The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
The Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1971: A Significant New Environmental Statute, Julian C. Juergensmeyer
Transferable Development Rights and Alternatives after Suitum, Julian C. Juergensmeyer
World Law, the Lawless Case, Julian C. Juergensmeyer
Impact Fees: An Answer to Local Governmental Capital Funding Dilemma, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Robert Mason Blake
Legal Aspects of Environmental Control in Mexico: An Analysis of Mexico's New Environmental Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Earle Blizzard
Quick Review: Property, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Carole Necole Brown
La Legislation Sur Les Pesticides Aux Etats-Unis, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Robert Findley
Limiting Population Growth in Florida and the Nation: The Constitutional Issues, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and K. Lawrence Gragg
Urban Planning and Land Development Control Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Donald G. Hagman
Environmental Protection in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe: The Polish Example, Julian C. Juergensmeyer, Michael Kulesza, and Ewa Gmurzynska
Legal Aspects of Environmental Preservation and Control, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Harry Laughran
A Model Impact Fee Authorization Statute, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas
Debt for Nature Swaps: A Modest but Meaningful Response to Two International Crises, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas
Impact Fees Should Not Be Subjected to Takings Analysis, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas
Loving Growth Management in the Time of Recession, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James C. Nicholas
Control of Air Pollution Through the Assertion of Private Rights, Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 71A(h) Land Commissions: The First Fifteen Years, Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer
Rainwater Recapture: Development Regulations Promoting Water Conservation, 43 J. Marshall L. Rev. 359 (2010), Julian Conrad Juergensmeyer
Current Developments in International Trade Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and T. Clay Phillips
Land Use Planning and Control Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Thomas E. Roberts
Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Thomas E. Roberts
Land Use Planning & Development Regulation Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and Thomas E. Roberts
Florida Residential Leases, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and P. Schneider
Agricultural Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley
Florida Land Use and Growth Management Law, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley
Florida Land Use Restrictions: Legislative Restrictions, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley
The Common Lands Concept: A "Commons" Solution to a Common Environmental Problem, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley
Water Law and Water Resources in Eastern Africa, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley
Zoning: The Law in Florida, Julian C. Juergensmeyer and James Wadley
Air Pollution Control in Indiana in 1968: A Comment, Julian J. Juergensmeyer and Anita L. Morse
Company Restructuring and Collective Dismissals in Sweden, Jenny Julén Votinius
Temporary Employment Agencies and Temporary Work in Sweden, Jenny Julén Votinius
A Strong Role for Custom in International Wildlife Litigation, Kirk W. Junker
A Strong Role for Custom in International Wildlife Litigation, Kirk W. Junker
The Limits of Law and the Role of Apeth (Virtue) in the Climate Crisis, Kirk W. Junker
Why can't a duck sign a contract? The Failure of Intellectual Property to protect the Environment, Kirk W. Junker
A Strong Role for Custom in International Wildlife Litigation, Kirk W. Junker
The Limits of Law and the Role of ἀρετή (Virtue) in the Climate Crisis, Kirk W. Junker
Why Can't a Duck Sign a Contract? The Failure of Intellectual Property to Protect The Environment, Kirk W. Junker
Gatekeeper with a Gavel: A Survey Evaluating Judicial Management of Challenges to Expert Reliability and Their Relationship to Summary Judgment, Andrew W. Jurs
Doubling Down for Defendants: The Pernicious Effects of Tort Reform, Andrew W. Jurs and Scott DeVito
Doubling Down for Defendants: The Pernicious Effects of Tort Reform, Andrew W. Jurs and Scott DeVito
"They Saw a Protest": Cognitive Illiberalism and the Speech-Conduct Distinction, Dan M. Kahan, David A. Hoffman, Donald Braman, Danieli Evans, and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Historical Framework for Reviving Constitutional Protection for Property and Contract Rights , James L. Kainen
Historical Framework for Reviving Constitutional Protection for Property and Contract Rights , James L. Kainen
Impeachment Exception to the Exclusionary Rules: Policies, Principles, and Politics, The , James L. Kainen
Nineteenth Century Interpretations of the Federal Contract Clause: The Transformation from Vested to Substantive Rights against the State , James L. Kainen
The Rationalist Tradition At Trial, James L. Kainen
Truth, Deterrence, and the Impeachment Exception , James L. Kainen
The Case for a Constitutional Definition of Hearsay: Requiring Confrontation of Testimonial Nonassertive Conduct and Statements Admitted to Explain an Unchallenged Investigation, James L. Kainen and Carrie A. Tendler
Immigration Surveillance, Anil Kalhan
Brief for the National Association of Social Workers and the Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers as Amici Curie in Support of Petitioners, No. 13-933, United States Supreme Court (Mar. 6, 2014), Doron M. Kalir and Carolyn I. Polowy
Ex Post ≠ Ex Ante: Determining Liability in Hindsight, Kim A. Kamin and Jeffrey J. Rachlinski
Court's Age Discrimination Decision Fails to Resolve Key Questions Arising under the ADEA, Steven J. Kaminshine
Disparate Treatment as a Theory of Discrimination: The Need for a Restatement not a Revolution, Steven J. Kaminshine
In the U.S. Supreme Court: Does Title VII Protect Former Employees from Acts of Retaliation by Former Employers?, Steven J. Kaminshine
In the U.S. Supreme Court: How to Define Who Qualifies as an 'Employer' Within the Meaning of Title VII, Steven J. Kaminshine
Landlord's Duty to the Police - Fancil v. Q.S.E. Foods, Inc., Steven J. Kaminshine
New Rights for the Disabled: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Steven J. Kaminshine
The Cost of Older Workers, Disparate Impact and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Steven J. Kaminshine
The Voting Game, Steven J. Kaminshine
Workers' Compensation in Georgia, Steven J. Kaminshine
Book Review: Larry Haeg, Harriman vs. Hill: Wall Street's Great Railroad War, Sean M. Kammer
"No Trespassing": Railroad Land Grants, the Right of Exclusion, and the Origins of Federal Forest Conservation, Sean M. Kammer
Atrocity Crimes and International Criminal Tribunals -- Challenges, Opportunities and Future Developments, Matthew C. Kane
Avoiding the “PlayPumps” Legacy: Accessible Judgments as a Practical Means to Reengage African Interest and Salvage the International Criminal Court, Matthew C. Kane
The Application of Informal International Instruments Before Domestic Courts, Machiko Kanetake and André Nollkaemper
Caveat Emptor When ‘Purchasing’ (Using) a Corporate Governance Index – A Critical Perspective on ‘Law and Finance’, Sang Yop Kang
Controlling Shareholders: Benevolent “King” or Ruthless “Pirate”, Sang Yop Kang
Controlling Shareholders in Developing Countries: Benevolent “King” or Ruthless “Pirate”, Sang Yop Kang
Book Review: National Insecurities: Immigrants and U.S. Deportation Policy Since 1882 by Deirdre M. Moloney, Daniel Kanstroom
CLE - Post-Deportation: Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Visas, Motions to Reopen, and Returning your Client to the U.S., Daniel Kanstroom
Comcast and the Future of Video Competition, Daniel Kanstroom
Conference on Draft Convention on Rights of Forcibly Expelled Persons, Daniel Kanstroom
Doesn't Love a Wall: U.S. Deportation and Detention, Daniel Kanstroom
Keynote Address, Aftermath: Deportation and Human Rights, Daniel Kanstroom
Panelist, Federal Interior Enforcement, With and Without Legalization, Daniel Kanstroom
Predicting the Complex Future of Retroactivity in Massachusetts: Commonwealth v. Sylvain, Daniel Kanstroom
The (D)evolution of Deportation: 1798-2014, Daniel Kanstroom
The Forgotten Deportees, Daniel Kanstroom
Why Venture Capital Will Not Be Crowded Out By Crowdfunding, Ryan Kantor
Pharma Patent Regime May Get Stricter, Say Experts, Soumonty Kanungo
Proactive Gatekeepers: The Jurisprudence of the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chambers, Christodoulos Kaoutzanis and Jocelyn Joan Courtney
Defending Neonaticidal Mothers, Diane S. Kaplan
Renegotiating Investment Contracts: The Case of Mining Contracts in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lukanda F. Kapwadi
The Hidden Curriculum: Candidate Diversity in Educational Leadership Preparation, Zorka Karanxha, Vonzell Agosto, and Aarti Bellara
Critical Media Literacy: Edutaining Popular Culture, Zorka Karanxha, Vonzell Agosto, Deirdre Cobb-Roberts, and Eric Williams
Trends in special education case law: Frequency and outcomes of published court decisions 1998-2012, Zorka Karanxha and Perry A. Zirkel
Strict liability vs. negligence, Vaia Karapanou
Towards a better assessment of pain and suffering damages for personal injuries. A proposal based on Quality Adjusted Life Years, Vaia Karapanou Dr.
A Free Lunch In Chicago, Curtis E.A. Karnow
Business Entities - Basic Legal Issues, Curtis E.A. Karnow
Class(ic) Settlement Problems, Curtis E.A. Karnow
“Clear Beyond the Peradventure of a Doubt,” Or, Plain English, Curtis E.A. Karnow
The Adversarial System, Three Lemons, and Cocaine: The Role of Confirmation Bias, Curtis E.A. Karnow