The bepress Legal Series contains manuscripts by top scholars, many of which will eventually appear in top law reviews. Browse the most recent submissions here!
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Documents from 2014
The Gallows to the Gurney: Analyzing the (Un)Constitutionality of the Methods of Execution, Roberta M. Harding
Waiver: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Consequence of Inadvertently Producing Documents Protected by the Attorney-Client Privilege, Roberta M. Harding
Prosecutorial Misconduct in Capital Cases in the Commonwealth of Kentucky: A Research Study 1976-2000, Roberta M. Harding and Bankole Thompson
The Uneasy Relationship of Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood, the Affordable Care Act, and the Corporate Person: How a Historical Myth Continues to Bedevil the Legal System, Malcolm J. Harkins III
Federal Programs and the Real Costs of Policing, Rachel A. Harmon
Legal Control of the Police, Rachel A. Harmon
Exploring Chapter 11 Reform: Corporate and Financial Institution Insolvencies; Treatment of Derivatives -, Michelle M. Harner
The Value of Soft Variables in Corporate Reorganizations, Michelle M. Harner
Deal Deconstructions, Case Studies, and Case Simulations: Toward Practice Readiness with New Pedagogies in Teaching Business and Transactional Law, Michelle M. Harner and Robert J. Rhee
Deal Deconstructions, Case Studies, and Case Simulations: Toward Practice Readiness with New Pedagogies in Teaching Business and Transactional Law, Michelle M. Harner and Robert J. Rhee
Teaching LLCs Through a Problem-Based Approach, Michelle M. Harner and Robert J. Rhee
Teaching LLCs Through a Problem-Based Approach, Michelle M. Harner and Robert J. Rhee
Narrowly Tailored But Broadly Compelling: Defending Race-Conscious Admissions After Fisher (forthcoming), Vinay Harpalani
Critical and Creative Thinking and Structured Analytic Methodologies: From “Think Flow” to “Work Flow”, James L. Harper
Critical & Creative Thinking and Structured Analytic Methodologies:, James L. Harper
2011-2013 Secured Transactions Review, Alvin C. Harrell
Commentary: Reflections on the Mortgage, Housing and Financial Crisis, Alvin C. Harrell
The Law of Truth in Lending, Alvin C. Harrell
Update on Promissory Notes, Checks, Bank Deposits and Collections, Alvin C. Harrell
Financial Freedom: Women, Money, and Domestic Abuse, Dana Harrington Conner
Panel member - Health Care in a Civil Society: Who’s Accountable for Your Health?, Maxine M. Harrington
Cyber Security Active Defense: Playing with Fire or Sound Risk Management?, Sean L. Harrington
Vulnerability and Power in the Age of the Anthropocene, Angela P. Harris
Cultural Collisions and the Limits of the Affordable Care Act, Jasmine E. Harris
Reducing psychological dependency on social groups.ppsx, Kira J. Harris
The Brotherhood of Bikers, Kira J. Harris
The role of social groups in radicalisation, Kira J. Harris, Eyal Gringart, and Deirdre Drake
An Instrumental Theory of Market Power and Antitrust Policy, Jeffrey L. Harrison
A Positive Externalities Approach to Copyright Law: Theory and Application, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Egoism, Altruism, and Market Illusions: The Limits of Law and Economics, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Faculty Ethics in Law School: Shirking, Capture, and "The Matrix", Jeffrey L. Harrison
Piercing Pareto Superiority: Real People and the Obligations of Legal Theory, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Post-Tenure Scholarship and Its Implications, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Privacy, Copyright, and Letters, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Rationalizing the Allocative/Distributive Relationship in Copyright, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Reconceptualizing the Expert Witness: Social Costs, Current Controls and Proposed Responses, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Reexamining the Role of Illinois Brick in Modern Antitrust Standing Analysis, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Regulation, Deregulation, and Happiness, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Rethinking Mistake and Nondisclosure in Contract Law, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Socioeconomics: Choice and Challenges, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Teaching Contracts from A Socioeconomic Perspective, Jeffrey L. Harrison
The Influence of Law and Economics Scholarship on Contract Law: Impressions Twenty-Five Years Later, Jeffrey L. Harrison
The Messenger Model: Don't Ask, Don't Tell?, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Trademark Law and Status Signaling: Tattoos for the Privileged, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Hot News: Toward a Functional Approach, Jeffrey L. Harrison and Robyn Shelton
Spread of legal innovations defining private and public domains.pdf, Ron Harris
Where the Buffalo Roamed – Or Did They?, Richard Hart
Where the Buffalo Roamed: or Did They?, Richard H. Hart
Corporate Tax Aggressiveness - Recent History and Policy Options, Richard Harvey
Features of Forestry in Bangladesh and Available Legal Protections and Implications, Mahmudul Hasan
Family Law Reimagined, Jill Elaine Hasday
Reforming Workers’ Compensation In Light of the Affordable Care Act, Dean M. Hashimoto
The Affordable Care Act’s Impact on the Practice of Occupational Medicine and the Implications for Public Health Surveillance, Dean M. Hashimoto
The Affordable Care Act’s Projected Impact on Workers’ Compensation, Dean M. Hashimoto
The Impact of Workplace Policies In the Safety, Health, and Well-Being of Hospital Workers, Dean M. Hashimoto
An Assessment of the Socio-Economic and Ecological Impacts of Environmental Changes on Rural Livelihood: A Study Across Addado, Buhodle and Northern Galkaayo of Central and Northern Somalia, Badal Ahmed Hassan, Edinam K. Glover, Olavi Luukkanen, Ramni Jamnadass, and Ben Chikamai
An assessment of the socio-economic and ecological impacts of environmental changes on rural livelihood: A study across Addado, Buhodle and Northern Galkaayo of central and northern Somalia, Badal Ahmed Hassan, Edinam K. Glover, Olavi Luukkanen, Ramni Jamnadass, and Ben Chikamai
Antoniou, Nicola and Hassan-Morlai, Patrick (2014) ‘Live Client Clinics-Bridging the Gap’, International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, 21(2)..pdf, Patrick Hassan Morlai Koroma
Pattern and Trend of Rice Production in the Federal Capital territory, Abuja Nigeria, Shuaibu M. Hassan PhD
Persona Categories: Highly sought places for Aussies to live, Lachlan Hastings and Katina Michael
A Difference of Significance: How the Supreme Court Clouded Wetlands Jurisdiction., Michael Hasty
Sources of Law and Pluri-lingualism (in Greek), Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
Cyprus as a Mixed Legal System, Nikitas E. Hatzimihail
Should § 707(b) Apply in Chapter 7 Cases Converted from Chapter 13?, Anna Haugen, James Eidson, and Amir Shachmurove
The Reform Commission (forthcoming), Todd Haugh
The Reform Commission (forthcoming), Todd Haugh
White Collar Sentencing Handbook (forthcoming), Todd Haugh
A Comparative Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedies, James E. Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, Robert Wood, and John Ryan
Occasionally Libertarian: Experimental Evidence of Self-Serving Omission Bias, ANDREW HAYASHI
The Sky Is The Limit, Alexander Hayes Mr.
Demonstrators' Right to Fair Warning, Caleb Hayes-Deats
The Quiet Revolution in U.S. Antitrust Law, George Hay
Adjustment Costs and the Flexible Accelerator, George A. Hay
A Note on the Stigler-Kindahl Study of Industrial Prices, George A. Hay
Anti-Trust and Economic Theory: Some Observations from the US Experience, George A. Hay
Horizontal Agreements: Concept and Proof, George A. Hay
Import Controls on Foreign Oil: Reply, George A. Hay
Import Controls on Foreign Oil: Tariff or Quota?, George A. Hay
Innovations in Antitrust Enforcement, George A. Hay
Is the Glass Half-Empty or Half-Full?: Reflections on the Kodak Case, George A. Hay
Market Power in Antitrust, George A. Hay
Observations: Sylvania in Retrospect, George A. Hay
Oligopoly, Shared Monopoly, and Antitrust Law, George A. Hay
Pigeonholes in Antitrust, George A. Hay
Predatory Pricing, George A. Hay
Production, Price, and Inventory Theory, George A. Hay
Single Firm Conduct, George A. Hay
The Dynamics of Firm Behavior Under Alternative Cost Structures, George A. Hay
The Economics of Predatory Pricing, George A. Hay
The Free Rider Rationale and Vertical Restraints Analysis Reconsidered, George A. Hay
The FTC and Pricing: Of Predation and Signaling, George A. Hay
The Meaning of "Agreement" under the Sherman Act: Thoughts from the "Facilitating Practices" Experience, George A. Hay
The Past, Present, and Future of Law and Economics, George A. Hay
Trinko: Going All the Way, George A. Hay
Vertical Restraints, George A. Hay
Vertical Restraints after Monsanto, George A. Hay
Geographic Market Definition in an International Context, George A. Hay, John C. Hilke, and Philip B. Nelson