The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Why Your Jurisdiction Should Consider Jumping on the Regulatory Objectives Bandwagon, Laurel S. Terry
El reconocimiento constitucional de los derechos de la persona y sus puntos ciegos en la Constitución de Cádiz, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
El reto del socialismo europeo, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Entrevista en El hombre 2.0, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
¿España va bien?, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
#EuropeIn: El Parlamento Europeo se acerca a sus ciudadanos a través de las redes sociales (I), Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Fusilamientos goyescos en la Universidad, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Hoja de ruta ante el órdago independentista, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
“Il caso García Mateos: un dialogo tra le Corti a cavallo tra legalità ordinaria e tutela multilivello dei diritti”, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La democracia ante el paradigma tecnológico, oportunidad para la regeneración. Reflexiones a partir del proyecto #EuropeIN, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La España (in)vertebrada, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La incompatibilidad de los magistrados constitucionales, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La racionalización del Estado, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La regeneración de la Democracia: claves históricas (I), Germán M. Teruel Lozano
La riforma della democrazia: una rilettura della teoria di Fraenkel di fronte all'attuale crisi del sistema rappresentativo, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Las clínicas jurídicas como medio para estimular la dimensión social y cívica en la enseñanza universitaria. Una propuesta para la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Murcia, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Libertades y derechos de la persona en Internet: retos en materia de reconocimiento y tutela de los derechos fundamentales ante el paradigma tecnológico de la sociedad del siglo XXI, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Lo que hay que hacer, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Los doctorados internacionales, el futuro de la universidad, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
¿Por qué ser monárquico en España?, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Propuesta de Clínicas Jurídicas para la Universidad de Murcia, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Regeneración de la Democracia (II): 7 propuestas concretas para regenerar nuestro actual sistema político, Germán M. Teruel Lozano
Desafios para los derechos de la persona ante el siglo XXI: Internet y nuevas tecnologías / Sfide per i diritti della persona nel XXI secolo: internet e nuove tecnologie / Challenges of individual rights in the XXI century: the internet and new tecnologies, Germán M. Teruel Lozano, Antonio Pérez Miras, and Edoardo C. Raffiotta
Forensic Bibliography: Reconstructing the Library of George Wythe, Linda K. Tesar
Is it Right to Change your Child’s Surname after divorce?, William Thies
Legal Representation, how safe is it and how much trust must we have in our attorneys?, William Thies
A Priceless Review, David Thomas
Correcting a Fatal Lottery: A Proposal to Apply the Civil Discrimination Standards to the Death Penalty, Joseph Thomas
Correcting a Fatal Lottery: A Proposal to Apply the Civil Discrimination Standards to the Death Penalty, Joseph Thomas
Rogue States within American Borders: Remedying State Noncompliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Margaret Thomas
Constraining the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure through the Federalism Canons of Statutory Interpretation, Margaret S. Thomas
Constraining the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure through the Federalism Canons of Statutory Interpretation, Margaret S. Thomas
'Rogue States' Within American Borders: Remedying State Noncompliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Margaret S. Thomas
MALICE SUPPLIES THE AGE? Normative Assessment of Culpability of Adolescent Soldiers, Maria A. Thomas Mrs
Back to the Future of Abortion Regulation in the First Term, Tracy A. Thomas
Teaching Remedies as Problem-Solving: Keeping it Real, Tracy A. Thomas
Manpower Training and Public Sector Job Creation Under CETA: The Experience in Maine and New Hampshire, Allen Thompson and Richard W. Hurd
The Successes and Failures of Self-Regulatory Regimes for Dealing with Museum Holdings of Nazi-Looted Art and Looted Antiquities, Erin L. Thompson
An Examination of the Relationship Between Published Book Reviews and the Circulation of Books at an Academic Library, Glenda Thornton
Electronic Order Transmission: Benefit or Gimmick, Glenda Thornton
Academic Libraries: A Poly-Faced Future, Glenda A. Thornton
A Note about the Book Reviews in This Issue of Technical Services Quarterly, Glenda A. Thornton
Digital Library Development: The View From Kanazawa, Glenda A. Thornton
Introduction to Assessment of Collections in a Consortial Environment: Experiences from Ohio, Glenda A. Thornton
Introduction to Assessment of Library Collections in a Consortial Environment: Experiences from Ohio, Glenda A. Thornton
Introduction to Assessment of Library Collections in a Consortial Environment: Experiences from Ohio, Glenda A. Thornton
Introduction to Assessment of Library Collections in a Consortial Environment: Experiences from Ohio, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Beyond Survival: Managing Academic Libraries in Transition, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Copyright in Cyberspace: Questions and Answers for Librarians, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Developing Library and Information Center Collections, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Digital Library Development: the View from Kanazawa, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Digital Preservation And Metadata: History, Theory, Practice, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Information Tomorrow: Reflections on Technology and The Future of Public and Academic Libraries, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Libraries, Mission & Marketing: Writing Mission Statements That Work and The Visible Librarian: Asserting Your Value with Marketing and Advocacy, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Licensing Digital Content: A Practical Guide for Librarians, 2d.ed., Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Planning New and Remodeled Archival Facilities, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Refuge of a Scoundrel: The Patriot Act In Libraries, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of Technology for the Rest of Us: a Primer on Computer Technologies for the Low-tech Librarian, Glenda A. Thornton
Review of The Library: An Illustrated History, Glenda A. Thornton
Summary of Jim Neal’s presentation of Regional Library Networking: New Opportunities for Serving Scholarship, Glenda A. Thornton
Regional Study of Vendor Performance for In-Print Monographs, Glenda A. Thornton, Zary M. Shafa, Julie S. Alexander, Kristine L. Murphy, and Audrey V. Vanderhoof
Bibliography: California Medical Malpractice, Alyssa Thurston
Book Review, Yasuhide Kawashima, The Tokyo Rose Case: Treason on Trial (2013), Alyssa Thurston
Introducing iPads to Courts, Law Firms, and Law Schools, Alyssa Thurston
LibAnalytics Adopted by Pepperdine Law for Reference Statistics, Alyssa Thurston
Shanghai Welcomes Legal Information Professionals to China, Alyssa Thurston
Critical Race Theory, Ice Cube, and Gangsta Rap: The Funky Methodology of Interrogating Law and Black Life in the Post-Black Power Era (in progress), Donald F. Tibbs
Holler If You Hear Me: Towards a Cultural History of Courtroom Disruption and the Black Defendant, 1968-1975 (in progress), Donald F. Tibbs
READING HIP HOP, READING LAW: Teaching and Learning the American Constitution, Donald F. Tibbs
A Dialogic Defense of Alden, Jay Tidmarsh
A Process Theory of Torts, Jay Tidmarsh
Civil Procedure: The Last Ten Years, Jay Tidmarsh
Dialogic Defense of Alden, Jay Tidmarsh
Finding Room for State Class Actions in a Post-CAFA World: The Case of the Counterclaim Class Action, Jay Tidmarsh
In Memoriam: Father Bill Lewers, Jay Tidmarsh
Living in CAFA's World, Jay Tidmarsh
Pound's Century, and Ours, Jay Tidmarsh
Superiority as Unity, Jay Tidmarsh
Tort Law: The Languages of Duty, Jay Tidmarsh
Unattainable Justice: The Form of Complex Litigation and the Limits of Judicial Power, Jay Tidmarsh
Whitehead's Metaphysics and the Law: A Dialogue, Jay Tidmarsh
States' Rights in the Twenty-First Century, Jay Tidmarsh, Mark Racicot, Robert Miller, and Michael Greve
Amendment XIV and Federal Pension Obligations: A Response to Professor Michael McConnell, Seth Barrett Tillman
Are Supreme Court Justices “Officers of the United States”?: A Proposed Answer for Professor Blackman, Seth Barrett Tillman
A Seventh Puzzle for Professor Akhil Amar: About that Madison-Pendleton Letter, Seth Barrett Tillman
British Journal of American Legal Studies, Associate Editor (July 2013-Present), Seth Barrett Tillman
Citation List to Model Legislative Veto Act, Seth Barrett Tillman
Citation List to "Six Puzzles for Professor Akhil Amar," "The Puzzles," and "The Answers", Seth Barrett Tillman
Clem Ryan, Interview, Kildare Today (Oct. 3, 2013), Seth Barrett Tillman
Colin Gleeson's "How The Referendum Campaigns Unfolded: A brief history of the Seanad abolition and Court of Appeal referendums," quoting Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman
Conference Paper: Comparative Public Law, Originalism, and Foreign Parliamentary Materials: One American’s Exploration of Australian Judicial and Parliamentary Materials, Seth Barrett Tillman
Conference Paper: Six Puzzles for Professor Akhil Amar, Seth Barrett Tillman
Dariusz Stolicki, Executive Review (Krakow 2013), citing Tillman's The Federalist Papers as Reliable Historical Source Material for Constitutional Interpretation, Seth Barrett Tillman
Declan Lynch's "Foresight beats hindsight in any race," quoting Tillman, Seth Barrett Tillman