The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2013
Padilla Postconviction Claims in Florida: Squaring Chaidez, Hernandez and Castaño, Rebecca Sharpless and Andrew Stanton
Teague New Rules Must Apply In Initial-Review Collateral Proceedings: The Teachings Of Padilla, Chaidez and Martinez, Rebecca Sharpless and Andrew Stanton
Challenging the Death Penalty with Statistics: Furman, Mccleskey and a Single County Case Study, Steven F. Shatz and Teresa A. Dalton
A Tribute to Barry Sullivan, Joan M. Shaughnessy
A Tribute to Frederic L. Kirgis, Joan M. Shaughnessy
Booth V. Maryland, Insights Into The Contemporary Challenges To Judging, Joan M. Shaughnessy
Commentary: Unpublication and the Judicial Concept of Audience, Joan M. Shaughnessy
For the Civil Practitioner: Review of Fourth Circuit Opinions in Civil Cases Decided November 1, 1991 Through December 31, 1992: VII - Federal Civil Procedure, Joan M. Shaughnessy
Introduction [to the Symposium], Joan M. Shaughnessy
LRW's The Real World: Using Real Cases to Teach Persuasive Writing, Elizabeth Shaver
Motions in Motion: Teaching Advanced Legal Writing Through Collaboration, Elizabeth Shaver, Sarah Morath, and Richard Strong
The Joy of Collaboration: Reflections on Teaching with Others, Elizabeth Shaver, Sarah Morath, and Richard Strong
Canudo on Evidence: Laws of New York, Gary Shaw
Due Process in American Military Tribunals After September 11, 2001, Gary Shaw
The Admissibility of Hypnotically Enhanced Testimony in Criminal Trials, Gary Shaw
Trances, Trials, and Tribulations; Symposium Comparing New York and Federal Evidence Law, Gary Shaw
Pfizer, Inc. v. India Foreign Sovereigns’ Standing to Sue for Treble Damages, Gary M. Shaw
Retaliatorily Discharged Employees’ Standing to Sue Under the Antitrust Laws, Gary M. Shaw
The Constitution of Belarus: A Good First Step Towards the Rule of Law, Gary M. Shaw
All in the Family, Almost - A Review of the 2012-2013 U.S. Supreme Court Term, Miller W. Shealy Jr.
Freedom of Speech: An Overview of Recent Decisions and Trends in the Law, Miller W. Shealy Jr.
Reasonable Doubt about "Reasonable Doubt", Miller W. Shealy Jr.
Reasonable Doubt about "Reasonable Doubt", Miller W. Shealy Jr.
Review of 2012-13 U.S. Supreme Court Term, S.C. Bar Studio-Produced Distance Learning Program, Miller W. Shealy Jr.
Bona Fide Purchase, Knowing Receipt and Proprietary Claims to Land and Carbon Credits, Duncan Sheehan
Mistaken Overpayments of Tax, Duncan Sheehan
Fatal Medical Negligence and Missouri's Perverse Incentive, Daniel J. Sheffner
Freedom of Navigation: The Emerging International Regime, Dinah Shelton and Gary Rose
Ashes and Sparks Viewed from Across the Pond (book review), Hon. Donald E. Shelton
• Can the Defense Attorney Win (or even get) an Admissibility Hearing: Daubert, the NAS Report, Inadequate Lawyering, and Biased Judges, Hon. Donald E. Shelton
Judicial Bias and Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases, Hon. Donald E. Shelton
From Weems to Graham: The Curious Evolution of Evolving Standards of Decency, Zachary Baron Shemtob
A Negative Externality by Any Other Name: Using Emissions Caps as Models for Constraining Dead-Weight Costs of Regulation, Scott A. Shepard
A Negative Externality by Any Other Name: Using Emissions Caps as Models for Constraining Dead-Weight Costs of Regulation, Scott A. Shepard
A Negative Externality by Any Other Name: Using Emissions Caps as Models for Constraining Dead-Weight Costs of Regulation, Scott A. Shepard
A Uniform Perpetuities Reform Act, Scott A. Shepard
Speaker, Scott A. Shepard
The Hidden Wisdom of the Common Law: Embedded Private Law Solutions to Modern-Water Distribution Problems, Scott A. Shepard
Jury, Liberty, and Decay, Steve Sheppard
Justice for Girls: Are We Making Progress?, Francine Sherman
Know the Law, Francine Sherman
Moderator, Youth in Prison: The Reality of the System, Francine Sherman
Panelist, "A Trauma-Informed Approach to Girls: What it is, Why Its Needed", Francine Sherman
Partcipant, Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative Inter-site Conference, Francine Sherman
Speaker, Workshop Organizer, Moderator and Presenter, Francine Sherman
Making Detention Reform Work for Girls: A Guide to Juvenile Detention Reform, Francine Sherman, Richard A. Mendel, and Angela Irvine
Panel I: The Conflict Between Commercial Speech and Legislation Governing the Commercialization of Public Sector Data, Robert Sherman, Paul Schwartz, Deirdre Mulligan, and Steven Emmert
Ending Judgment Arbitrage: Jurisdictional Competition and the Enforcement of Foreign Money Judgments in the United States, Gregory Shill
Public Employee Speech and the Privatization of the First Amendment, Adam Shinar
Rights and Obligations of Spouses in I.R. Iran's Law in Comparison with R. Armenia's, Gholam Reza Shirazi
American Law & Economics Association Annual Meeting, Natalya Shnitser
Brandeis University Municipal Finance Conference, Natalya Shnitser
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Conference on Public Pension Underfunding, Natalya Shnitser
Netspar International Pension Workshop, Natalya Shnitser
ALJ Control of the hearing: What does an ALJ do about an unruly witness or obstreperous attorney?, Allen E. Shoenberger
A tribute to Larry Kalevitch, Man for All Seasons, Differences in Professional School Cohorts in Law, Medicine, Business, Nursing and Education, Allen E. Shoenberger
Loyola Law School, State Secrets, the American Revolution, the War of 1812: The Maritime Connections of the Middle Temple, Allen E. Shoenberger
Messages from Strasbourg: Lessons for American Courts from the Highest Volume Human Rights Court in the World - The European Court of Human Rights, Allen E. Shoenberger
Muzzling and Caging Administrative Law Judges: The Social Security Administration Attempts to Control its Most “Notorious” Employees, Allen E. Shoenberger
New Illinois Rules of Evidence, Allen E. Shoenberger
October Term: 1999: The Supreme Court's Last Term of the Twentieth Century, Increasing Deference to Administrative Agencies, Allen E. Shoenberger
The European View of American Justice, Allen E. Shoenberger
Educating Tomorrow’s Lawyers: Challenges and Opportunities for a New Law School, Aric Short
AB v Bragg Communications: Law's Next Steps - Should Bullying Be a Tort? ... or Even a Crime?, Donn Short
Novartis Defeat Revives Debate Over Patents' Life Span (Contains interview with Srividhya Ragavan), Lisa Shuchman
E Pluribus Unum: Liberalism's March to Be the Singular Influence on Civil Rights at the Supreme Court, Aaron J. Shuler
E Pluribus Unum: Liberalism's March to Be the Singular Influence on Civil Rights at the Supreme Court, Aaron J. Shuler
E Pluribus Unum: Liberalism's March to Be the Singular Influence on Civil Rights at the Supreme Court, Aaron J. Shuler
Abortion and Maternal-Fetal Conflict: Broadening our Concerns, Marjorie M. Shultz
Debating P. C. on PC, Marjorie M. Shultz
Excelence Lost, Marjorie M. Shultz
Commencement Address - Boalt Hall, May 1986, Marjorie Maguire Shultz
Contractual Ordering of Marriage: A New Model for State Policy, Marjorie Maguire Shultz
From Informed Consent to Patient Choice: A New Protected Interest, Marjorie Maguire Shultz
Legislative Regulation of Surrogacy and Reproductive Technology, Marjorie Maguire Shultz
Reproductive Technology and Intent-Based Parenthood: An Opportunity for Gender Neutrality, Marjorie Maguire Shultz
The Gendered Curriculum: Of Contracts and Careers, Marjorie Maguire Shultz
Diversity and Lawyer Effectiveness, Marjorie M. Shultz, Kristen Holmquist, David Oppenheimer, and Sheldon Zedeck
The structural influence of madrassa education on student effectiveness in Pakistan, does it need to reform?, Abdul Wahid sial
Does Demutualization Enhance Financial Performance of Stock Exchanges in Developing and Emerging Economies?ted in Pakistan?, Abdulwahid sial
Why Do Public Sector Organizations Fail In Implementation Of Strategic Plan In Pakistan?, Abdulwahid sial
Why Do Public Sector Organizations Fail In Implementation Of Strategic Plan In Pakistan?, Abdulwahid sial
Why polio eradication program was not successfully implemented in Pakistan?, Abdulwahid sial
Why Polio Eradication Program was not Successfully Implemented in Pakistan?, Abdulwahid sial
Why polio eradication program was not successfully implemented in Pakistan?, Abdulwahid sial
Cross Border Listings and its Impact on Stock Exchanges Effectiveness, Abdulwahid sial and Syed Asghar Abbas Naqvi Chief Manager (Listing)
Why polio eradication program was not successfully implemented in Pakistan?, Abdulwahid sial, Amjad Islam, and Kahkashan Rizwan
The structural influence of madrassa education on student effectiveness in Pakistan, does it need to reform?, Abdul Wahid sial and Syed Waqas Ali Kousar
The structural influence of madrassa education on student effectiveness in Pakistan, does it need to reform?, Abdul wahid sial and Syed Waqas Ali Kousar
An Appraisal of the Model Business Corporation Act's Appraisal Rights Provisions, Mary Siegel
Comparative Company Law: A Case-Based Approach, Mathias M. Siems and David Cabrelli
Cuando el altruismo hace daño, Mario Šilar
Surveying Recent Scholarship on Fair Use: A Conversation, Jessica M. Silbey
Getting Real About Globalization and Legal Education: Potential and Perspectives for the U.S., Carole Silver