The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
The Rise and Fall of Women's Rights: Have Sexuality and Reproductive Freedom Forfeited Victory?, Lynne Marie Kohm and Colleen Holmes
The Rise and Fall of Women's Rights: Have Sexuality and Reproductive Freedom Forfeited Victory?, Lynne Marie Kohm and Colleen Holmes
The Rise and Fall of Women's Rights: Have Sexuality and Reproductive Freedom Forfeited Victory?, Lynne Marie Kohm and Colleen Holmes
The Rise and Fall of Women's Rights: Have Sexuality and Reproductive Freedom Forfeited Victory?, Lynne Marie Kohm and Colleen Holmes
The Rise and Fall of Women's Rights: Have Sexuality and Reproductive Freedom Forfeited Victory?, Lynne Marie Kohm and Colleen Holmes
Prom Mom Killers: The Impact of Blame Shift and Distorted Statistics on Punishment for Neonaticide, Lynne Marie Kohm and Thomas Scott Liverman
Prom Mom Killers: The Impact of Blame Shift and Distorted Statistics on Punishment for Neonaticide, Lynne Marie Kohm and Thomas Scott Liverman
Prom Mom Killers: The Impact of Blame Shift and Distorted Statistics on Punishment for Neonaticide, Lynne Marie Kohm and Thomas Scott Liverman
Prom Mom Killers: The Impact of Blame Shift and Distorted Statistics on Punishment for Neonaticide, Lynne Marie Kohm and Thomas Scott Liverman
Prom Mom Killers: The Impact of Blame Shift and Distorted Statistics on Punishment for Neonaticide, Lynne Marie Kohm and Thomas Scott Liverman
“Are We There Yet?” Immigration Reform for the Best Interest of Children Left Behind, Lynne Marie Kohm and Keila Molina
The First Amendment Guide to the Second Amendment, David B. Kopel
A Joyful Purgatory: Being a postdoc in the humanities, Emily Kopley
Book Review: Fresh Water in International Law. By Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Oxford, Oxford University Press (Dec. 2013). , Itzchak Kornfeld
Main tendencies of the international legal reglamentation in the sphere of the protection of marine environment, Timur R. Korotkiy
Context Matters--What Lawyers Say About Choice of Law Decisions in Merger Agreements, Juliet P. Kostritsky
Distrust and Disclosure in Special Education Law, Martin A. Kotler
Separating Politics from Policy in FCC Merger Reviews: A Basic Legal Primer of the "Public Interest" Standard, Thomas M. Koutsky and Lawrence J. Spiwak
R2P and External Security Policy of the EU, Dmytro Koval
Prisoners and Habeas Privileges Under the Fourteenth Amendment, Lee B. Kovarsky
Associate Professor Randy J. Kozel, Diploma Ceremony Address, Randy J. Kozel
Institutional Autonomy and Constitutional Structure, Randy J. Kozel
The Rule of Law and the Perils of Precedent, Randy J. Kozel
Consumer Direction in Medicaid Long Term Care: Autonomy, Commodification of Family Labor, and Community Resilience, Daniela Kraiem
The Fair Sentencing Act's Unfair Results, Harold J. Krent
Regulating Capital, Prasad Krishnamurthy
Rules, Standards, and Complexity in Capital Regulation, Prasad Krishnamurthy
Affirmative Action and Stereotypes in Higher Education Admissions, Prasad Krishnamurthy and Aaron Edlin
Public Distribution System Reforms and Consumption in Chhattisgarh: A Comparative Empirical Analysis, Prasad Krishnamurthy, Vikram Pathania, and Sharad Tandon
Allocating Responsibilities for Environmental Cleanup Liabilities Through Purchase Price Discounts, Kenneth T. Kristl
Rising Sea Levels: A Tidal Wave of Legal Issues, Kenneth T. Kristl
Assessing the Legal Toolbox for Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Delaware: Options and Challenges for Regulators, Policymakers, Property Owners, and the Public, Kenneth T. Kristl and
Accuracy of Reference Citations in Five Entomology Journals, Cindy Kristof
Biological Sciences, Cindy Kristof
Electronic Reserves, Cindy Kristof
Electronic Reserves Operations in ARL Libraries: A SPEC Kit, SPEC No. 245, Cindy Kristof
Review of "Electronic Collection Management Forms, Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines Manual with CD-ROM" by R. Brumley, Cindy Kristof
Review of "Information and Liberation: Writings on the Politics of Information and Librarianship" by S. Durrani, Cindy Kristof
Review of "The Rise of the Blogosphere" by A. Barlow, Cindy Kristof
The Impact of the Internet on Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Practice, Cindy Kristof
U. S. Copyright and Interlibrary Loan Practice, Cindy Kristof
Kent State University's Electronic Reserves Experience, Cindy Kristof and Tom Klingler
Seeking Solutions to Financial History Discrimination, Lea Krivinskas Shepard
Capitalism v. Democracy: Money in Politics and the Free Market Constitution, Timothy K. Kuhner
Consumer Sovereignty Trumps Popular Sovereignty: The Economic Explanation for Arizona Free Enterprise v. Bennett, Timothy K. Kuhner
Court-Connected Mediation Compared: The Cases of Argentina and the United States, Timothy K. Kuhner
Citizens United as Neoliberal Jurisprudence: The Resurgence of Economic Theory, Timothy K. Kuhner
Human Rights Treaties in U.S. Law: The Status Quo, its Underlying Bases, and Pathways for Change, Timothy K. Kuhner
International Poverty Law: A Response to Economic Globalization, Timothy K. Kuhner
Note, Human Rights Treaties in U.S. Law: The Status Quo, Its Underlying Bases, and Pathways for Change, Timothy K. Kuhner
Political Finance as the Central Issue of Our Time, Timothy K. Kuhner
The Corruption of Civilizations , Timothy K. Kuhner
The Corruption of Civilizations, Timothy K. Kuhner
The Democracy to Which We Are Entitled: Human Rights and the Problem of Money in Politics, Timothy K. Kuhner
The Foreign Source Doctrine: Explaining the Role of Foreign and International Law in Interpreting the Constitution, Timothy K. Kuhner
The Separation of Business and State, Timothy K. Kuhner
The Status of Victims in the Enforcement of International Criminal Law, Timothy K. Kuhner
This Is Not a Democracy: How the Supreme Court Allowed the 1 Percent Control, Timothy K. Kuhner
Constructing Autonomy: A Kantian Framework, Bailey H. Kuklin
Le contrôle des conditions générales: l'envol manqué du phénix, Nicolas Pierre Marie Kuonen
Getting Rid of Tenure Won't Fix Our Post-Secondary Problems, Faisal Kutty
The Drone Blowback, Faisal Kutty
Why Blasphemy Laws Are Actually Anti-Islamic, Faisal Kutty
Revenge Porn and Free Speech: Let's Not Throw Out the Baby with the Bathwater, Faisal M. Kutty
Democracy, Defense, and the Threat of Intervention, Christopher Kutz
Tax Consequences of Contingent Payment Transactions, Jeffrey L. Kwall
Cultural Analysis and Synagogue Ritual for Women, Roberta R. Kwall
Enhancing Creativity on Shabbat, Roberta R. Kwall
Homosexuality and the Jewish Tradition, Roberta R. Kwall
Introduction and an Empirical Look at Jewish Identity, Roberta R. Kwall
Living Gardens, Living Art, and Living Traditions, Roberta R. Kwall
Shabbat: A Diverse Perspective on Human Creativity, Roberta R. Kwall
The Connection Between Shabbat and Human Creativity, Roberta R. Kwall
The Role of the People in Creating Tradition: Kashrut and More, Roberta R. Kwall
Meaning through Adventure–Conversation with Jeffrey Rasley, Cloris Kylie and Jeff Rasley
In Praise of Investor Irrationality, Gregory La Blanc and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Aplicación de metodologías activas en la enseñanza de Derecho Internacional Público, Alexis Rodrigo Laborías
El conflicto entre Repsol y Argentina. Expropiación y solución de controversias en materia de inversiones extranjeras, Alexis Rodrigo Laborías
Laudos del CIADI: entre el cumplimiento voluntario y la ejecución, Alexis Rodrigo Laborías
Un delicado equilibrio: los inversores y Estados, frente al CIADI, Alexis Rodrigo Laborías
Between the Lines speaks with Jeff Rasley, Corine La Font and Jeff Rasley
Strengthening the Foundation for World Peace - A Case for Democratizing the United Nations, Jarvis J. Lagman Esq.
Iniciativas legais para o Desenvolvimento da Governança Corporativa no Mercado Financeiro e de Capitais Brasileiro, Felipe Chagas Villasuso Lago
Timing is Everything: Teaching Essential Time Management Skills for "Real-World" Legal Writing, Camille Lamar
Evaluation of Vancomycin Dosing and Corresponding Drug Concentrations in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Patients, Christine Lam PharmD and Jenny Boucher BS, PharmD, JD, BCPS
Guilty Pleas, Jury Trial, and Capital Punishment, P. Raymond Lamonica
Pre-Trial Criminal Procedure, P. Raymond Lamonica
Pretrial Criminal Procedure, P. Raymond Lamonica
Procedure: Pre-Trial Criminal Procedure, P. Raymond Lamonica
Procedure: Pretrial Criminal Procedure, P. Raymond Lamonica
Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Legislative Law and Procedure, P. Raymond Lamonica and Jerry G. Jones
Louisiana Civil Law Treatise: Legislative Law and Procedure, P. Raymond Lamonica and Jerry G. Jones
Louisiana Legislative Law and Procedure Companion Handbook, P. Raymond Lamonica and Jerry G. Jones
Louisiana Legislative Law and Procedure Companion Handbook, P. Raymond Lamonica and Jerry G. Jones
From Mirror to Mirage: The Idea of Logical Space in Kant, Wittgenstein, and van Fraassen, Lucien R. Lamoureux
The Originalist Route to SuperPACs, Ronald J. Lampard
A Proposal to the ABA: One Required Legal Writing Course For All Six Semesters of Law School, Adam Lamparello