The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
The Temptation of Common Sense, Curtis E.A. Karnow
International Arbitration Culture and Global Governance, Joshua Karton
Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Lessons from International Uniform Law, Joshua D H Karton
Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Lessons from the California Lawsuits, Alice Kaswan
Controlling Power Plants: The Co-Pollutant Implications of EPA's Clean Air Act § 111(D) Options for Greenhouse Gases, Alice Kaswan
Multiple Derivative Claims: Is the Rule in Foss v Harbottle Still Alive?, Dionysia Katelouzou
The MIT School of Law? A Perspective on Legal Education in the 21st Century, Daniel M. Katz
Measuring the Complexity of the Law: The United States Code, Daniel M. Katz and M J. Bommarito II
Tillbaka till familjen: privat och offentligt ansvar i den svenska äldreomsorgen, Mirjam Katzin
Valfrihet istället för jämlikhet - förändrade målsättningar för äldreomsorgspolitiken?, Mirjam Katzin
Yttrande över remiss av betänkandet Framtidens valfrihetssystem - inom socialtjänsten (SOU 2014:2), Mirjam Katzin and Titti Mattsson
A Century of Patent Litigation in Perspective, Ron D. Katznelson
Does the law of innovation work against itself?, Ron D. Katznelson
Will new IEEE standards incorporate patented technologies under the proposed patent policy?, Ron D. Katznelson
The Myth of the Early Aviation Patent Hold-Up – How a U.S. Government Monopsony Commandeered Pioneer Airplane Patents, Ron D. Katznelson and John Howells
Family Law in America, Sanford N. Katz
Family Law in America, Second Edition, Sanford N. Katz
Adoption in the US and England and Wales, Sanford N. Katz and John Eekelaar
Forward, Michael Kaufman
Foreword: Behavioral Econimis and Investor Protection, Michael J. Kaufman
Rule 10b-5 Private Securities Fraud Litigation, Michael J. Kaufman
(Still) Constitutional School De-Segregation Strategies: Teaching Racial Literacy to Secondary School Students and Preferencing Racially-Literate Applicants to Higher Education, Michael J. Kaufman
Summary Pre-Judgment: The Supreme Court's Profound, Pervasive, and Problematic Presumption about Human Behavior, Michael J. Kaufman
It’s Not Just Preschool: The Law of Politics, Economics, and Neuroscience of Early Childhood Education, Michael J. Kaufman, Sherelyn R. Kaufman, and Elizabeth Chase Nelson
Governance and transparency at PEPFAR, Matthew Kavanagh and Brook Baker
The Politics of Transition & The Economics of HIV: AIDS & PEPFAR in South Africa, Matthew M. Kavanagh
Governance and transparency at PEPFAR, Matthew M. Kavanagh and Brook K. Baker
‘A Minefield’: The Troubling Implications of the Hobby Lobby Decision, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Autonomy, Solidarity, and Catholic Health Care, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Caught in the Gap: What Hostility to Health-Care Reform Has Wrought, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Cooperation with Evil and Catholic Charities, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Corporations, Individuals, and the Common Good: The Uncertainties of Religious Freedom after the Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Decsion, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Ethics and the Changing Face of Healthcare, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Exploration of Church Teaching and Present Realities for Catholic Charities, M. Cathleen Kaveny
From a Heart of Stone to a Heart of Flesh: Toward an Epideictic Rhetoric of Natural Law, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Married to the Past: What Law Can and Cannot Do, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Mercy, Justice, and Law: Can Legal Concepts Help Foster New Life?, M. Cathleen Kaveny
No Academic Question: Should the CTSA Seek ‘Conservative’ Views, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Practicing Mercy, Seeking Justice: Living a Gospel Life, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Prophetic Rhetoric in the Public Square, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Religious Liberty from Theological and Legal Perspectives, M. Cathleen Kaveny
That 70's Church: What it Got Right, M. Cathleen Kaveny
The Restless Moralist, M. Cathleen Kaveny
Introduction to Dodge v. Ford Motor Co.: Primary Source and Commentary Material, Linda Kawaguchi
Berkeley Women's Law Journal: Ten Years of Giving Voice to Underrepresented Women and Their Concerns, Herma Hill Kay
Claiming a Space in the Law School Curriculum: A Casebook on Sex-Based Discrimination, Herma Hill Kay
Retroactivity and Prospectivity of Judgments in American Law, Richard Kay
The Glorious Revolution and the Continuity of Lw, Richard Kay
The Enigma of Samuel Parsons Scott, Timothy G. Kearley
Database Limitations on the Evidentiary Value of Forensic Mitochondrial DNA Evidence, Frederika A. Keastle, Ricky A. Kittles, Andrea L. Roth, and Edward J. Ungvarsky
Unpacking the ERP investment decision: An empirical assessment of the benefits and risks, Byron Keating, Tim Coltman, Michael Katina, and Valeria Baker
Strict Liability Wrongs, Gregory C. Keating
The Gordon Square Arts District in Cleveland’s Detroit Shoreway Neighborhood, W Dennis Keating
When the Mountain Goes to Mohammed: The Internet and Judicial Decision-Making, Layne S. Keele
Why the Judicial Electons Debate Matters Less Than You Think: Retention as the Cornerstone of Independence and Accountability, Layne S. Keele
Price Ceilings and Rationing: The Base Ingredients of the Black Market Food Industry in Nevada During World War II, Richard B. Keeton
Dan Kelly presented “Dividing Possessory Rights” at the Taiwan Law and Economic Analysis Conference on August 6, 2013, Daniel B. Kelly
Restricting Testamentary Freedom: Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Justifications, Daniel B. Kelly
The Right to Include, Daniel B. Kelly
Dan Kelly presented “Restricting Testamentary Freedom: Ex Ante Versus Ex Post Justifications” at the Georgetown Law and Economics Workshop, October 25, Daniel B. Kelly
Featured Faculty on NDLS Home Page: Daniel B. Kelly – September 21, 2009, Daniel B. Kelly
Toward Economic Analysis of the Uniform Probate Code, Daniel B. Kelly
Daniel Kelly and Peg Brinig were featured in A Productive Partnership: Notre Dame’s new Law and Economics Program is much in demand – Notre Dame Lawyer (spring 2011), Daniel B. Kelly and Margaret F. Brinig
Daniel Kelly and Peg Brinig were featured in A Productive Partnership: Notre Dame’s new Law and Economics Program is much in demand – Notre Dame Lawyer (spring 2011), Daniel B. Kelly and Margaret F. Brinig
A Continuum In Remedies: Reconnecting Vacant Houses to the Market, James J. Kelly Jr.
"All Good Things Flow . . . ": Rule of Law, Public Goods, and the Divided American Metropolis, James J. Kelly Jr.
Article 27 and Mexican Land Reform: The Legacy of Zapata's Dream, James J. Kelly
Bringing Clarity to Title Clearing: Tax Foreclosure and Due Process in the Internet Age, James J. Kelly Jr.
Homes Affordable for Good: Covenants and Ground Leases as Long-Term Resale-Restriction Devices, James J. Kelly
Inclusionary Housing on a Global Basis, James J. Kelly Jr.
Just, Smart: Civil Rights Protections and Market-Sensitive Vacant Property Strategies, James J. Kelly Jr.
Land Trusts That Conserve Communities, James J. Kelly
Sharing the Wealth, James J. Kelly Jr.
"We Shall Not Be Moved": Urban Communities, Eminent Domain and the Socioeconomics of Just Compensation, James J. Kelly Jr.
Reaching Backward and Stretching Forward: Teaching for Transfer in Law School Clinics, James J. Kelly Jr., Shaun Archer, James Parry Eyster, Tonya Kowalski, and Colleen F. Shanahan
Attendee Discussion: How Should Legal Educators and Law Schools Respond to These Changes?, Michael Kelly, Robert Rhee, Gillian Hadfield, Jeanne Charn, William Henderson, and Clark Cunningham
State Practice as Metaphor: A Reconciliation Approach, Patrick Kelly
Will More, Better, Cheaper, and Faster Monitoring Improve Environmental Management?, Ryan P. Kelly
Adam Smith's Lectures on Jurisprudence-Justice, Law, and the Moral Economy, walter j. kendall lll
Intertwining of Poverty, Gender, and Race: A Critical Analysis of Welfare News Coverage from 1993-2000, Deseriee A. Kennedy
Kennedy, Countryman, & Williams, Partnerships, Limited Liability Entities, and S Corporations in Bankruptcy, Frank R. Kennedy and Jack F. Williams
Continued Aftermath of the Supreme Court's DOMA Decision, Kathryn Kennedy
DOMA: Employee Benefit Implications and State Law Challenges on States' Bans on Same-Sex Marriages", Kathryn Kennedy
DOMA Overruled: Implications for Health Care Plans and Other Employee Benefits, Kathryn Kennedy
ERISA After 40 Years, Kathryn Kennedy
How Can Lifetime Income Be Made a Desirable Retirement Plan Distribution Option?, Kathryn Kennedy
Marriage Equality – Let's Count the Ways, Kathryn Kennedy
Marriage Equality – Let's Count the Ways, Kathryn Kennedy
New Ideas for Pension Reform, Kathryn Kennedy
Social Security, Pensions, and Economic Rights of Older Persons, Kathryn Kennedy
The Shift from Defined Benefit Plans to Defined Contribution Plans, Kathryn Kennedy
Why Regulators Are Wringing Their Hands as to Who Captures the IRA Rollover Market, 2014 NYU Rev. of Emp. Benefits & Exec. Comp. Ch. 3, Kathryn Kennedy