The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
Review Essay: The Limits of Their World, Robert C. Hockett
The Deep Grammar of Distribution: A Meta-Theory of Justice, Robert C. Hockett
The Impossibility of a Prescriptive Paretian, Robert C. Hockett
The Macroprudential Turn: From Institutional “Safety and Soundness” to “Systemic Stability” in Financial Supervision, Robert C. Hockett
Three (Potential) Pillars of Transnational Economic Justice: The Bretton Woods Institutions as Guarantors of Global Equal Treatment and Market Completion, Robert C. Hockett
Toward a Global Shareholder Society, Robert C. Hockett
Valuing the Waiver: The Real Beauty of Ex Ante over Ex Post, Robert C. Hockett
What Kinds of Stock Ownership Plans Should There Be? Of ESOPs, Other SOPs and "Ownership Societies", Robert C. Hockett
What the New Treasury Must Do, Robert C. Hockett
Whose Ownership? Which Society?, Robert C. Hockett
Why (Only) ESOPs?, Robert C. Hockett
Why Paretians Can’t Prescribe: Preferences, Principles, and Imperatives in Law and Policy, Robert C. Hockett
“Private” Means to “Public” Ends: Governments as Market Actors, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
“Private” Means to “Public” Ends: Governments as Market Actors, Robert C. Hockett and Saule T. Omarova
Primary Goods Revisited: The "Political Problem" and Its Rawlsian Solution, Robert C. Hockett and Mathias Risse
A Federalist Blessing in Disguise: From National Inaction to Local Action on Underwater Mortgages, Robert C. Hockett and John Vlahoplus
A Mystery Statute Approach: How to Teach and Test the Legal Skill of Statutory Interpretation, Cynthia M. Ho
Drugged Out: How Cognitive Bias Hurts Drug Innovation, Cynthia M. Ho
Did a Switch in Time Save Nine, Daniel E. Ho and Kevin M. Quinn
How Not to Lie with Judicial Votes: Misconceptions, Measurement, and Models, Daniel E. Ho and Kevin M. Quinn
The Role of Theory and Evidence in Media Regulation and Law: A Response to Baker and a Defense of Empirical Legal Studies, Daniel E. Ho and Kevin M. Quinn
Viewpoint Diversity and Media Consolidation: An Empirical Study, Daniel E. Ho and Kevin M. Quinn
Constitution and Pollution: Federalism at Work, David R. Hodas
State Initiatives, David R. Hodas
Assessing Liability for Health Care Entities that Insufficiently Prepare for Catastrophic Emergencies, James G. Hodge and Erin C. Fuse Brown
Congress, Courts, and Commerce: Upholding the Individual Mandate to Protect the Public's Health, James G. Hodge and Erin C. Fuse Brown
Exchanging Genetic Data for Public Health Practice and Human Subjects Research: Implications for Health Practitioners, James G. Hodge and Erin C. Fuse Brown
Expedited Partner Therapies for Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Legal and Policy Approaches, James G. Hodge and Erin C. Fuse Brown
Expedited Partner Therapy for Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Assessing the Legal Environment, James G. Hodge and Erin C. Fuse Brown
Supreme Court Year in Review, Joanne Hodge
Breaking Encryption and Gathering Data: International Law Applications, Grant Hodgson
Interview with Jeffrey Rasley, Jennifer Hodgson, Steven Hodgson, and Jeff Rasley
Customer Service is a Business Ethics Issue, Matthew B. Hodroff
The Controlled Substance Act: Time to Reevaluate Marijuana, Matthew B. Hodroff
The Controlled Substance Act: Time to Reevaluate Marijuana, Matthew B. Hodroff
Epilogue: Some Sober Second Thoughts, Christopher H. Hoebeke
The Maritime Information Network: Dividing Costs & Labor, Multiplying Benefits, Christopher H. Hoebeke
The Paradox of Popular Sovereignty: An Introductory Essay, Christopher H. Hoebeke
The Road to Mass Democracy: Original Intent and the Seventeenth Amendment, Christopher H. Hoebeke
What the Alumni Can Do for the Library -- and for Themselves, Christopher H. Hoebeke
Unfulfilled Promise: Mental Disability Voting Rights and the Halving of HAVA’s Potential, Benjamin O. Hoerner
The Death of Tax Court Exceptionalism, Stephanie Hoffer and Christopher J. Walker
Probiotics: Achieving a Better Regulatory Fit, Diane E. Hoffmann, Claire M. Fraser, Francis Palumbo, Jacques Ravel, Virginia Rowthorn, and Jack Schwartz
Probiotics: Achieving a Better Regulatory Fit, Diane E. Hoffmann, Claire M. Fraser, Francis Palumbo, Jacques Ravel, Virginia Rowthorn, and Jack Schwartz
Probiotics: Finding the Right Regulatory Balance, Diane E. Hoffmann, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett, Frank B. Palumbo, Jacques Ravel, Karen H. Rothenberg, and Virginia Rowthorn
Probiotics: Finding the Right Regulatory Balance, Diane E. Hoffmann, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett, Frank B. Palumbo, Jacques Ravel, Karen H. Rothenberg, and Virginia Rowthorn
Abandoned and Junked Motor Vehicles, L. Lynn Hogue
A Comparative Survey of Abortion Legislation: International Perspective, L. Lynn Hogue
Administrative and Financial Laws for Local Government in North Carolina, L. Lynn Hogue
Alexander Hamilton, L. Lynn Hogue
Arkansas' New Choice-of-Law Rule of Interstate Torts: A Critique of Wallis, Williams and the "Better Rule of Law", L. Lynn Hogue
Assaying the Dross in the Gold Club Case: Some Thoughts on Substantive Due Process and Georgia's Barroom Sex Law, L. Lynn Hogue
Ben Johnson Enriched All Georgians, L. Lynn Hogue
Board Member and Administrator Liability Since Wood v. Strickland, L. Lynn Hogue
Brief for Mitch McConnell et al., L. Lynn Hogue
Conflict of Laws in Georgia, L. Lynn Hogue
Eastlake and Arlington Heights: New Hurdles in Regulating Urban Land Use?, L. Lynn Hogue
Romer Revisited or 'The Devil in the Details': Is Georgia's Marriage Amendment Constitutionally Defective?, L. Lynn Hogue
Schlemmer v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Co.: A Case for Rethinking Arkansas' Choice-Of-Law Rule for Interstate Torts, L. Lynn Hogue
Enforcing the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Congress Legislates Finality for Child Custody Decrees, L. Lynn Hogue
Enforcing the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Congress Legislates Finality for Child Custody Decrees, L. Lynn Hogue
George Washington, L. Lynn Hogue
Hogue v. Neal, L. Lynn Hogue
Identifying Customary International Law of War in Protocol I: A Proposed Restatement, L. Lynn Hogue
In Memoriam: Professor David J. Maleski, L. Lynn Hogue
In Memorium: Professor David J. Maleski, L. Lynn Hogue
Institutional Review Boards and Consumer Surveys, L. Lynn Hogue
Institutional Review Boards and Public Health Research: An Analysis, L. Lynn Hogue
Introduction & Overview, L. Lynn Hogue
Introduction, Symposium on Developmental Disabilities and the Law, L. Lynn Hogue
Is the Health Care Law Likely to be Held Constitutional? Yes., L. Lynn Hogue
James Madison, L. Lynn Hogue
Lieber's Military Code and Its Legacy, L. Lynn Hogue
Lifting Bans on Speech Opens New World to Judicial Challengers, L. Lynn Hogue
Local Government, L. Lynn Hogue
Nicholas Trott, L. Lynn Hogue
Nicholas Trott: Man of Law and Letters, L. Lynn Hogue
Personal Liability of Governing Board Members: New Developments in the Law, L. Lynn Hogue
Public Health and the Law: Issues and Trends, L. Lynn Hogue
Regulating Obscenity Through the Power to Define and Abate Nuisances, L. Lynn Hogue
State Choice-Of-Law Doctrine and Non-Marital Same-Sex Partner Benefits: How Will States Enforce the Public Policy Exception?, L. Lynn Hogue
State Common-Law Choice-Of-Law Doctrine and Same-Sex "Marriage": How Will States Enforce the Public Policy Exception?, L. Lynn Hogue
Study for the 70s: Indian Trail, Stallings, Annexation, Merger, L. Lynn Hogue
Summary of Laws Relating to the Developmentally Disabled, L. Lynn Hogue
The Local Government Article of the Proposed Constitution, L. Lynn Hogue
Theodore Dwight, L. Lynn Hogue
The Presentation of Post-Revolutionary Law in Woodcraft: Another Perspective of the Truth of Simms' Fiction, L. Lynn Hogue
The Sources of Trott's Grand Jury Charges, L. Lynn Hogue
Anthony Comstock: A Religious Fundamentalist's Negative Impact on Reproductive Health, L. Lynn Hogue and Carol Hogue
Kids and Cops: Law Enforcement Services for Children in North Carolina, L. Lynn Hogue and Mason P. Thomas Jr.
Privilege License Taxation of Dogs and Other Pets, L. Lynn Hogue and Garrett Walker