About the bepress Legal Series

The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

Citizens United from a Historical Perspective: Corporate Person, Corporate Rights, and the Principle of Confiscation, Paul Kens Dr.

Construing the Canon: An Exegesis of Regulatory Takings Jurisprudence After Lingle v. Chevron, Michael B. Kent Jr.


State Preemption of Local Land Use Ordinances and North Carolina’s “Fracking” Legislation, Michael B. Kent Jr.

Weakening the “Ripeness Trap” for Federal Takings Claims: Sansotta v. Town of Nags Head and Town of Nags Head v. Toloczko, Michael B. Kent Jr.


Anti-Anti-Evasion in Constitutional Law, Michael B. Kent Jr. and Brandon P. Denning

Anti-Evasion Doctrines in Constitutional Law, Michael B. Kent Jr. and Brannon P. Denning

Webster's Real Estate Law in North Carolina (6th ed. annual supplement), Michael B. Kent Jr. and James B. McLaughlin Jr.

What Kulch Accomplished; What Kulch Left Out, Sandra J. Kerber

Contributing Editor, Sandra J. Kerber


General Mills Turns to 'Raja Of The Country Of World Peace' To Certify Its Costlier, Non-GMO Cheerios, Drew L. Kershen


GM Crops & Food: Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain, Drew L. Kershen


Honey Containing GM-Pollen in Europe, Drew L. Kershen


Marsh v. Baxter: Coexistence in Australia, Drew L. Kershen


Agricultural Biotechnology-An Opportunity to Feed a World of Ten Billion, Drew L. Kershen and Nina V. Fedoroff

Setting Software Defaults: Perspectives from Law, Computer Science and Behavioral Economics, Jay P. Kesan and Rajiv C. Shah

Setting Software Defaults: Perspectives from Law, Computer Science and Behavioral Economics, Jay P. Kesan and Rajiv C. Shah


Feminist Legal Theory as a Way to Explain the Lack of Progress of Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: The Need for a State Strength Approach, Isaac Kfir


Refugee Law in Context: Natural Law, Legal Positivism and the Convention, Isaac Kfir

Getting Past the Politics: How the Healthcare Reform Affects You, Fazal Khan, Sylvia Caley, David Howard, and Glenn Pearson


R v. Creighton Twenty Years Later: Harm Versus Death Revisited, Amar Khoday


Seen in True Light: Desertion as a Pure Political Crime, Amar Khoday



A Solution to the Yahoo! Problem? The EC E-Commerce Directive as a Model for International Cooperation on Internet Choice of Law, Mark F. Kightlinger

Nihilism with a Happy Ending? The Interstate Commerce Commission and the Emergence of the Post-Enlightenment Paradigm, Mark F. Kightlinger

The Gathering Twilight? Information Privacy on the Internet in the Post-Enlightenment Era, Mark F. Kightlinger

Twilight of the Idols? EU Internet Privacy and the Post Enlightenment Paradigm, Mark F. Kightlinger

Two and a Half Ethical Theories: Re-Examining the Foundations of the Carnegie Report, Mark F. Kightlinger

Commercial debt buyers, latent defects and aggravated insolvency risk, 34 CAYMAN FIN. REV. 74-75 (1st Quarter 2014), Jason J. Kilborn

New evidence of hedge funds’ positive impact on Chapter 11 reorganization, 35 CAYMAN FIN. REV. 61 (2nd Quarter 2014), Jason J. Kilborn

Policies addressing overindebtedness during the conditions of economic crisis, Jason J. Kilborn

Reflections of the World Bank’s Report on the Treatment of the Insolvency of Natural Persons in the Newest Consumer Bankruptcy Laws: Colombia, Italy, Ireland, Jason J. Kilborn

Like Diamonds, Affidavits of Support Are (Almost) Forever, with Cheryl E. Kilborn

Feminist Lawyers and Political Change in Modern France, 1900-1940, Sara L. Kimble


"Feminist Lawyers and Political Change in Modern France, 1900-1940." In Eva Schandevyl ed., Women in Law and Law-making in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe, chapter 2. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014: 45-73., Sara L. Kimble


Are Non-practicing Entities (NPEs) aka ‘Patent Trolls’ Operating in Europe?, Hee-Eun Kim


Asia Enforcement Update, Hee-Eun Kim


EU의 Article 9 동의의결제도 관련 논의의 시사점, Hee-Eun Kim

Patent Practice Meets EU Competition Law Enforcement: FRAND, Patent Trolls and Reverse Payment Patent Settlement, Hee-Eun Kim


기술이전 합의에 대한 EU 및 한국의 경쟁법 집행, Hee-Eun Kim and Il Kang


Is Korea Moving Towards EU-Style Privacy Legislation?, Hee-Eun Kim and Monika Kuschewsky

Arbitration's Summer Soldiers Marching into Fall: Another Look at Eisenberg, Miller, and Sherwin's Empirical Study of Arbitration Clauses in Consumer and Nonconsumer Contracts, Nancy Kim

Bargaining Power and Background Law, Nancy Kim

Blameworthiness, Intent and Cultural Dissonance, Nancy Kim

Boilerplate and Consent, Nancy Kim

Carnival Cruise and the contracting of everything, Nancy Kim

Clicking and Cringing, Nancy Kim

Contract's Adaptation and the Online Bargain, Nancy Kim


Evolving Business and Social Norms and Interpretation Rules, Nancy Kim

Expanding the Scope of the Principles of the Law of Software Contracts to Include Digital Content, Nancy Kim

Imposing Tort Liability on Websites for Cyber Harassment, Nancy Kim

Internet Challenges to Business Innovation, Nancy Kim

Martha Graham, Professor Miller and the Work for HIre Doctrine, Nancy Kim

Mistakes, Changed Circumstances and Intent, Nancy Kim

Reasonable Expectations in Socio-Cultural Context, Nancy Kim

Situational Duress and the Aberrance of Electronic Contracts, Nancy Kim

Two Alternate Visions of Contract Law in 2025, Nancy Kim

Website Design and Liability, Nancy Kim

Website Proprietorship and Online Harassment, Nancy Kim

The Software Licensing Dilemma, Nancy S. Kim


Life After Comcast: Reasonable Interpretations Preserve the Rule and Keep Class Actions Alive, Brittni W. King

5 Steps Toward an Ecological Worldview., Matthew Wilburn King PhD

Can Evolution Save Us From Climate Change, Matthew Wilburn King PhD

Can Networked Governance Help?, Matthew Wilburn King PhD

Understanding Governance, Matthew Wilburn King PhD

Yoga, Personal Transformation, and Global Sustainability, Matthew Wilburn King PhD

Alone and Unrepresented: A Call to Congress to Provide Counsel for Unaccompanied Minors, Shani M. King

Challenging MonoHumanism: An Argument for Changing the Way We Think About Intercountry Adoption, Shani M. King

Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families, Shani M. King

Race, Identity, and Professional Responsibility: Why Legal Services Organizations Need African American Staff Attorneys, Shani M. King

The Family Law Canon in a (Post?) Racial Era, Shani M. King

U.S. Immigration Law and the Traditional Nuclear Conception of Family: Toward a Functional Definition of Family that Protects Children's Fundamental Human Rights, Shani M. King

Deliberative Democracy and Campaign Finance Reform, Neil Kinkopf

Executive Privilege: The Clinton Administration in the Courts, Neil Kinkopf

Foreword, Neil Kinkopf

Is It Better to be Loved or Feared? Some Thoughts on Lessons Learned from the Presidency of George W. Bush, Neil Kinkopf

Signing Statements and Statutory Interpretation in the Bush Administration, Neil Kinkopf

The Progressive Dilemma, Neil Kinkopf

The Scope of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” After the Impeachment of President Clinton, Neil Kinkopf

The Statutory Commander in Chief, Neil Kinkopf

A Perdue Victory Would Eliminate Safeguard Against Abuse of Power, Neil J. Kinkopf

Congress, the Court, and the Constitution, Neil J. Kinkopf

Elena Kagan Can't Say That: The Sorry State of Political Discourse Regarding Constitutional Interpretation, Neil J. Kinkopf

Foreword: The Constitution under Clinton, Neil J. Kinkopf

Furious George, Neil J. Kinkopf

Inherent Presidential Power and Constitutional Structure, Neil J. Kinkopf

Is It Better to Be Loved or Feared? Some Thoughts on Lessons Learned From the Presidency of George W. Bush, Neil J. Kinkopf

Malice in Wonderland: Fictionalized Quotations and the Constitutionally Compelled Substantial Truth Doctrine, Neil J. Kinkopf

Of Devolution, Privatization, and Globalization: Separation of Powers Limits on Congressional Authority to Assign Power to Non-Federal Actors, Neil J. Kinkopf

Restoring the Progressive Vision of the Constitution, Neil J. Kinkopf

Signing Statements and the President's Authority to Refuse to Enforce the Law, Neil J. Kinkopf

Statutes and Presidential Power: The Case of Domestic Surveillance, Neil J. Kinkopf

Still Wed to Framers Grand Plan, Neil J. Kinkopf

The Balanced Budget Amendment: A Threat to the Constitutional Order, Neil J. Kinkopf

The Case for a Permanent Independent Counsel, Neil J. Kinkopf

The Congress as Surge Protector, Neil J. Kinkopf

The Constitution under Clinton: A Critical Assessment, Neil J. Kinkopf

The Impact of Executive Orders on the Legislative Process: Executive Lawmaking?, Neil J. Kinkopf

The Scope of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' after the Impeachment of President Clinton, Neil J. Kinkopf