About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2013

Dysfunctional Contracts and the Laws and Practices That Enable Them: An Empirical Analysis, Debra P. Stark

Legislative Promise Half Fulfilled: Addressing Judicial Nullification and Other Challenges Facing Survivors of Domestic Violence, Debra P. Stark

Legislative Promise Only Half Fulfilled: An Empirical Analysis of a Specialized Domestic Violence Court, Debra P. Stark

Moderator: Keeping It Real: Lessons in the Structuring, Handling, and Teaching of Real Estate Transactions in the Wake of the Great Real Estate Recession, Debra P. Stark

Moderator: Why She Doesn't 'Just Leave': Understanding Domestic Violence and Illinois Measures to Empower Survivors, Debra P. Stark


Access to Justice and Technology Clinics: A 4% Solution (with Andrew P. Medeiros) (symposium), Ronald W. Staudt


Introduction, Justice, Lawyering and Legal Education in the Digital Age (symposium editor with M. Lauritsen), Ronald W. Staudt

Grains of Sand or Butterfly Effect: Standing, the Legitimacy of Precedent, and Reflections on Hollingsworth and Windsor, Maxwell L. Stearns

Private-Rights Litigation and the Normative Foundations of Durable Constitutional Precedent, Maxwell L. Stearns


Clarifying Assessment: Developing Official Typologies and Instructions For Forms of Assessment In Law, Alex Steel


Good Practice Guide (Bachelor of Laws): Law in Broader Contexts, Alex Steel


Statistics and Charts on Imprisonment in Australia from 1970, Alex Steel


UNSW Law School in the Assessment Project, Alex Steel


Penal Culture and Hyperincarceration: The Revival of the Prison, Alex Steel, Chris Cunneen, David Brown, Eileen Baldry, Melanie Schwartz, and Mark Brown


Answering Legal Problem Questions in a Grid Format, Alex Steel and Dominic Fitzsimmons


Class Participation as a Learning and Assessment Strategy in Law: Facilitating Students’ Engagement, Skills Development and Deep Learning, Alex Steel, Anna Huggins, and Julian Laurens


Broader Social Context as a Lens for Learning: Teaching Criminal Law, Alex Steel and Melanie Schwartz

Dead Man Walking: The Rights of the Dead Under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and the Due Process Clause, Bradley J. Steffen


Cibus, Lex, Commercium: Food Law and Plantenomics in World Trade, Gabriela Steier


Dead People Don’t Eat: Food Governmentenomics and Conflicts-of-Interest in the USDA and FDA, Gabriela Steier


My Paper Makes SSRN Top Ten List, Gabriela Steier


My paper, "THE WTO'S BLIND SPOT: DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN THE INTERNATIONAL FOOD INDUSTRY", was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for: Sustainable Technology eJournal., Gabriela Steier


Recent Alumni Profile Gabriela Steier, Gabriela Steier


The WTO's Blind Spot: Dispute Resolution in the International Food Industry, Gabriela Steier

The WTO’s Blind Spot: Dispute Resolution in the International Food Industry, Gabriela Steier


Thinking Win-Win: Boosting Profitability Through Gender-Balanced Flex-Time, Gabriela Steier


Womenomics for Nursing Growth: Making the Case for Work Time Flexibility and Mother-Friendlier Workplaces, Gabriela Steier



Of Admirals and Bondholders, Timothy E. Steigelman



Are People Probabilistically Challenged? Book Review of Daniel Kahneman, THINKING, FAST AND SLOW (2011), Alex Stein


Florida Supreme Court voids private arbitration agreement to adjudicate medical malpractice complaints, Alex Stein


Medical Malpractice: A Wronged Patient's Decreased Chances to Survive are Actionable as a Standalone Damage, Alex Stein


Medical Malpractice: Doctors' Liability for Patients' Chances to Recover, Alex Stein


Medical Malpractice: Governmental immunity for EMTs, Alex Stein


Medical Malpractice Law: Causation, Spoliation, Alternative Liability, and Lost Chance in Rhode Island. A Critical Analysis of Almonte v. Kurl, 46 A.3d 1 (R.I. 2012), Alex Stein


Medical Malpractice Law: The Oklahoma Supreme Court Holds "Merit Affidavit" Requirement Unconstitutional, Alex Stein


Mixed news from the New Jersey Supreme Court: Medical malpractice might give a windfall to reckless drivers, negligent contractors, and other tortfeasors unaffiliated with the health industry, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, April 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, August 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, December 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, July 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, June 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, May 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, November 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, October 2013, Alex Stein


Recent Developments in Medical Malpractice, September 2013, Alex Stein


Res ipsa loquitur under New York law of medical malpractice: Of things that do NOT speak for themselves, Alex Stein


Statute of limitations: the “second opinion” exception to the fraudulent concealment rule, Alex Stein


The Tylenol Debate: Can Hospitals be Sued for Excessive Markups on Medications and Devices?, Alex Stein


Third party negligence in medical malpractice cases: the quiet demise of res inter alios acta, Alex Stein


Understanding the Law of Evidence Through the Lens of Signal-to-Noise, Alex Stein


Using Malpractice Laws to Sabotage Roe v. Wade, Alex Stein


Intellectual Property Defenses, Alex Stein and Gideon Parchomovsky

Availability of Sec. 1983 as Remedy Creates Confusion in State Courts, Steven H. Steinglass

Circumventing the State Limitations In Sec. 1983 Wrongful-Death Claims, Steven H. Steinglass

City's Residency Rule Hinges on Debate of 'Original Intent', Steven H. Steinglass

Constitutional Commission is the Way to Go, Steven H. Steinglass

Court's Notice-of-Claim Ruling May Encourage Sec. 1983 Cases, Steven H. Steinglass

Eleventh Amendment Federalism and State Sovereign Immunity Cases: Direct Effect on Section 1983?, Steven H. Steinglass

Fog Surrounding Ohio's Investment Tax Credit, Steven H. Steinglass

Lawyers Looking to State Courts to Litigate Federal Sec. 1983 Cases, Steven H. Steinglass

New Act May Broaden the Scope of Claims Involving Sec. 1983, Steven H. Steinglass

Section 1983 Actions in the New York Courts, Steven H. Steinglass

Section 1983 and the Reaganization of the Sixth Circuit: Closing the Doors to the Federal Courthouse, Steven H. Steinglass

Section 1983 Litigation in State Courts, Steven H. Steinglass

Section 1983 Litigation in the Ohio Courts: An Introduction for Ohio Lawyers and Judges, Steven H. Steinglass

State Court Sec. 1983 Litigation Impacts on Dual Judicial System, Steven H. Steinglass

State Court Section 1983 Litigation: An Introductory Course for State Judges, Steven H. Steinglass

The Emerging State Court § 1983 Action: A Procedural Review , Steven H. Steinglass

The Standing and Removal Decisions from the Supreme Court's 2006 Term, Steven H. Steinglass

Why Ohio Should Stay the Course; Con: The Ohio Constitution - Is it Time for a Rewrite?, Steven H. Steinglass

An Introduction to State Court § 1983 Litigation, Steven H. Steinglass

An Introduction to State Court Section 1983 Litigation, Steven H. Steinglass

Litigating Section 1983 Actions in State Courts, Steven H. Steinglass

Litigating Section 1983 Actions in State Courts, Steven H. Steinglass

Remedies and the Supreme Court's October 2007 Term, Steven H. Steinglass

Section 1983 Wrongful Death Remedies, Steven H. Steinglass

State Courts and Supplemental Jurisdiction Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Steven H. Steinglass

The Civil Rights Act of 1991 and the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990: Their Impact on State Court Practice and on the Supplemental Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts, Steven H. Steinglass

The Impact of Heck v. Humphrey on Section 1983 Litigation, Steven H. Steinglass

Wrongful Death Actions and Section 1983, Steven H. Steinglass

The Ohio State Constitution: A Reference Guide, Steven H. Steinglass and Gino Scarselli

Leverage, Linkage, and Leakage: Problems with the Private Pension System and How They Should Inform the Social Security Reform Debate, Norman P. Stein and Patricia E. Dilley

Introduction: Connecting the Dots Between Two Parallel Worlds, Rena Steinzor

Hearing on Regulating the Regulators - Reducing Burdens on Small Business, Rena I. Steinzor

Collaborating to Nowhere: The Imperative of Government Accountability for Restoring the Chesapeake Bay, Rena I. Steinzor and Shana Jones

Fairness in the Bay: Environmental Justice and Nutrient Trading, Rena I. Steinzor, Robert R.M. Verchick, Nicholas W. Vidargas, and Yee Huang


Exploración de hidrocarburos, incentivos fiscales y marco normativo, Pablo Stejskal


Knowledge Inferences in Money Laundering and Structuring Prosecutions, Parry Alicia Stender Black

The Search for Authenticity and the Manipulation of Tradition: Restriction of Reproductive Autonomy in Egypt and the United States, Sarah M. Stephens

Environmental litigation in China : a study in political ambivalence, Rachel E. Stern

Poor Rural Residents in China Seen as Easy Target for Environmental Lawsuits, Rachel E. Stern

Swastikas in Skokie: The Paradox of Free Speech, Ruth C. Stern

Swastikas in Skokie: The Paradox of Free Speech, Ruth C. Stern

Swatikas in Skokie: The Paradox of Free Speech, Ruth C. Stern


Protecting Property Through Politics: State Legislative Checks and Judicial Takings, Stephanie M. Stern

Protecting Property Through Politics: State Legislative Checks and Judicial Takings (forthcoming), Stephanie M. Stern


The Dark Side of Town: The Social Capital Revolution in Residential Property Law, Stephanie M. Stern

The Science of Exclusion: Race, Social Capital, and Housing Policy, Stephanie M. Stern