Copyright and the Ends of Ownership: The Case for a Public-Domain Ulysses in America, Robert Spoo

Copyright Law and Archival Research, Robert Spoo

Copyright Protectionism and Its Discontents: The Case of James Joyce's Ulysses in America, Robert Spoo

Copyrights and "Design-Around" Scholarship, Robert Spoo

Cravens, Margaret (1881-1912), Robert Spoo

Current Copyright Law and Fair Use, Robert Spoo

Deluxe Editions and the Copyright Monopoly, Robert Spoo

Editing H.D.’s Asphodel: Selected Emendations and Notes, Robert Spoo

Ezra Pound, Legislator: Perpetual Copyright and Unfair Competition with the Dead, Robert Spoo

“Ezra Pound's Copyright Statute: Perpetual Rights and the Problem of Heirs”, Robert Spoo

Ezra Pound’s Copyright Statute: Perpetual Rights and the Problem of Heirs, Robert Spoo

Fair Use of Copyrighted Works in the Digital Age, Robert Spoo

Fair Use of Unpublished Works: Scholarly Research and Copyright Case Law Since 1992, Robert Spoo

“For God’s sake, publish; only be sure of your rights”: Virginia Woolf, Copyright, and Scholarship, Robert Spoo

Genders of History in “Nestor”, Robert Spoo

H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), Kora and Ka, Robert Spoo

H.D. Prosed: The Future of an Imagist Poet, Robert Spoo

Injuries, Remedies, Moral Rights, and the Public Domain, Robert Spoo

Introduction and selection, Robert Spoo

"Introduction: Futures of Fair Use", Robert Spoo

James Joyce and the Language of History: Dedalus's Nightmare, Robert Spoo

Joyce's Attitudes Toward History: Rome, 1906-07, Robert Spoo

Joyce Scholars, Editors, and Imaginary Readers, Robert Spoo

Law, Robert Spoo

Litigating the Right to Be a Scholar, Robert Spoo

Michael North, The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound, Robert Spoo

"Nestor" and the Nightmare: The Presence of the Great War in Ulysses, Robert Spoo

“No Word Is an Island”: Textualism and Aesthetics in Akhil Reed Amar’s The Bill of Rights, Robert Spoo

Omar S. Pound, Arabic and Persian Poems in Translation, Robert Spoo

Patronage of the Arts, Robert Spoo

Pound's Cavalcanti and Craven's Carducci, Robert Spoo

Reed Way Dasenbrock, Imitating the Italians: Wyatt, Spenser, Synge, Pound, Joyce, Robert Spoo

Richard Sieburth, ed., A Walking Tour in Southern France: Ezra Pound Among the Troubadours, Robert Spoo

Samuel Roth: Discourteous Reprinter, Robert Spoo

Teleology, Monocausality, and Marriage in Ulysses, Robert Spoo

The Making of Modern American Poetry: Four Aspects, Robert Spoo

The Weight of Intangible Property and its Laws, Robert Spoo

Three Myths for Aging Copyrights: Tithonus, Dorian Gray, Ulysses, Robert Spoo

Three Myths for Aging Copyrights: Tithonus, Dorian Gray, Ulysses, Robert Spoo

“Tres mitos para envejecimiento de los copyrights: Titono, Dorian Gray, Ulises”, Robert Spoo

Ulysses and the Ten Years War: A Survey of Missed Opportunities, Robert Spoo

Ulysses, Bloomsday, and Copyright, Robert Spoo

"Una Piccola Nuvoletta": Ferrero's Young Europe and Joyce's Mature Dubliners Stories, Robert Spoo

Uncanny Returns in “The Dead”: Ibsenian Intertexts and the Estranged Infant, Robert Spoo

Unpublished Letters of Ezra Pound to James, Nora, and Stanislaus Joyce, Robert Spoo

Without Coprights: Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain, Prologue--Growing the American Public Domain, Robert Spoo


Without Coprights: Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain, Prologue--Growing the American Public Domain--Prologue: Growing the American Public Domain, Robert Spoo

Use It or Lose It: Copyright and Fair Use for Researchers and Scholars, Robert Spoo, Adrian Alexander, Kevin J. H. Dettmar, Peter Jaszi, Brendan O'Neill, Kate O'Neill, Robert Pickering, Tamara Piety, Paul K. Saint-Amour, Laura Stevens, Sean Latham, and Sam Halabi


Can We End the Copyright Tower of Babel?, Robert E. Spoo


Without Coprights: Piracy, Publishing, and the Public Domain--Chapter 1: The American Public Domain and the Courtesy of the Trade in the Nineteenth Century, Robert E. Spoo

Ezra and Dorothy Pound: Letters in Captivity, 1945-1946, Robert Spoo and Omar Pound

Ezra Pound and Margaret Cravens: A Tragic Friendship, 1910-1912, Robert Spoo and Omar Pound

Does Gender Influence Attitudes Toward Copyright in the Filk Community?, Robert Spoo and Melissa Tatum

Intellectual Property and Vietnam’s Higher Education System, Robert Spoo and Dao Tuan

Joyce and the Subject of History, Robert Spoo, Mark Wollaeger, and Victor Luftig

Low-income Taxpayers and the Modernized IRS: A View from the Trenches, Janet Spragens and Nancy Abramowitz


Workplace Data: Law & Litigation (with 2014 Supplement), Robert Sprague


Online Social Media and the End of the Employment-at-Will Doctrine, Robert Sprague and Abigail E. Fournier


It’s All About the People: Hierarchy, Networks, and Teaching Assistants in a Civil Procedure Classroom Community, Jennifer E. Spreng

Effective Assistance of Counsel: In Quest of a Uniform Standard of Review, Theresa L. Springmann and John Eric Smithburn

Iodine supplementation during pregnancy and lactation, Alex Stagnaro-Green, Scott Sullivan, and Elizabeth N. Pearce


Neighborhood Empowerment and the Future of the City, Kenneth A. Stahl


The Significance of Reliance in Land Use Law, Kenneth A. Stahl


The Necessary Opportunism of the Common Law First Amendment, Chris Stangl

Comparative analysis on marijuana legalization measures, and how those failures are indicative of the shortcomings of I-502, the marijuana legalization legislation recently enacted in Washington State., William Stanley


Commerce and Tradition as Gatekeepers of Admiralty: Falsity and Futility, Graydon S. Staring



Confirmation Biases and Dual Tasks Undermine the Effectiveness of HUD-1 and other Home Loan Disclosures, Debra P. Stark

Dysfunctional Contracts and the Laws and Practices that Enable Them, Debra P. Stark

Dysfunctional Contracts and the Laws and Practices that Enable Them, Debra P. Stark