bepress Legal Repository | Scholarly Research from All Areas of Law
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The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!

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Documents from 2014

China-United States Trade Negotiations and Disputes: The WTO and Beyond, Pasha L. HSIEH

Facing China: Taiwan’s Status as a Separate Customs Territory in the World Trade Organization, Pasha L. HSIEH

International Legal Education and Career in the United States, Pasha L. HSIEH

The China-Taiwan ECFA, Geopolitical Dimensions and WTO Law, Pasha L. HSIEH

The Legal Status of Taiwan in United State Courts, Pasha L. HSIEH

WTO Legal Capacity Building: The Case of China, Pasha L. HSIEH


A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sugary Drink Regulation in New York City, Shi-Ling Hsu


The Accidental Postmodernists: a New Era of Skepticism in Environmental Law, Shi-Ling Hsu


The Rise and Rise of the One Percent: Getting to Thomas Piketty's Wealth Dystopia, Shi-Ling Hsu


Dynamics of Democracy : Administrative Law and the Process of Institutional Changes in Taiwan, Cheng-Yi Huang


La eficacia de la delegación de poderes contractuales del curador a terceros, ANGEL RIMASCCA HUARANCCA

Bruce Huber was quoted in the USA Today article Supreme Court limits greenhouse gas regulations on June 23, Bruce R. Huber

Bruce Huber was quoted in The Washington Times article New EPA carbon limits further natural gas boom at expense of coal on June 2, Bruce R. Huber

Quoted in the Forbes article, "Obama EPA Issues Coal-Killing Rules To Cut Carbon Emissions 30 Percent", Bruce R. Huber

The Durability of Private Claims to Public Property, Bruce R. Huber

Bruce Huber was mentioned in the Economist story Cowboys v Feds related to the Bundy/BLM standoff in Nevada on April 24., Bruce R. Huber

Bizarre Love Triangle: The Spending Clause, Section 1983, and Medicaid Entitlements, Nicole Huberfeld

Book Review | The Politics of Medicaid by Laura Katz Olson, Nicole Huberfeld

Clear Notice for Conditions on Spending, Unclear Implications for States in Federal Healthcare Programs, Nicole Huberfeld

Conditional Spending and Compulsory Maternity, Nicole Huberfeld

Federalizing Medicaid, Nicole Huberfeld

Heed Not the Umpire (Justice Ginsburg Called NFIB), Nicole Huberfeld

Where There is a Right, There Must be a Remedy (Even in Medicaid), Nicole Huberfeld

A Survey of Illinois Code of Civil Procedure Section 2-619(a), Wm. Dennis Huber

Can an Illinois Not-For-Profit Membership Corporation be Created as a “Shell Corporation”?, Wm. Dennis Huber

Can an Illinois not-for-profit membership corporation be created as a “shell corporation”?, Wm. Dennis Huber

The curious, perjurious requirements of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 12(b)(3), Wm. Dennis Huber

The structure of the public accounting industry – why existing market models fail.pdf, Wm. Dennis Huber

Agriculture and Forestry, Blake Hudson

Climate Change, Forests and Federalism: Seeing the Treaty for the Trees, Blake Hudson

Coastal Land Loss and the Mitigation – Adaptation Dilemma: Between Scylla and Charybdis, Blake Hudson

Coastal Land Loss and the Mitigation-Adaptation Dilemma: Between Scylla and Charybdis, Blake Hudson

Commerce in the Commons: A Unified Theory of Natural Capital Regulation Under the Commerce Clause, Blake Hudson

Constitutions and the Commons: The Impact of Federal Governance on Local, National, and Global Resource Management, Blake Hudson

Dynamic Forest Federalism, Blake Hudson

Fail-safe Federalism and Climate Change: The Case of U.S. and Canadian Forest Policy, Blake Hudson

Federal Constitutions: The Keystone of Nested Commons Governance, Blake Hudson

Fragmented Forest Federalism, Blake Hudson

Institutional Preconditions for Policy Success, Blake Hudson

Institutions, Law, and the Political Ecology of Urban Forestry: A Comparative Approach, Blake Hudson

Promoting and Establishing the Recovery of Endangered Species on Private Lands: A Case Study of the Gopher Tortoise (Duke Law, Student Paper Series), Blake Hudson

Reconstituting Land Use Federalism to Address Transitory and Perpetual Disasters: The Bimodal Federalism Framework, Blake Hudson

Structural Environmental Constitutionalism, Blake Hudson

The American Takings Revolution and Public Trust Preservation: A Tale of Two Blackstones, Blake Hudson

The Public and Wildlife Trust Doctrines and the Untold Story of the Lucas Remand, Blake Hudson

Our Constitutional Commons, Blake Hudson and Brigham Daniels

Natural Resources Law: Private Rights and Public Interest, Blake Hudson, Eric Freyfogle, and Michael Blumm

Isolated Wetland Commons and the Constitution, Blake Hudson and Michael Hardig

Morphological and Molecular Analysis of Putative Hybrid Speciation in Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae), Blake Hudson, T. M. Hardig, P. S. Soltis, and D. E. Soltis

Settlement Policy and Practice as a Centerpiece of the Superfund Program, Blake Hudson, Steven Leifer, Megan Berge, Michael Heister, and Amber MacIver

Uncommon Approaches to Commons Problems: Nested Governance Commons and Climate Change, Blake Hudson and Jonathan Rosenbloom

Seeing the Global Forest for the Trees: How U.S. Federalism Can Coexist With Global Goverance of Forests, Blake Hudson and Erika Weinthal

Is an Exemption from U.S. Groundwater Regulations a Loophole or a Noose?, Blake Hudson, Erika Weinthal, and Brigham Daniels

Governmental Immunity And Taxation In Florida, David M. Hudson

3-Indolyl-1-naphthylmethanes: New Cannabimimetic Indoles. Provide Evidence for Aromatic Stacking Interactions with the. CB1 Cannabinoid Receptor, John W. Huffman, Ross Mabon, Ming-Jung Wu, Jianzhong Lu, Richard E. Hart, Dow P. Hurst, Patricia H. Reggio, Jenny L. Wiley, and Billy R. Martin


Methamphetamines, The Crystal Method and the War on Drugs, Bernard J. Hughes

Federal Funds for Syringe Exchange Programs: A Necessary Component Toward Achieving an AIDS-Free Generation, Rachel L. Hulkower and Leslie E. Wolf

Legal Writing Professors Morphing into Contract Drafting Professors, Grace Hum, Miki Felsenburg, Barbara Lentz, Carolyn Broering-Jacobs, and Ted Becker

Mass Incarceration, Racial Profiling, and the Trayvon Martin Verdict, Cecil J. Hunt II

Principles of Contract Law Applied to Entertainment and Sports Contracts: A Model for Balancing the Rights of the Industry with Protecting the Interests of Minors, Richard J. Hunter Jr. and John H. Shannon




Allyship to the Intersex Community on Nonconsensual Genital "Normalizing" Surgery, Robert Hupf Jr




"Step Into the Game": Assessing the Interactive Nature of Virtual Reality Video Games Through the Context of "Terroristic Speech", Robert Hupf Jr

Cases and Materials on Corporations, Thomas R. Hurst and William A. Gregory


Scholten’s Open System of Law and Legal Harmonisation, Jaakko Husa

The Truth is Out There? Legal Pluralism and Language Game, Jaakko Husa


Law & Science: Toward a Unified Field, Deborah M. Hussey Freeland


"Not Without Political Power": Gays and Lesbians, Equal Protection, and the Suspect Class Doctrine, Darren L. Hutchinson


Preventing Balkanization or Facilitating Racial Domination: A Critique of the New Equal Protection, Darren L. Hutchinson

Stop Terry : Reasonable Suspicion, Race, and a Proposal to Limit Terry Stops, Renée M. Hutchins

You Can't Handle the Truth! Trial Juries and Credibility, Renée M. Hutchins

In Patent Suits; For Now, States Have Immunity, Constance S. Huttner and Michael B. Landau

How IDEA Fails Families Without Means: Causes and Corrections From the Frontlines of Special Education, Elisa Hyman, Dean Hill Rivkin, and Stephen A. Rosenbaum

How Idea Fails Families without Means: Causes and Corrections from the Frontlines of Special Education Lawyering, Elisa Hyman, Dean Hill Rivkin, and Stephen A. Rosenbaum

The Ethical Implications of Social Media and Emergent Technologies, Nicole G. Iannarone




Reforming Irish Abortion Law in the Wake of Tragedy: Looking to Portugal and Germany for Culturally Sensitive Models, Kimi M. Ide-Foster Miss

Public Independent Fact-Finding: A Trust-Generating Institution for an Age of Corporate Illegitimacy and Public Mistrust, R. William Ide III and Douglas H. Yarn


Customary International Law (CIL) and Jus Cogens in an Expanded International Community: Reflection on the Evolution of International Crimes Subject to Universal Jurisdiction from Third World Perspective, Eberechi Ifeonu

Judicial Recusal at the Court, Sherrilyn A. Ifill and Eric J. Segall


Defining “Family” for Zoning: Contemporary Policy Challenges, Legal Limits and Options, Tim Iglesias


Does Fair Housing Law Apply to “Shared Living Situations”? Or, the Trouble with Roommates, Tim Iglesias


How Should the Law Treat Roommate Relationships? A Tale of Two Cases, Tim Iglesias


The Promises and Pitfalls of Micro-Housing, Tim Iglesias


Amicus Brief on behalf of the Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good and 44 Housing Scholars to California Supreme Court in California Building Industry Association v. City of San Jose (S212072), Tim Iglesias, David Rusk, Jan Breidenbach, Nico Calavita, Steven Menendian, john a. powell, Ofurhe Arnica Igbinedion, Samir Gambhir, and Eli Moore

Amicus Brief on behalf of the Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good and 44 Housing Scholars to California Supreme Court in California Building Industry Association v. City of San Jose (S212072), Tim Iglesias, David Rusk, Jan Breidenbach, Nico Calavita, Steven Menendian, john a. powell, Ofurhe Arnica Igbinedion, Samir Gambhir, and Eli Moore


International Law, International Development Legal Regime and Developing Countries, Brian-Vincent Ikejiaku


International Law is Western Made Global Law: the perception of Third World Category, Brian-Vincent Ikejiaku

International_Law_Western_States_Third_W.pdf, Brian-Vincent Ikejiaku

The Fifth Freedom: The Constitutional Duty to Provide Public Education, Areto Imoukhuede

Education Rights and the New Due Process, Areto A. Imoukhuede

Education Rights and the New Due Process, Areto A. Imoukhuede

Freedom from Ignorance: the International Duty to Provide Public Education, Areto A. Imoukhuede


New Powers- New vulnerabilities? A critical analysis of Market Inquiries Performed by Competition Authorities, Tamar Indig and Michal Gal

Family Mediation. A Comparative Survey, Marta Infantino

La circolazione del modello italiano di responsabilità civile, Marta Infantino


Human Right Issues of Victims of Violent Crimes: Restless Waiting for Recognition as Minority, Sukdeo Ingale


Victimology of Interpersonal violence: A comprehensive Outlook of Legislative Policies in India, Sukdeo Ingale


Muslim Personal Laws vis-s-vis Uniform Civil Code: Prospects and Constraints, Sukdeo Ingale and Priyanka Gawai